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Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(Guess I cant argue with that outcome, I am gonna play with this a little if you dont mind.)

As Oracle would bind the remaining undead, there was nothing stopping Foxy from obliterating them to end the threat. Foxy would remain vigilant for a while as Oracle would tend to Flame. The squidcat would set about on the prowl as it were still on guard protecting his mate from harm. The spirits had animated and re-animated previously.

(Foxy and squidcat search the area while Oracle tends to Flame)

As a few moments would pass, Foxy and the squidcat would ease up and start to relax a little. Deciding to search the area first to make sure the coast was clear before deciding to use the beds in the room to rest themselves. After being so close to being overcome by spirits it would make sense to rest themselves before venturing forth from this room.

Oracle would sit down behind Flame. Oracle's hand start to work over Flame's body enough to get her out of the defeated state she was currently in. Realizing that Flame needed a little more attention, Oracle would set about relieving the tension Flame had built up in the last battle. Flame would relax herself now that she was in Oracle's embrace. Oracle working her hands about Flame's body. It was not long before Flame reached orgasm and simply passed out from the stimulation.

It would take a bit, but Oracle would be able to get her over to one of the beds where Flame would rest herself. Foxy and the squidcat having finished their patrol of the area would join them in the bedded area. Foxy would lay herself into a bed while the squidcat would share a bed with Oracle.

(If anything manifests itself, the girls are defenseless though the squidcat would remain awake. The plan would be to rest themselves fully now. Searching the room throughly in the process.)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

With her mind refreshed and her pussy purring, Oracle gave the journal a second look. It appeared to be nothing more that a list of daily passwords, though for what was unclear. She noted down the password that would correspond with today. Hopefully there would be some use for it later.

While she was working on that, Foxy managed to pry open the long rusted-shut portcullis, and peered into the hallway beyond: from the constructed stairway, that direction probably lead into the ruined temple proper. Through the other, uncovered hall she could spot the giant barnacle and the crack that he tried to kidnap Flame through.

As for Flame herself, she spent an extra long time sleeping, and an even longer time tending to her lovely flower as it slowly recovered from it's reproductive frenzy. Afterwords, she helped herself to the guards' personal effects. There wasn't much unfortunately, but she did find a firebomb. She could have all sorts of fun with that.

The girls had a small snack before moving on. It was already evening after all.

[The firebomb is a Fireball 'scroll' cast as a level 5 caster. Be careful with it, it's deadly!]

Party Actions:
---Get revenge on the barnacle and check out the passage it's guarding.
---Head for the temple.

(Foxy 23/23 HP) [Heals 6]
(Flame 10/20 HP; 4/4 MND) [Heals 8, plus Oracle's spell; heals 3 MND]
(Oracle 12/12 HP) [Heals 5]
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(Aww, no loot? Wanted that ring that caused the whole thing to happen in the first place lol. Could I have a breakdown of the things that were found so far, even if it is in a PM.)

The girls would take a nap and recover themselves. Oracle jumping at the chance to molest Flame's mammaries anew. to Flame in the process. With little aside from the harem dress that was found in the treasure chest available, Flame would put it on. Foxy would stop her however and make sure she stayed naked, she had a plan.

Once Oracle and Flame would finish with each other, Foxy decided it was time to take on that tentacled monster that had assaulted them previously through the crack in a wall. The shell was going to be difficult to penetrate, but Foxy having stopped Flame from wearing any clothing would use her as bait this time. If it would shoot out the tentacles, then the girls would attack the tentacles and that would possibly even draw out the monster from its shell in the process.

The plan was simple enough, though actually implementing it was going to be the difficult part of things.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

[You've found:
---850 gp worth of treasure of your 1500 gp level up goal.
---Kidnapper's Harpoon
---Haram Outfit
---Channelers' Bones (scroll of 'Speak with Dead')
---A firebomb (scroll of 'Fireball')
---3 x block of aphrodisiac incense
---An old key (this is what triggered the ghosts)
---A decoded password
---A squidcat]

(Good plan! You figured it out before I even dropped any hints. Oracle and Foxy are going to get two turns once the creature attacks Flame. Flame will still just get one.)

Sensing the warm and gloriously naked flesh of the amazon, the scent of sex still hanging about her, the dire barnacle's shell opened at the penis-like tip, and a multitude of slimy pink tendrils emerged, along with the brief glimpse of an eye on a stalk. The mollusk launched it's assault, sending four of it's tentacles of the limbs of the nude temptation before it.

Flame was already beginning to regret this plan as the sticky invertibrate quickly wrapped it's tendrils around both her arms and one of her legs, lifting her into the air. She could already see the monster's slimy reproductive tentacle emerging from the shell; thicker, with a rounded penis head, and dripping with fishy precum.

(Foxy 23/23 HP)
(Flame 15/20 HP) [Entangled x3 - Can do nothing but try to wiggle free; DEX+Physical DC 12 removes one tentacle; DC 16 removes two, and DC 20 removes three]
(Oracle 12/12 HP)

---Dire Barnacle: (HP 60/60; Toughness 20; Cleverness 13; Will 10)

[This enemy is going to try to stack multiple entangles on the girls, and passively does damage based on how many he starts the turn with. Every 5 damage another girl does can cut one tentacle; doing so also damages the barnacle.

Entangle x 1 = Enemy gains +2 to hit
Entangle x 2 = Girl suffers -2 to hit
Entangle x 3 = Girl can't do anything but try to wriggle free
Entangle x 4 = Girl is helpless and requires another girl to break the tentacles to free her.]
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(I am assuming the squidcat gets to paw about for two turns as well? Glad I was able to think up a suitable plan of attack. :p)

"Can't you make Oracle do it? She is good at these things." Flame would plead with Foxy for a minute as she was not entirely thrilled about her part in all of this.

"Oh stop it, you are gonna get yourself free alot easier than she could. And well, you are the naked one." Foxy would reply. Flame pretty much had nothing for her at that point and reluctantly would sacrifice herself to the tentacled mollusk. At least having broken free in the past she might have the best chance of getting herself free again this time.

WIth this the trap as it were was sprung. Flame would sacrifice her body and it would allow Foxy, Oracle, and the squidcat the initiative to cut away at the tentacles along with possibly even start to damage the barnacle itself. Flame would play her part to perfection, almost too perfect as she was entangled by three of the beast's tentacles almost immediately.

, , no, just no.
The girls would waste their initiative as they tried to ineffectively attack the shell of the barnacle. Flame at least would get herself in a more favorable position getting free of two of the tentacles.

, , still legendarily bad at battling .

Flame would get herself back on the ground as Foxy would smash the final tentacle holding onto Flame. Prompting Flame to be pulling her daggers out as she would prepare to attack any more of the offending appendages. The Squidcat also got in on the mix doing 6 damage to one of the appendages that were dangling about previously holding Flame. It would seem the tentacles flailing about would engage the squidcat to attack them even though they did not currently threaten Oracle.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

Panicking and in pain, the nearly immobile dire barnacle unleashed it's most dangerous defense mechanism. The creature's shell opening in a strange, quiet scream, much like steam escaping a teapot, before it suddenly belched, a huge sticky cloud of poison mist filling the cavern, clinging to the girls' skin. Their minds were suddenly overcome with swirling, unpredictable hallucinations, inhibiting all other actions.

[While the room is full of poison, each character must make a MND+Physical DC 13 save in order to take productive actions. If they fail, they hallucinate to much to do anything helpful. If you write out interesting hallucinations, they get +1 to their saves next turn. Squidcat has +4 to his save against the effect.]

(Foxy 23/23 HP)
(Flame 15/20 HP)
(Oracle 12/12 HP)

---Dire Barnacle: (HP 49/60; AC 13; Toughness 20; Cleverness 13; Will 10)

[This enemy is going to try to stack multiple entangles on the girls, and passively does damage based on how many he starts the turn with. Every 5 damage another girl does can cut one tentacle; doing so also damages the barnacle.

Entangle x 1 = Enemy gains +2 to hit
Entangle x 2 = Girl suffers -2 to hit
Entangle x 3 = Girl can't do anything but try to wriggle free
Entangle x 4 = Girl is helpless and requires another girl to break the tentacles to free her.]
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

I am reserving my right to be complete and total derp, but I do not recall the stats being posted of the squidcats, only their defensive values. I am going to assume its a 1d20+4 for the save attempt, though feel free to adjust accordingly if wrong.)

The barnacle was threatened and rightfully so by the girls. Foregoing any foreplay with them it would go right for the money shot and spill its load right from the start. The shell would open up and a scene that looked like a hot water kettle boiling over with steam going everywhere. The problem was the steam in this case was a fairly powerful hallucinogenic gas and probably poisonous as well.

, only Flame fails.

Foxy, Oracle and her Squidcat mate all seemed to be unaffected by the poison cloud. Flame however was easily influenced with things like this and had fallen victim to the hallucinogenic powers of the cloud. (I would so use a heroic here, but nope gonna be more fun writing her fail.)

The ones who were able, would draw their weapons back at the ready. Flame however would sheathe her blades again. Simply falling to her knees and starting to pleasure herself. Her hallucination was certainly sexual in nature and it would seem that either the Squidcat or the Barnacle was the target of said hallucination as she started to stroke around her pussy making random almost nonsensical musings about how good the tentacles felt as they wrapped around various parts of her body.

The rest of the girls would know that there was little they could do to help her as this was a manipulation of the mind and Flame was particularly susceptible to this sort of attack. Though Oracle was pretty clearly and visibly getting a little turned on by the display being put on by Flame.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(Everyone but flame still gets to act; making saves doesn't take a turn.)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(Oh right.. minor details.. I might have been rushing this post out before I went to bed last night.. just maybe lol..)

With the attack of the barnacle seemingly one that was to cause an effect that would make it far easier to rape the girls. It was surprisingly impotent in it's effect. Flame being the only one affected it would allow the rest to attack while Flame probably went back to being the unwilling rapetoy for the Barnacle.

bonks for 12, gets in for 5 more, and may as well not even bother attacking.

Having done 17 damage with this latest round of attack, the girls were making some decent headway into defeating the Barnacle.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

The barnacle withed under the assault, lashing around wildly. Spunky pseudopods lashed out at Foxy in a frenzy, but she dodged and weaved away from them... right into the grips of the last tentacle, swinging low and capturing both her legs in a single twist. Her sword arm was still free, but on the other hand, the beast was holding her upside-down by her ankles.

: 1d20+3 23 1d20+3 9 1d20+3 6 1d20+3 6 (Crit and miss x3)

[While the room is full of poison, each character must make a MND+Physical DC 13 save in order to take productive actions. If they fail, they hallucinate to much to do anything helpful. If you write out interesting hallucinations, they get +1 to their saves next turn. Squidcat has +4 to his save against the effect.]

(Foxy 23/23 HP; Entangled x2 [-2 to attack rolls and AC])
(Flame 15/20 HP)
(Oracle 12/12 HP)

---Dire Barnacle: (HP 32/60; AC 13; Toughness 20; Cleverness 13; Will 10)

[This enemy is going to try to stack multiple entangles on the girls, and passively does damage based on how many he starts the turn with. Every 5 damage another girl does can cut one tentacle; doing so also damages the barnacle.

Entangle x 1 = Enemy gains +2 to hit
Entangle x 2 = Girl suffers -2 to hit
Entangle x 3 = Girl can't do anything but try to wriggle free
Entangle x 4 = Girl is helpless and requires another girl to break the tentacles to free her.]
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

Foxy having done the brunt of the damage so far would have the pleasure of getting some barnacled loving. Though she was somehow able to evade most of the tentacles, there were two that almost immediately grabbed her and started to lift her up into the sky. As she was now hanging by her ankles, it would be a little more difficult to defend herself.

Oracle and Flame fail.

Flame would continue massaging herself, and Oracle would soon join in. As it was her job to basically keep Foxy and Flame in peak condition. Oracle would soon start to realize that something was troubling Flame. Oracle would assist Flame by sitting down behind her and pinning her legs out wide. Oracle and Flame would both start to work their hands over Flame's body now.

Foxy and the cat however had other things in mind, being they were still in their right mind still. damage as she was able to surprisingly effectively fight while being upside down. Foxy would cleave through the tendrils that bound her, though this would pretty comedicly cause her to crash almost headfirst into the ground. would follow up and attack one of the stray tendrils that had previously held Foxy with the vigor of a cat chasing a piece of string along the floor doing another 7 damage to the Barnacled beast.

Foxy would right herself in preparation for the counterattack of the Barnacle while Oracle and Flame were still exploring Flame's body from top to bottom.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

The mollusk was desperate now, lunging with lightning speed at the only girl still fighting it, wrapping it's tendrils around each of her limbs, rendering her utterly helpless and watching with horror as the slimy reproductive tentacle made it's way towards her snatch. Foxy could only pray that the others broke free of their delusions before she ended up with a swollen belly.

: 1d20+9 23 1d20+9 24 1d20+9 11 1d20+9 29 (hit x2, miss, crit!)

(Foxy 23/23 HP; Entangled x4 [Helpless!])
(Flame 15/20 HP)
(Oracle 12/12 HP)

---Dire Barnacle: (HP 14/60; AC 13; Toughness 20; Cleverness 13; Will 10)

[This enemy is going to try to stack multiple entangles on the girls, and passively does damage based on how many he starts the turn with. Every 5 damage another girl does can cut one tentacle; doing so also damages the barnacle.

Entangle x 1 = Enemy gains +2 to hit
Entangle x 2 = Girl suffers -2 to hit
Entangle x 3 = Girl can't do anything but try to wriggle free
Entangle x 4 = Girl is helpless and requires another girl to break the tentacles to free her.]
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

Foxy being seen as the only threat left to it, the barnacle would lash out with all of its ability to do so in what would in all intents and purposes be a last gasp effort. Foxy and the Squidcat seemed to still not be affected while Oracle and Flame were still lost within their own fantasy world. This did not really help Foxy as she was still very tightly bound and would need to rely on the Squidcat to save her.

. The Squidcat would lunge itself at the tendrils but was unable to even while hanging on to the one it grabbed onto do anything to free Foxy from her predicament.

All the while Oracle now had Flame panting like a bitch in heat with their hands now both grabbing a breast of Flame and penetrating her pussy. It would not be long before she started showing the signs of the orgasm she was about to have forced out of her.

(This is gonna get out of hand fast lol.)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(Last post before class)

Bound beyond saving herself, and at the tender mercies of the sea monster, the barnacle took advantage of the helpless heroine, using it's powerful grip and tingling acid to rend away all of Foxy's clothes at once. The thick and gooey reproductive tendril poked at her entrance, it's slick caress sending shocks through Foxy's body.

: 4d6+4 23 (1d6+1 per attached tentacle, autohit)

(Foxy 0/23 HP; Entangled x4 [Helpless!])
(Flame 15/20 HP)
(Oracle 12/12 HP)

---Dire Barnacle: (HP 14/60; AC 13; Toughness 20; Cleverness 13; Will 10)

[This enemy is going to try to stack multiple entangles on the girls, and passively does damage based on how many he starts the turn with. Every 5 damage another girl does can cut one tentacle; doing so also damages the barnacle.

Entangle x 1 = Enemy gains +2 to hit
Entangle x 2 = Girl suffers -2 to hit
Entangle x 3 = Girl can't do anything but try to wriggle free
Entangle x 4 = Girl is helpless and requires another girl to break the tentacles to free her.]
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(Top lel, Gonna use a Heroism point here. Though I think I need to figure out who and how once I see how bad they fail their saves.)

Foxy would be reduced to a moaining whore as she was completely decimated by the Barnicle. Having all her armor reduced to and acidic pool beneath her the tendrils did a massive amount of damage to her. The end result was that she was helpless to do anything now aside from prepare herself to be violated.

(This is where I need to Heroism right?)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(Welp here goes.. Awkward city, population: this game lol)

The squidcat having finally succumbed to the poison would withdraw and start teasing Flame and Oracle ooth at the same. It had plenty of tendrils for both of them afterall. This teasing seemed to be the spark that Flame needed to fuckstart her brain and get her out of the fog that had rendered her all but useless for the entirety of the fight. Yelling at the squidcat it would scurry off to the other side of the room as Flame started to realize what all had been going on.

Seeing that the situation had become dire while she was lost inside her own mind, Flame would try to asses a method by which she could launch herself into the tendrils and somehow cut Foxy free. Taking a few seconds she would simply slap Oracle, which would awaken her from the fog as well.

"Start praying you useless slut. I need the power to cut those tendrils or we are all going to be nothing more than fucktoys." Oracle knowing her place would not even argue and simply lean forward and sit down on her knees. Oracle had to think fast, and she would appeal to the first thing that popped into her head (No.. not the Stay Puf't Marshmallow Man)

"Artemis hear my plea. Come forth and light our darkest hour with your strength speed and wisdom. Oracle would continue her chant and a visible aura would start to grow around her body. As Oracle's chant would continue, she would start speaking in a language that was not her own. It would seem Artemis had answered her call.

Oracle would transfer this energy to Flame, a visible beam of light shooting between the two. As the light show would end, Oracle would collapse to the ground. Flame however would coil herself up and shoot off like a rocket toward the tendrils that had Foxy bound and mostly defeated.

as . gets herself free now that Flame had loosened the grip of the monster upon her. Her desperation being redoubled by Oracle healing her. with her golden opportunity to finish off the monster.
Last edited:
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

Too stupid and animalist to think of anything but it's own burning need to mate, even in the face of death, the creature made one last desperate lunch for it's escaping breeding prey, but Foxy was ready, and every tentacle fell short of her nude body.

: 1d20+3 16 1d20+3 4 1d20+3 10 1d20+3 9

(Foxy 0/23 HP)
(Flame 15/20 HP)
(Oracle 12/12 HP)

---Dire Barnacle: (HP 8/60; AC 13; Toughness 20; Cleverness 13; Will 10)

[This enemy is going to try to stack multiple entangles on the girls, and passively does damage based on how many he starts the turn with. Every 5 damage another girl does can cut one tentacle; doing so also damages the barnacle.

Entangle x 1 = Enemy gains +2 to hit
Entangle x 2 = Girl suffers -2 to hit
Entangle x 3 = Girl can't do anything but try to wriggle free
Entangle x 4 = Girl is helpless and requires another girl to break the tentacles to free her.]

(If you don't manage to kill it this turn I'll probably just have it spit come acid and die on it's turn.)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(Eh, the 16 should hit if it took her armor from her. Dont mind if you do it cosmetically only or actually subtracting the armor when they lose it in truth. Also Oracle is at 11/12 from CLW on Foxy for 9 last turn.)

, and Oracle and Flame go back into fantasyland (one last time hopefully).

Foxy was really pissed. This damn thing needed to die and NOW. . The barnacle was still alive but literally hanging on by a thread. However the to deal the killing blow. It did not seem to be finished as it got a little carried away this last time throwing tendrils about and chasing them about the room.

The squidcat seemed to be entertained to say the least. It was quite rather engaged and aggressive with the tentrils flailing about. Apparently it just needed a moving target to chase after and pounce at. Foxy seemed to just start steaming about as she was not quite happy with her new ornate armor being destroyed.

Flame and Oracle on the other hand were going back to enjoying each other, though this time Oracle seemed to be on the receiving end. Flame already having undone her top she was kneading about Oracle's mounds as Oracle herself was having a time of it around her lower regions. Her panties were already wet, and would get soaked some more. The posion mist starting to fade away did not really seem to stop these two from having a go at each other. Foxy just steaming about would search the room with the squidcat while those two had their fun.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

At last the dire barnacle was slain in a spray of slime, tentacles going limp and failing as the creature's last, dim thoughts went out.

The girls peered around the small chamber. A natural stone ramp led down to the lower areas of the cave. From the sound of things, water was in abundance down there; the barnacle probably just climbed up here for privacy. On the cave all, above the barnacle's corpse, several strange pods of some hardened biological substance lined the wall; the barnacle's larder, no doubt. On the opposite wall, an old, rusted, heavy iron door loomed. Fortunately, the key found in the guard chamber appeared to fit!

Room Actions:
---DEX+Survival DC 12 to excavate the meat from the giant barnacle, which doubles the effectiveness of your next rest
---DEX+Subterfuge DC 10 to scout down to the lower level. DC 15 to set up an ambush. Under 10 and you risk being spotted!
---STR+Physical DC 13 to climb up to the barnacle's 'larder' and loot the remains.
---MND+Knowledge DC 14 to discover a bit of magic.

Party Actions:
---Unlock the cell and investigate
---Descend down the ramp into the lower areas
---Go back to the temple entrance
---Search thoroughly

(Foxy 0/23 HP)
(Flame 15/20 HP)
(Oracle 12/12 HP)