
  1. rizo

    SLAVE Pony Tail Sensation small request

    I found SLAVE Pony Tail Sensation and it looks like it's my kind of thing. But It's in Japanese, I was wondering if someone was able to somehow find away to translate the text or even make an overlay with English subtitles... I'd be willing to pay of course. Here is a link to the gifs, I have...
  2. Sinfulwolf

    Comin Home

    Feel free to take a peak at my other stuff. Comin Home The sun was setting, casting a warm orange glow across the horizon. Dark blue chased fading pastels across the sky. It was the brightest she'd seen the heavens in close to a year. Gravel crunched and shifted under the black leather of...
  3. barreytor

    ACT [barreytor] Dildo Witch (Short Game) (Updated rerelease april 2016)

    I just released (again) this game, with improved graphics, over Here's the link to go check it out. I basically took the game and heavily updated the graphics to, from my point of view, "not suck". I'm leaving the old OP spoilered down there so you can... uh... compare. If you want. (I...
  4. Sinfulwolf


    Noxturna Even from the street the loud thumping music of the club Noxturna could be heard, and felt. The building emanated a sexual energy that only teased at what lay within. Down an alley, dark save for the glowing violet neon letters that spelled out the name of the club, was a line of men...