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Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Had the same issue, and after a few hours of trying I resorted to using a different text hooker. In my case I picked up ITH and it works just fine, I am not sure if Oh! or any of the others work since I never got around to trying them...

Thank you that pretty much solved everything :)
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

雌豚勇者 - SLAVE QUEST - appeared on the internet, torrent and download links here:

Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

雌豚勇者 - SLAVE QUEST - appeared on the internet, torrent and download links here:

Unfortunately no one is seeding this and both turbobit and uploaded.to are blocking the U.S.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

and also the direct download links requires a password that is sent to you after u complete a survey... that doesnt work for me...
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Also have the same issue as Ace I think... UL doesnt seem to work, needs premium or something, and the other also dont work, the torrent takes forever...

so if anyone has another upload link that would be greatly appreciated.. ^^
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Didn't have nothing to do so I uploaded the file in Mediafire:

By the way, does somebody know what you have to do?
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Didn't have nothing to do so I uploaded the file in Mediafire:

By the way, does somebody know what you have to do?

Thanks for the share...

and nope I have no clue what to do to make it work... wished I knew.. ^^
(the other uploads where a little bigger though... so maybe you are missing something??)
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Thanks for the share...

and nope I have no clue what to do to make it work... wished I knew.. ^^
(the other uploads where a little bigger though... so maybe you are missing something??)

As Nemsis1313 said, the password is "qwerty". I have no idea how he googled it, but it works.

As for the game, well, let's start off with the town menu. You have a list of options on the left. The first is Item store, second is weapon, third is armor, fourth is "School", fifth is Church, sixth is Inn, Seventh is Art Gallery, and last is Tower.

Detailed description:
Item store - Restorative items. Nuff said.
Weapon store - weapons. There are 3 types of weapons, each for a different class of warrior. Some weapons give you higher attack, some give you better intelligence, etc.
Armor store - just your typical RGP armor system.
School - You can train your character here. Training increases your attack (S), defense (M), intellgence and speed. There's also a trading system that I haven't quite figured out yet.
Church - You can buy spell scrolls here. Once you have a single scroll, you keep that spell forever. So no need to buy the same scroll twice.
Inn - 50g per night. Recovers both health and mana. You can also stay for free if you have no money.
Art gallery - CG gallery
Tower - This is the game's dungeon system. There are 9 blocks per floor. Some blocks are enemies, some are items, some are traps, and some contain treasure chests. There is also one block per floor that contains a stairway. Picking the stairway advances you to the next floor. The blocks are randomly generated. There's a checkpoint every 10 floor.

Btw, it seems in order to advance to the 20th floor you need to answer a couple of questions correctly. You can try as many times as you want. There is no penalty. However, the third question asks you for the pronunciation (Hiragana I presume) of some kanji characters. I am completely stumped here.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Thanks for the share...

and nope I have no clue what to do to make it work... wished I knew.. ^^
(the other uploads where a little bigger though... so maybe you are missing something??)

There were more files with the game, this is all you need to play it
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

As Nemsis1313 said, the password is "qwerty". I have no idea how he googled it, but it works.

actually i googled the file. and it just guided me back to the nyaa link posted earlier. and: oh look! there is a comment with the password in it!
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Btw, it seems in order to advance to the 20th floor you need to answer a couple of questions correctly. You can try as many times as you want. There is no penalty. However, the third question asks you for the pronunciation (Hiragana I presume) of some kanji characters. I am completely stumped here.

Try taking a screenshot and post it here or hongfire, someone's bound to answer your question (and thus save the other people who's never studied moonrunes too)
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

ah kay, cool, I didnt check the file yet, due to trying to find some other stuff...

I found another announced RPG though, not sure when its due... it looks alright, but seen alot better ones... the creator had a previous RPG, wich wasnt that great I believe...

here the link:

(doesnt have a trial unfortunately...)

the Menu I already understood that somewhat, due to the trial version... ^^
thanks for the info though noman, appreciated...
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Try taking a screenshot and post it here or hongfire, someone's bound to answer your question (and thus save the other people who's never studied moonrunes too)

I solved it using AGTH and Google translate. The answer is ムクドリ.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

I found a game that is out via the site Hentaifarm...
Hoka Rinkan RPG GAME
【音ゲーRPG】放課りんかんタイム!! 卒業旅行で処女卒業!?

- The links dont work for me though... so wil try and find another option for the DLs if I can.. ^^
here is a torrent with some other download links for the file in single links - Taekmkm links I believe!

and I found another one that might be out or might be out soon, I realy have no clue, as I said before, I am bad at checking those things, it has a pretty big trial though... ^^

size of the full game would be here!
RJ090915.zip / 108.91MB(114202179Byte)

Hope they are any good btw... :D
Last edited:
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

The second game is out today(there's the price on the right)
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

The second game is out today(there's the price on the right)

ahah, okay, thanks for letting me know...

hope someone uploads it soon then... ^^
(always looking for a new RPG to play... xD)
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

this game is it drm too? or can someone upload it?
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