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Himari (Player(s):Mindflayer, GM: Kln)

Re: Himari round 2 (Mindflayer, new rules)

Feeling Gonto's large balls slapping against her own as she bounced between the two, Himari knew everyone would love them here. The memories of her training flooded back into her mind, the onaholes being her downfall that made her cum so many times and so hard that her balls ached for days. Lily had thankfully not thrown her into an unwinnable fight against a Meat Catcher, but then again she was confident that she was on the verge of being able to manage one of those alone.

Himari's folds squeezed Gonto tighter and tighter the tighter Shanxi squeezed her. Himari's body was heating up as the scent of sex filled the air around them, which was driving her wild as she began twisting her hips while bucking herself up into Shanxi, while at the same time suckling hard on Shanxi's nipples to drive her wild too. Soon enough the trio were all cumming their brains out, and Himari felt her pussy filling up with Gonto's seed as she came herself, filling Shanxi's womb with her own seed.

"O-Oh fuck! A-And dammit Gonto, I asked you to please pull out," Himari squealed before looking over her shoulder at the shokan man, pouting at him as she lifted herself up until his cock flopped free of her tight clenching folds.
Re: Himari round 2 (Mindflayer, new rules)

((Woops. Sorry. I forgot about this detail. I guess Gonto has too :p))

"Sorry, girl. Your pussy was so tight, I could not pull out in time. You did not seem to mind though" the male chuckled.
"I didn't mind on my end." Shanxi said, as she sat down on the ground. "I think we have a deal, though. Right, Gonto?"
"Yup. Time to go out and discover your lands, hunter."
On these words, the two Shokans slowly stood up and put back their clothes.
"Your name was Himari, was it?" Shanxi asked. "We'll make sure to buy you and your comrades a visit later."

On these words, the two Shokans said their goodbyes to Himari and left, leaving the Neko free to enter the cave and destroy the relic inside.
Re: Himari round 2 (Mindflayer, new rules)

"Oh how can I stay mad when that felt that damn good," Himari conceded as she sat there recovering, her own cock throbbing softly from the wringing Shanxi gave it. "And heh, alright then. Also, when you make it to my home, which is just a ways off from here, not even a full day, tell them that Himari sent you and that she said to talk to Lily, that you're new friends," Himari added to them with a wink.

Himari stood up and walked inside the cave after wiping herself off and as much of Gonto's seed out of her as she could manage as the two large shokans left her to finish this. "Whew, that was fun. Now maybe I won't cum as easily if something grabs me inside here," Himari sighed softly before heading inside, her sword drawn now and ready to fight.
Re: Himari round 2 (Mindflayer, new rules)

Himari entered the cave. It was arranged as a small home by the Shokans, with rudimentary beds and a few furnitures. At the end of the cave was an altar. On the stone structure stood a small statue, representing a hermaphroditic being with breasts, two cocks, and way more arms than her new Shokan friends. The Neko could feel the magical energies emanating from the object, and she knew from her briefing that she had to destroy it to make the forest disappear.

But just as she eyed the statue, a familiar voice called her from behind.
"Please wait."
Cassy had returned, and stood at the entrance of the cave.
"I know it's your job to destroy that statue, but... Could you spare me a piece of it? I... I want to make Roman pay for what he said and what he did to me. I'm sure you won't mind having me slipped a fragment of this in his bedroom, you know... To give a litteral meaning to the expression "monster under the bed". If that's a problem of money, I can pay you, too."

Should Himari listen to Cassy and give her a part of the magical item?
Re: Himari round 2 (Mindflayer, new rules)

Making her way inside, Himari looked around carefully and moved cautiously just in case of traps that may be inside. Seeing the altar at the end of the cave, Himari crept towards it slowly but surely, and she felt the energies emanating from the thing. It was obviously what she was here to destroy, Himari knew, so she raised her sword and was about to strike the thing before she heard Cassy behind her.

Yelping as Cassy scared her, Himari nearly dropped her sword and stumbled about. "Well, what did he say and do to you exactly Cassy? I have to warn you if I let even a piece of this thing remain it could start this whole thing all over again, and more people could be hurt by it... or possibly even broken. And I may not be able to stop it a second time. Besides, he got tortured pretty good by a Milking Plant himself, so I'd say he got his due for anything he may have said or done. I can give you details of what he looked like when I found him too if you like," Himari asked Cassy, giving her all the details of what Roman had looked like and what all had happened to him if Cassy asked for them. "Not to mention I could be kicked out of the Hunters if I don't finish this also," she added.
Re: Himari round 2 (Mindflayer, new rules)

"Yeah... Those plants." Cassy snided.
"You've been nice to me, so I'll tell you everything that happened.That prick. He courts me, tells me he's gonna "love me forever", that I was his "only one". So I thought I should be honest with him and tell him I was like you, a herm. And when I say that to him, he tries to dump me, shouting that I lied to him. I lied to HIM. I wanted to shove that little asshole on the ground, and do all kind of nasty things to him when that forest popped up."
Cassy paused a little and leaned on the cave's wall. "He began to shout again, saying that was my fault too. So I pushed him. In the plants. That was rather cathartic, both for me and for him too, if what you said earlier was true. Then I left and walked forward, where I got stuck by these tentacles. After half a day of waiting, I met you and you know the rest."

The Herm left the wall she was leaning on "I saw you... You know... Doing it with these two brutes. I wonder if this could get you kicked out of guild too. At the very least, that kind of salty news could get all the way to Feron very quickly. Everyone knows you're just a bunch of sex addicts anyway." she said, her voice suddenly taking a bitchy tone. It looked like Cassy was not the innocent victim she liked to present herself as... "So... How about you give me that fragment and you spare yourself some PR troubles? There's not chance a tiny bitty piece of that statue could make something like that Maze pop back, anyway."
Re: Himari round 2 (Mindflayer, new rules)

Himari listened to Cassy's explanation and frowned softly when Cassy was basically trying to blackmail her. "We're not sex addicts Cassy, not by a long shot. We train day and night for months to hone our bodies to be in tip top shape for the day when our luck runs out and we do get captured by something like those tentacles, or that plant that Roman was trapped in. It's so we don't lose our minds completely to the pleasure of it and can't fight anymore. And without us Hunters, then villages like Drem would have been overrun long ago by these monsters and whatnot, and then we might never have met," Himari told Cassy, looking over her shoulder at the young woman the entire time until now, where she turned around to face her.

"And what I was doing with those two wasn't against guild rules. I made this world some new allies to fight this evil. And just remember, had I not come along in here, you'd still be trapped by those tentacles. So please don't try and threaten me like that because you're angry that one relationship didn't work out. I've had a few of them that didn't work out in the past too, one for the same reasons, but I picked myself up and moved on, because you never know what might happen in the future. And there may not be that much of a chance sure, but there's always a tiny chance that this thing could repower itself, and then Drem could be destroyed, or worse, enslaved. Your family, Roman and his family... everyone that you know. Would you really want to risk all of them just for petty revenge? Besides, who knows what this, even a small piece could do to you," Himari went on to say to Cassy after a few moments of letting what she'd said before sink in. "Why don't you come with me back to Feron if you don't believe me, see for yourself what we Hunters really do," Himari suggested as an afterthought, preparing to smash the statue.
Re: Himari round 2 (Mindflayer, new rules)

((OOC: Damn, playing a villainous character is hard. Every argument I think for them feels like an asspull XD))

Cassy fidgeted when Himari's speech dented the rejected girl's bitterness. "I guess you're right. It may be childish to put everyone in danger just for one boy, even if he's not escaping a serious discussion when I get back." The teenager finally answered. "What was your name, already... Himari? Do your work. I'm going to... Think about all of this while we go back to the village."

At the exact moment Himari smashed the statue, a flash of light escaped from the broken item. A few seconds later, Himari and Cassy find themselves in the middle of a wheat field, just as the Maze popped out of existence.
"Wow, that was... Weird" the herm villager whispered.

Himari's first Maze mission has been accomplished near flawlessly, and it was now time to return to either the nearby village of Drem, or to the Hunters' headquarters in Feron, and enjoy a well-deserved rest.

Level up said:
Himari levels up to level 1.
She can put either 5 points in one of her main stats, 1 point in one of her secondary stats, or one of the following skills:
(You're free to come up with your own skills, if they are balanced enough)

Physique skills (use the Physique stat):
* Grab: each successful grab adds one stack of restriction on the target
* Powerful blow: apply a malus of 15 to the attack roll; adds 1 point of damage if your attack hits;
* A wrestler in all of us: apply a malus of 15 to the attack roll; the target is thrown to the ground and must pass their next attack phase
* Lasso: the user must have a rope in their inventory and apply a malus of 15 to the attack roll; counts as physical attack; if the skill user wins, the target must pass their next attack roll, and every defense roll until their next attack roll.

Intelligence skills (use the Intelligence stat):
* Speech on frienship: allows you to recast the roll if your persuasion attempt or a speech check fail
* "Look behind you!": can only be used at the start of the fight. Works as a free persuation attempt. Every enemy convinced will act last and with a -20 modifier to their attack rolls during the first round
* Singer: You spend your turn singing a catchy song. Your ennemies "let it go" and pass their turn if they fail an Intelligence check, or are not sentient; you cannot defend yourself until your next turn
* Intimidation: Works as a persuasion attempt. Every enemy who loses the persuasion attempt flee the battle; every enemy who wins the persuasion attempt act first during the next round

Sex skills (use the Sexuality stat):
Mother-in-law mental image: can be used once in a fight. Nullifies any kind of pleasure you receive this turn
Strip-tease: the user takes off one of their clothes. Each enemy who fails a sexuality check receive 1 LP and cannot attack until the user's next round.
Masturbation: Raises LP by 1d3 each time Masturbation is used. If the user cums thanks to masturbation, their saving throw is always successful. This counts as an orgasm towards the next saving throw, though.
Re: Himari round 2 (Mindflayer, new rules)

(Heh, it can be tough. But it's fun sometimes.)

"Besides Cassy, you're a beautiful young woman who has her whole life ahead of her. You shouldn't waste your years with bitterness in your heart. So what if he didn't like you just because of what you were. I've found that we herms have better luck with the ladies anyway than men, and more fun in the long run. Busting a nut inside of a tight pussy is one of the best feelings in the world. And yeah I'm Himari. I'll tell you what though, I'll go with you and have that talk with Roman with you. He doesn't know that I'm a herm yet, so I'll surprise him and stuff and you can watch. What do you say, hmm?" Himari told Cassy, smiling as she held out a hand in friendship.

With that done, Himari smashed the statue with her blade, cleaving it in two, and then fourths. When it was done and the maze vanished from existence, she put the pieces of the statue in her belt pouch for safe keeping for now until she could get it back to Feron for proper disposing of. "Hey, don't ever look down Cassy. You're too cute to let yourself get down like that. And I was serious about coming with me to Feron, not just trying to trick you," Himari told Cassy with a soft smile, reaching over and caressing her cheek.

Deciding to help Cassy out a bit before she left, Himari made for the town of Drem once more, offering her spare pants to Cassy if the girl was still naked, but if she wasn't then she wouldn't bother of course. She'd head for the mayor's house straight away, with Cassy in tow, where she'd explain that the maze had been dealt with and should trouble them no more. Once that was done, she'd glance over at Roman should he be there, with a raised eyebrow and a serious look on her face. After she finished explaining everything to the mayor and whatnot, she'd make a beeline for Roman, making sure to do so without Cassy following her over to him.

"Say Roman... what exactly did you say and do to Cassy by the way? I'm just curious is all, because I finally found her surrounded by tentacles," Himari asked curiously. "And, you looked pretty worn out yourself and all, but going through that whole maze leaves a girl kind of riled up, especially a Hunter who has to train a lot through sex to keep herself from getting driven insane if captured. Any possibility that a strong and handsome guy like you could give said girl some relief? She would be immensely grateful," Himari went on to say enticingly, giving him a suggestive wink as she flashed him her large breasts where no one would see.

(Also drop all 5 points into her Intellect, which I think gives her enough for the Intelligence buff now.)
Re: Himari round 2 (Mindflayer, new rules)

Himari's new stats said:
Name: Himari Shotainushi (pic)
Physique: 50
Intellect: 65 - Genius
Sexuality: 40

Resistance: 5/5
Libido: 0/4
Sanity: 6/6

Experience and skills
XP: 0/15 XP
Level: 1

Taking the opportunity of Cassy going to change in her own clothes after borrowing Himari's spare pants, and everyone going back to their home to warn their families that the danger was over Himari began to flirt with Roman. The boy was still a little embarassed (and a little sore) from the milking session he was trapped in, a few hours ago, but the hunter's solid "arguments" were rather convincing.
"Well... I... Er..." blabbered the flustered young man. The sight of Himari's nipples, and her horny hunter act eventually achieved to get an effect on the young man.
"I guess I cannot refuse such a "generous" proposition." he finally answered, a glint of lust in his eyes. "Let's find a quiet place, though. My house has a small cellar. We could have our tryst down there" the young man said, pointing at a small trapdoor on the side of the mayor's house.
"Just be careful down there, if you know what I mean. I'm still sensitive from these damn plants..."

((OOC: poor boy, if I guessed right what you have in mind XD))
Re: Himari round 2 (Mindflayer, new rules)

(Oh she's not gonna peg him. Just give him another scare. :p)

"M'kay, but that still doesn't tell me what happened with Cassy," Himari whispered as she followed Roman to the cellar.

After they were down in the cellar, with Himari winking over at Cassy before the other herm girl left, she looked over at Roman. "So big boy, those things in there really riled me up. So sorry ahead of time if I end up getting a little rough," Himari told him as she slipped her shirt off, grabbing Roman's hands and pulling them up to her breasts, her tail swishing around behind her.

When Roman's hands finally drifted down to her pants, Himari didn't stop him and let him pull them down without trying to stop him, a smirk forming on her face as her zipper came down and his hand went into her pants soon after to reveal her full form to him. When he inevitably yelped at the sight of her, at least she suspected he would from what Cassy had said anyway, she would laugh aloud and ask him what was wrong, that she was enough of a woman to have some fun if he was willing.
Re: Himari round 2 (Mindflayer, new rules)

((I wasn't thinking about that, actually. Just a rough riding. But pegging would have been interesting to read as well XD))

Roman predictably freaked out when he saw Himari's big shaft just under his nose. "Ooooh. What's wrong with this world. You did that on purpose, didn't you?" he whined.

After the unwanted surprise, Roman sat, an apologetic air on his face. "I'm sorry. I know I should not have reacted like that, either with you or Cassy. I understand that, now. It's just... I'm not into herms, but it was the first time I saw one nude, and I freaked out. I know I acted like a jerk, and that's why I wanted you to tell Cassy I was sorry."
The trapdoor creaked, making the young man turn his head.
"Who's there?" he asked, with a ping of worry in his voice. "Cassy, is that you?"
The trapdoor slowly opened, letting Himari and Roman see Cassy, who watched the scene.
"Look Cassy, I..." the boy began.
"Don't bother, Roman." the herm cut him. "I... I should apologize too. I should have told you I was mix-gendered from the start, instead of having you finding it at the last minute. I said and planned many mean things against you, but Himari convinced me I should forgive and let live. So... Let's be friends?
"... Let's be friends." Roman answered, with a saddened voice.
"And put some pants on!" suddenly said Cassy after a long beat, slamming the trapdoor of the cellar shut.
"Do you think... She has really forgiven me?" Roman asked Himari.
It seemed like Roman and Cassy's story found a peaceful ending.
Re: Himari round 2 (Mindflayer, new rules)

"Yeah I kinda did. But should it really matter that much if you like someone, hmm?" Himari said just before the trap door opened, feeling kind of bad for him, but feeling he did deserve the little scare.

After the exchange between Cassy and Roman, Himari cleared her throat softly as Cassy headed out. "Yeah I think she does. Just, try and not get too upset if that ever happens again. Because even though we have this between our legs, doesn't mean we aren't still a girl at heart. Well, most of us are anyway. There's some that probably aren't I'll wager," Himari answered, gesturing between her legs as she spoke. "And if you ever want to see some real non herm girls, you can always come to Feron. There's plenty in the Hunters guild I work for if you ever wanted to think about my line of work. It's up to you of course," she added, giving him a wink before redressing and heading upstairs to get her spare pants from Cassy and leave Drem and head back to Feron and report in, possibly with Cassy in tow if the young herm wanted to accompany her.
Re: Himari round 2 (Mindflayer, new rules)

((OOC: I should flesh out a little more Cassy then, if she is to become a regular NPC))

Himari met back Cassy outside. The blonde-haired herm arranged her ponytail. She was very feminine for a herm, which must be why Roman fell for her. Her plump D-sized breasts rested on her chest, under a dress which hid her masculine features.
Cassy seemed to think about Himari's proposition. "I... I'm not sure. I mean, life here is boring alright, but I don't know if I could apply to your guild anyway. I haven't... You know... Still, I could find work elsewhere in the city. Let me grab a few things.".
Doing as she said, Cassy comes back a little while later with a bag, and a small pouch of money.
"I said goodbye to my parents. They were a little worried, but Feron is not so far away, so they did not oppose my decision. I've always been kind of independant anyway. Shall we go? You must be impatient to earn your pay, after all."
Re: Himari round 2 (Mindflayer, new rules)

(Hey that's up to you. Himari was simply making the offer to bring her back to Feron with her and stuff. It'd be up to Cassy after that if she wanted to stay there and train to be a Hunter.)

"Well even if you don't join the guild in a fighting capacity, then you can still help the guild in other ways Cassy. If you're good with numbers or a fast writer, or if you want to be a messenger, there's literally all sorts of jobs you could get and still get the benefits of being with the guild," Himari told Cassy before she headed off to collect her things to join Himari on the journey back to Feron.

"Don't worry, I'll take good care of her and escort her there safely. And she's only a few short hours walk away, and she can always hire a carriage to bring her to and from Feron," Himari told Cassy's parents when she met Cassy to head out, assuring them that she would be just fine with her.

"Eh, I get paid no matter what, and most of my money goes back home to my family anyway. I don't have very many wants, save a good weapon, some good clothes, a place to sleep, and food in my belly. The guild provides all of those, so I haven't much need for a lot of money. I mean hell, I was given one hundred gold for expenses to come here and only used about two thirds of that, and saved the rest to send home," Himari said with a shrug about her pay, not overly concerned with it as she led them out, waving goodbye to Drem for the time being as she headed out with Cassy.

She kept a pace that Cassy could keep up with, not getting too far ahead of her new companion so she could help her in case anything attacked them along the way. "Encountered a slime on my way here, but spanked him good and sent him running," Himari said as they went and got near where she had encountered said slime.
Re: Himari round 2 (Mindflayer, new rules)

((OOC: Don't worry, I'm not complaining at all. Actually, to make it better, I'll let you decide for her; depending on which job you advise her to apply to, you could interact later with her in different ways :-3.))

Himari's return tree was eventless, and the two of them returned to Feron's gate by sunset. As usual, the place was busy with vendors and advertisers, and a lot of flyers were pinned on the walls.
Cassy stopped by for a second, to look at the job ads. Work is not difficult to find in a busy city like Feron, and she found several ads which could covene to her.
"What do you think is the best for me?" Cassy asked. The young Herm showed Himari her flyers:
  • The Busty Mermaid looks for waiters and barmaids. We regularly organize events and concerts. This month, the talented Soprano will play her most successful ballads every night at 8pm.
  • Creme and Pascale's clothing store look for energic, motivated vendors, and models for our new collections. Mon to Fri, 9am to 6 pm.
  • The Lusty Stallion looks for stripers. Every gender welcome, we have different sections for our eclectic patrons.

Himari would note that the harpy bard she met earlier today was playing at the inn tonight. She would also notice that Cassy kept a flyer in her hand, recognizing it as an official Hunter guild's recruitement ad.
"All seems to good to me and... Well... There's always plan B with your guild. " she added.
Re: Himari round 2 (Mindflayer, new rules)

(Heh, I was figuring that's what would happen in any case actually. :p)

As they entered Feron again, Himari looked around and sighed softly. "Ah, home sweet home as they say. And it's up to you Cassy. I can put in a good word for you at the guild hall with my captain if you want to work with us. The pay's usually a bit better and stuff than anywhere else around town, albeit the work is bit more dangerous. I sometimes play some music at the Busty Mermaid myself, I play an ocarina and a fiddly by the way. And I've modeled for Creme and Pascale's clothing store too a couple of times. And I've also stripped at the Lusty Stallion as part of a bet once, and a few times to help overcome my embarrassment some as part of my training on my captain's orders. If you want to learn how to fight though, so that what happened back in Drem doesn't happen again as easily, then I would suggest coming with me to the guild hall," Himari told Cassy as they walked along and Cassy looked at the job ads.

When she noticed the harpy was playing at the bar tonight, Himari smiled and thought she'd go see her to relax and watch while having a drink. "How about you come with me to the guild hall first and have the tour to see if you think you could handle the training. It's not nearly as intense at first as some would make you think it is," Himari told Cassy, suggesting going on to the guild hall first before deciding on anything.
Re: Himari round 2 (Mindflayer, new rules)

"You seem to have a busy life." Cassy commented. The two herms head towards the guild hall and head towards Captain Lily's office.

"Hello, dear. Drem's mayor sent me a message by bird to thank us for our quick response, or rather your quick response." the Succubus congratulated. She took a purse on her game and softly threw it in Himari's hands. The purse held 150 gold coins. "As usual, the other half of the prime, plus a bonus."
((Himari has 150 G now))
Cassy was astonished, as she had not seen someone earn so much gold in one time. "The pay IS better, indeed." the blode herm whistled.
"And who might you be, young lady?"
After Himari made the introductions, or left Cassy introduce herself, the Drem villager said she was intrigued by the hunters, from what she saw and heard from Himari, but still had a few reserves. The captain proposed her to make a short tour of the guild hall, with Himari accompanying them.

Lily was a wise person, and she made sure that Cassy saw first the dormitories and the court first, showing her the few hunters who were still training or running laps at this time of the day.
"By the way, my dear cat girl. We received the visit of a rather... Exotic couple earlier. They asked me by name, and mentioned yours. I must say I find their muscled bodies rather attractive." the Succubus said with a smile. "I should thank you. Tasting new foods is always a pleasure after 100 years. I invited both of them for "dinner" in my house, if you know what I mean?"
"Mmm... What does it mean?" Cassy asked. Wheter Himari gives a straight answer to the blonde youngster or leaves her in the dark, Lily finishes the tour on the sex training room, her explanations skillfully turning the hunter's job as a way to make interesting meetings, explore new countries, and experiment new things.
"But... I'm still a virgin, I don't know if I'd do a good hunter."
"That's not a problem at all, dear. Actually, we provide a lot of sex education to our newbies, and they are kept under a senior's care until they are ready. That could be a job for you, Himari. Would you consider it, would Cassy join us?" Lily asked the Neko. Cassy looked at Himari expectantly. It seems that her last apprehensions would be swept away if a person she trusted would make the decision to mentor her; on the other hand, it would take Himari away from the field for some time, in order to supervise the recruit's training.
Re: Himari round 2 (Mindflayer, new rules)

"Oh yeah, I head out on missions often enough, about three or four times a week on average. Sometimes more and sometimes less, but the pay is great and the welcome back I sometimes get after a very difficult mission is awesome. A few of the newer recruits, and others too, welcome me back sometimes with... open arms, and legs, hmhm," she said, giggling softly at the mention of some of the newbies and others welcoming her back.

When they entered Lily's office, Himari smiled and graciously took the purse of gold with a smile. "Thank you captain, and I brought potentially a new recruit for us. And that Maze was a small easy one I think. Not a whole lot of trouble," Himari said as she caught the purse.

"No problem captain, I convinced them they didn't have to rape and pillage girls and guys, and herms too, just to get sex. They were very gracious I thought, and it's good to hear they came here. I think those two could be a valuable asset to us here, especially with their immense physical strength. And she means Cassy that she's inviting them to eat at her place, and then she's going to Eat, meaning sex," Himari said to Lily, then whispered to Cassy which likely made the poor thing blush.

"Well, I wouldn't mind training a new recruit, although... I do like being on the front lines a lot you know. But I think Cassy has some potential Lily, so I can take a break for a little while. I think it may even be possible for her to come with me on a couple of missions after she's learned how to fight and... hmhm, how to control her lust some. There's no better method of training than firsthand experience after all. Oh and also before I forget, here's the fragments of the statue that caused all of that," Himari said, smiling over at Cassy as the girl looked expectantly at her as she patted her shoulder. "Besides, I have to do this sort of thing if I'm ever gonna get promoted and stuff right, and she can bunk with me at my place. It has a couple of extra beds and stuff, and that way I can keep an eye on her and we can start training as soon as she's ready," she added as an afterthought before looking over at Cassy again and making sure to let both Cassy and Lily know that she would always try and encourage Cassy to do better.

(If you want, you can time skip a bit between her training sessions and stuff to a point where Himari can take Cassy out on a mission with her to see how much she's learned and how well she can work in the field.)
Re: Himari round 2 (Mindflayer, new rules)

((We could do small timeskips, here and then, but it would be interesting to show Cassy's training. Also, it doesn't mean random things won't pop up during training ))

Cassy smiled upon hearing Himari's words. Understanding the three of them had a deal, Lily patted Cassy's shoulder. "That's awesome. We'll make Cassy's paperwork tomorrow morning. I do not mind her sleeping at your house, but be sure to come here and train regularly. I'll check with you tomorrow the traning program and give you some advice, if you want"
On these words, Lily said goodbye and took her leave from Himari and her novice. "Is it really all right if I sleep at your place? Thanks." she said.

The night was still young, and Feron was still bristling with activity. Himari could spend her evening as she liked, with or without Cassy, as tomorrow would be a busy day.