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H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Archives: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showthread.php?t=286


Alexandria moved silently through the murky depths of the Forbidden Swamp. Only her head was above water so that she would be harder to spot by anything on the clumps of land that were dotted through the bog. Massive moss covered trees jutted up from these clumps of land, and blocked the sky, shrouding the swamp in shadows, no matter the time of day.

The swamp itself was teeming with life, all kinds of creatures lived in here, but there was no civilization save that of the trolls, there was a few troll villages in this swamp, and Alexandria was here to destroy them.

She had studied the swamp extensively before journeying within, however this area was mostly uncharted and so the troll hunter knew she was going to have to discover much of her path on her own.

Alexandria could feel fish swimming past her in the waters of the swamp. Her dark brown leather armor offered no protection against the water, but she ignored it. She had her long sword strapped across the back of her low cut corset style cuirass, with daggers sheathed on either of her knee high boots. Her breeches were tight against her skin to offer maximum agility, which she would need for fighting the tall muscular trolls dwelling within the swamp.

As she continued her way through the swamp she thought of her discussion with Lord Derek back at his castle before she had left. She had just returned from protecting a village from a troll raid, and was being rewarded by Lord Derek for her services. She told him that she wanted to remove the threat of all future Troll raids. Derek however would not lend any soldiers, not while the kingdom of Aldaneh teetered on the brink of civil war. Alexandria had simply decided to proceed by herself.

Her feet stirred the mud at the bottom of the swamp. She wouldn’t have minded the company, but the lack of men to make noise, and the strong confidence she held in her own abilities reminded her that she could very well be better off without the men.

Alexandria stopped, and looked around. She knew she was hopelessly lost, but the extra men would not have helped the matter either. She knew though that she had to do this, and so Alexandria pressed on, pushing her way through the water.

After what seemed like hours, Alexandria came upon a large circle of swamp water. It was the largest mass of it she had seen so far, before there had always been land close by. This circle though was massive. It was a couple hundred feet in diameter. She took another step, and the water went up to her mouth. This pool was much deeper than anywhere she had been in the swamp so far.

Alexandria took a step back so that her head was fully surfaced. She listened to her surroundings, and was startled when she realized that there was no sign of life. There were no animals or creatures, or even fish here, even though they had been abundant every where else she had been in this swamp.

Was she getting close to the trolls then? Was their village nearby?

Alexandria continued to look around, moving as little as possible.

Movement caught her eye in the middle of the pool. She turned her gaze quickly to see if she could spot it, but only saw ripples emanating from the centre of the pool. Alexandria’s stomach clenched as she realized that there was something living in that pool, that was why there were no creatures around, they were avoiding whatever dwelt within these waters.

Alexandria began to back away, when something wrapped around her ankle. It was a tentacle. It pulled hard, pulling Alexandria under the water and towards the centre of the pool. Reacting quickly she unsheathed her sword, and brought it down on the tentacle wrapped around her ankle. The blade cut through the creature’s flesh, and Alexandria was released. She swam as fast as she could to the nearest clump of land, and pulled herself out of the water.

She looked down at her ankle; the tip of the tentacle was still wrapped around her, its blood running from the severed tip. It was green, and slick, not just from the water, but from something it was producing in its own skin. The tip was rounded, the limb fairly thick, and the flesh was made soft by the liquid it was producing.

As Alexandria reached down to pull the severed piece off, it dissolved. In the middle of the pool, the tentacle had emerged from the water. Alexandria watched in horror as the severed tip regenerated.

Retreat was the only option. Until four tentacles burst from the water just before her. Startled Alexandria jumped back, swinging her sword and lopping off another tentacle. It was in vain though as the limb quickly regenerated even as the other three attacked the troll hunter.

One of the tentacles managed to wrap around the wrist of her sword arm. It squeezed so that Alexandria’s hand opened from pain, and her sword fell to the ground. She tried to reach for one of her daggers but the other three tentacles each wrapped around a limb, and lifted her off the ground, spreading her limbs almost like a starfish.

Alexandria struggled, tugging her arms to try and escape her captivity, but the creature dwelling in the pool was much too strong. It held her suspended above the ground and would not let go.

Alexandria couldn’t help but wonder what would happen to her. Would it eat her? Drown her?

As she continued to struggle, more tentacles emerged from the water. One proceeded to delve down into her cleavage. She could feel the slick flesh rubbing against her sensitive breasts. Then it began to pull. The strings running down the front of Alexandria’s leather cuirass began to snap one by one, until it was opened, unveiling her breasts for the tentacles. While two more tore the remains off her body and let the pieces of leather fall to the ground.

Alexandria stared in shock at the remains of he cuirass, even as the tentacles moved to tear her breeches from her body. The troll hunter was now clad in only her boots. Her breathing came fast, her chest heaving. She had a feeling on what was coming next.

One of the tentacles began to rub against her clit. Alexandria was repulsed and tried to lean her hips away from the limb, but another tentacle behind her forcibly pushed on her lower back, pushing her groin into the tentacle, which proceeded to tease her clit.

The sensations of pleasure that ran through at first horrified Alexandria, but within minutes, she relaxed, she was going to allow the tentacles to do what they would with her, even as her vagina grew wetter with each passing moment.

There were so many of the slick green limbs emerging from the pool. With four holding her limbs, and another rubbing her clit, the others all had to find places where they could fuck the warrior the creature had caught.

One of the tentacles pushed itself deep within the warm wetness of Alexandria’s pussy. Two more pressed her breasts together, their tips teasing her nipples, as a third began to rub upwards between her breasts, its tip nearly touching her neck. Yet another eased its way into her mouth. She could taste its flesh, and the secretion of its flesh. Oddly it didn’t taste different from a woman’s juices.

As she began to use her mouth to pleasure the tentacle in her mouth; running her tongue over it’s tip, bobbing her head back and forth to allow her lips to rub along the length that she was able to take in her mouth, a tentacle pushed itself into her ass. It began to pump in time with the one thrusting into her pussy. They were each thrusting deep, hard and fast.

Water and the creature’s secretion coated Alexandria’s body, dripping off her to land on the ground below. Pleasure ran through her body in waves. She didn’t want the creature to stop fucking her, she needed it to keep thrusting, rubbing.

She moaned, though her sounds were muffled by the tentacle pushing in and out of her mouth, even as her tongue tasted its flesh. Her nipples were stiff and hard as three tentacles pleasured her chest. The two holding her breasts together for the third tit fucking her, had not ceased their teasing of her nipples, but they had also begun to fondle her breasts.

Below, the three pleasuring her managed to move a little faster. The tentacle rubbing her clit moved in small circles, then up and down, then side to side. It never stayed with one pattern for long, always pleasuring Alexandria in new ways. The other two continued to ram into her ass and vagina, filling her.

Finally it came upon her. Her orgasm filled her body and mind with utmost pleasure. Her body began to twitch slightly. She let out moans that somehow managed to get past the tentacle filling her mouth.

Then the creature reached its own orgasm. At one all of the tentacles began to spurt a yellowish white cum from the tips. It flowed freely. Her pussy and ass were filled completely by the cum and it began to flow from her orifices, running down her legs, mixed with her own juices. The ones pleasuring her chest burst all across her breasts, upper chest and neck. As it continued to flow it ran down to her belly and began to mingle with that already around her groin. The tentacle in her mouth didn’t pull out, allowing Alexandria to drink its cum. There was too much though and her mouth quickly filled, the excess spilling over her lips and running down her chin.

She greedily tried to drink back as much as she could though. It tasted like sweet nectar, it ran down her through, warm and creamy. It filled her stomach, and filled her body with warmth. As she drank, her climax hit, sending the final waves of pleasure from her.

Drenched in the creature’s cum, Alexandria was gently lowered back to the ground. The tentacles unwrapped themselves from her limbs, leaving Alexandria on her knees. The tentacles all pulled out, except the one still in Alexandria’s mouth, letting her slack her thirst on its cum.

Finally after she had her fill, the tentacle eased its way out. There was a string of cum hanging between the warrior’s lips and the tip of the tentacle. Alexandria looked at the tentacle with half closed eyes, even as the strand of cum broke and fell against her chest. The last tentacle disappeared into the waters of the pool, and Alexandria fell backwards, and fell asleep.