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Journeys (Unknown Squid)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Maya: HP = 62, PP = 65, EP = 113, Status = Fine

With her restless spirit swelling eagerly with every fall of her feet as she wandered down the familiar road to Glassmoor, Maya felt a familiar warm breeze as she strode over the invisible line separating Badaria from the Amazon. The path sloped downwards slightly, and the woods on either side of the road grew denser as the sounds of the creatures in them slowly but steadily began to shift from those of the temperate forest to those of the wilder jungle. The way to Glassmoor was, for the Pfitherian jungle, relatively civilized even from her somewhat remote homeland, and though it was rarely settled she did pass other travelers often enough.

The all too familiar trip was a long one, taking about at least two weeks by foot if she kept a steady pace, but there was nothing to prompt Maya to hurry save perhaps her own impatience, and if that took hold of her it would be easily solved by a simple teleportation. For now, however, the air was warm and slightly damp, a minor change from her mountainous home, and Maya could wander at her leisure without a care in the world.

Or at least, so she might have thought. Two days into her trip, the young half-daemon wandered onto an odd sight to say the least. A section of the forest had been cleared, producing a massive clearing where now stood a big, ugly building made out of wood likely crafted from the freshly carved trees. It was blocky and simple, with an angled roof not yet covered with anything to protect it from the often heavy rains, but it was also unusually large for such a dwelling, too large to likely belong to only a single person. A wooden sign hung from a post over the front door with a picture of a horse drawn in chalk on it, and beside the building in the rest of the clearing there were a number of other construction sites that weren't yet finished.

One looked to be an add on to the first building, though one that was much shorter than the original even if it was still just as wide. The other was a pit, only barely visible from the road, and what it might be for wasn't immediately apparent. The windows were all made of dark glass and offered no opportunity to peak into the building, where there seemed to be no light to speak of, and what was perhaps oddest was that there was absolutely no one here. Not a soul moved in the large clearing around the building, and the sounds of wildlife all around seemed muted and distant, as if they were hesitant to enter the area.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Journeys (Unknown Squid)

One of the smaller lessons Maya had learned during previous adventure, was that loose sandals were ill suited for long hiking trips. Whilst lacking some of the appeal, some better fitting and more durable travellers shoes were far more pleasant in the long run. She had also been dabbling in a few other ideas regarding travelling, but for now at least she simply felt like using the feet her mother had given her. For all her tricks, she'd never quite been able to keep the same diligent pace when travelling together. She could easily get ahead or make up the difference via various shortcuts, or often bypass the whole mundane ordeal altogether, but Maya most certainly still admired that simple strength to walk the distance.

This didn't remotely mean she intended to put up with it the entire way of course, but it wouldn't feel like a proper start to a journey if she didn't at least make some effort.

She hadn't actually expected to see anything new or noteworthy this early on however. Seeing the unrecognised building up ahead, she pondered for a moment if she had made a wrong step somewhere along the route, but she was fairly confident she hadn't. Strolling closer to take a took, she strides fairly casually into the new clearing peering round as she goes. "Hmm. A horse? But no horses. Or... people?" She murmurs, noting the unusual quiet. She hadn't realised this trail had enough relevance to warrant a new wayside stables, if that was what this was, but things weren't exactly stable right now, or so she'd heard. A horse station, thing, would likely be a rather terrific aid to selling the new drink.

Not one to be thwarted by some cheap murky glass and a dim room, or off-put by a calm scene, she steps over towards the door and decides to knock. If there was no response, she'd give the door a try and peer in.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Journeys (Unknown Squid)

Maya: HP = 62, PP = 65, EP = 113, Status = Fine

Perception: ???

There was no response to Maya's knock at the door, but as she slid it open and peered inside the young half daemon would get a bad feeling, a shiver of discomfort slowly running up her spine even though the air in the unfinished building was no different from the air outside. The inner room was fairly dark, with no lights besides what pierced through the gloomy windows, but she could still see most of it. There were chairs stacked up along the right hand wall, and tables over on the left, but the room opened up just past the door and there was a wide corridor left. Directly across from the door was a bar, and behind it was a closed door and a lot of space that Maya couldn't see. To the right, past the chairs, was a staircase leading up to the building's second floor. As far as Maya could see, that was all the room held, but as she stood in the doorway she heard a soft bump from up on the second floor.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Journeys (Unknown Squid)

It certainly wasn't her imagination then. Something was wrong about this place after all. Despite the stark difference in the structure, the strange uncomfortable chill reminded her of the tower. She had no particular need to investigate dark abandoned buildings, but being only a mere two days walk from home, she did want to know what was going on here.

She didn't want to repeat the mistakes of the tower however, so takes measures to protect and prepare herself. A little mentally projected bubble of amplified "personal space". She also broadcasts a simple telepathic <"Hello?"> as she steps inside. Was always worth a shot. Leaving the door fully open to allow the light in, and cautiously heads towards the stairs, following the wall rather than passing directly under whatever had bumped from above. She'd take a quick glance down the wide left corridor, if posible to see better from near the stairs, and unless given reason to pause would proceed up to the second floor.

Casting Psychic Shield at X=9, using Efficient Wielder to reduce upkeep cost to 3. Stat's should come to...

Dodge: 77
Armour: 28
Resistance: 68
Grapple: 63


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Journeys (Unknown Squid)

Maya: HP = 62, PP = 65, EP = 104/113, Status = Fine, Psychic Shield X = 9, Upkeep = 3

Perception: ???

Stepping into the dark building with her newly raised bubble to hopefully ward off any would-be attackers, Maya's innocent psychic broadcast prompted another soft bump from whoever or whatever might be upstairs, after which it would fall silent. She got no response, however, and couldn't see behind the bar from the stairs. Going on up, Maya found herself in a corridor that turned left from the stairs, went down to a window, and then turned left again. There were three doors on the left hand wall and three on the right, and if she were to try and guess where the noise had come from she would have to say the second door on the left.

The feeling of danger had the hair on the back of her neck rising by that point, but that wouldn't necessarily stop Maya from checking who or what was around. The first door on the left and the third one on the right were the only ones open, and those were only a crack. She detected no signs of movement, nor any sounds or the telltale feel of a presence in the nearer room, but couldn't tell if the farther one was just as empty. There were still no signs of violence or a struggle, however, nor any signs of what might have caused this place to be abandoned.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Journeys (Unknown Squid)

More quiet bumps and dark dingy rooms. The inexplicable oppressive feeling of danger nagged at her in a way that made her feel like whatever was here was threatening her. But unable to explain the feeling, she couldn't really know what to make of it. Frowning as she took a few more steps down the corridor, she decided that she wasn't fond of this needless eerie darkness either. Casually flicking out a tiny sharp bolt of energy at the far window, intending to shatter it out and let the Amazonian sun flood in a bit better. With glass that crappy, the owners would probably thank her anyway. If they were still alive.

The sound seemed like it was coming from the second room, although it was faint enough that she wasn't entirely sure. Stopping at the first door on the left she'd give that one a push first and look in from the coridor. See if any clues could be seen. If nothing remarkable occurred or was seen, she'd proceed to the suspect second door, and do the same. Looking in first from outside.

x=2 energy bolt at murky ass glass.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Journeys (Unknown Squid)

Maya: HP = 62, PP = 65, EP = 99/113, Status = Fine, Psychic Shield X = 9, Upkeep = 3

Blasting open the window at the end of the hall let light stream in through the gloom, casting long streams of light out into the narrow hallway that at least managed to make it a bit more visible even if it was still fairly dim. That made things a little more visible when she pushed the first door on the left open, however, and when she peered inside Maya found herself looking in on a devastated room. From the look of things there had either been a fight or a very energetic orgy going on in there in the recent past, but there were no obvious signs of which it might be from out in the hallway, and the light only reached into the room enough to make it as dimly lit as the hallway had been. The bed was turned over on its side, and there were the remains of several other pieces of furniture too badly mangled to be readily identifiable, but other than that she couldn't determine much.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Journeys (Unknown Squid)

Maya both frowns and raises an eyebrow. She might head in to try and take a better look, but there was still that suspect room. She'd rather not corner herself with an unknown forboding... thing, on the loose. Simply continuing on, she tries to stay focused on her surroundings, and quietly steps up to the next door. Making sure to take a glance both to the other ajar door and the corridor bend, and back the way she came. Taking a readying breath, as well as the equivalent for her spirit, she'd try the handle and give the door a push.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Journeys (Unknown Squid)

Maya: HP = 62, PP = 65, EP = 96/113, Status = Fine, Psychic Shield X = 9, Upkeep = 3

Perception: ???

Maya would spot nothing in a brief glance either through the other cracked door, which just showed another bit of room, and down the hall, which just showed another corridor leading to another hall with more closed doors, and back which revealed the stairwell she'd come up from. There was a soft shuffling noise from behind the door just before she opened it, and as it creaked open it revealed another room that was nearly as battered as the first she'd looked into. There didn't seem to be much of interest, not even a window, but the dressed over on the right side of the room only had the bottom three of its five drawers opened, and as she concentrated on the room Maya might have felt something odd coming from under the bed, which had been mostly tossed from its mattress.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Journeys (Unknown Squid)

Glancing round the room wearing much the same expression as just before, except with this one, paying much closer attention to the bed. There was something in here she could swear, and she insisted on find out what. Not entering any further into the room for now until she had some kind of clue what was in there, she decides to help in turning the place upside-down.

With a simple acompanying hand motion, she reaches out with telekinisis, plucking up the bed, turning it on one end, and dumping it to the side nonchalantly. Not throwing it or casting it in any way that would cause more disruption than necessary, but not fussing over it either.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Journeys (Unknown Squid)

Maya: HP = 62, PP = 65, EP = 84/113, Status = Fine, Psychic Shield X = 9, Upkeep = 3

With a motion of her hand and a thought, Maya flipped the mattress off of the bed with next to no effort at all. A man gasped in surprise and scurried out from under it, on closer inspection a man who looked barely out of his teens with a thin scraggly mustache and a twig-like build. She'd never seen him before, but he hurriedly said; "Stay away! Stay back!" He held up both his hands as if to shield his face from Maya, and was hunched so as to get as far from her as was possible in the close quarters. "Don't touch me! G... Get away! I'm warning you!" The boy was thin and scraggly, clothes that were too big on him and barely more than rags clinging to his spare frame, and his long dark hair was wild and unkept as strands of it framed his sun-tanned face. He seemed absolutely terrified, but wasn't making any effort to go for the door that Maya was blocking, and there were no windows or other portals for him to try and escape through.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Journeys (Unknown Squid)

Sighing just a little, and checking over her shoulder again, Maya grumbles internally at uncovering what felt a bit like a mere complication. She was stuck in the middle of a corridor, surrounded by the unknown, and just couldn't shake this feeling of being on edge. This scraggly panicked creature also had the air about him that asking questions may well be more trouble than it was worth. Sure was spooked though, and if there was anything else here, she didn't want to be standing about having a chat when she met it.

Although, this did give her an alternative idea.

"Well that's awfully impolite." She answers with tiny note of pretending to take offence. "And I know you heard me knock. But aright then. I'll just leave you alone." said in an unsuitably casual manner, deliberately making some effort to hide any tension over the situation. Stepping away from the door, she leaves it open and steps to the opposite side of the corridor, putting her hand on the opposite doors handle and listening at it's side for a moment. Letting it seem that she was simply going to continue exploring and opening doors.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Journeys (Unknown Squid)

Maya: HP = 62, PP = 65, EP = 81/113, Status = Fine, Psychic Shield X = 9, Upkeep = 3

Maya's actions and response took the stringy young man completely by surprise, causing him to stop his wild flailing and stare at her as she stepped out of the room. She wouldn't detect anything by way of sound in the next room, but after a few moments the boy would seemingly calm fully, and after swallowing audibly he would peek his head out of the doorway and take a look around. Seeing that the coast was apparently clear, he would look at Maya and in a voice still fairly shaky ask; "You.... You aren't.... What was here?"

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Journeys (Unknown Squid)

"Nope. I just got here." Maya states plainly. Glad at least that the young man still had some sense about him. "Just what WAS here though? Surely it didn't look like me I hope." She asks, pausing a second to glance to the shaky fellow as he came to the doorway. "Are you sure it left?" said as she turns the handle to push open the door she was at. Second on the right.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Journeys (Unknown Squid)

Maya: HP = 62, PP = 65, EP = 78/113, Status = Fine, Psychic Shield X = 9, Upkeep = 3

"I, uhhh... Didn't really get a good look at it," the boy admitted quietly, still glancing around nervously but now noticeably calmer. "No... I never saw it. I've no idea what it was... Or even what it did to the people here. I've been... Sneaking in at night and stealing food for a while now, but up until a day ago it was a lively place. Then... Nothing. I saw some flashing lights from out in my hiding place in the woods, and all of the people who worked here were just... Gone when I came by in the morning. After a while I, uhhhhh.... Started trying to look for anything of value, and then.... Well, you showed up!"

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Journeys (Unknown Squid)

"Ahh..." Maya responds initially whilst the boy answers, slightly disappointed that this didn't really tell her much, but not showing any interest or qualm in the admittance of stealing food. "Hmm. Flashing lights and mass disappearance. Tchh..." frowning a moment as she ponders this, with recollections of a certain empty village coming to mind, and various never resolved suspicions. Unless she just happened to bump into an Elf here though, such lines of thought weren't going to lead her to any conclusions though.

"Well I want to find out who's disappearing people before I move on. This is too close to home to just ignore weird goings on." She states, turning her attention back to searching the place, wanting to proceed before the defences she was maintaining wore on her too much. Lifting a hand towards the room she'd just opened, she'd snap her fingers lightly, conjuring a small green flame in the air just above her fingers. The flame would crackle and flicker for a second, before settling out into a more steady natural looking flame.

She didn't really make any suggestion regarding young scraggles course of action. He was free to follow wherever his nerves felt safer. Her intention now was to resume a more brisk sweep of the building. Maya had never been adverse to surprises, since they were often great fun. But waiting on or expecting them, always gnawed on her.

[Using Pyrokinesis as a simple torch.]
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Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Journeys (Unknown Squid)

Maya: HP = 62, PP = 65, EP = 72/113, Status = Fine, Psychic Shield X = 9, Upkeep = 3

Perception: ???

Snapping her fingers to create a green flame caused the young man to jump in surprise and fright, and he hurried back while she lit up the room he'd been hiding in. It looked as if it had been turned over in search of valuables rather than resulting in a struggle, and the room before it looked much the same. The rest of the rooms in the initial hallway proved to be in fine shape, completely undamaged, and while he still seemed afraid of her the young man followed Maya along as she searched. "There isn't anyone here," he said after a few moments, glancing around uncomfortably, "not on the two upper floors at least... I didn't check the basement."

There was still the second portion of the hallway to check over if Maya wished to take the time, and as she glanced down that way she would feel the hairs on the back of her neck prickling uncomfortably again. The sensation didn't seem to have any easily understandable source, however, and she could just as easily ignore it and go straight to the one place that the boy had not yet searched, assuming that she trusted his word on that.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Journeys (Unknown Squid)

"Tis just a little light to see by." Maya says in response to the man's flinch. "Then we'll have to visit the basement. Although... I just want to quickly check this bit first still." Making her way toward the remaining portion of the hallway, holding her small torch above her head so not to blind herself (ceiling height permitting). Whatever this weird unpleasant yet vague feeling was, she was getting rather tired of it. Feeling like something was lurking just beyond her awareness. Or perhaps it was maintaining her mental barrier that she was getting tired of. Either way, she would sweep the place looking for answers.

[Performing a brisk sweep. If there's nothing remarkable upstairs, she'll proceed to the basement.]


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Journeys (Unknown Squid)

Maya: HP = 62, PP = 65, EP = 72/113, Status = Fine, Psychic Shield X = 9, Upkeep = 3

Perception: ???

Going forth into the second section of hallway lined with rooms no doubt meant for guests, Maya found one remarkably similar to the one she'd entered, albeit without the stairs leading down. The first two rooms were empty of anything of note, just beds and a few other pieces of simple wooden furniture, but as she advanced upon the third door, the first on the inside of the building rather than the outside, her sense of foreboding rose. Pushing it open, Maya would find the first signs that violence had happened here as the room, with furniture tossed around like the ones that had been tossed by the young man who was still tailing after her like a lost puppy. There was dried blood on the floor, however, staining the wood dark and leaving the room scented with its metallic fragrance.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Journeys (Unknown Squid)

As she continued searching, Maya couldn't help but question again what the strange feeling that she seemed to be following was. Commenting quietly as she comes to the third door, "It just feels wrong in here..." Upon opening the door, Maya frowns and sighs slowly whilst viewing the scene, casting her torch light from one side to the other to scan for any other clues. "Are any of the other rooms like this?" she enquires to her trailing companion.

"Although... perhaps there's someone else I could be asking..." said stepping into the uninviting room. "Don't freak out at this ok?" she adds before the young man might be able to ask who she meant. Adopting a steady posture and taking a meditative breath of sorts, she reaches out imperceptibly to send an invitation, or a call, to the ethereal realm that overlapped this place. If luck was with her, perhaps seeking her information from first hand sources might shed a bit more light on whatever incident had occurred here.

Unless interrupted first, casting 'Call Spirit' at minimal X. If any appropriate spirits answer the call, her first question would be something along the lines of "What happened here?"
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