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    ACT [拂暁の風] Dancing Reaper (RJ292487)

    DLSite link Creator's Patreon Creator's cien post with free trial A sidescrolling action and platformer. Enemies perform H on you when you are laying on the floor which happens when you take damage while being low on stamina(the brownish orange bar). The stamina bar lowers when you take damage...
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    ACT [Hajime] シンデレラ・エスケープ2 Revenge / Cinderella Escape 2 Revenge (RJ213998)

    http:// I've never played the first game but this one seems good so far in the trial. The trial only goes up to 3 story missions and I haven't seen any rape in the game yet(though the images in the dlsite suggests there is in game rape). Gameplay is...
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    ACT [ Vitamin CCC ] [ ビタミンCCC ] Viola - R*pe School / ヴァイオラ・レイプスクール RE191060 RJ191060 An act game from the makers of You play as a buff male rapist and from what I know from playing the demo, the only H you get are from defeating the boss fight girls(you...
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    Please help me find links/torrents for this if possible

    I'm trying to find links/torrents for the works of this circle- if possible.
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    What is another safe hentai doujin site?

    Something like ehentai.
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    Question about adding to user's reputation

    Is there a way to add to a user's reputation without having to find a post they made and add a rep to that post?
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    Questions about whether or not womb connects to the digestive system

    I've seen some hentai where the girl gets filled up with so much cum in her vagina that she actually throws up the cum from her mouth even though she never consumed it orally in the first place. I can understand if it was through the anus but I'm confused if the womb/pussy is connected to the...
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    Looking for Rape, Humiliation, or Heroine raped after losing a fight

    I'm having a hard time looking for something that especially fits my tastes. What I'm looking for are of course rape, when the heroine is under the effect of humiliation, when the heroine gets raped during or after a fight. It can have at least 1 of the 3 things mentioned and stuff that include...