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Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Great ^^ i still need those and some i found myself but most the the mentions are pretty bad...

Theres still missing:

Mister Janitor -All-Girl R*pe Panic Academy Sanction Lessons- [RE074926]
Idolf*cker [RE078148]
The hero and the 4 sages (PLUS edition) [RE076182]

those links don't work, because you're trying to link them with the "work...." in the url i think =P
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

You are talking about the cave in the alternate world, right?
The tombstones give you hints for getting the endings; each symbol has a meaning:

O: take the egg
up arrow: let girl's energy/reason drop to zero
down arrow: keep girl's energy/reason up
X: leave the egg

Tombstone 1 (Ending 1): O down down down -
This is the ending you found. Take the egg, then keep the girl's energy and reason up by healing through all the stages.

Tombstone 2 (Ending 2): O down down up -
Take the egg and keep the girl's energy and reason up until her second change (when she becomes an adult), then let them drop.

Tombstone 3 (Ending 3): O up up - -
Take the egg and let the girl's energy and reason drop.

After getting all three of these endings, a fourth tombstone will appear at the spot to the right of the third. You can now enter the dungeon without taking the egg to get Ending 4; note that there will be some extremely strong enemies on some of the levels.

Tombstone 4 (Ending 4): X - - - -
Don't take the egg.

I haven't gotten Ending 4 yet. I think after getting it, a fifth tombstone will appear at the spot below the second, and you will be able to get a fifth ending.


Seriously, this is literally the worst thing
I beat her and then the game crashed! Now I have to do it all over again!

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Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

right this thread confused me to play these games do i need to piss about with japanese unicode or not?
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

You need almost for every game here the RPG Makers RTPs (RunTimePackages)

First change to Japanese unicode at the regional settings and restart your Pc.
(warning this could affect some other programms or games cause the \ changes to Y (Yen) in the filepaths)
Now download and install all 3 RTPs from
2000, XP and VX if you want 2003 but there are almost no games for it.

Download a game, unzip it and try to run the game, it schould be working now.
I problem you could get is there is no text displayed, but dont worry you just need to copy the rgss103j.dll intpo the folder from another game.
(copy only a rgssj from same maker, they differ)

Notice: If the gamesymbol is a chesspiece it is a RPG Maker VX game
If it is a small hero in a blue/violet box it is a 2000 game and 2003 if the box is yellow and if it is a orange weel it is a Rpg Maker XP game

If you still get errors look into this thread http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showthread.php?t=353
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

In Parallel Fantasy is there someway to get pregnant and give birth?
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

I asked I think on hongfire and the answer was no.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

does RyonaRPG have pregnancy and birth version somewhere?
and where can i find it?
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

does RyonaRPG have pregnancy and birth version somewhere?
and where can i find it?

I am told it has a couple places it can happen, but I really did not have the patience for it. It's not something that can happen regularly like Violated Heroine, City Guardians or Other World Quest. From what I gathered if it does happen it is not especially impressive.

There is a thread on hongfire I assume it can be found on.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Sankegi of Gear is announced to be released in Japan on September 9th
Which means September 8th for us.
Can't fuckin' wait
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Hello again, I'm wondering where can i find Violated Heroine Mods other then here.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Hello again, I'm wondering where can i find Violated Heroine Mods other then here.

hongfire will usually have the most recent copy of VH. I think you can find some mods on there as well but most people that will mod it are waiting for the game to finally stop getting updates.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Not to make a shameless plug or anything, but I've been working on an RPGVX H-game, written in English, and I personally think that it's starting to look like an actual game at this point, roughly a month into development:
It's GOR, multiple character selection, corruption, uhm... stuff.
Violated Heroine was something of an inspiration, I'd say, as well as Harem and Grrl Power.

Please let me know what you think! Any kind of constructive feedback is appreciated.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

hongfire will usually have the most recent copy of VH. I think you can find some mods on there as well but most people that will mod it are waiting for the game to finally stop getting updates.

Hongfire is currently down at the moment so he'll have to wait until it's up again.

BTW, scalegarden's 3rd game should be out in less than 2 days, can't wait to play it.

It's released folks:
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Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

You beat me to it
*was stalking the product page, but got distracted by Miku*
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

You beat me to it
*was stalking the product page, but got distracted by Miku*

Hahaha. Now to wait for someone to share it. sizustar from hongfire usually does this ASAP but since hongfire is down at the moment we'll have to find someone else to get it. If I get impatient maybe I'll buy it but unfortunately my credit card isn't with me at the moment.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Well i've got searched for Sankegi of Gear, RJ080939, and the Hongfire thread up and updating every so often Hah
Hopefully hongfire gets back up soon
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Hongfire went down from DMCA complaints from Hentaikeys of all place.

Hypocrite much?
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