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Needs to go commit sudoku
RP Moderator
Nov 15, 2008
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=One Time Picks=
These Abillities can only be chosen once each.

Effect: Regains 5 extra Energy per turn.

Effect: Regains 10 extra Energy per turn. Replaces and does not stack with Energized.
Req: Energized Ability, Level 3

-Focused Breather-
Effect: Loses 5 Pleasure every turn.

-Serene Mind-
Effect: Loses 10 Pleasure every turn. Replaces and does not stack with Focused Breather ability.
Req: Focused Breather Ability, Level 3

Effect: Increases Enemy's Energy Costs by 5.

Effect: Increases Enemy's Energy Costs by 10. Replaces and does not stack with Pressure Ability.
Req: Pressure Ability, Level 5

Effect: +20 Pleasure Cap

Effect: +30 Pleasure Cap, stacks with Endurant.
Req: Endurant Ability, Level 5

Effect: +20 Energy Cap

-AAA Bunny-
Effect: +30 Energy Cap, stacks with Energic.
Req: Energic Ability, Level 5

-Mysterious Mentor-
Effect: Increases XP Gain for all battle participants by 50%, minimum of +1 extra XP Gained, maximum of +4 extra XP Gained.
Special: Can only be taken during Creation.

=Special Creation Picks=
These may only be taken during Character Creation AND are free to pick up.

Effect: The Char can Gendershift. Can Start Battle with any Gender. Can Change Battle Mid-Fight at the cost of 25 Energy. While not in "Favoured" Gender, suffers -5 to Energy Regain/Turn.
Special: When Taking this Abillity, you must decide the Morphs Base Gender, or "Favoured" Gender. This abillity can only be taken upon creation aswell.

=Multiple Picks=
These Abillities can be chosen multiple times each.

Effect: Increases Move Limit by 2.

Effect: Screds Gained from Stat Fights are increased by 10 when Winning, and increased by 5 when Losing.

-ELEMENT Affinity-
Effect: ELEMENT Moves of the Foreplay/Penetration category deals more Pleasure Damage. +5 for Foreplay, +10 for Penetration, And Mount Moves have +5 Cost to Evade
Special: Can be taken multiple times, but can't take for the same Element more than once. Can't take for Normal Element.

-TYPE Affinity-
Effect: TYPE Moves of the Foreplay/Penetration category deals more Pleasure Damage. +5 for Foreplay, +10 for Penetration, And Mount Moves have +5 Cost to Evade
Special: Can be taken multiple times, but can't take for the same Type more than once.

-ELEMENT Resistance-
Effect: Moves of the ELEMENT-Type deals 10 less Pleasure Damage on you, to a minimum of 10.
Special: Can be picked multiple times, but must be for different Elements, can't pick for Elements you are Weak against, nor Normal Element.

-TYPE Resistance-
Effect: Moves of the TYPE-Type deals 10 less Pleasure Damage on you, to a minimum of 10.
Special: Can be picked multiple times, but must be for different Types, can't pick for Types you are Weak against.

=Benched Picks=
These Abilities may not be chosen. May be reintergrated one day. May not.

Effect: Foreplay/Penetration Moves of an Element you are Weak against only deals 5 additional Pleasure Damage, instead of usual 10. And Mount Moves of the same criteria doesn't cost more to avoid.
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Re: Abillities

Made some updates.

Those with "Progeny of Nietzsche" must exchange it for "Swift Learner". Do not count your total EXP Earned when changing however, but rather your current level and how much XP you're into it already at the moment, except if this change would grant you a level-up, then you're instead put at 1XP short of a level-up.

For whomever had Rivalry, you may replace it with any other Non-Creation Only abillity.