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Almost Human


RP Moderator
Mar 7, 2010
Reputation score
Since I want to get around to writing something, lets have at this.
The setting will be generally sci-fi, but a lot of the fancy tech is limited to computers and robotics, so it shouldn't get in the way too much.

Anyway, lets get the choices rolling.


A) Male
B) Female


A) Human:
Humans remain the dominant race of the colonised worlds. They inhabit the worlds dubbed Earth, Earth II and Earth III with a total population estimated to be reaching a trillion across the three worlds. As a whole, humans have grown to distinguish themselves by their birth world, with those born in space considered outcasts. While there have been several disagreements between the different Earths, they mostly manage to remain on good terms after the only major space battle proved how devastating a full fledged war between two planets would be.

B) Whisper:
Whispers are the result of transferring a human consciousness into the body of an machine. While there are many upsides including potential immortality, there are several issues that make the process undesirable. First and foremost is the unfortunate side effect of a whispers memories being vulnerable to being changed or even erased entirely. Such incidents prompted a measure to strip a Whisper of all rights due to the potential mess of legal issues, leaving them no better than property. This has caused a number of entertainment venues to capitalise on the new source of participants that are not protected by human rights. Most Whispers have fully humanoid bodies and can sense practically all of what they could in life. Technology has moved forward in leaps and bounds, making them almost lifelike in a number of ways. Of course, they more durable than humans and can feasibly make use of other bodies, granting them an interesting life if well kept.

C) GenHuman:
GenHumans are humans that have been genetically altered to survive on other colonised worlds. Terraforming planets never quite worked out as a cost effective method of changing an environment to be suitable for human life. Instead, humans were sent to the new worlds after being injected with advanced nano machines. These machines would slowly replicate and alter the individuals body to better cope with their local environment. Most of the changes aside from being able to breathe noxious atmospheres were not apparent until several generations later, whereupon many new changes were reported. Those living near water would slowly birth more water adapt children until they could breathe and swim as easily as a fish. Those in mountainous areas may develop wings and develop bird like features over time. There are a lot of common changes, some even being named, but they always remain fairly human overall, essentially looking like monster boys and girls to varying degrees. While GenHumans are normally left alone, they are prohibited from space travel and are under no circumstances allowed back to Earth after exposure tot he nanites. Most humans in fact look down on those that are not pure blooded and don't pay any consideration to what happens to the GenHumans.


A) Earth III:
The largest Earth and the most recently settled. While already very well developed, there is still a fair amount of immigration from the other Earths, leading to all sorts of disputes as room has to be found for everyone.
Potential starts:
Human: Anything is possible for a human on Earth III
Whisper: Earth III has a burgeoning entertainment industry, and they always need more durable stars.
GenHuman: Some people like the exotic, and some people have the money to get what they want.

B) Space:
The endless void of stars. Empty as it is, a lot can happen in the darkness.
Potential starts:
Human: The moon of Erius still causes friction between Earth II and Earth III.
Whisper: Whispers are quite handy to have on a ship for a number of reasons.
GenHuman: It's cold and dark and you aren't sure where you are.

C) Lisariun (GenWorld 23a0)
A fairly harsh world, but one which has proven valuable for it's ore reserves. Life here is fairly good for the standards of a GenWorld.
Potential starts:
Human: The Earths keep a close eye on their assets on the GenWorlds.
Whisper: Whispers are often used to staff any permanent corporation buildings on GenWorlds.
GenHuman: Even a peaceful life can be upset in the blink of an eye.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Almost Human

I'm gonna vote either or .

Either way, space.


RP Moderator
Mar 7, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Almost Human

United Systems Corp. KSRF4532 Kingdom Class Freighter: The Estelle.
ESY: 3241
Return Flight to Earth III


Waking was still a little disorientating. It was a strange sensation to have all of your senses instantly fully aware at once. It beat being tired in many ways, but there was still a lag before he was able to fully comprehend why he had been woken up.

An incessant alarm was his first cause of concern. It was reserved for serious incidents, at least those serious enough to involve waking him up before he should have been. The room was dark, confirming that his awakening had been premature. The bland metal walls of his 'room' were only illuminated by the dim emergency lighting. The room was little more than a box with a single seat, a locker and an access panel, he wasn't afforded much in the way of personal comfort as a Whisper and thankfully he didn't need it. After taking a few moments to order his thoughts, he moved to the panel, pressing a button to activate the main screen.

----> Darian Ryans.
Sleep cycle suspended.
Anomaly detected in sensors monitoring the main cargo bay.
Recommend investigation.
The Estelle is currently operating with minimal systems during a routine charging cycle.
Cycle ends in 85.3 Earth Standard Hours.
Apologies for any inconvenience.

At least the ship's AI was still working, though it seemed like it might be overreacting. Then again they were in the middle of nowhere as best he knew, any malfunction was worth checking out. The sooner he got this sorted the sooner he could go back to sleep, he hated being awake when the rest of the crew was asleep. The Estelle was a large enough to seem empty when everyone was moving around, so the sensation was far magnified when he had to transverse the darkened corridors himself.

Pulling himself from his chair, Darian moved to his locker, collecting his supplies for his trek to the main cargo bay.


1) Darian's Current Appearance
(Being a Whisper, this is likely to change.)


Darian's Profession
(Determines Darian's stats and equipment.)

A: Tech Officer
Increased ability to use and repair machines and self.

B: Security Officer
Increased Combat effectiveness and advance weapon Training.

C: Bridge Officer
Increased Respect from the crew and greater access to ships systems.


Oct 5, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Almost Human

My votes are:


Can't wait to see where this goes.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Feb 13, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Almost Human

1A 2B.


RP Moderator
Mar 7, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Almost Human

Accepted Choices. 1B and 2A

Stats and explanation

Build: 60 (Represents physical toughness and strength.)
Reaction: 50 (Represents Dexterity and perception)
Mental: 70 (Represents intelligence and willpower)
Social: 30 (Represents social skills and standing.)

Stamina: 20/20 (Your endurance, strenuous activities or magic use will lower this. When it reaches zero you'll take penalties to other rolls.)
Vitality: 30/30 (Your 'health'. When this reaches zero you'll be susceptible to a game over if you don't find a way out of trouble.)

Traits: (Special bonuses based on the characters race, background and current status.)
Whisper Traits (More resistant to Blunt and Slashing damage, immune to certain environmental hazards.)
Tech Head (+10 Mental bonus when dealing with machines, +30 Social bonus when dealing with sentient machines.)

Inventory: Repair kit, Uniform, Sidearm.

Darian collected his repair kit and his sidearm from the locker. He didn't expect he'd need the latter but it was a comfort all the same. While long haul space travel was considered safe, as much as any other form of transportation, there were always stories and rumours. The odd ship disappearance here, the inexplicable death of a crew there, safe was a relative term. It was probably only a glitch with the sensors though, it wasn't that rare for him to have to make a few repairs over a trip. He just had to settle his thoughts. Chances were he'd just have to tweak the system and he could get back to sleep, at least what he considered sleep these days.

Pushing his purely cosmetic glasses back into place he considered his options. He could head straight to the cargo bay to see what was going on, it would take him some time to get there and probably more to find the issue. Or he could try to get some more information out of the ship's AI in hopes of narrowing down the problem to save him time when he arrived.


Darian should:
A: Head Straight to the cargo bay.
B: Request a more in depth explanation of the situation. (Social Check)


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Feb 13, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Almost Human



RP Moderator
Mar 7, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Almost Human

Request a more in depth explanation of the situation. (Social Check)
Social Stat: 60 (30 + 30 Trait bonus) Roll: 49
Succeeded by 11.

The situation didn't seem urgent enough to warrant running straight to the cargo bay and looking around for anything that might be wrong. He decided to question the AI to see if he could find out anything more specific about the anomaly, so he'd have something to start with. He moved back to the panel, pressing a button to open vocal communications.

“Can you tell me anything more specific, there's a lot of cargo bay to search down there. Is the problem localised anywhere in particular, ais there any cargo that might be causing a malfunction? Things like that,” he asked. The screen flicked to life again a few moments later as the AI responded. It was perfectly capable of speech and more besides, but Darian knew that most of it's non-essential systems were shut down with the rest of the ship to conserve power.

----> Darian Ryans
Anomaly localised in sector 4.
Heat, motion and sound sensors detecting trace feedback.
Visual sweeps negative return.
Spikes not consistent with lifeform.
No cargo in sector containing organic life.
Attaching manifest.
Potential for simple glitch.
I don't like my senses lying to me.
Recommend investigation.

Darian had to smile a little at the personal comment as he uploaded the manifest he was given. “Me neither, I'll get right on it Alice.” The ship's AI, or Alice as the crew had nicknamed her, or rather it, was one of the newer generation of sentient AI. They mostly saw use on ships that needed someone to oversee the long periods that the crew would sleep. Even Whispers benefited from having down time on longer haul journeys. Here hadn't really been any of the great issues with rampaging killer AI that everyone seemed so worried about in the past, so they were considered perfectly safe. Darian tended to get on with the AI fairly well, considering their similar situations.

Taking his kit with him, Darian started off towards the cargo bay, glancing over the manifest as he went. Alice had been right, there wasn't anything in the sector which should have been causing the strange readings, mostly just ores and valuable gems mined from the GenWorlds. It was possible they'd picked something up, but with no visual confirmation that seemed pretty unlikely. Alice was good at spotting things that were out of place. Something had probably shorted and was messing with her readings.

The trip down to the cargo bay was uneventful, lots of darkened corridors and nothing out of place. Atleast he knew what part of the cargo bay he had to look into, that saved some time. It was still a good fifteen minutes before he found himself at the entry hatch to cargo sector four. Punching the access code into the panel beside the hatch, he stepped into the bay when the hatch slid open. The bay was one of the smaller ones, but that didn't mean too much, the sector was still huge. Thankfully, the access to the sensors were close to the entry hatch, so he didn't have far to look.

Before he could set about his work though, he did notice something off in the room. There wasn't usually much of a smell to the ship in general, especially not in the empty portions. He would swear that there was something off with the air in the bay, but that was about the only thing the sensors wouldn't pick up on.


Darin should:
A: Work on getting the sensors checked out first.
B: Investigate the smell


Build: 60
Reaction: 50
Mental: 70
Social: 30

Stamina: 20/20
Vitality: 30/30

Whisper Traits (More resistant to Blunt and Slashing damage, immune to certain environmental hazards.)
Tech Head (+10 Mental bonus when dealing with machines, +30 Social bonus when dealing with sentient machines.)

Inventory: Repair kit, Uniform, Sidearm, Cargo Manifest.


Oct 5, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Almost Human


Always investigate odd smells first.


RP Moderator
Mar 7, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Almost Human

Investigate the smell
Something was definitely out of place. The more Darian concentrated on the odd smell the clearer it stood out. Considering the sensors had picked something up there was no good reason not to investigate the oddity. He took his time and concentrated on the scent, trying to get an indication of where to look in the bay. With a good idea of where to start looking he moved away from the entry hatch, taking slow deliberate motions to the other side of the bay. He moved around behind some of the larger crates, following his nose as he kept himself alert. The low lighting wasn't helpful, but he was less hindered by it than a human would be.

The smell continued to grow in potency as he drew closer to the source. Pacing his way towards the back of the bay, looking between each of the secured crates. Everything seemed in order, there were no warning lights or alarms from any of the cargo so it wasn't an issue there.

Nearing the back corner of the bay, the smell seemed at it's strongest. A soft skittering sound caught Darian's attention. It didn't sound like anything large, but that wasn't exactly a comforting thought. It was possible that the sensors had missed something, or that they were malfunctioning and there was also something here. He didn't exactly know at this point. He was the only one awake on the ship right now though so he'd have to make a decision.

Darian should:

A: Approach cautiously.
B: Draw his sidearm and approach.
C: Call out.


Build: 60
Reaction: 50
Mental: 70
Social: 30

Stamina: 20/20
Vitality: 30/30

Whisper Traits (More resistant to Blunt and Slashing damage, immune to certain environmental hazards.)
Tech Head (+10 Mental bonus when dealing with machines, +30 Social bonus when dealing with sentient machines.)

Inventory: Repair kit, Uniform, Sidearm, Cargo Manifest.


RP Moderator
Mar 7, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Almost Human

Draw his sidearm and approach.
Just because it didn't sound large, didn't mean that it wasn't dangerous. It was better to be safe than sorry, so Darian drew his sidearm and cautiously approached the last crate. Whatever it was seemed to have wedged itself right at the back of the bay, which would likely explain why it hadn't been picked up, assuming the sensors were working correctly anyway.

Darian approached carefully, levelling his pistol. Just as he was about to poke his head around the corner, a large beetle like creature skittered out across the wall in front of him, causing him to jump back to get some space. He kept his pistol levelled at the creature as he worked on identifying it before sighing softly. “Just what we needed.”

The beetle like creature was about the size of his palm, marked with several light blue stripes along it's shell. A faint spark of light flared under it's shell, leaving little doubt as to what it was. Spark beetles, as they were creatively named, were a common mutation of beetles found on technologically adapt genworlds. They were a pest in every sense of the word, they lived off precious metals and would generate small electromagnetic pulses within their bodies, which would likely explain the sensor malfunction. The smell would probably be from the acid it had been using to eat through the metal of the side of the crate to get out and into the ship proper. Assuming it was only a single beetle, it could probably be contained fairly easily, but leaving it alone wouldn't be a great idea. He could probably try to catch it, or he could always shoot it. He could also just leave it be, though it would likely continue to mess up the sensors in the cargo bay and who knew what else.

Darian should...

A: Try to catch the Spark beetle. (Mental Check)
B: Shoot the Spark beetle. (Reaction Check)
C: Leave it alone.


Build: 60
Reaction: 50
Mental: 70
Social: 30

Stamina: 20/20
Vitality: 30/30

Whisper Traits (More resistant to Blunt and Slashing damage, immune to certain environmental hazards.)
Tech Head (+10 Mental bonus when dealing with machines, +30 Social bonus when dealing with sentient machines.)

Inventory: Repair kit, Uniform, Sidearm, Cargo Manifest.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Almost Human

We're a robit, touching the lightning bug is probably bad... On the other hand, shooting your gun around a spaceship is generally a bad idea too. Plus, our mental stat is higher.



RP Moderator
Mar 7, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Almost Human

Try to catch the Spark beetle.
Mental Stat: 70 Roll: 09
Succeeded by 61

Shooting the beetle seemed like overkill, and while the hull of the ship wasn't going to take any damage from small arms fire, he didn't really need to be testing it at all. Of course, just plain grabbing the thing wouldn't go well either, he didn't know if it had a charge stored up. If it did, he might loose function in his hand, or worse. It was something of a blessing that the beetles were not know for their speed, giving him time to devise a safer alternative.

Rooting through his repair kit, Darian withdrew a few items, namely a heavy glove, a pair of long nosed pliers and a small can of expanding foam. Carefully, he approached the wall, holding the pliers in one hand and holding the glove open with his other. If he startled the beetle too much there was every chance it'd zap him, something he wasn't looking forward too. With as much care as he could manage, he plucked the beetle from the wall, placed it into the glove and quickly sprayed some of the foam into the opening. The foam quickly expanded, filling the glove and trapping the beetle inside. The foam would contain the worst of the beetles discharges.

He waited for the foam to set, tapping on the side of the currently ruined glove. The beetle would be fine inside, they were harder to kill than he was. He'd have to decide what to do with the critter. In the meantime he had the sensors to work on, and it might be an idea to take a look around to see what damage the beetle might have caused. Alice should probably be informed about the beetle as well. Perhaps he'd get back to sleep at some point.

Just as he finished the stray thought, the ship suddenly lurched heavily to one side, throwing Darian off of his feet and into the side of one of the crates. The force of the sudden motion was enough to dislodged some of the heavier crates from their holdings, causing a serious of large crashes and bangs to fill the cargo bay.

Unknown anomaly , problem, inside, outside, hard to say. Artificial gravity temporarily failed. Taking precautionary. Details to follow. Alice's voice filled the bay as Darian worked on getting his footing. The gravity returned to normal quickly enough but the bay was a mess to say the least. Thankfully, he hadn't been in the way of anything that fell, leaving him to work his way to the exit. He needed to get to a station to talk with Alice. On the way, he noticed a pair of crates had fallen near the hatch, both flashing warning signs that they required attention. This wouldn't be out of the ordinary, expect that seeping from one of the crates was a dark crimson liquid. Blood.

Darian should:
A: Investigate the crate
B: Concentrate on getting in contact with Alice


Build: 60
Reaction: 50
Mental: 70
Social: 30

Stamina: 20/20
Vitality: 30/30

Whisper Traits (More resistant to Blunt and Slashing damage, immune to certain environmental hazards.)
Tech Head (+10 Mental bonus when dealing with machines, +30 Social bonus when dealing with sentient machines.)

Inventory: Repair kit, Uniform, Sidearm, Cargo Manifest, Spark Bug in glove.
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