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Demon Lord's Dungeon


Horn Dog
Jan 7, 2009
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"DOWN!" came a desperate cry, and they obliged, ducking their heads as a blast of fire shot overhead, followed by the screaming of some of the less fortunate minions. The sounds of battle echoed through the corridors, along with the occasional tremor of a shaft collapsing, by design or collateral damage. The whole dungeon had been caught unaware, blindsided by a sudden attack and needless to say, things had gone poorly.

Another crash echoed from one side, and a few wounded workers scrambled past the makeshift barricades the last of the soldiers were huddling behind. "They've just taken out tunnel C7, we're completely cut off. The only way out is that way," one of them shouted, pointing towards where the warriors of light were gathering, behind cover of their own. "Damnit!" shouted the sergeant who had assumed command of the surviving soldiers in the area. "We're gonna need a miracle to get out of this. How did it come to this...?"


Earlier that day, the master of the dungeon, the demon lord known only as Scarlet, had called a council of his newly appointed ranking officers. "Ah, good, you're all here," came a smooth, confident voice from the red velvet throne. The demon more lounged than sat, one leg hooked over one of the arm rests and his large red feathered wings spread out behind him. He wore an outfit of white and gold, a fanciful vest that covered little but his shoulders in truth, the back left open for his wings to fit through, while the front it hung open, exposing an athletic and well toned chest. From the wait down his legs were clad in matching pants, with long threads of gold running down the sides. His eyes glanced over the six assembled there, and he smiled.

"Now then, some of you already know one another, for others, this is the first time, so lets go over names and faces, shall we?" he asked in a slightly mocking tone, for it wasn't a question. First, he gestured to the base of his throne, where another demon sat basking almost as confidently as himself. "Most of you should already know Zehasael, my pet and consort," he said by way of introduction, and the dark haired succubus smiled at them all, a cold smile like a predator barring its fangs. Today, she was dressed in a long flowing violet outfit that was almost entirely see-through, but it was not in her nature to feel so much as a hint of shame.

He gestured to the next figure. "And here we have Vexa, or was that Vex? She comes highly recommended from the local goblins, who practically worship her. That in and of itself is enough to make her useful, but it seems she's quite good with that hammer of hers as well. She'll serve as the Captain of the Guard, and take charge of the defence of the lair."

"Next, we have Atril Beyare, who'll be acting as our overseer. She found her way into our employment through her talent with calling up demons and devils and as it turns out, she's quite gifted with ordering the lesser ones around. She'll be in charge of maintenance around here, keeping things running smoothly, that sorta thing. If you ever need something, she's your first stop." He smirked slightly at the statement and winked at her.

"The one with the cat ears there is our new lead spellcaster, Kirie Mikado. Or Archmagus, if you want to get all fancy with the title, I suppose," he says with a flippant handwave, a crackle of magical energy shooting across his own fingers as he rather unabashedly shows off. "You know how those magic sorts are, more ambition and thirst for power than morals, which suits me just fine. Moving on..."

"If I may present my new High Priestess, Ms Aura Winters, who has promised to share my radiance with the world, which certainly is generous of her," he says with another soft chuckle. "She'll be managing our... converts... and furthering my message of joy, freedom from inhibition, and passion in the world; and who can argue with that?"

"And finally, we have Ethanyos, our master of information. Comes highly recommended from Zeha here, supposedly, he's amazing at both gathering and distributing information and co-ordinating subterfuge and the like." The rather plain looking demon garbed in concealing brown clothing smiled coldly. "You have no idea," he said slowly, drawing the sentence out, and in a sudden movement flicked his arm forwards, launching a long projectile towards the enthroned demon. Taken completely by surprise, Scarlet barely had time to react before it pierced his chest, letting out a burst of radiant light.

There was a moment of shocked silence, broken by a cruel female laugh. "How long I've waited for this day, dear lover," came the voice of Zehasael, filled with scorn. "And now, instead of a dark lord, they shall have Quee- what? What are you all looking at me like that? Oh bother, you're actually going to defend him, aren't you? Fiiiine... but you better make it quick," she said with a grin. "This isn't our only card in play; even now, lightsworn brothers are descending on this precious little underground lair, bent on exterminating evil from their realm. Oh, and that little dagger, that shard of the light through your precious master there? Every moment it stays within him, the more power it drains from him, and incidentally, the more powerful I become. So then... clock's ticking," she says with a cheerful grin as she softly caresses the unconscious Scarlet's demon lord's cheek, as Ethanyos produces a length of chain from beneath his cloak and stands between them and her, holding it tight between his fists in front of him.

((So, welcome to the party. I might have more to comment on later. Oh, you're starting out with a combat, if that wasn't obvious.))
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Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Demon Lord's Dungeon

"Tch! You're gonna be my Queen, eh Zeha?"

Vex loosened her hammer from its loop and gripped it tightly in her gloved hands.

The warrior's hair was blond, but it was cut in boyish manner, short with the fringe tufted up into short spikes. Her skin was an ashen gray and her eyes gleamed a dark green that glowed in the dim light of the underground tunnels, much like the goblins whom adored her as their chief. She wore a tight leather get up, with a reinforced studded leather jacket ripped off at either sleeve, showing her lean muscular arms from the shoulder down, bedecked with goblin tribal tattoos. The neckline of her jacket was trimmed in animal furs. On either hand she sported a black leather glove, and the right one gripped the handle of her weapon of choice: the Felhammer, an ancient weapon forged by the dark fae to aid in their neverending struggle against their cousins of the light. For a century this particular artifact had been lost, resting in the belly of the Gnarskak, a mindless, devouring beast that lurked in a vast cavernous lair of the underdark. Only by killing the beast had Vexa been able to reclaim the token of her dark fae heritage and win her place as ruler over the Death Fog goblin tribe.

At a distant glance she might be mistaken for a youthful boy, but once one saw her up close, her athletic feminine frame was plainly visible. She seemed the sort that if she truly tried to accentuate her looks, she might be quite beautiful, but she obviously preferred to play up her blood ties to the goblin folk, who are more attracted to displays of power and trickery than they are to such odd ideals as ascetic beauty.

The Felhammer glowed a faint, eerie green. The shamans had said it would glow with eldritch might if the secret of its three runes could be rediscovered, but for now the hammer itself was strong enough for Vexa's purposes.

"First, spymaster, I'll go through you. Then maybe Zeha will reconsider her options."

With the challenge thrown down, Vexa rushed towards her stated foe, swinging her hammer with brutal intent.


Jungle Girl
Jan 25, 2012
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Re: Demon Lord's Dungeon

The priestess would give a heavy sigh upon recovering from her initial surprise at what had happened. A frown spread across her lips and her brown eyes flashed with anger. Her left hand moved to loosen the leather bandoleer slung diagonally across her body and her right hand moved to the butt of her rifle which was situated over her left shoulder. In one fluid motion she brought the rifle down and around to rest in her hands, the motion causing her flowing black robes to swirl around her. The priestess' long, flowing garment obscured her curved feminine form. The small pendant set on Aura's neck swayed slightly after she had stopped moving, the small black and white swirled ornament lightly bouncing against her neck.

"Zehasael, you know so little." Aura gave a sad laugh, keeping her rifled lowered for the moment. "Especially if you think you can possible compare to the Master's power. To worship you would insult even the lowliest of my acolytes." The priestess' hands tightened against the cool wood and metal of her gun. "Despite your tricks, you're nothing but a harlot." She flicked her rifle up, taking care to keep the others out of her line of fire towards the succubus. "Now die like one."

A loud crack was followed by a nearly deafening bang as the spring-loaded hammer on her rifle swung forwards. Fire surged from the chamber and barrel of the long weapon, and the scent of burning gunpowder and smoke curled around the priestess. the light glinted off the soft gold and silver headdress she wore, under which her cream colored hair sat in a bun. Even before the thick black smoke had fully cleared from around her, Aura had set the butt of the rifle on the ground, pouring black powder from her loader into the muzzle of the gun.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Demon Lord's Dungeon

Atril hissed and flinched away from the sudden offense to her eyes - so bright! As she turned to shield her eyes - which disappeared rapidly behind eyelids, from their previously wide-open stare - with an arm, her dark blue hair spun with her - spreading out like a fan behind her, while the tail that joined itself under her chin swung out in front of her, the iron ring at it's end lending weight to it.

"Ach! Ze light! Ut berrns!" she cried, in a barely intelligible mix of Scotch and Transylvanian accents. The glittering light highlighted her pallid skin - of which, much was visible. Atril wore a loose, sleeveless tunic that covered little, dyed purple, and an equally loose pair of shorts, cinched into place with a leather belt from which many pouches and holstered tools hung. Heavy leather work boots and work gloves covered her feet and shins, hands and arms, and a plain old pencil sat behind her ear. She was the Overseer, who ran the work force of the dungeon. But, even with a fancy title, and the large, iron emblem she carried on her harness, signifying her position, she was still basically one of the laborers - it was just that when things went wrong now, she had to figure out what to do, instead of asking "the boss". She got to decide how to build the dungeon's layout, now, though, so in the end it was definitely worth it.

After a second, she turned back to look at that painful thing lanced through her Overlord, ignoring the two turncoats for the moment. ...What was his name again? Nevermind, that wasn't really important right now. What was was that he didn't have painful shining things like that that hurt her eyes... or "Lightsworn", that probably had just as annoying bright things like that. If that thing was empowering that Zeha... something, then she should get rid of it, shouldn't she?

Atril exploded into a cloud of bats the same dark navy color as Atril's hair. Though they expanded outwards from the area the tall woman had filled, filling the air with shrieking and flapping, they started to coalesce near the throne. It was barely noticeable, but the shrieking seemed to resemble speech very faintly -

"III HHHAATTTEEE zzzeee llliiiggghhhttt!"​
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Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Demon Lord's Dungeon

"An attempt at rebellion nya... Well, I think I prefer the lord there over your egomania any day..." Kirie reacted to the sudden attack, having snapped out of her thoughts at the surprise attack. The demon lord had seen something in her during an encounter they had, and taken the cat demon in to be a head magician for his court. Or rather, the Arch-Magus, which was a title she didn't really care for. It sounded too flashy and grand.

The catgirl is a lean and physically strong specimen, very fit when the average standards of mages were looked into, but still formed nice and suitably voluptous. Somewhat curiously, her eyes were away from the demon norms and beige in color. The skin of the demonic feline is affected by a case of slight albinism, resulting in a pure white complexion. The long hair and furry ears and tail all had the deepest of black as their coloration. Despite not being sure how appropriate it might be, Kirie had picked herself a somewhat curious get-up, which might be more or less suitable for a demon's mage. A stereotypical wizard's hat with it's wide brim and pointy top rested on her cat ears, pushing them downwards a bit. Underneath a longer, cloak-like robe, she sported a midriff-exposing, sleeveless top along with a half-thigh long skirt. White thigh-highs and short boots complemented the whole deal. Most of the gear was colored black, to provide a contrast with the visible skin that one could see on her midsection and legs. All in all, she was a very pretty being.

(Not sure how I should react here, bring on teh magics against dat treacherous spymaster if possible.)


Horn Dog
Jan 7, 2009
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Re: Demon Lord's Dungeon

As Vexa rushed forwards, Ethanyos attempted to catch the mighty hammer within his length of chain, tangling the weapon and making it harder to wield. Unfortunately for the spymaster, he didn't count on the sheer power that the dark fae could bring to bear. In addition to this, at the same time Kirie began to channel her magic, imbuing energy into the hammer to further amplify the attack. The chain shattered beneath the blow as the demon is struck down by the hammer, clearing the way to a much less confident looking Zeha. "W-what? So quickly? Impossible... no matter..." and she shifts into a battle stance, one hand brought up to her temple to help focus her mind.

As the cloud of bats enveloped her, Zeha began to try and brush them away from her with her free hand, her tail also taking opportunistic swings at them. There was an audible crack as the rifle fired, but the shot was off target from the beginning, fired in haste and the former concubine need not worry herself of it. "Fine, if you won't come quietly, witness my power! Starting with these damned bats!" and bringing both her hands to her head, she unleashed a psionic pulse through the area before the throne, the ripple of psychic energy causing devastating pain to the bats that were Atril. ((15 stress, divided by the attribute you were using to batcloud, which is probably either athletics or will.))

((In future rounds, please specify what attribute you're using to attack, although most weapons will require it to be athletics, certain sorts of attacks may justify other ones instead.))


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Demon Lord's Dungeon

The Fellhammer did what it does best, smashing through defenses no matter their form. The weapon, it was said, had a spirit to match its form. Brutal, direct, unstoppable - if wielded by a competent person, it actively repelled efforts to deflect its power. If its runes could be re-activated, so the shamans had said, it could level city walls, crack mountains, and break spell wards.

It had made a lovely mess of Ethanyos' face. Vexa didn't bother taking that much time to admire her handiwork though, hefting the hammer back up with a squelch and then advancing towards Zeha. Looming forward slow at first, but picking up speed, Vexa took on the appearance of doom in hammer form.

"Hey Aura, be a dear and get that thing out of the master's chest," she said coolly during her impending approach to the treacherous consort.

Athletics attack


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Demon Lord's Dungeon

Each of the bats that made up Atril screamed as Zehasael sent a wave of pain through her. The swarm rapidly came back together, congealing into the vampire's human and still-screaming form mid-air - and the vampire fell, smashing her stomach into one of the arms of the throne. Atril gave a choked "Geh-houacghk!" as she crashed, tumbling off to the side.

"You BITCH!" She screamed at her, clutching her gut while blood ran from her nose - a physical sign of the mental attack. "Ve'll see ha' smug ye'arre ven I tek awee your 'ickle daggarr!"

She grabbed the arm she'd hit, and yanked herself up. Clawing down a set of goggles that had been resting on her head, she put her foot up on the back of the chair, and grabbed at the shard sticking out of Scarlet's chest. Even with her googles on, it hurt to look at - in fact, it even hurt not to look at it; her eyes were scrunched closed, and they still hurt. She hoped that her gloves would be enough protection...

I suppose I'll soak with Will, to resist ye pain?

I will also try to yank the thing out the thing with Will, since it hurts and I have to force myself to hold onto it I guess. :V


Jungle Girl
Jan 25, 2012
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Re: Demon Lord's Dungeon

Aura gave a slight 'tch' at the Captain of the Guard's order. She finished reloading her weapon first, the priestess nearly unshakable in her belief that Scarlet was far too powerful for the succubus. She rammed the iron rod down the barrel until she was nice and certain the black powder was packed tightly. Then sh walked up and place her hand on Atril's, gripping and helping her pull it out. She couldn't fire with only one hand, but she was sure to keep an eye on the others.

"Perhaps you should let me remvoe this pathetic device, Atril." She chuckled. "You look like you're hurting a little."

aura set down her rifle and placed her other hand on Scarlet's chest, using it as leverage for helping the dagger out of his body. Her teeth gritted together as she pulled with all her might, wanting to see how the succubus liked her own medicine.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Demon Lord's Dungeon

The magic worked with great effect as expected, giving the guard captain a boost and enabling her to smash aside the feeble spymaster with a single crushing swing of the hammer. The whole scene seemed to shake up Zehasael, who still tried to put up a show, managing to pain the newbie Taskmaster with her showy mind powers. The bat person was funny in Kirie's mind, the way she talked amusing her endlessly for some reason.

But the amusements had to wait, the treacherous concubine was still up to no good and had to be stopped. Focusing on her powers, the catgirl summoned up a bolt of unlife, negative energy. Hurling it at the traitor, she hoped to at least weaken her down with it.

(Will huzzah brah)


Horn Dog
Jan 7, 2009
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Re: Demon Lord's Dungeon

As both Vexa and Kirie turned their attacks to the the former consort, she gave a shriek of defiance and projected forth a psychic barrier, but even her enhanced powers were not enough to stand before the combined assault of the two of them, bolts of dark energies kept Zeha from being unable to focus her defence in the one place and the mighty Fellhammer struck through the barrier, shattering it and causing a psychic backlash against the demon causing her to cry out in pain.

Meanwhile, the other two both grab at the dagger, attempting to pull it from the master's chest. Unfortunately for them, the dagger had other ideas and with a flash of holy light, sent a surge of energy back at the pair of them, knocking their hands away from its hilt and lightly burning each of them. (3 stress each. You're welcome to try again, you both just rolled awful ^^; )


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Demon Lord's Dungeon

"Give it up Zeha. I'm sure the master won't look too harshly upon this little insurrection gone wrong... I'll bet he even forgives you after a couple centuries of being chained up and abused for his enjoyment."

The hammer fae twirled her weapon almost playfully as she advanced past Zeha's barrier and attempted to close the gap swiftly, wanting to grip the treacherous pipsqueak by her scrawny little neck and slam her against the wall where she could pin her and threaten a final coup-de-grace if the bitch didn't yield.

Looking to grapple her with Athletics and if I succeed make it very clear to her that further resistance will result in her face becoming alarmingly flatter
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RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Demon Lord's Dungeon

Atril hissed when the dagger suddenly flashed, throwing one arm up and turning away from it much like she had when it had first appeared. Her undead flesh looked a little singed, but she still looked... mostly okay. Her nose was still gushing, a few drops staining the velvet.

"Jes' shohd yor fes n' help me git zus fokin' zing oot!"

With her eyes closed, she swung her arms out to latch onto the dagger... but missed, groping about in the air a few times. Hissing yet more , anticipating the coming pain, she opened her eyes to locate it, and moved to pull it out quickly, hoping to yank it out before it could flare up again.


Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Demon Lord's Dungeon

There had been a modicum of success with the two girls attacking Zeha. "Managed to resist nya. But can you keep that up?" Kirie almost purred as she tensed her magical muscles and prepared a more generic lightning bolt next. One the traitor had been dealt with, she too would be able to move and assist the pair tugging at the dagger.

(Will ho)


Jungle Girl
Jan 25, 2012
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Re: Demon Lord's Dungeon

Aura gave a slight gasp of surprise, but quickly caught herself. She took a deep breath and gritted her teeth. The priestess shook her head and closed her eyes. Pain trickled up her arms, and she almost lost her balance.

"Damn thing.." She whispered lightly, glancing up for just a moment to see how the others were doing. The harlot wasn't dead, and that angered her somewhat. Her face would only show a hint of it however. She placed her hands on Atril's once more, this time with both hands. She gritted her teeth as she pulled back on the dagger.



Horn Dog
Jan 7, 2009
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Re: Demon Lord's Dungeon

A lightning bolt streaked across the room, thrown by Kirie which struck the would-be demon queen in the chest and caused her to fall to her knees. "No... it wasn't suppose to end... like this..." she groaned even as Vexa closed in. "I won't... let it..." she gasped out, and with one last channelling of energy she disappeared just moments before the fae's hands grasped at where she was. It seemed unlike this was the last they'd see of the treacherous consort.

As this occurred, the other two grasped the dagger and bringing their determination to bear, pulled it forth from their lord's chest, the blade glowing angrily and giving off another bright flash before calming down once more, returning to the appearance of a regular, if ornate dagger complete with ivory hilt. Almost immediately there came a groan from the throne and Scarlet burried his face in his hands. "Ugh... you would not believe how much this hurts..." he grumbles, shifting uncomfortably for a moment.

After a moment, he straightens and glances around the room. "Alright... I think someone should explain what just happened, and why I have a dagger shaped hole in me from what would appear to be a sanctified weapon. Ugh, this is gonna be one of those days, isn't it?"


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Demon Lord's Dungeon

Her hand grasped air, causing Vexa to grimace in disappointment. Stupid demon slut had an teleport spell planned in advance. Those things took a lot of advanced planning though, meaning that when Vexa found out where Zeha was hiding, the traitor wouldn't escape so easily.

"Your favored consort and the spymaster decided to put it there," Vexa said calmly, referring to Scarlet's inquiry about the dagger. "You didn't by any chance piss her off in bed last night? Maybe try something new that she was hesitant about? Sometimes no really does mean no. I suggest safe words in the future..."

Sighing, Vexa slung her hammer back into its loop and cracked her neck and shoulders, still slightly annoyed she'd only smashed 50 percent of the rebel scum. She left the others to figure out how to deal with the master's wound. The dark fae was really only good at causing injury, not healing it.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Demon Lord's Dungeon

The damned dagger flashed again, but this time she was ready for it. She ignored it best she could, finally yanking the thing free with that other woman's help. What was her name? Aura? That sounded right.

"Arrigh', com n' git a test o'yer... vhere'd she goo?"

Atril brandished the dagger at the spot Zehasael had been in last, but found nothing in particular she wanted to stab. Pushing up her goggles didn't seem to help, either, and a quick look around the room confirmed that she hadn't run off to hide behind her or something. So she was gone.


The vampire resisted - barely - the urge to throw the dagger down onto the ground as hard as she could. If it got stuck and started flashing again, it would really be a pain... instead she pushed it into Aura's hands - "Hearre, hold zus" - and slipped a little notebook out from a pocket, in one fluid motion taking the pencil stowed behind her ear into her hand. She wasn't sure how it had stayed there during the whole thing... but then again, she didn't really care.

Flipping it open, she read what she had last - 'Ask Zeha to organize party for builders to celebrate me becoming Overseer' - scowled, crossed the 'Zeha' part out, and wrote something in on the line after it.

'Kick Zehasael's ass'

That done, she reached into her somewhat loose top's and pulled out a dirty-looking glass bottle, that definitely didn't look like it had been their earlier...

She put her lips on it and upended it, chugging for a good few seconds before swinging it back down, letting out an alcohol-scented and very satisfied sounding "Aahhhhh".

"Zeha'us sen somzin' aboot lights n' herr kin, boss. Ah ken't hev 'err kin in 'ere vis morre lights, boss. Couldn't abiyde ut. Herts m'eyes. Fency a drrink?" she asked, offering him some of her drink. "O veit, yu prrefehr za fency auld stohff, dontcheh?" she asked - though, even if he was capable of understanding what the hell she was saying, it was a rhetorical question anyway. Reaching back into her shirt, she pulled out an unopened, much fancier looking bottle, along with a snifter - offered to Scarlet - and a corkscrew. She didn't open it yet - it would be a shame to break the seal on a vint as fine as this one if no one was going to drink it.

Completely irrelevant, but I wrote "kin" instead of "brother" because I couldn't picture her "brother" in any other way besides Wakko Warner's voice.

Skill or affection to pour the poor perforated guy a drink?

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Demon Lord's Dungeon

The lightning bolt was the final seal in Zeha's coffin, who unfortunately had the strenght left to withdraw. With the demon lord back, she turned attention back to him. "It is as the Captain says, my lord. You were briefly incapacitate by that siphoning dagger. That Zehasael intended to steal your rightful power for herself and become some sort of lame Queen. I'd have hated that, nya." the pale cat further confirmed the story of the two others. "But we are not out of the proverbial woods just yet. If her words are to be believed, there is a trio of some foolish "Brothers of Light" making their way down here as well. The threat still exists, even if you are free from the dagger's influence"


Jungle Girl
Jan 25, 2012
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Re: Demon Lord's Dungeon

Aura gave a soft sigh as she took the dagger from the vampire. She drew a small piece of cloth from her robe and wiped the dagger clean before wrapping it in the cloth. She slid a bit of thin but strong silver chain. She wound it around the weapon and tied it off. She hoped the fabric would be more than thick enough to prevent the light it gave off from glowing or flashing through.

"What shall I do with this, Master?" She asked, holding up the cloth bound dagger as if to offer it to him if he wanted it. Aura did her best to avoid looking at the wound in his chest, as she got somewhat queasy around such things. Despite trying her hardest, a slight shiver ran down her back at the mere thought of it.