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Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

In Lena's Prostitution Story, I seem to have been locked out of the Inn, Item Shop, and Clothing Store. Is there a specific reason? The only reason I can really think of is because she's too much of a slut I guess?

Yeah,once she gets lewdness over something like 700 she's bared from entering stores and inn and clothing store.
Anyway just use that skill for converting lewdness into mana if you want to be able to enter places again,but note that it will revert your lewdness to zero.

Btw,do you know how much lewdness is required for her going nude?(i raised it to like 3500 but she still won't go nude)
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Thanks, I actually found it out sorta on my own while transferring lewdness to some of the other characters.

That said, to go nude (which is a separate outfit), you have to talk to the NPC mentioned here with 3000 or more lewdness.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

That said, to go nude (which is a separate outfit), you have to talk to the NPC mentioned here with 3000 or more lewdness.

Okay,thanks.I always though of that village as a rather useless place(except for that secret kimono place,and that one prostitution scene),with no importance,but i guess i was wrong.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Okay,thanks.I always though of that village as a rather useless place(except for that secret kimono place,and that one prostitution scene),with no importance,but i guess i was wrong.

there are two prostitution scenes there, another is with your friend in the inn house
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

there are two prostitution scenes there, another is with your friend in the inn house

Hmm,second scene...oh well i'll get it eventually.
Thanks for notifying me about it.

Anyway it's a rather good game,but the only thing that bothers me about it is the time limitation.

On a side note the story is really silly and message of this game is: don't just go around opening any missplaced magic book of your kingdoms battle-mage,especially if it has the power to materialise your desires(and her being the horny young girl that she is,she desires rape),so she has to get 10000 gold to get the effect of the book off of her before her warped desires consume her(therefore the gangbang-ahegao face-meat toilet ending on the 6-th day)
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

You get different ending if you prostitute with your friends. (The more, the merrier, lol )
I still like their previous game Shinno x Que (RJ090929) more. Though this game has pretty interesting clothing and prostitution systems
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Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

You get different ending if you prostitute with your friends. (The more, the merrier, lol )

Well,yeah,that is the alternate "if i'm going down the path of corruption and intense life of constant orgies(and other depraved things),why not take my friends there with me" ending(so can you really call this a bad ending?).

So,that Shinno x Que game,is it any good?(and is there like enough material to justify that size?)

And about that newer version of Lena's prostitution story,is it worth getting?(what does it add?)
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Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Considering that it was what she subconsciously wished for, it's a happy ending :)
By the way, anyone have saboten's first rpg ?
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

there are two prostitution scenes there, another is with your friend in the inn house

There are three actually if you check the cupboard in the house on the right side it lead you to an area which you can prostitute for a scene with your miko outfit
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

For fuck sakes. I think people should just let him find the password himself. Lets see how long it takes.

The password Starke uses in his uploads is a bit tricky for those of you who've been trying to type it down as you may not have realized that it's case sensitive and may end up trying to type it as "starke" instead of "Starke".
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Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

There are three actually if you check the cupboard in the house on the right side it lead you to an area which you can prostitute for a scene with your miko outfit

Well,that is preety self-explanatory and well known scene.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Ok I will refrain from making any post that could be useful because they might be self-explanatory and well known.

I did not mean to be offensive about it,so sorry,but it's just that it has been covered already by someone a few pages back(i can't remember who though) and it had it all shown with screenshots and stuff.
So sorry once again.
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Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Am I the only one who finds it amusing that with all the clothes and armor she can wear, being completely naked is what gives her the best stats?
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Am I the only one who finds it amusing that with all the clothes and armor she can wear, being completely naked is what gives her the best stats?

Well,she gets her power from that books power(which materialises her desires),so her lewdness becomes magic,and those costumes make her more powerfull(in her mind),so that becomes reality(in other words they are usefull only to her),so being nude is the greatest thing for her(her lewd magic+her belief that it makes her strong) so it's logical to think that it is the strongest costume(Being nude a costume,lol).

Oh,btw is that girl on your avatar's picture the main char of magical girl Tet?(i love that game)
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Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Just thought I'd point this out, some of the boob grab scenes are inside the Inn/Clothes Shop/Item Shop.

Ok I will refrain from making any post that could be useful because they might be self-explanatory and well known.

I lulzed.
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Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Just thought I'd point this out, some of the boob grab scenes are inside the Inn/Clothes Shop/Item Shop.

Yeah,so that's why it is recomended to get them before reaching higher lewdness value which makes them closed to you(at least i do so because i don't want to waste time later on racking lewdness up again,so i have to watch not to convert it to mana by accident).

Anyway,did anyone manage to get that pink suit for her?(the one that looks like it's made of rubber)
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Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Yeah,so that's why it is recomended to get them before reaching higher lewdness value which makes them closed to you(at least i do so because i don't want to waste time later on racking lewdness up again,so i have to watch not to convert it to mana by accident).

Anyway,did anyone manage to get that pink suit for her?(the one that looks like it's made of rubber)

I got a complete save with the help of KeiranD and Etigoya and obviously, myself, but don't ask me HOW I got the suit, I just did everything possible since I get moonspeak in wolf engine.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

I got a complete save with the help of KeiranD and Etigoya and obviously, myself, but don't ask me HOW I got the suit, I just did everything possible since I get moonspeak in wolf engine.

So,i just have to do everything and pray to get it at some point?
Okay,i will try it(i currently have like 80% of the things done,so i just have to do all the other stuff and i will hopefully get it).
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