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Last Post Wins

Re: Last Post Wins

EH, I don't feel like it. Test it yourselves if you want, but I have bigger fish to fry. Such as, improving the efficiency of photovoltaic cells at reduced cost by using common compounds in order to make a more economical solar panel.
Re: Last Post Wins

Meh, if you are curious about it expand your own knowledge and engage in independent research. I have more pressing matters.
Re: Last Post Wins

I shouldn't have to support your argument that your sexual satisfaction byproduct is biodegradable. Now clean up after yourself or prove that your sexual satisfaction byproduct is indeed biodegradable according to the standards of your current residence.
Re: Last Post Wins

Just means you have all the material you need to start. Failing that here have a towel.
Re: Last Post Wins

You should try the BBB. You might have better luck with them.
Re: Last Post Wins

Only from a purely legal standpoint. Outside of a courtroom, we are much more complex.
Re: Last Post Wins

It'd be as complex as a regious man trying to debate the true existance of many scientific views and their validity compared to their religious higher power.
Re: Last Post Wins

If we talk about complexity from just a financial stand point, the large majority of corporations are more complex than people. Gains and losses accumulated via sale of product and services, the initial investment made on ventures, the overhead costs including wages and equipment, cost of meeting regulations and government guidelines, and many more are the essence of corporate finance. This is all without the company even being publicly traded which is a whole other can of worms including dividends and other stock incentives. Then, there are the tax regulations and that could be a whole textbook by itself.
Re: Last Post Wins

Oh yeah well people are way more complicated!
They have a fianical stand point.
Biological stand point.
Sociological stand point.
Psychological stand point.
Personal stand point.
Religious stand point.
Political stand point.
And each of those categories and be split into MORE categories!
Re: Last Post Wins

Oh no, there's nothing wrong with asking, after all the more you know, and knowing is half the battle. So the more you know, and the more you know is more half of the battle.
Re: Last Post Wins

Indeed, moving on to more knowledge, like how mercury can be used for terrorism.

However, if you wanted a retort.
If you want to compare them, you need to have a sound foundation from which to base your arguments. Since you argued that corporations are people, you must be equating a corporation to a person. Which, as stated before, is how corporations are view in a court of law. By doing this, you can then compare an average corporation to an average person even though the average corporation is made up of multiple people. In this respect, the corporation will always be more complex due to it having multiple people, often of different background, beliefs, religions, political alignments, and even social standing working together in a structured and hierarchical fashion. It's like say that the ant is more complex than the hive it belongs to. The comparison is just not apt.