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Nym (Ranger9000)

Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Nodding, the spirit summoned up a quantity of water from the lake that seemed to match the size of the waterskin, then did... Something, Nym wasn't quite sure what it was despite looking at the undine, but it made the water shine with a sort of gentle glow that came from within. Once the container was opened, the undine would direct the water into the waterskin before disappearing in the lake for the last time, drawing a sigh from Eru. "Well, at least it's over." The wolfgirl muttered, idly kicking a small stone. "You always talk with nutters like that guy?" She quirked an eyebrow, looking at Nym. "Cause seriously, next time you go and do something like that, I'd rather sit it out. Fucker was creepy like Hell."
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

"No, that's a first for me too. Everyone I've met so far has been reasonably sane," Nym said to Eru after the spirit gave them the water they came for, then Nym added jokingly, "And hopefully next time we run into a crazy guy you can stay back with the water spirit."

"Though I was being serious about the no killing thing, atleast if we can avoid it I would like if we could avoid leaving anyone dead on the way around. Though that doesn't mean we can't hunt for meat or stuff like that. Now though, lets get this stuff back to Alice."

With that Nym would set off, heading back for the town so they could return the blessed water, and hopefully get some information about future job opportunities from the alchemist.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Eru didn't seem to appreciate the joke much, giving Nym a kind of deadpan stare in response. The mention of a no killing rule interested her, though. "Well, I guess that's fair... I mean, I can understand that and get behind that. I didn't kill anything I wasn't going to eat." She replied. The two of them would return to town around dinnertime, finding Alice already in the inn. The mage was very happy to hear that they've managed to acquire the blessed water she asked for and, after pouring it into several enchanted bottles she had in her room, invited the two of them to eat with her. "After all, I'm sure you're both hungry, and you did mention you had some questions for me, Nym."
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Good! Nym had been somewhat worried that Eru might have been a bit more bloodlusting then her. Nym would fall back to small talk on the walk back, trying to pass the time until they got back to the inn.

After handing over the blessed water, Nym wouldn't hesitate to join Alice for food, "Ya, I had some questions. Since we are still going to need work after you and Cedric head off, we were wondering if how you two make money. Like are there guilds and stuff that offer out jobs to people? Also, is there anywhere we can go to learn up on the creature we're going to be dealing with tomorrow. I want to know everything I can about it before we start planning."
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Alice led the two girls downstairs, sitting down at a small table. A waitress soon brought the girls food, roasted meat with some light, delicious buns. "Well, most of my income comes from offering my services as a mage in towns I visit." The woman admitted as she slowly ate. "I'm a freelancer, I just go to places that don't have a resident mage and spread news of my arrival a bit, wait and see if there's anyone who wants something done. There are guilds, yes, but they're located in major towns, much bigger than Saina." The alchemist sighed. "They're also difficult to get into. In order to ensure their source of contracts doesn't dry up, they enforce high standards of skill among members. The tests they set before candidates are strict, and you're expected to improve your skills as you go. On the flipside, they handle all the job-hunting for you and provide you with places to stay and train as well as supplies."

"For a newbie adventurer like you, I'd recommend either finding a party or asking around in bars and inns, paying attention to rumors. Hunting the right things can also net you some money and experience." She advised. "Some hopefuls even take up less reputable jobs for a while, at least until they earn some money or improve themselves enough. Though if you're looking for a job to do... A friend of mine might have something for you. I'll let her know about you if you wish, but you should be aware of one thing before you accept. My friend is the owner of a legal, but not entirely decent kind of business, and her request involves visiting a city that is... Fun, but much less restrained than Saina. There are many opportunities to be found there, but many risks waiting for visitors as well." Alice explaned, staring Nym in the eyes. "Think carefully about whether you wish to go to such a seedy place."

"As for tentacle beasts, I'm afraid you won't find much information here. There aren't many scholars in Saina and none of them study fauna. The city lacks a library too." The mage sighed at that. "A disappointing state of affairs, but ironically it's also what allows me to conduct so much business around here. That being said, I'm fairly knowledgeable on the subject, so you can ask me any questions you might have. I'll answer them to the best of my ability."
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

"Hmmm," Well it looked like getting into a guild would take a fair bit of effort before they had a chance there. Though Alice's friend sounded promising, though the warnings were a bit foreboding, "I think we'll hold off on getting you to contact your friend till tomorrow. We need to think over taking a job in a place like that first."

Then Alice described that there wasn't anywhere around here that she could get information herself, and she'd have to ask Alice herself. Which for some reason felt kind of embarrassing, "Well lets start with the basics, how dangerous is it likely going to be? How difficult do you think it would be for us to take it on, and is there any way we could get the tentacle bit without risking our hides fighting it?"
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

"Very well. But I'd like you to make your decision by then. I won't be staying in town much longer. Tomorrow is the last chance for me to refer you to her." Alice warned before turning to the topic of tentacles. "Obtaining a piece without fighting it is going to be... Difficult. Sometimes, a monster will shed a tentacle when he grows out of it, but that happens rarely and usually they do so in their lairs. Getting there will be a dangerous affair, and those tentacles typically spoil fast, so you're relying on luck here." The mage sighed.

"As for fighting it, I'd say you should not face it alone. Without Eru to back you up, your chances of winning the battle are likely slim. I'd recommend arming your friend with something, too, as her hands alone may be not enough to harm the beast when you face it. If you work together, I'd say you have a decent chance of winning, maybe even killing the beast. But you may wish to consider simply chopping a single tentacle off, grabbing it and running. I doubt the creature will imprison you, but impregnation is very likely should you lose."
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

"Hmmm, why would getting to the lair be so dangerous? Just because its out in the middle of nowhere?" Nym said, this time more curious then anything else. Judging by the sound of it she'd have to run in and cut off a tentacle, unless they got really lucky. She even had those daggers that Eru could use instead of her fists. Hopefully they'd be able to get out before the creature could grab them and fill them with tentacle babies, "Also, I'm guessing it doesn't move very quick given what you've said. If we put some distance to it it won't be able to catch up?"
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

"It's not as slow as it looks, Nym." Alice frowned. "Just because I've said you may wish to consider a hit and run tactic doesn't mean you're guaranteed to escape it using speed alone. In fact, it might be faster than you in it's home turf, and is certainly stronger and far more durable. Plan this fight carefully." The mage warned, her tone and face stern. "As for the lair, not only you'd have to find it first, which can be difficult in a swamp, you may end up having to deal with other creatures that live there. From what I've been told, none of them are likely to imprison you or too dangerous for you to handle, but many will certainly rape you given the chance and they are not to be taken lightly. The land itself can be rather treacherous, too." The alchemist shook her head. "If you fail to bring me a tentacle, that's fine. I realize now I might be asking for much. But please, be careful in your attempts."
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Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

"Thanks for the information Alice. We will try our best so hopefully you won't end up empty handed," Nym said as she finished up her food, "Guess Eru and I should get to planning then, unless you have any other tips you can give us before we head upstairs?"

Nym was still considering the lair option, though it seemed harder and harder with each thing Alice said, "Ahh wait one more question just to cover all the bases, what kind of creatures are there out in the swamps around here?"
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

"Quite a large variety. Amphibians, snakes, spiders, bugs... There might be some sentient ones too, altough it's rather unlikely. And I wouldn't count on them being very intelligent or friendly." Alice shrugged. "Some say there might be wisps around as well, but I don't think that's the case. Either way, I wish you two luck. Come back safely." The mage would leave the two girls to their devices, letting them go upstairs to their room. Once they were inside, Eru went and sat down on the bed, looking at Nym curiously. "So, what are we going to do now?" She asked.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

"Okay then, and thanks again for the information," Nym would say before they headed upstairs. Once they got to their room she'd stay standing and look over at Eru, "Well, it sounds like the easier option might be to try the hit and run, but even that sounds dangerous. Atleast with the lair plan we have a good chance of not fighting the tentacle monster itself, but instead we'd have to fight a bunch of other things and there might not even be a tentacle there."

Nym would pull the daggers she won out of her bag, "If we go for cutting one off, you are probably going to need to use these, so that you can deal with the tentacle monster better."

"But ya I'm not entirely sure, both seem risky, but the one I am ruling out is actually killing the creature. It sounds like alot more effort then its worth."
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

"Well, beating and driving it away isn't out of the question, really." Eru noted, picking up the daggers and examining them, before grabbing one in each hand and making some simple attacks in the air to test them out. "We'll have to fight it for a bit to cut off a piece anyway. And we can take it, even if it's risky. I'd say running away is an option for when things go badly." The wolfgirl shrugged. "The lair's gonna be a hit or miss, though. Those things tend to shed their tentacles when they grow new ones or end up wearing a tentacle out. Maybe if we get lucky we can find some kind of swamp dweller that's used to dealing with the beast and they can help us, but... That's risky too. You never know what they might demand in exchange."
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

"Ya," Nym said in response to what the swamp things might ask for, "I guess we'll go for trying to beat it off, fairly sure if we need to run though you'll be fine. I might not be as good off there," The last bit was said somewhat jokingly, "I mean you are a fair bit more athletic then I am. Either way, I think we have our plan, now though what time is it. Maybe we can go out and see if we can't bum some drinks off a barkeep around here with our good looks."
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

"Hm. If you lag behind, the beast will catch you and rape you." Eru stated flatly. "Probably leave you behind once you've been impregnated, though. I guess that'd also work, if we got a tentacle earlier..." The wolfgirl pondered, looking quite serious. Glancing outside, Nym would notice it was late afternoon. "Well, we can go get some drinks, I guess. But since we don't have money, we'll have to find someone to buy them for us. Or go to someone who'll give them some for our bodies." Eru replied. "That probably means hitting one of the seedier bars. I don't think guys running the high class ones will be ok with giving us beer for looking nice. Gotta be perverts, since they're weird like that."
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Nym was rather worried about that look on Eru, she was fairly sure that fell into that category of, "I don't have to outrun the bear, just you" idea. Still Nym would personally rather it happened to herself then to her recent friend if it was going to happen. Either way though it wasn't anywhere near as late yet as she had expected, "Hmmm, nah, not worth just a few drinks for that. Though maybe we could go out and hunt down some alchemical ingredients to sell market or something. Anything to get us some money."
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Eru frowned, considering the idea. "Does this city even have an alchemist who can use them?" She asked, deep in thought. "Hell, do you even know any reagents? Cause I don't." The wolfgirl followed up, frown deepening. "Just some basic medicinal stuff. Though I suppose we could go looking for something valuable, or maybe go hunting?" She wondered idly. "Or wait till it gets dark, go look for thieves to beat up and rob them back!" She suddenly suggested with enthusiasm. "It's like hunting, only for people! And we might get money straight from them!" She grinned, likely already imagining herself beating up people. "Or I dunno, look for someone who maybe needs someone beaten up? We could get paid for that too, I bet."
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

"Those all work, though I'm more leaning toward hunting or catching any thieves. Beating up random people for money is a bit low unless they actually did something to deserve it, and the thief way sounds more fun anyways," Nym said as Eru listed all the things they could do.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

"Well. I was thinking more of finding someone who needs someone beaten up. Usually you need someone beaten up for a reason." Eru amended. "So I guess that means they deserve it, right?" The wolfgirl asked, looking for confirmation. Regardless of the answer, she'd continue. "Anyway, if we're going hunting, we'd have to leave now and hurry up so we can grab something before night comes. We'll also need to find someone to sell our stuff to. Like I don't know, a butcher? A tanner?" She guessed. "For thieves, we'd have either hunt in a crowd or when it gets dark. I don't think a thief will target an armed person, though." Eru frowned, thinking hard. "Any plans how to make this work? I'm out of ideas now."
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

"Well, you usually don't fight with a weapon, so you'd look unarmed for any thieves that wanted to head after you, and well I prefer my axe I have done okay with my fists. So we could probably handle ourselves," Nym would say as she leaned back against the wall, "We'll just need to make sure we don't end up running into a full blown gang or something. Well I think we could take on one or two guys, any more then that could go poorly."