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Main Fields


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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This large oval is the primary location for most of the school's activities that require a large amount of space. It is roughly big enough to fit two soccer pitches side by side and is set into two meters into the ground with banked sides for people to sit on.

Despite the railings around the cliff face and the embankment, many people consider it to be too close to this natural hazard, with severa balls a month being lost for good over the edge.

At night the field has a tendancy to fill with fog which is slightly illuminated by the school's lights, making the entire field look like some kind of bottomless pit.


Former Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Main Fields

Corax and Art lead the new students to the field.

"This is the main field. Most outdoor activities take place here, and some people use it to recreation. As you can see, there is a cliff along one side. And for those few born without the gift of common sense, I'll point out that it is a very long fall. If you go over the edge, you will die. So be careful."


The user previously known as Hero-in-the-Dark
Oct 18, 2009
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Re: Main Fields

Coming out of the sky, and gouging tracks into the grass from her hard landing, Mîrchell straightened up, blood dripping from her hand from the bird she'd caught, and had ripped the head off of. Even in demon form, she wore the same clothes, flowing black and crimson, with the characteristic sash, but they appeared extremely tattered at the moment, showing a fair bit of grey-tinged skin through the ripped fabric.

Flicking a glance toward the approaching figure, Mîrchell stood still a few seconds, confused as to why anyone was out here so early. Recovering, she glanced sideways, and threw the bird corpse hard, sending it sailing over the edge of the cliff, and sucked the blood from her fingers, before doubling over and groaning as she began to shift, the horns, tail, and wings retracting into her body, her skin fading to purest white, fangs shrinking to merely sharp canines, and her legs changed to that of humans. Her clothes changed as well, quickly becoming whole again, the tears mending themselves, and her red boots forming on her feet. Straightening up again, Michelle looked distastefully at the blood still on her hand and chin, and ripped out a handful of grass to clean herself.

Satisfied, she looked around again, noting the grooves, torn grass and blood on the floor, and with a shake of her head, starting walking towards the figure, not particularly keen on whoever it was finding her trail.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Main Fields

Harrel's attention was elsewhere, scanning the ethereal for any sign of the vaguely described elusive spirit he was supposed to be looking for. Mind in the void or not, it didn't stop him noticing the comely and exotic looking woman heading towards him. A second latter and his trained senses also notice her equally exotic spirit. Ellisia had expressly told him not to go wandering after girls, but if they choose to walk straight at him, who was he to walk away?

"Why good morning miss. A beautiful person strolling along a beautiful a cliff side sunrise. When did I become so lucky?" He greets enthusiastically as he approaches.


The user previously known as Hero-in-the-Dark
Oct 18, 2009
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Re: Main Fields

Michelle continued to walk closer to Harrel, checking her hands for any remaining blood or feathers, considering what he was trying to pull on her, and dismissed it, figuring noone would dare. "Come again? I didn't expect anyone out here this early. And you don't look like a student." she chimed, letting her voice ring throughout the morning air, a gift from her mother that was occasionally useful.

She stopped a few steps away from Harrel, eyeing him curiously.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Main Fields

Harrel walks over, lightly clasping his hands behind his back as he comes to a stop. "I only just arrived here, and so am taking in the sights around campus. I must admit it's taking my breath away right now. So what might you be doing out so early, besides looking good?" He says with a smile. His cheesy choice of words could be enough make anyone think he was being sarcastic, but his tone was plenty sincere. As Michelle eyes Harrel curiously, he doesn't refrain from returning the gesture.


The user previously known as Hero-in-the-Dark
Oct 18, 2009
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Re: Main Fields

Michelle paused, seriously reconsidering this guy. Either he was brave, or just plain stupid. Going with the second option, Michelle advanced until she was almost on top of him, stopping as she was breathing in his face. "Are you hitting on me?" she whispered, her sweet voice underlined with a fraction of her dangerous anger. Since Harrel was presumably looking at her face, he would see a pulse of furious red flash across her eyes, turning the whole eye red, just for a second.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Main Fields

Siphon had found himself unable to keep away from the main areas of the school, as if some unseen force compelled him to 'patrol'. So, he now found himself a fair distance away from two people he did not recognize as students. He had almost decided to say to hell with it and move onward and let them be, figuring them to be new students who simply ran into each other and were chatting about the 'wonders' of Gosamer Falls, when suddenly he caught the unmistakable scent of fresh blood. He braced himself for the certain wave of hunger that would hit, the want to suddenly run to them and tear them open and gorge himself on their blood, a desire .... that never came.

He stood there, stunned for several moments before he could untense.

Well hot damn, maybe things will be alright after all, this is a good sign. Course I'm not 100% sure that I won't lash out yet, but good to know I won't ... wait, where is that scent coming from anyway?

Utilizing his vampiric senses, he began to 'sniff' out the location. It seemed to be coming either directly from the girl, or from not too awful far behind her. He hesitated a moment. If somehow, she was the source of the scent, that would mean she'd have killed someone or something. The blood didn't smell human, but he had no idea what it could be. He debated a moment from actually striding into their view and making his presence known before deciding against it. There was no reason yet to confront either of them, and things seemed to be stable between them. Still ... he didn't know why he did, but he chose to remain in a spot where his enhanced hearing could hear their conversation, and where he could keep a casual eye on them. A spot where they would not be able to notice him from. Since he no longer gave off a scent, it was unlikely even those with acute smell would even come close to detecting him.

And so he stood there, watching and observing, feeling absurdly like one of the watchers from that t.v show 'Highlander' suddenly.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Main Fields

The young Etheirian man stands his ground as Michelle advanced on him. He was careful not to show that he was enjoying it too much. As someone who made his career sensing spirits, from this close he could feel the heat of her soul on him. He hesitates before answering for a moment, unsure of how to proceed now. Despite the feeling of impending doom, he wasn't one to lie to a woman's face. "Before I answer that, has anyone ever told you that you have a fascinating soul? It's full of alluring passion, but wrapped in darkness at the same time. Would yes be the wrong answer?" He replies, both bravely and foolishly, a hint of nervousness only surfacing with the last sentence.


The user previously known as Hero-in-the-Dark
Oct 18, 2009
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Re: Main Fields

Michelle sighed, and reached up, running a hand along Harrel's shoulder, and sliding down his chest, watching him hungrily. "Yes... 'Yes' is definately the wrong answer. She muttered, before her hand trailed back up to around Harrel's neck, and she suddenly jerked upwards, pulling him into the air with ease. "And just how would you know that, good sir?" She said loudly, holding the man six inches in the air, her spare hand simply held at her side. Her face contorted slightly as another pulse of red flashed across her eyes. "Speak quickly, before I break you in half!" She shouted this time, inquisitive, yet furious at how this man attempted to read her spirit.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Main Fields

For a brief moment he thinks things were going his way, but that notion was quickly cast aside.


Harrel grunts as she plucks him off the ground, grabbing her hand to try and take the weight off his neck. He thinks now, that perhaps he should have taken her appearance and foreign spirit as a sign that she wasn't one to be messed with. She didn't really mean what she said did she? About breaking him? He strains to speak, "I... gah... easy. I can see it. Your soul. It's as clear as... *gasp* day... to me. I'm able to sense... these things."

Back on Etheiria a colourful spirit like hers wasn't necessarily a sign of anything wrong, but whilst working on location he really should learn that demons tended to be unfriendly.
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The user previously known as Hero-in-the-Dark
Oct 18, 2009
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Re: Main Fields

"Really now? Well isn't that interesting. But alas, I fear you won't be seeing things like that for much longer..." Michelle trailed off, hefting Harrel a couple more inches into the air, and lifting her other hand, a few green and purple sparks flying off as she prepared to finish him, merely because she believed noone was there, and she was angry at him.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Main Fields

Michelle couldn't have been more wrong about them being alone.

Siphon had been watching, and when she had put her hands on the boy he had started moving to position himself from behind her, her blind side. When she'd raised her voice and the sparks began to fly, he knew full well she intended to at least hurt the boy, if not kill him. He wasn't about to let that happen. With no noise, he took a slight step, and then activated his phantasmal speed rush. With her unable to see him, he knew his chances of connecting were extremely high to near impossible to miss.

One moment Michelle stood there, her hand around the young mans throat, with him trying to get away. The next, the man would see a sudden blur of movement rush towards her, far too fast to even warn her before it was on top of them. Michelle on the other hand, would feel as if something the size of a Balrog demon had slammed into her as the front of Siphon's knee slammed into the back of her head, forcing her to drop the boy from the sheer unexpected blow.

Before she had even the time to stand back up, she heard a voice behind her that she might mistake for a human, had this 'human' not just nearly taken her head off with his knee.

"Sorry to break up the lovers quarrel there, but murdering innocents is not allowed here. Young man, I suggest you vacate this area at once, I believe that the succubus and I have some business to attend to. Don't we little one?"

She wouldn't be able to tell what he was at first, though the clear tone he spoke in was obviously that of one who seemed to know very well what he was doing, perhaps he was a hunter?

The young man on the other hand, if he tried to read Siphon's soul aura, would discover it was even more twisted and erratic than the womans. Clearly, he was some form of a demon, but the aura power level emenating from him would almost be enough to give him a headache. This clearly was no ordinary demon at all, but something far much more potent and powerful. He might also get the sense that said soul was in conflict, and that the transformation was relatively new, yet despite that, the man before them still wielded great power potential.


The user previously known as Hero-in-the-Dark
Oct 18, 2009
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Re: Main Fields

Taken completely unawares, Michelle fell straight down when Siphon kneed her in the back of the head, Harrel tumbling out of her grasp as she went down, only giving a small grunt of pain. Siphon's comments, calling her a 'Succubus' and 'little one' were getting her so furious that the grass around her started to burn with arcane fire, and she began trembling, until she suddenly slipped around, bringing herself to her feet, her eyes ablaze in red light. Trembling with fearsome anger, she whispered "What did you call me? I'm no Succubus. How dare you. I was just about to finish up here as well. How DARE you!", her voice rising to a shout again at the end. "I remember you from last night. You're powerful, fellow demon." she said at a normal voice again, gesturing at Siphon with a sparking hand. "Yes. It would be in your best interests to leave now, human, though feel free to watch. she directed at Harrel, her voice slightly deeper than before, and completely devoid of its earlier chime. As the two men watched, they would probably notice that she was slightly taller than before, and Harrel would see her spirit boiling with rage, threatening to spill over any minute, all her hate concentrating on Siphon. Both would also notice trickles of blood, two coming from her forehead.

((She's getting taller because she's starting to change into Mîrchell, who is 7 inches taller than Michelle. The bloods because she's getting really mad. There will be more blood on her back and ass, where the wings and tail are coming through, but those aren't visible.))

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Main Fields

Harrels green eyes light up with a decidedly 'Oh shit' look, as he realises the severity of what he'd got himself into. Suddenly...

*ULMF!* (Thas a landing noise yo!)

He lands on his back with a thud and another grunt. He looks up, and kicks away backwards across the grass with a look of shock on his face. He clutches his neck for a moment, but decides his dubious saviour was probably right, except for her being a succubus. He bounces to his feet and begins running for the school, risking further rage by calling back, "Don't generalise! She's only half succubus!"

He didn't actually know that for certain, but he knew what a succubi's soul smelt like, and there was certainly something of it in there. He couldn't put his finger on the rest. He wasn't certain what Siphon was, but he did indeed have a twisted and complex spirit. Though right now Harrel only cared about getting out of range.
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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Main Fields

Siphon's face contorted into a grimace, and after a moment a blast of electricity unlike anything either of the two had ever seen suddenly slammed into Michelle full force.

While not enough to fry her or 'kill' her, Michelle discovered one thing very very bad about being struck. Her heart, which until now she'd never known had not been beating, suddenly became super charged and began to beat, lasting a good fifteen or twenty seconds as the current took time to discharge. In that time, she found that her limbs simply refused to respond at all, at least until the crackle of energy died down. It was only now, with this, and the full transformation of his own completed in less than a second, that she knew what she faced.

Pitch black eyes that would put a full demon to shame, and claws extending a good nine inches outward, and now the clear cut that he had generated the current himself, there was no question. Michelle/Mirchelle would realize, if they knew of them, that she faced an ancient vampire, and likely one who'd killed several of his kind already and gained power from them.

"That was not a good idea, you can not win this battle, why risk angering one of my kind? And understood young man."

His voice had changed to pure demonic tone, a far different tone than just moments before.


The user previously known as Hero-in-the-Dark
Oct 18, 2009
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Re: Main Fields

Struck by the electricity, the half transformed Michelle stiffened, growling increasingly loudly as her punishment went on, and when it stopped, she staggered forward, before her transformation became apparent, and her two horns appeared through her fringe, her clothes suddenly started tearing, looking like they'd been used in battle for many years, and her black wings started to sprout out of two holes in the back of her shirt, a heart shape coming out of the back of her trousers, and her skin turned a shade of pink-grey, her fangs grew, her lower legs mutated into hooves, the boots fading entirely, her ears grew long and elven, and her eyes turned completely red. Her hair, however, remained unchanged, snowy white, with spiked bits surrounding her ears, and flowing behind her as well.

Smoking slightly, Mîrchell raised herself to her full, impressive height of 6'7", looking down at the transformed Siphon. "Bah. One of your kind? What could you do to the daughter of a Dread Lord! Your shocks are nothing!" she cried, storming towards Siphon, one hand shrouded in shadows, the other in flashing arcane sparks, anticipating he would shock her again, and going to tackle him while he tried.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Main Fields

Growling back, she might be a bit surprised when he didn't attempt to shock her, but simply extended his claws out, and slashed at her. The blows were low, not kill shots really, but more designed to incapacitate. Assuming she wasn't extra fast, she'd have a number of deep slashes on her legs that didn't want to heal quickly.

"You creatures are trying my patience. First a disembodied spirit, and now you? Fine, lets see what you really have bitch!"

For now, he let his claws do the talking, not particularly bothering to deflect and counter-attacks she may toss his way.


The user previously known as Hero-in-the-Dark
Oct 18, 2009
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Re: Main Fields

Charging straight onto the claws, Mîrchell howled in anger more than pain as her legs were torn, the blood flow from there joining that from her head, back, and just above her ass, noticeable amounts flowing down her legs now, visible through her damaged clothing.

"Don't you dare think I'm with that bastard in the armour! Noone controls me!" she screamed, grasping at Siphons hands, impaling her own on the claws, and forcing him back, working on a spell as yet more blood flowed from her hands, until suddenly Siphon would feel her magics flowing into him, powerful shadow magics attacking his will while arcane fire slammed into his chest, while Mîrchell herself continued to charge him backwards, lowering her head in preparation to butt him with her horns.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Main Fields

Hissing in both surprise and a bit of pain from the fire, Siphon ground his teeth together and planted both feet solidly into the ground, halting their movement. The shadow magic seemed to have no real effect on him, though it was hard to tell for sure, perhaps it did but his will was too strong to take in one dose, either way it didn't much matter.

With their movement halted, he regarded her for a moment.

"Good, glad to hear you aren't with him, not only does it make things easier, but it's a relief. It's a shame someone of your stature and attractiveness is such an evil psychotic bitch though, otherwise I'm sure there'd be a place for you. I wonder if you take after your parents. But enough talk."

The next thing Mirchelle knew, they were moving at a speed that her mind couldn't instantly comprehend. What did register was when her body met solid concrete from one of the wall like protrusions in the area, slamming into it hard enough to dislodge the two of them from each other. In her case, she had the 'wind' knocked out of her even as the wall crumbled from the force of the impact. In his case, the claws tore their way out of her arms, and he himself executed a triple back flip in mid air, landing on his feet in a semi-crouch position, taking a moment before rising fully.

"I should learn some of that magic though, quite effective. Thanks for the ideas, pity that your too evil and too much of a threat to be allowed to live."