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Main Office


RP Moderator
Nov 14, 2008
Reputation score
A Large building with double doors leads to Scholorly decor...
An Office in plain sight,
Receptionist at desk,
Her back to the door, she lets out an unmotivated sigh as she turns and greets with a half hearted:

"Yello.. How can I help ya?"
Re: Main Office

"Hi! I'm here about your advert for ranch hands needed. My names Yume Inaba, I called earier..." Yume says with a smile, wrestling some heavy looking bags.

Name: Yume Inaba
Gender: F
Age: 21
Race: Human, some Lunarian ancestry
Skills & Qualifications: BTEQ in Tentacle studies, A-level biology, basic medical skills,
Previous employment: National zoo veterinary clinic assistant during gap year in Andorra.
Physical Characteristics: Long soft blue hair, pink/rose eyes, 5'5 of avg human build,
Other interests: Tentacle anatomy and biology, tentacle care and observation, cooking, painted arts, airsoft,
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Re: Main Office

"Then you'll probably wish to give that to the manager..."

She hands back the resume and points to a door behind her,

"I'm Nancy by the way... Come ask if you need directions kay?"
Re: Main Office

Yume takes back the resume. "Ok then, thanks Nancy. I'll just leave my stuff there for a second if that's ok?" She says strolling over to the door. She knocks the door lightly as she steps half way in.

"Hello. I hear your looking for help around here." Yume says with a smile, offering the resume again.