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MGR Announcements and Stuff

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Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
(This thread shall be of use to delivering news to all players, and being available for future reference. Consider it your mail box.)

Either through the mail or a magical ball, all Ranchers are alerted to the opening of a privately owned arena run by Saphirette.

Saphirette said:
Greetings! Are you an aspiring Rancher? Do you think you have the guts and the power to go above and beyond what is expected of you? Can't wait for your promotions to make REAL money?

Well I, Saphirette, have good news for you!

There is a place for you to test your power to the limits. Come to my shop, and ask me about the Thunderdome(TM). Make sure you bring your A-Game, as well. The Dome is not for the light hearted...

Disclaimer: Saphirette holds no responsibility for injuries received by applicants, and is not liable in the event of serious injury or death. As required by Venice Laws, we are required to state that the Thunderdome is absolutely not safe, and should only be visited should an appointed Rancher be either foolhardy, or very confident in their skills.

Further details listed the location of the Thunderdome as being several thousand feet underground beneath the southern mountains. The prizes listed were absurdly higher than the normal arenas Venice had in place, and to top it all off, first place prizes came with special 'mystery' items that Saphirette promises won't disappoint.
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Re: MGR Announcements and Stuff

Everyone gets something in their mail!

Venice Party Program! said:
Are you aiming to be a successful rancher? Can't keep up with all your mamono? It can be difficult to make everyone happy as your numbers grow, so why not make use of our party program! Sponsored by Venice herself, we invite you to come to the grand opening of the

Rides, Gambling, Food, Drinks, and Games galore! Designed for all mamono, from the little to the tall, from the intelligent to the mighty! There's something for everyone! We even have the luxury suite for elder beings (Dragons, Kitsune, and elemental gods welcome)!

As a courtesy to all Ranchers who do such a good job at keeping the peace, first ticket is free on the house! Because remember, VENICE is VEry NICE! ♥♥♥

Venice's Golden Saucer is now open. Spend your hard earned Gilorians purely on pleasure alone. Get tickets for all mamono you wish to bring, and let them all have a blast! Doing so will allow the ability to multi-rp with many manono and have them interact with one another, in addition to a massive/global increase in loyalty!

When playing games/gambling in the Golden Saucer, keep in mind that mamono each have a hidden grade value for each type of game! You can probably guess at it based on their personality, but you won't know how good they are until you see them win or fail! (They might get better if they keep playing though!)

Tickets: Purchase tickets for your mamono to have them participate in those daily events (meaning a maximum of 2 can be bought in a week). The park is open only on weekends. Unlike special items to boost loyalty, any mamono can visit any event and their pride won't affect their choices.

Entry - 50g. Just to get in the park. Comes with a small loyalty bonus to see the festivities.

Play for Prizes - 60g for just one game! It seems really hard to win though, but the prizes look amazing (purely cosmetic + a chance to win a usable item if the mamono wins her extra shot after winning).

Theater - 120g to have your mamono star in her very own play! Venice herself sets the stage, but is more than willing to hear requests from the Rancher! She will also supply extra roles if the Rancher doesn't submit enough actors. Just hope that your mamono is good on stage! (Note: Please stop trying to make your Nightmares be lead roles. It just doesn't work. ~♥Venice)

Diamonds and Spades - 60g per pot. Compete up to five of your mamono against the notorious Cheshire Cat from Wonderland! Can your mamono possibly take the table from her paws!? (If you're from THAT universe, it's hold'em poker. ~Venice).

Slot Machine - 6g per spin. Your mamono's skill shouldn't matter here. But maybe she's mysteriously lucky? (Do NOT strike the machines. ~Venice).

Karaoke Party - 120g for a room complete with food and beverage. Let your mamono sing! Sirens VERY welcome! (Houses ten mamono).

Luxury Suite - 1000g for a room fit for one rancher, and two mamono only. There is little doubt that two mamono that spend their time in here will work together very well in the future! (Though perhaps not if destiny never had it in mind. Chance of bonuses if the two mamono are in the same party in the future).

Hope to see you!
Re: MGR Announcements and Stuff

Gnome has appeared and is threatening Venice City from the forest!

Two Expeditions are available to everyone. The battle against Gnome may allow Ranchers to team together to combat her threat!

Defeat the Dryad! Gnome's Dryads are summoning vines to crush buildings built too deep into the forest! Defeat a Dryad and protect innocent homes!
Recommended Level: 600

Subjugate Gnome! The Spirit of Earth and Soil has risen in great vengeance and furious anger against Venice and her Ranchers! Force Gnome to surrender to put an end to the attacks for good!
Recommended Level: 1000
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