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Irina (freeko)

Re: Irina (freeko)

Irina: pin
Gabriela: getting up

Irina: 9(-2) vs 6 (hit)
Gabriela: 6(-3) vs 6 (miss)
Aura: 8 vs 5(-2) (escape)

Irina: 7(-2) vs 5 (hit)
Gabriela: 8(-3) vs 5 (hit)
Aura: 11 vs 5(-2) (critical)

Irina: 7(-2) vs 7 (miss)
Gabriela: 9(-3) vs 5 (hit)
Aura: 7 vs 6(-2) (hit)

Irina: stunned
Gabriela: 11(-3) vs 7 (hit)
Aura: KO

Irina gets up
Gabriela AAO: pin

Even though the elf was pinned down, the had no intentions of giving up. Struggling against Aura's physical strenght, Irina managed to get some teasing in, playing with her clit a bit. Gabriela, however, had a hard time approaching as the demon's grip was not quite as good as she thought and left their opponent with enough wiggle room to fight back before eventually overpowering her with brute force, breaking out entirely. And just like that, the fight was back to the slugfest stage.

Both Irina and Gabriela would be able to quickly catch up to Aura, hammering with blows, however the elf's response was a strike so powerful it nearly sent the demon to the mat unconscious. Her followup did just that, dazing Irina hard, however Gabriela was able to close in and land two consecutive strikes while Aura was distracted, knocking her down again. As the demon slowly got up, she saw the fallen angel quickly pile on top of the elf, trying to pin her while she was still incapable of resisting. Aura would likely start fighting back by the time Irina tried to join in, though.

Irina: 4/6 FP, 4/10 AP, 0/3 CP, 1xKO
Gabriela: 4/6 FP, 5/10 AP, 2/3 CP, 0xKO

Aura: 0/6 FP, 2/10 AP, 0/3 CP, 2xKO, pinned
Re: Irina (freeko)

Irina would try to trap Aura, and had minimal success. She was able to at least get a good rubbing in on Aura before she was able to free herself, so it wasn't all the way wasted. Once they were all back up on their feet, Aura was not completely able to handle both girls at the same time.

Coming from different levels and angles, Aura had to focus on one of them. Irina and Gabriela would both score hits, while Aura waylayed Irina with a massive blow of her own. Barely able to stand, Irina was a sitting duck to be knocked into tomorrow by the follow up attack. Gabriela would make good on the opening afforded to her and railroaded Aura for a second time.

The roles were reversed a little, but the outcome was hopefully going to be the same. Gabriela would pin Aura to the ground while Irina started to work her over. Of course Irina had to shake off the cobwebs first, but it was starting to look like they were starting to add on some damage enough that Aura was starting to fade a little herself now.

With her body unprotected so long as Gabriela could keep her restrained, Irina would line up Aura and attempt to molest her into oblivion now.
Re: Irina (freeko)

Irina: 9(-2) vs 8 (miss)
Gabriela: 7(-3) vs 3 (hit)
Aura: 7 vs 7(-3) (escape)

Irina: 9(-2) vs 5 (hit)
Gabriela: 6(-3) vs 7 (miss)
Aura: 4 vs 4(-2) (hit)

Irina: 7(-2) vs 8 (miss)
Gabriela: 6(-3) vs 5 (miss)
Aura: 10 vs 4(-2) (critical)

Irina: 8(-2) vs 6 (hit)
Aura: KO

Once more Aura had proven too difficult to contain for long. Gabriela managed to only tease her a bit before the elf broke out, robbing Irina of her chance to join in. She leapt into battle once more, coming at the demon with a wild punch that mirrored Irina's own strike, resulting in a cross counter. Aura dodged the next round of attacks from both of her opponents and delivered a devastating blow against Irina once more, only to go down again from a well-timed counterattack. It looked like the elf would be out cold for a little longer than before this time, allowing the girls a bit more extra time to make their moves against her.

(2 AAO available per person.)

Irina: 1/6 FP, 4/10 AP, 0/3 CP, 1xKO
Gabriela: 4/6 FP, 5/10 AP, 2/3 CP, 0xKO

Aura: 0/6 FP, 3/10 AP, 0/3 CP, 3xKO
Re: Irina (freeko)

Irina would send Aura to the ground again. Hopefully she would stay there at this point. Gabriela and Irina would just both look at each other for a quick second and then pounce on the fallen Aura.

Gabriela again would start to wrap herself around Aura in an attempt to pin her in place. Easily able to feel up Aura's breasts while Irina almost immediately dove right into Aura's ringpiece. Working Aura over with her tongue, Irina would keep herself there as long as she could.
Re: Irina (freeko)

Irina: AP, AP
Gabriela: pin, AP

Irina: 7 vs 4 (hit)
Gabriela: 8(-1) vs 7 (hit)
Aura: 4 vs 4 (fail)

Irina: 8 vs 5(-1) (hit)
Gabriela: 9 vs 7 (hit)
Aura: defeat

Pouncing upon the defenseless elf, the two girls began working her body immediately. Gabriela managed to wrap herself around her limbs while somehow keeping her hands in a position that allowed her to grope Aura's chest while Irina shoved her head between the elf's legs. Though she struggled as much as she could once she regained consciousness, the relentless assault sapped Aura's strenght too quickly for her to break free. Having her chest molested by Gabriela's expert touch and her pussy assaulted by Irina's tongue, the dark elf could only moan and squirm until she was finally pushed over the edge, crying out loudly as she came. The fallen angel let her go after that, sighing tiredly as the battle ended. She seemed to focus on Irina now, staring at the demon.

Irina: 1/6 FP, 4/10 AP, 0/3 CP, 1xKO
Gabriela: 4/6 FP, 5/10 AP, 2/3 CP, 0xKO

Aura: 0/6 FP, 10/10 AP, 0/3 CP, 3xKO, pinned
Re: Irina (freeko)

Irina would bury her head into Aura's pussy and let her tongue go to work. Gabriela having held Aura down and started to tease her chest. Aura was essentially helpless to stop this, as she was still dazed by being knocked silly for the third time in the match. Something that was likely a surprise given how the match had started out.

As Aura had started to come to, it was already the beginning of the end for her. All she could manage was a few weak squirms while Gabriela and Irina worked her body over. Within a few moments, Aura was reduced to a moaning whore as she came all over Irina's face.

With the pair victorious over Aura, Gabriela did not seem too happy about it.

"Did you want me to just leave you there to get driven to orgasm by Aura? You saved me from the monster last time, I saved you from Aura. Far as I care.. we are even."

Gabriela was clearly wanting to say something.
Re: Irina (freeko)

Gabriela opened her mouth to speak, then closed it, shaking her head slightly. "You're an idiot, you know that?" The fallen angel replied dryly. "She wouldn't have done anything bad to me and you know it. Just give me an orgasm. Since when is that a bad thing? You don't need to treat me like some delicate china." The black-haired woman sighed, looking a little annoyed at the overprotective response Irina had, but not by much. "Honestly. At first I thought you were just that desperate to win or something. Thanks for the thought, though." With that, the fallen angel considered the matter closed... She still kept giving Irina a curious stare, however.

By that point, Aura managed to recover a little. Now she was propping herself up on her elbows and also staring at Irina. "Huh, nothing's happening yet." She muttered, suprised. "Figured you'd get punished for rulebreaking right after match. Guess they're cooking up something special for you." The elf noted. "Can you leave the ring now?" Indeed, if Irina cared to try, she'd notice that nothing stopped her from leaving the ring and going wherever she pleased. The collar still wasn't coming off, though.
Re: Irina (freeko)

"Well, I do want to win. If I didn't help you would say I did nothing to help you and just let us lose. I would do the same thing again if I had the chance to do it over again."

Irina would look around and kind of wonder why Gabriela was acting all awkward. Aura was wondering why nothing happened yet, and since Gabriela and Irina won shouldn't they be doing something to Aura to embarass her now?

Irrelevant of what happens between them, Irina would refuse to leave the ring until she had some idea of what the hell this collar was all about.
Re: Irina (freeko)

"Irina, Aura is two levels above me and one level above you. She's stronger, more skilled and far more experienced than both of us." Gabriela pointed out with a flat expression. "By my reckoning, this was a match we should have lost horribly. And I am not so petty as to blame my partner for losing a match against a superior opponent, or for not tagging in if said opponent was doing all she could to stop the tag-in from happening." She seemed a fair bit unhappy at the unfortunate implication Irina made. "And trust me, Aura would not allow it to happen if she could help it." The elf grinned at that, sitting up now. "Honestly, I've no idea where you got that from. Besides, sometimes you just get crushed. Shit happens." The fallen angel continued. "I've had my share of bad losses and I can deal with them just fine."

"Anyway, if you guys are done, I guess we could get going now." Aura stood up. Her energy returned completely by now, the dark elf proving that she could recover her stamina quickly. "You might want to go get some rest or whatever." She said to Irina. "That collar's gonna stay on until boss lady decides on how to punish you. It's kind of how she marks people she's planning to discipline somehow. Punishment usually involves creating some kind of show with the person getting punished, like a special challenge or something. Should happen in a few hours from now, no later than tomorrow if it hasn't happened yet. When the collar disappears, you'll know it's about to start, so... Good luck, I guess?"
Re: Irina (freeko)

Irina would feel cheated. She won another match but she ended up breaking the rules in the process. Maybe if someone said beforehand that she could not interfere like that, she would have just sat and watched Gabriela moan like a cheap whore as Aura drove her to orgasm.

No. Irina would have done the same thing if she had it all to do over again. Even knowing she would break the rules, Irina did not regret what she did. Now that the match was over it would seem that she was no longer restricted from leaving.

Back in her room she would put as little thought as possible into that collar now around her neck. Simply wanting to get this all over with sooner rather than later, Irina would take a shower and then try to go right to the source and ask Medea about the thing.
Re: Irina (freeko)

The three girls would go their separate ways. Gabriela apparently went off to kill time somewhere. Aura turned to leave the arena, but stopped before she did so. Looking down at her body, the dark elf frowned, glanced around at the crowd of spectators, then grinned and jumped right into the thick of it. Soon enough she was moaning like a slut, proving herself to be quite insatiable when it came to sex. Irina went to her room to refresh and dress herself, where she'd find a small note left for her, apparently. "Don't worry about a thing, dear. It'll be a suprise~!" There was no name on it, making it difficult to tell who might have written it.

Looking around for Medea was proving itself to be... Complicated. While Irina could ask around for her office, the moment someone tried to answer her they'd become confused, as if they suddenly couldn't recall where it was. Asking for the demon herself would yield contradictory answers, as everybody seemed to have a different idea where she might be and seemed absolutely sure theirs was right, leading to arguments and sometimes brawls when Irina asked groups. At one point, she could swear she saw a mysterious succubus walking nearby and turning to enter a side corridor, only to disappear from sight entirely as soon as Irina entered that corridor herself.
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Re: Irina (freeko)

After leaving the ring, Irina would have a note waiting for her in her room. It really did not seem to mean much at the time, but it had to have something to do with the collar that she had gotten in the last match she assumed. Cleaning herself up and putting on some casual clothing, Irina would set out to figure out just where exactly Medea was. Maybe even see who she was too. As she would ask about it was like a spell of some kind was cast and people were either violent or simply forgetful that Medea even existed in the first place.

As a brawl pretty much broke out after a few people started to get a little heated over where Medea was, Irina would notice a succubus walking nearby. As she went to follow it seemed to have disappeared after turning a corner and leading her down a corridor. Realizing that nothing productive was going to come of this, Irina would just relax herself for the rest of the day. Simply no point in worrying about the collar now.
Re: Irina (freeko)

Irina was able to enjoy the remainder of her day peacefully, relaxing and resting away from the fights she accidentally sparked. Eventually the day came to a close and it was time to go back to bed. The woman would have to go to sleep with the collar on, sadly, but it didn't get in her way at all, suprisingly. She'd have a dreamless, peaceful sleep, nothing interrupting her rest as she recovered from the events of her day. Waking up, the demon would notice that the collar was gone, and that somehow she ended up fully dressed in her usual combat attire. She also wasn't in her room at all.

The room she was in was... Empty, more or less. Save for the simple bed she woke up in and a door leading outside, there was nothing in it, just plain walls, floor and a small ceiling lamp. The door itself was unlocked, at least, and was left slightly open. She couldn't see what was beyond it, the opening was too small for that, but it was a sign that she could likely leave anytime she wished. With nothing else available in this place, she likely wouldn't have other options, unless she planned to waste some time on the bed.
Re: Irina (freeko)

Irina would go through the rest of her day. Fairly mundane to say the least since she did not really know what to make of the collar. Instead of doing anything fancy, she just called it a night.

As Irina would awaken, she would realize a few things right away. The first was that the collar was gone, second she was dressed as if she were going to be in the ring, and finally she was simply in a room that was not her room. Irina could have swore she was not wearing her ring costume when she went to bed last night, but the thing that really put it over the top for her was the room she was in.

Nothing but the bed and a door leading out would comprise the contents of the room she was now in. The door itself looked to be open somewhat, though Irina could not see what was beyond from where she currently was sitting. Figuring there was little point to just sit on the bed, Irina would open the door and attempt to head outside the room she was in.
Re: Irina (freeko)

The door opened before her easily, as if she had been expected to leave soon. Walking outside, Irina would find herself in a corridor that'd remind her of the tunnels leading from the monster fight pits into their lairs. A somewhat creepy, if wide corridor that she could traverse easily. It stretched forward from the door she just walked through into the distance, though she could see a three-way fork in the road in front of her. Nothing seemed to differentiate each path aside of direction: left, right, forward. If the girl wanted to move on, she'd have to pick one path and stick to it. From what she could see about the forward path, it ended with a door and walking up to the other two to examine them would reveal they were practically identical. What was beyond the closed doors would likely be an entirely different matter.
Re: Irina (freeko)

Irina would look at the three doors. They were completely similar to each other aside from where they were oriented with each other. There was no real way to determine what was behind a door aside from opening it. Figuring that whatever door she opened she would not be able to go back from she would play a game of eenie-meenie-miney-moe and through it all she ended up pointing toward the door on the left.

Proceeding forward, Irina would choose the door on the left and go through.
Re: Irina (freeko)

Going through the door, Irina would find herself in a dark room. There was little light inside and the floor felt oddly soft, as if she was walking on a mat rather than wood or stone. Advancing forward, she'd be suprised when the light suddenly came on, illuminating the room. It was fairly spacious, looking as if the whole place was a ring. Before Irina could gain her bearings, however, a large cage came down from the ceiling, one that was big enough to easily fight in. She could also hear a soft rustling coming down from beneath - small gaps opened in the floor, revealing tentacles waiting below! However, their reach was very short, as they wouldn't be able to assault her unless she was prone, they looked thin and not very strong, and they didn't even try to attack. The gaps themselves were barely big enough for the thing appendages to squeeze through, being a small tripping hazard at worst.

However, looking around Irina would notice that she was not alone. There was one more person in the room - a young woman, 20 at most, looking at her with an evil grin. She had short blue hair, slightly dark skin, yellow eyes with black sclera, a lithe body with small breasts and the tell-tale aura of a demon. She was wearing a simple top and shorts that stuck close to her form. "Heh, so you came here?" The girl asked in a mocking tone. "Well, too bad for you! Cause I'm gonna take you down to the ground and let my pets here have their way with you until you're nice and pregnant for them!" She chuckled malevolently, preparing to fight.
Re: Irina (freeko)

Irina would walk into the room and she felt like the ground was spongy, like she was on w wrestling mat. The lights would come on as a cage descended to the ground. Holes started opening in the ground as well with small tentacle arms sticking out. Something she was all too familiar with.

As her eyes started to adjust, Irina would see her opponent. The aura around her was obvious that she is a demon of some kind. A fairly young girl with a mouth on her too. Taunting Irina right from the start, this unnamed opponent would take a ready position.
Irina would respond in kind though tryung to be mindful of the tentacle holes would make moving dufficult.

Irina would charge forth into battle again.
Re: Irina (freeko)

Irina: 4 vs 4(-1) (hit)
???: 6(-1) vs 6 (miss)

Irina: 8 vs 5(-1) (hit)
???: 9(-1) vs 7 (hit)

Irina: 7 vs 3(-1) (hit)
???: 9(-1) vs 11 (miss)

Irina: 9 vs 4(-1) (critical)
???: 5(-1) vs 4 (miss)

The battle would begin and rapidly shift in Irina's favor, despite the demon girl's boasting. She was simply outclassed, clearly one of the newbies. While the numbers of tentacles suggested she's been breeding them for a while, it was clear she was new to fighting. Case in point, during the entire exchange she hit Irina only once. Once. The damage she took, on the other hand, was staggering.

Irina's initial punch caught her completely off guard. Though she was able to rally and hit back, she couldn't avoid getting struck by the follow-up. While she was able to successfully complete her attack, she overextended and was left completely open to a third strike that ripped off her top. Trying to escape only put her in the path of a truly devastating combo that winded her even more and cost her her top, leaving the young demon in panties alone. "You bitch!" She spat in anger, though there was an undercurrent of fear in her voice. "What the fuck are you?!?"

Irina: 5/6 FP, 0/10 AP, 3/3 CP
???: 3/6 FP, 0/10 AP, 1/3 CP
Re: Irina (freeko)

" A demon though only a lesser one."
Irina would reply back as she had already deprived her opponent of her clothing. Left with little more than her panties, Irina was about to see if those tentacles would attack only Irina or either of them that happened to end up on the ground.

Irina was gonna find out soon enough.