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Sprite o Rama


Tentacle God
Oct 23, 2013
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Once upon a time i sprited. And i did that alot...but in later years ive not sprited as much. So, figured i can do that again.


Is something im working on atm.


Custom Mega Man sprites.





Custom X Mugshot


Various trainer requests.


Lila from this forum.


Good example of a character using black, but not too much. A good variation of other colors.

Now that ive shown some of my work , here is my idea.
You, the person reading can request to me a sprite, be it a mugshot, a sprite in 2D or maybe a trainer art.
Like say : I want this character (Art here) in this style :

Can check out my old album over at for more of my previous work

Course, some rules :

* One request per person.
* No Sheets. Aka, no more then 1 Sprite.
* Commissions are free. (Wait, what o_O, !?) Yes, free.
* No offical character. Don't ask me to sprite Sonic in Super Mario 3 Style or Mega Man as a trainer sprite. Not happening.
* Must be your character. Don't ask me to sprite your friends character, it must be your Original Character.
* Can request in text, but please be use detailed description.
* Do not have your character be 100% Black. As in black hair,black shirt, black shoes , black cape etc. Some black is fine, but don't overdo it. A good example is the 2nd trainer sprite, that is 75% black and some red. That is fine, but it really doesn't transfer good into sprite form when spriting just black.
* No animations , falls into the no sheet rules.
* A sprite can take 1-5 days depending on the sprite. Do be patient.

If still unsure about the rule, ask away.
You can link something from my album and say : Can you do it like that one?

I can try sprite your character nude or being attacked monster, but don't expect something grand because ive not done alot of it. But, i do wanna practise it of course so some nudity is fine.

Nutaku Bosho

Renne - Azurezero

I went with a more happy approch here and tried to stick to GBC Pokémon Style. So, i guess i filled it with happiness? Does that count? x3
Chris - Nessie

Did a bit of free going here, added red fighter gloves like those in Tekken to make it a bit more detail.
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Re: Sprite o Rama

my request is that character getting filled in whatever way you fancy
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Re: Sprite o Rama

Here is one of my CoC chars her name is Nessie...

Nessie is a 5 foot 7 inch tall human, with a thin body and incredible muscle definition. She is wearing a revealing chainmail bikini and using her hooked gauntlets as a weapon. Her eyes are of a bright green color and the skin tone of her face is olive. It has a gorgeous profile with full lips, a button nose, and noticeable eyelashes. The very long, black hair looks good on her, accentuating her features well.

Nessie has slightly-flared hips that match her trim, lithe body, her fair ass contracts with every motion, displaying the detailed curves of its lean musculature.

She has two basketball-sized tits, each supporting one 0.2-inch nipple. Nessie could easily fill a G-cup bra.

She has a slick fuck-hole, with a 0.2-inch clit. Thin streams of lubricant occasionally dribble from the massive hole that is her cunt.

Nessie has one fine ass, placed between her butt-cheeks where it belongs.

Her ears are pierced with green gemstone earstuds.
When she opens her mouth wide, you can easily see her plain metal tongue-stud secured in the middle of her tongue.
A magical, ruby-studded bar pierces her belly button, allowing her to summon Ceraph the succubus on a whim.
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Re: Sprite o Rama

That's some good spriting. You sprite well. :)

Well... sprat? Sproted? :confused:
Re: Sprite o Rama

A suggestion for spriting/coloring all-black characters is to, instead of using blacks and grays, use really dark, lightly saturated purples, blues, and reds. It still presents the illusion of darkness, but gives the ability to define.
Re: Sprite o Rama

@Djinbu -
Mean like this?

@Crawdaddy - Thank you.

@azurezero - Done, let me know if you want something changed.

@chrisroxxx - Started working on it.
Re: Sprite o Rama

Yup; you got it. Using colors to your advantage to help the viewer perceive things - not as they are, but as they should be. One can pick up on the difference almost subconsciously as well; red for warmth, rage, or passion - purple for solemn and lonely feelings, and blue for soft, gentle and compassion. A viewer may not pick up on it directly, but the feelings still exist with light saturation.
Re: Sprite o Rama

@Chris - Finished.
Re: Sprite o Rama

@Chris - Finished.
Nice work!

Can you please pm me any tips or tricks you might have on making sprites?

I hope to create them one day.
Re: Sprite o Rama

Nice work!

Can you please pm me any tips or tricks you might have on making sprites?

I hope to create them one day.
Well, i suggest starting with 8 - bit sprites , like Mega Man or Mario.
Then go to 16 and from there, is just matter of doing it alot.
I play alot of games and try diffrent styles when i sprite.
Recolors are not sprites, If you take Mario and make him blue, that's not a new sprite, Instead give him like horns, or a dog outfit, that's a edit.

Im not sure how talent you are at spriting, maybe show some of your work thus far so i can judge it from there?
Re: Sprite o Rama

Well I have none to show, sorry.

I am someone who loves art, used to draw lots when younger, got out of it, and am rediscovering it.

I'm still working on getting my art better, but I love sprites and animation, and plan to do them once my art is better.

If you'd like another to create:
Dark hair with red highlights
Lightly tan skin
Red pupils

He would have a scar on his left eye that goes from the cheek below the eye, to above the eyebrow.

A kind of happy, appeased look on his face.

He is about 6ft talk, athletic build, but still a bit slim.

Dressed something like this:
-But black, white, with touches of red and grey as color scheme.

If you could have him wearing a cool rosary, I'd like that.

If you could have him facing us, with his hands resting on a cool samurai sword which is supporting his weight.

The background could reflect sunrise or sunset, with maybe a banner showing that has the letters "MnF" on it, that would be great!

Idk if you said you could or would, but if you can make it seem like the wind is blowing by making the hair and flag move some, that would be a plus.


Reread your rules:
Only one sheet. Just make Sin as you can, if you like, thanks in advance.

Maybe just put the letters "MnF" on his jacket or shirt eh.
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Re: Sprite o Rama

Can't we make he into a she instead? And what style do you want?
Re: Sprite o Rama

I wanted it of myself to use as a avatar most likely.

-But if you want a female, let me think, I'll maybe come up with something.
Re: Sprite o Rama

thanks!:eek: Still waiting for Mai nessie, though! Hope you can do it :)
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Re: Sprite o Rama



Osawari Island Chat wanted to see her with White clothes, so bonus?
Based on

Not sure if it needs more shading or not...

Well, the base had her hands behind :

It's the white girl with a red cross and yellow hair and glasses.
Used that as the base. It might be that when i converted it from cloth to skin it should been compressed more. Ah well, moving on.

Edit: Update for freeko since he wanted a full.

Re: Sprite o Rama

Fair enough, it does however look a bit odd. Her shoulders bend behind her back, but then her elbows bend the lower arms a bit forward again. I can't imagine standing like that myself.

@Chris - Finished.
Re: Sprite o Rama

Fair enough, it does however look a bit odd. Her shoulders bend behind her back, but then her elbows bend the lower arms a bit forward again. I can't imagine standing like that myself.

It's the proportions throwing it off. The breasts are far too high. which is a common problem with starting artists; while I've done no studies, I believe it has a lot to do with focus put on them as well as their perkiness - which is also why many beginning artists make eyes too large. If the breasts were dropped so that the crease of the pectorals reaching out under the deltoid to the humerus, then the shoulders would look more normal and the torso would appear smaller. The figure could further be improves by making the hips wider - approximately shoulder width since females have wider hips because they have to carry parasites between the illiac crests.

Also, that belly button is too low as well; another common beginner artist mistake which takes far more time to correct than you would think... That, or I'm just retarded.
Re: Sprite o Rama

Ima see if i can work in your suggestions and try fixing it up. Thanks for that.