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[English MonsterGirl VN] Quest Failed By FrostWorks- Demo Available

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Demon Girl
Jan 25, 2015
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A new dev has emerged out of no where recently that you guys might want to know about. The game features monster girls and even has voice acting in the H-Scenes. Title already has a demo already created title so ya'll can go and give it a run through to see if your like where its going.

More info in the link below.


Frost's Twitter:


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Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 24, 2015
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Re: [English MonsterGirl VN] Quest Failed By FrostWorks- Demo Available

Oh not really a fan of the reverse hero rape thing but the art is nice, also can't say no to a free demo. I'll check it out and at least give it a chance.


Demon Girl Master
Jan 16, 2011
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Re: [English MonsterGirl VN] Quest Failed By FrostWorks- Demo Available

Monstergirls and original artwork? Count me in.
I will say that the screenshot just gave me the first impression that "the writing doesn't seem like it will be that good", but I'll have to play it first.


Tentacle Monster
May 21, 2013
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Re: [English MonsterGirl VN] Quest Failed By FrostWorks- Demo Available

English games that does not use 3D? Yes! :D


Nov 19, 2011
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Re: [English MonsterGirl VN] Quest Failed By FrostWorks- Demo Available

Interesting. I'll have to keep my eye on this one.


Tentacle God
Feb 23, 2012
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Re: [English MonsterGirl VN] Quest Failed By FrostWorks- Demo Available

patreon... damn, it was looking so good too.


Tentacle God
Jun 24, 2010
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Re: [English MonsterGirl VN] Quest Failed By FrostWorks- Demo Available

Patreon means different things to different people, though you might not have the same experiences.

Patreon overall has some notable issues, things like projects taking a long time after their initial draft to get finished, updates being slow and/or disappointing to downright lazy/incompetent (akabur and breeding season are prime examples)

Essentially, to many people Patreon means that regardless of how good some demo was, it's little but a shiny piece of bait to lure in suckers, so don't be too surprised to see some generally negative attitude towards Patreon projects.

As a general rule, unsuccessful Patreons will have no reason to continue, successful patrons will have reason to not finish, and patrons have little recourse but to trust in the integrity and competence of the people behind the project.

TL;DR: While the demo is decent that means little as the project can fall apart like many such projects have before, and relying on Patreon just adds more reasons for the project potentially failing.


Tentacle God
Feb 23, 2012
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Re: [English MonsterGirl VN] Quest Failed By FrostWorks- Demo Available

Patreon takes way from the game being good how?
it doesn't take away from the game being good at all.

projects taking a long time after their initial draft to get finished, updates being slow and/or disappointing to downright lazy/incompetent

Essentially, to many people Patreon means that regardless of how good some demo was, it's little but a shiny piece of bait to lure in suckers, so don't be too surprised to see some generally negative attitude towards Patreon projects.

As a general rule, unsuccessful Patreons will have no reason to continue, successful patrons will have reason to not finish, and patrons have little recourse but to trust in the integrity and competence of the people behind the project.

TL;DR: While the demo is decent that means little as the project can fall apart like many such projects have before, and relying on Patreon just adds more reasons for the project potentially failing.
pretty much my reason 100% to hate patreon. the person throws up a little project. ask for money so they can quit their jobs and then take as LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG as possible on 1 project as possible to bleed it dry. then of course, never actually finishing the project. i have never once seen a hentai project on patreon get finished.


Tentacle God
Jun 24, 2010
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Re: [English MonsterGirl VN] Quest Failed By FrostWorks- Demo Available

Well, today of all days one such Patreon project is set to be completed: Noxian Nights. Though that said, the initial release is for patrons only and the full (free) release is next week, give it a look if you haven't already.


Tentacle God
Sep 25, 2015
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Re: [English MonsterGirl VN] Quest Failed By FrostWorks- Demo Available

As a general rule, unsuccessful Patreons will have no reason to continue, successful patrons will have reason to not finish, and patrons have little recourse but to trust in the integrity and competence of the people behind the project.
THIS, THIS SO MUCH. It was a lose-lose situation for patrons if the developers cannot hold their selves together.

My personal rule is, to always wary to peoples who offer their patreon when it is apparent it was their very first project, and that they cannot finish the basic full gameplay experience without money. Heck, Patreon is NOT a Kickstarter and similar campaign, at least it wasn't supposed to. Patreon is supposed to be like a newspaper subscription, you subscribe to newspaper you fancy, and get contents you expected when the time comes.

And now, back on the topic of the thread.

It is just me, or the art quality between the Slime Girl and the Mummy Girl are kinda... too noticeable?
Did the Slime Girl's pic is actually a revision or something?

EDIT: I think it really is just me. :p
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Jungle Girl
Feb 20, 2013
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Re: [English MonsterGirl VN] Quest Failed By FrostWorks- Demo Available

it doesn't take away from the game being good at all.

pretty much my reason 100% to hate patreon. the person throws up a little project. ask for money so they can quit their jobs and then take as LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG as possible on 1 project as possible to bleed it dry. then of course, never actually finishing the project. i have never once seen a hentai project on patreon get finished.
I'm totally with you guys on this, but most people here act as if they don't have the ability to pull out of projects. If you don't like the direction a title is going then its really simple to pull out.

I do agree though that we need more completed titles, but the industry in the west has to start somewhere. There will be plenty of games made that will be terrible. There are going to be plenty of unsuccessful projects too and disappointment. But let us not forgot that even in sfw gaming that there is plenty of shovelware and mediocre games that also get released (that for some reason people still buy). The hentai scene in the west needs to grow. Creators who finish their projects will be rewarded with a more solid following of people. HentaiWriter is one of those devs currently who understand the importance of this. At the end of the day this industry is not going to grow out of shitty rpg maker games without support midway, so be smart with your money and donate to solid teams. Not saying shit doesn't happen to creators, but at the end of the day if you choose to be foolish with your money then its your fault. Donate to people who are consistent and you will feel better about it.

What I think creators should do is not use Patreon to fund projects. But use Patreon as a "Donation Jar" to support their favorite devs if they want too.

Instead of: Creator is making THIS GAME

It should be: Help support this creator making games.

Examples? Winged Cloud
and Marble Syrup come into to mind:

Very Successful devs with series of games and consistent updates and releases. Just like all tools, they have the potential to be used badly. Sadly there are more incompetent people out in the world there than competent. Blame the PEOPLE not the tool that they use to be successful.

Note: I also find it funny how there are some that complain about creators making Patreons. When most people here would just pirate the game anyway if it was all completed. Just something to think about.
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Tentacle God
Jun 24, 2010
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Re: [English MonsterGirl VN] Quest Failed By FrostWorks- Demo Available

It's a bit silly to make such a comparison, the people here that are peeved at Patron are most likely the people that have donated before, or have at least considered it and watched the scene unfold into disaster. Piracy is normal on a forum like this, that's true, but keep in mind there are a variety of reasons for that as well (many Japanese games being notoriously difficult to purchase earnestly, or people just not having the financial means to buy these games) but asserting that people are just spiteful and greedy is pointless and senselessly inflammatory to the community here. As for pulling out of projects, by then it's usually too late and nobody likes to spend money on absolutely nothing.

Anyway, I do see some sense in what you're saying, but a big part of a growing industry is the necessity of failures failing, and the Patreon model is simply too exploitable to keep going as it is. We've already seen some very positive changes actually, with Patreon introducing a "per update" payment model and similar systems, but there's still a lot of work to be done for this to be a proper platform.

The main complaint I have is same as with kickstarter, people often put their entire project on the line on it whereas the successful projects will typically only use it as a boost to be able to do more than they initially plan, this attitude simply shows they are committed to their project more so than using it as a financial gain, as such these people/groups are much more likely to stick through hardship in their projects. I find that as a rule it's best to wait until there has been at least some work/progress into the project before deciding whether or not it's worth supporting, an initial demo might seem incredibly promising but all of that is meaningless unless realized, and what someone asking for support would really need to do is show they are actually capable of properly realizing their project.

Currently there's two Patreons I've contributed to; Hreinn games' Noxian Nights and Sierra Lee's The Last Sovereign, and both projects had been well under way before I finally decided to pledge any kind of support as the people behind them had proven to be capable of regular updates with consistent quality. Conversely I had considered Malise and the machine, but ultimately decided against it due to the project being very slow with little to show in terms of progress. Similarly, I have my eyes on Viperv since there's already been good games in the past, though there has been no real visible progress for months. It's not as if Patreon itself is a completely terrible platform, but there is currently very little reason for people to use it as there is no guarantee of quality nor any kind of accountability, the balance of risk vs reward is just harshly skewed and as such it's only sensible for people to withhold support. Adding a kind of accountability would not only improve trust towards the platform, but provide incentive for successful Patreons to keep working and weed out those who would otherwise exploit the model, such a change however is never going to happen unless the patrons demand it.

Another big red flag to me is usually backer rewards (or stretch goals in the case of kickstarter) for something like Patreon which requires a degree of mutual trust, where a content creator is typically asking a kinds of payment in advance I personally feel that too should be mutual and content should be delivered as freely as the support that is expected of patrons, backer rewards also often distract from the main project or are a kinds of "pay to deny others a service" (after all, if a backer reward did not exist it could simply be offered to everyone) It would also help with clarity to show potential patrons that you're not necessarily buying a product but are simply supporting a creator. Take the case of The Last Sovereign, patrons might donate thinking they're buying Sierra Lee's time in creating that game, but recently instead of The Last Sovereign we got an entirely different game which was made in a sorts of hiatus, the creator kept working diligently but wanted a break from the main project, which is something that needs to be clear in advance and not every potential patron might understand that they're not buying something, they're supporting someone, backer rewards might be a nice service in response to that but I feel that should be VERY limited, the content creator should be working on the content, after all.

And finally, in case people are wondering whether or not this is off topic, I'd say addressing and discussing doubts of the platform of Patreon is rather relevant to the nature of this thread, might be for the best to get this out of the way unless the actual OP disagrees.


Jungle Girl
Feb 20, 2013
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Re: [English MonsterGirl VN] Quest Failed By FrostWorks- Demo Available

It's a bit silly to make such a comparison, the people here that are peeved at Patron are most likely the people that have donated before, or have at least considered it and watched the scene unfold into disaster. Piracy is normal on a forum like this, that's true, but keep in mind there are a variety of reasons for that as well (many Japanese games being notoriously difficult to purchase earnestly, or people just not having the financial means to buy these games) but asserting that people are just spiteful and greedy is pointless and senselessly inflammatory to the community here. As for pulling out of projects, by then it's usually too late and nobody likes to spend money on absolutely nothing.
Regardless of what the reason is lets not pretend what we are doing is a robin hood mentality of stealing from the rich to give to the poor. While many of us do have difficulty in the west to acquire the Japanese titles its best for us not to forget that what we are doing is still wrong at he end of the day.

Even if the game was western and actually pretty well done, Sakura Dungeon for example, it still going to be pirated here.

Now look I'm not saying that I can't be a cheap bastard at times, but not going to pretend that I'm not a cheap bastard. At the end of the day I can still choose to be a cheap bastard and not donate to a Patreon project.

The rest of what you said is actually pretty spot on and honestly just adds to what I'm saying. At the end of the day though all methods can be used well when done by a team with integrity and ethical standard. Its only a matter of time where more and more seasoned and talented indie devs catch on to this scene. Quality in the material will definitely improve...what adult gaming is going through right now is no different from when the mainstream scene for started out. Just monetization model is different.

Overtime as the quality standards improve more and more of the games we see now will get clouded by well done titles and eventually people will know where to put their money too. Incompetent Devs will simply be left behind eventually.
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Tentacle God
Sep 25, 2015
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Re: [English MonsterGirl VN] Quest Failed By FrostWorks- Demo Available

Okay... guys, let's cool down the Patreon topic a bit and make sure we don't repurposed this thread's true purpose, shall we?

I swear, if the MC keep that naive-go-lucky personality of his until the end of the game, i'mma gonna..! :mad:
Yeah, that's basically my only complaint of the game for the moment :D, but i have to say tho, Matthew's misery seriously makes me pity him :p.
I'm not a really a fan of femdom where the dominated male is a loser, easy prey by default, cuz well, my favourite definition of Femdom is where a female manages to dominate over a capable male, it's just adds to the impressiveness of the female's dominance and superiority.

The rest is very acceptable, the art is nice-looking and the story is simple for now.
Oh, and the afterword, very nice addition! :)
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The Dark God Of Lesbians and Memes
Jun 15, 2014
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Re: [English MonsterGirl VN] Quest Failed By FrostWorks- Demo Available

Nothing beats playing Monster girl quest games on a Sunday. :D
Also reverse rape is always awesome.


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: [English MonsterGirl VN] Quest Failed By FrostWorks- Demo Available

It's fine if you want to discuss Patreon a little, but do not let it derail the thread. I've deleted a lot of posts, so for right now, stay on topic.


Grim Reaper
Apr 25, 2015
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Re: [English MonsterGirl VN] Quest Failed By FrostWorks- Demo Available

I swear, if the MC keep that naive-go-lucky personality of his until the end of the game, i'mma gonna..! :mad:
but his naive-go-lucky personality is my favorite thing about Matt! :) kinda funny now that I think about it since I normally hate that in others


Feb 14, 2016
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Re: [English MonsterGirl VN] Quest Failed By FrostWorks- Demo Available

Reverse rape, monster girl harem, English with voices, and monster girls attempting to claim the MC for themselves... This is looking to be a great game

P.S. After completing the demo different dialogue appears before starting another new game or selecting a scene


Jungle Girl
Jun 6, 2016
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Re: [English MonsterGirl VN] Quest Failed By FrostWorks- Demo Available

Ah, I can post now, hurray~

Hi, guys, I'm the developer of Quest Failed!

First of all, a big thank you to LewdGamer for posting my game here and letting me know about all of you wonderful people. I've been following the thread since it was posted, but haven't been able to post up until now.

Secondly, thanks to all that may have given my demo a shot. I really appreciate it!

In regards to the rather large Patreon discussing going on right now, I just wanted to add that the success of the Patreon has no bearing on the completion of the first chapter. Regardless of whether or not people pledge, the game will be completed and put up on digital storefronts, of which I'm already in talks with people now to accomplish.

The Patreon may have the opportunity to help enhance and expand the game from its original scope (more CG scenes, etc.) but the game certainly isn't going to be abandoned if those funding goals aren't met. Heck, I've already put way too much of my own money into this project to even consider backing out now. I'm in for the long run~

As for the second chapter and its scope? Well, that'll depend entirely on the sales of the first chapter. Which I believe is reasonable enough, as most game developers would be insane to pump more money into a sequel if the first one wasn't selling enough!

To clarify though, I feel each chapter will be lengthy enough to justify selling as a full game (estimating around 70/80,000 words for the first chapter alone with the others potentially being bigger due to how choices and mini routes may carry over)

Still, thanks again to everyone that may give my project a look! I'll be around if you have anymore questions or queries about things you may want to ask me about things!
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