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Lia (Ranger9000)


Dec 9, 2010
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The EGG facility today would see the introduction of a new victim.. err test subject. Lia Torosian, an Arabic history student focused in medieval time periods would grace the facility with her presence. After checking herself in, she would be greeted by Rizzo the chief technician of this branch of the facility.

"Good day to you Lia, we have your room prepared. If you would be so kind as to follow me?

The pair would enter a corridor past a secured door that Rizzo used his badge to open. The corridor would look not dissimilar to a hotel with doors every so often. Going past the first hallway and turning right at the end, Rizzo would proceed to use his badge to open another door. This door was for the room that Lia would be using while she was in the EGG.

"Here is the room that you will be using. The machine may look a little daunting at first, and you would be correct. The machine is quite complex and we are still working on ways to get the production streamlined. All you need to do is sit down and then a few screens will show up. After that, may your experience here always be pleasureable. Good luck."

What did Rizzo mean by "Good luck"? Lia would speculate as she looked over the machine in front of her. A few similarities to a sleeping chamber could be noticed, but there seemed to be no reason not to get in since this was the reason for her being here. As she sits in the machine, a few things adjust around her so that her comfort was assured at all times.

With this, Lia would give the thumbs up to Rizzo and he would leave the room. As Rizzo was leaving, the machine would start up and a few screens were shown on a heads up display.
Weapon of choice: Polearm
Pregnancy/egg laying/seed implantation:
Non Consent Sex:
Monsters :
Mythical :
cybernetic :
Anthros :
Fey :
Body modification :
Corruption :

Other settings:

As Lia would finish with the first screen another would appear. It would seem that she was able to go back and forth between the screens at will, so the decisions made on the first screen were able to be changed after she had seen the second screen.

Describe your desired setting:

(May be freely selected though a few options are presented by default, these are not rigid and any setting may be described instead. Consider these guidelines for attempting to provide a pleasurable experience.)
1. Medieval combat tournament
2. Medieval fantasy life
3. Modern combat trials
4. Futuristic exploration

Easy (+2 to all rolls)
Medium (no modifier)
Hard (-1 to all rolls)
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Re: Lia (Ranger9000)

Lia had to admit, the techs comments were a bit strange as she settled in to the machine. The medieval histories major was here because honestly, a virtual reality machine, one that could let you go to anywhere in time and do practically anything. Who wouldn't want to get involved in that as soon as they heard about it.

So as it was the comment weren't enough to put a dampen on her excitement, and she nodded as the tech finished up and left. She was practically bouncing in her seat when the first screen popped up, and she'd raise an eyebrow for a moment at the choices before starting to enter.

Weapon of choice: Polearm
Humans: 2
Male/Female: 4
Pregnancy/egg laying/seed implantation: 4
Birthing: 3
Non Consent Sex: 4
Slavery: 2 (this is mostly dependent on whats doing the enslaving, for humans doing it its a hard 1, for certain monsters and anthros/beasts could be closer to 3-4)
Monsters : 5
Mythical : 5
cybernetic : 2
Anthros : 5
Fey : 4
Body modification : 4
Corruption : 4
Roughness: Context/depends on how Lia's acted to the creatures before loss. Fight to the death against anything other then an battle hungry opponent probably won't make the enemy be too gentle. Quick surrender or defeat would likely mean they'll go nice on her.

Other settings: Horny beasts a.k.a wolves and the like more wanting for puppies then for food. Also possibly the ability to tame monsters into companions, through sex down the road but I'll leave that on you if you want or not Freeko.

Reaching the second screen she would look over the settings and quickly ruled out two. She was here for medieval fantasy after all, it took a bit more contemplation before she could pick one, deciding that she wasn't here just for the fighting, she wanted to see everything.

Difficulty: Medium

Setting: Medieval Fantasy Life

With that, she'd sit back and eagerly wait to experience the EGG.
Re: Lia (Ranger9000)

With her settings chosen, Lia would start to relax a little. The anticipation of what were to happen next, starting to get to her. The machine would act as if it were starting to work on something as it was making a good deal of noise. A few moments later, the machine would come to a halt. No lighting, no sound, and no signs of the machine working at all. Lia would start to panic a little and during this time she would no sooner as blink her eyes then see a whole new world in front of her.

As her eyes would start to adjust, Lia would realize that she was in a barn of some kind. She would find herself sitting up as if she had just awoken from sleeping on a stack of hay. Cows were on either side of her about 6 on each side between her and the doorway leading out from the barn. Laying on the ground next to her was a bracelet that was obviously not of medival design, and a bag that certainly was of medieval design.

The bag and bracelet were pretty clearly Lia's. Further inspection of the bracelet would reveal that it was most certainly the elephant in the room. Essentially an out of game object, it was the method that the company used to maintain contact with test subjects. How it worked however would need to be looked into. The bag seemed like it might have a few things in it, though it certainly did not stick out like the bracelet did. Maybe it was worth taking a look at?

Lia: 5/5 FP, 0/10 AP
Re: Lia (Ranger9000)

Lia would experience a brief moment of panic as everything went dark, almost wondering if something had gone drastically wrong with the machine and that it had blinded or killed her somehow. Then she'd blink, and suddenly found herself staring up at a roof.

The panic would just as quickly recede then and she'd sit up, looking around her excitedly. Everything looked real, from the walls, to the cows, to the feeling of the hay beneath her. Only one thing would really stand out, and that was a bracelet. Judging by how the bracelet looked, she figured it might be be some sort of menu system for the game, so she'd pick it up and slip it onto her wrist.

Then she spotted the bag, she figured this must be her starting equipment, so she'd open the top of it and examine what was inside. Wondering just what they were going to give her to start of this adventure.
Re: Lia (Ranger9000)

Lia would recognize the bracelet and almost instinctually put it on. All that would occur was a few mundane blips and it seemed that it would show her current status. A few buttons were on the bracelet similar to a digital watch. What those buttons did however would be a complete mystery for now.

Upon further inspection of her immediate area, Lia would see a bag and look inside. It was a decent sized bag, leather in design. Inside would be a set of clothes, two sewing kits containing scraps of extra cloth, what looked to be three first aid kits, 50 dram, and 10 packaged bags of something resembling food rations.

The clothing made Lia look around a bit more. Noticing fairly quickly that up until now, Lia herself was rather unclothed. (Feel free to describe your basic clothing if you would like.) The thought would soon cross Lia's mind that it was a fairly wise idea to put those clothes on. Lia could proceed without putting on her clothing and leaving it inside the bag as well if she so desired.

Lia: 5/5 FP, 0/10 AP

10 food rations
3 first aid kits
2 clothing repair kits
50 dram
1 set of basic clothes
Re: Lia (Ranger9000)

Lia spent a moment trying to figure out what the buttons on the watch were, but soon gave up and rooted through the bag. It looked like a set of clothes, some food, first aid, sewing equipment, and money. It looked like she might have to earn anything else.

It was then that she noticed she was currently naked as the day she had been born, and with a mutted 'eep' shed reflexively cover her chest and crotch, only to remember the only other thing here was the cows. She wouldn't wait to slip the clothes, which once they were on would get her to frown a bit. They were a fair bit too short for her liking, but she'd have to deal with it for now.

Once the clothes were on she would go to look out of the barn, and hopefully get a bearing on where she was and the scenario the program had constructed for her to be playing in.

Similar to this in colour and cut at the shoulders, but with a lower-thigh/upper-knee length skirt and the blouse coming down to just above her navel
Re: Lia (Ranger9000)

Lia would opt to put on the clothes, probably for the best. Though not exactly the most modest of garments, it was what she had. Looking around the barn area, it was safe to assume that Lia slept there at night with the cows. A few buckets lined the walls near the exit. Probably what she would use to milk them when the time came.

Leaving the barn, Lia would realize that it was very early on in the day. Roosters were crowing to signal the dawn of a new day. Most of the town was still sleeping, though a few signs of life could be seen. Straight ahead of her was more of the farm, specifically a chicken coop. To the left was a pathway that lead toward the town proper. That path would split again just past the gates and lead toward either the market place or general living areas. Continuing on that path where it splits instead would lead straight into the castle.

To the right, was a fairly large forest. Lia would seem to remember chasing a few of the animals in there and riding horses through a few of the simpler paths within that forest. However Lia always knew there was more to that forest, she just never had the time to spare away from her duties to truly be able to do anything about her curiosity.

Realizing this, Lia could start upon some of the more mundane tasks that take up the bulk of her day and then try to explore a bit later. The other option would be to explore now and finish her daily chores later. The downside to going toward the castle now would be that likely none of the shops, bars, or markets would be open as of yet. This also could work toward her advantage as there would be little bustle about the castle this early in the day as well.

Lia would know not to head into the forest too far, especially not without either someone or something to help protect her. Rumors about that forest from anything to wind spirits all the way to twisted abominations could be heard.

The basic layout of the area was the castle along with everything inside to the north of her, the forest to the south of her, and the farm where she was staying and working at was a buffer inbetween the two. The farm itself had a few distinct areas, and a few more workers along with Lia that she would see mostly in passing. There were horse stables, the cow barn, a few chicken coops, a grazing area for the animals, and a few crops that were in the middle of being harvested.

The choice of what to do was up to Lia.
Re: Lia (Ranger9000)

'Ohh, it's like Harvest Moon!' Lia would think to herself as she saw the world outside the barn, or maybe it was more like rune factory considering that in the back of her thoughts she heard whispers that the deeper forest would be dangerous.

A bit of further inspection got her a good idea of the local layout, and showed her that she wasn't the only person working on the farm plot. The girl would fall back on old habits she had picked up from the previously mentioned games, starting with the tasks on the farm first to get those out of the way before exploring. Once they were done she would head for the market and castle, hoping that she would be able to scope out how much things would be expected to cost and to get herself more acquainted with the local NPCs.
Re: Lia (Ranger9000)

(Not sure how, but it ate my whole reply I made an hour ago..)

Lia would choose to get her chores done and go to the town later. Walking from the cow barn over to the main farm house, Lia would see a quest board of sorts. From here, it would seem the farmhands all had their daily schedule posted. Mostly this would stay the same, however if someone were to become sick or injured then someone else would need to cover those areas as well.

Generally the board was split into 3 sections, the morning, mid-day, and evening shifts. Usually two shifts were for work and the rest was time that everyone had to themselves. Lia was responsible for feeding and milking the cows in the morning and dealing with the chicken coop in the mid-day after the lunch bell would ring. So long as the cows produced their quota of milk and the chickens laid their eggs, Lia had nothing to worry about.

The other girls: Maral, Takhoui, Anush, Lusine and Hurik would be seen on the schedule in their respective spots. They were 19, 22, 18, 20 and 16 respectively. Lia usually would not see many of them as their paths would generally not cross until the meal chime would sound ending the morning work. Most of them simply wanted to go about their day, do their jobs, and then go about the rest of their business if they had any.

The boys, Narek and Levon, generally had the tasks that involved the heavy lifting. Calling them boys was probably not the best of words to use, as Narek was 19 and Levon was 20. Though they certainly did not act like men, nor were they treated as such by the knight who was responsible for these lands.

Sir Grigor and his wife Kohar were responsible for these farm lands. Being appointed to these lands was a privledge that Sir Grigor had earned through the countless battles he had emerged victorious from. Kohar herself was not one to be trifled with either, as she was completely capable of fending for herself as well. Nowadays, they are simply responsible for keeping the farmlands running and delivering their goods into the castle every day.

As it stood, Anush, Lusine and Levon were preparing the cart of goods to bring into the castle. The wearabouts of the rest were fairly unknown, though it would be mostly safe to assume that they may already be working on their respective morning duties. Were Lia able to complete her tasks in either the cow barn or chicken coop with enough time, it would seem that she could attempt to help the others with their tasks if she felt so generous.

Also if she could happen to find Sir Grigor, she might be able to ask about becoming a knight's squire if that were something that interested her. She was afterall working on a knight's land. It was not uncommon for the squires to come from places like this.
Re: Lia (Ranger9000)

'Okay, milk the cows then feed the chickens,' Lia would kill to herself as she looked over the job board. The first was definitely going to be the harder of her two jobs, so she might as well get that started as quick as she could. Doubling back to the barn she would look for a stool, grab the buckets, and hope that those few times she had seen someone on a farming documentary milking cows would give her some idea what to do.

If things went well for her and she finished quickly she would go see if the others were still dealing with that cart, if they were then she would chip in, just to again, get to know the NPCs a bit better, if they weren't then she would go find Sir Grigor and see about becoming a squire maybe.

If she struggled with the cows, then she would work at it till she was done, cause really how long could feeding a few chickens take.
Re: Lia (Ranger9000)

These tasks were fairly simple, almost boring. The real challenge was almost that Lia needed to keep her focus so that she would not spill any of the milk that she would collect from the cows. Before she set off to this task, she would notice that the trio of farmhands had already started to leave for the castle with the cart. There was little Lia could do at this point to help move that along.

Roll: Lia vs DC 4 - 6 Pass

The task was as mundane as usual, but simply concentrating on the task at hand was certainly enough. No buckets kicked over, no bottles broken, and everything went as it should. This however would take up most of the morning due to the sheer volume. At least the bottles were all ready to be taken into the town with the next cart that was due to go to the castle later on today.

The meal chime would ring soon after Lia had completed her task, leaving little time to do anything toward helping others. The fine dining on offer was standard fare. Mostly vegetables that came from the farm, but there were a few eggs and the like that were made available as well. Not the best, but certainly little chance that Lia was going to starve herself unless she chose not to eat anything.

About halfway through the mid day break, the trio arrived back with a mostly empty cart. Sir Grigor met them to collect what they had made, and there seemed to be some manner of confrontation. Sir Grigor was not happy with something, and it was probably best to stay out of it. At least for now until things calm down. It would be alot easier to try to talk to one of them either during or just after the mid-day tasks were undertaken.

Lia would clean up after herself, and then head over to the chicken coop to collect the eggs for tomorrow morning's cart. About the only problem here would be getting pecked for some odd reason by one of the roosters. Though the hens were kept in a seperate area, so collecting the eggs was made fairly simple.

Roll: Lia vs DC 4 - 9 Success

It would seem that Lia was able to get through her task fairly quickly. All the eggs were packaged and ready to go, and her shins were peck free. Lia could simply start on her free time now or seek out one of the others who were involved with the morning cart incident to see if she could get any more information on what had happened.

Remembering the schedule from before, Nerek, Naral and Hurik were due to be preparing the second cart to go into the city. Since she had the free time now, Lia could help them out and go into the castle with the rest of the group if she so desired.
Re: Lia (Ranger9000)

Lia wiped some sweat off her brow when she finished milking the cows, the task was quite easy but being in a barn with a dozen cows was still a very hot experience. She had finished though, and without a disaster, so go her! She had been planning to maybe go look in on what the others were doing when the cart arrived and Sir Grigor got mad about something, maybe some goods were stolen? Rather then face an angry knight or fellows she went into her next task.

Feeding the chickens and collecting their eggs was an even simpler task, except for one rooster that seemed to have it out for her if it's constant attempted attacks at her shin were anything to go by. Still, the job was done quick and she finished with time to spare.

She decided that she could wait to ask about what had happened earlier till later, and headed off to help the others with the cart, hoping to join in and get a ride into town with them. Though if she got the opportunity she would ask the trio if they knew anything themselves about what happened earlier.
Re: Lia (Ranger9000)

Lia would choose to help with the loading of the afternoon cart that was meant for the castle.

Roll: Lia vs DC4 - 9 Success

Moving a few things she recognized like the bottles of milk that she had produced earlier in the day, things would go smoothly. So much so that the trio responsible for bringing the cart would make room for Lia so that she could ride inside instead of walk along with them.

A fairly simple horse drawn cart with two horses at the front. Nerek and Hurik were sitting in the driver's area with Naral and Lia in the back. The trip was just short of about a mile and a half and would take no more than about 10 minutes. The trek itself was relatively safe as even the most desperate of bandits would not want to try to pick on a knight's cargo.

Before the cart would enter the castle, Lia could try to strike up some idle conversation. Once the cart was inside the castle, Lia was free to do as she wished. The cart was obviously headed toward the market so that their goods could be sold.
Re: Lia (Ranger9000)

Loading the cart had proved simple enough, and they managed to pack it efficiently enough that there was space for her to sit in the cart too. After a mostly silent ride to the castle, only punctuated by a few attempts at small talk from her (apparently the AIs on these NPCs were rather passive) she'd stay on the cart till they reached the market, then she would thank the others for letting her ride with them and go off to explore.

She'd start with the market, looking to see what was on sale and what the prices were around here, she'd also look to see who was around, as the market would probably be its busiest right now so if there was any unique NPCs or NPCs of other races or species, they were likely around now right? Maybe she would see an elf, wouldn't that be amusing. Once she was done with the marketshe would go see what else was around.
Re: Lia (Ranger9000)

(Travelling and have no dice with me currently)

Lia would not do much in the way of small talk. Simply along for the ride while the cart made its way through the path to the castle. A quick stop at the gates was about the most eventful thing to occur before arriving in the market square.

The market square seemed to be fairly busy. Mostly food related goods with a few small jewelry stalls as well. A few tailors were speead about the place along with a full assortment of things were Lia to look for it. At one end was an armory that sold armor and the other end of the market square was a smithy along with a display of arms of various types.

Lia could certainly look around in more detail in the market square. From what she could see, 50 dram would get her about a week worth of food by the looks of things. Maybe more if she tried to find the best prices.

Much to her disappointment, this place seemed to be decidedly human in who was inhabiting the castle. Just the mere mention of elves would get odd looks or a chuckle from those she asked in passing. A few older people that were thought to be crazy would mention seeing all manner of creatures in the woods. Considering the source, who knows if they were for real or just out of their minds.

About the only other place of interest was the tavern. A rough place to be sure, but all manner of shenanigans were afoot. From gambling to drinking and everything else inbetween. The homes were mostly occupied by noblemen and women. Going that way would require a little help as no guard would let Lia through looking as she does currently.

Of course there was the church, but that might be a place best left for another day.
Re: Lia (Ranger9000)

Lia was slightly dissapointed, no elves or anything around. Though it seemed that maybe they lived out in the woods and that confirmed with her that she would want to look into squireship or some other way to get herself there without being stolen away without a fight. The tavern she would avoid, the girl not much of a drinker and none of a gambler.

Instead she'd go look at the armourers and weapons shops, again checking prices on a good spear and some cheaper armour. She hoped that she might get it supplied if she started to work as a squire Grigor, but at the very same time she knew that most higher level soldiers were expected to bring their own equipment back in these days.

She's also ask the shop owner, "Hey, did you happen to see if anything happened with the Grigor farms cart this morning?"
Re: Lia (Ranger9000)

Lia would look around, and judging by the prices, window shopping would be about the most that she could do right now. Even the most basic leather "armor" that left probably more to the imagination than was likely neccesary would run her 650 dram. As she looked at the weaponry, there were all sorts of used weapons along with newly forged ones. Unfortunately even the used ones would run her about a thousand with the newly forged ones running around four thousand dram.

Answering back to Lia when asked about the cart,
"I recall hearing about a fight breaking out earlier today in the market. However I would not have been able to see it from here."

The man was fairly stocky, though certainly more muscular than fat as banging out weapon after weapon would ensure that his strength was not in question. As Lia started to adjust herself a little to see if he was really being truthful, it was clear that she could barely make out the top of the cart from where she currently was amid the general bustle in the area.

The man however started to carry on the conversation nonetheless out of nowhere.
"Say, dont you look familiar? You wouldnt happen to be a knight would you? There is a jousting tournament that was set to start four days from now and I noticed that you were looking over the polearms. I could have a few jousting lances prepared for you with a custom tip for 600 dram if you like."

Did this man really just mistake Lia for being a knight? Was he just drunk? Something was certainly a little off with this situation. Though if Lia were to ask him to make the jousting lances, there would be the minor issue of payment. As Lia currently only had 50 dram and would receive another 20 for her work on the farm in two days, something would need to be done. Nevermind the minor issues of not having a horse or actually being a knight entered into the tournament.

Alternatively Lia could continue to ask about the area to see if there was something or someone that could explain what may have happened with the cart this morning.
Re: Lia (Ranger9000)

Lia's eyes practically budged out at the sight of the prices, how in the world was she ever supposed to afford any of this? Atleast she got some info, apparently there had been a fight, she wondered what about.

Then she suddenly got an offer, and really, it sounded ridiculously suspicious. She looked like a knight apparently? In this kind of outfit? And for 600 dram? Honestly it sounded like the start for that one movie, a Knight's Tale? She thought that was it, unfortunately this wasn't a movie. It might be a game though but she still didn't think she had the skill, equipment or money to pull it off, waving her hands infront of her she'd say, "Umm I think you must have me confused for someone else, and 600 dram is unfortunately a bit past my budget at the moment."

If she wasn't stopped from leaving then, she'd head out, a bit disappointed at the turn out of her little information gathering experience, but she'd make the best of it by using what time she had left till the cart headed out to ask around more about what happened that morning. Maybe someone would know just what the fight was about?
Re: Lia (Ranger9000)

(Heh, a Knight's Tale would have been when you were actually at the tournament and got mistaken for the jouster and went and jousted in their place.. plot spoiled lol)

Lia would just get an awkward look from the smith and go about the rest of her business. Certainly the prices here were for the nobles, as they could pay these amounts and not bat an eyelash about it. "Commoners" as it were, generally would need either the backing of a knight or the backing of a noble before they would be able to get armed in most any way aside from simple weapons like knives or slingshots. Maybe a talk with Sir Grigor would get somewhere with this?

From what Lia would be able to gather, the reason why there was a fuss was that some of the merchandise on offer from the cart was damaged in the skirmish. It seemed to affect a few of the merchant stalls, and those who have been tending their stalls for most of the day would be able to recall that it was a fairly large scale brawl of some kind. Though for some reason everyone was standing around and watching, but when it came to more precise details no one remembered a thing.

About all Lia could gather from this was that the cart just happened to be collateral damage. Trying to divine any more information from the melee would likely need to be dealt with at a guard house. Lia would not really have any standing with them, and when she would get near one they would simply shoo her away. Night was starting to creep its way over the horizon. If Lia were to head back to the farm and retire for the night with the others she would need to head back to the cart sooner rather than later.
Re: Lia (Ranger9000)

Things got a bit awkward for a moment after she pointed out the Smith's mistake, but Lia solved that problem by leaving shortly after. She'd need to talk to Sir Grigor tommorow about trying to become a squire if she wanted any hope of getting her own stuff.

The rest of her time off was spent getting a general idea of what happened this morning, a brawl or small riot of some kind had happened. No seemed sure exactly what Was the cause but apparently some of the carts goods had been broken in the process.

Eventually the night wore on and she'd need to get back, so she'd make her way to the cart. Already looking forward to the next day when she could hopefully get started on becoming a squire and then maybe a knight.