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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Space holds many things, some of them good, some of them not so good. We pick up during a troubled time for the Milky Way galaxy, a time where the allied powers of our galaxy are at war with the super powered Ascendant Empire, headed by the Fearsome and Powerful Draque, and the amphibious Enoly.

Most of you likely know of them, how they follow the orders of an ascended race called the Sentinels. The few that don't already know soon will, as the war has spread throughout the galaxy. There is a plan to defeat them, and all must work together, or be forever enslaved by the Ascendant Empire.

You all have been sent subspace messages detailing a meeting point at a large space station that has been constructed near the fringe of the galaxy, away from any known Draque or Enoly activity. Here you will discover everything you wish to know of these aliens and their masters, and of the plans to defeat them. Here you will also find out, some of the Draque are actually AGAINST the empire, and fighting for your cause. Now is the time to work together, for if this fails, all will be lost.

Now, you have arrived near the station, to discover she is quite large, easily the size of a small city. Your ship has been scanned and determined to carry no Draque or Enoly life signs, and you have been given permission to come aboard the station known as Peltas Five.

((Our story picks up here, the first of many planned lines. Post away and get yourselves situated for the meeting however you deem fit.))


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

A small golden colored ship approaches the station, it's strangely colored blue streaks coming from it's thrusters slowly powering down as it moves into one of the docking bays. One would wonder if the ship was even from anywhere near this galaxy. And they would be right. After the ship had docked, a door 'appears' and a tall figure with a cloak covering the top half of his body with an added short, torn cape, a wrap around his head revealing only his eyes, and what appeared to be a loincloth covering his lower body, and a strange-looking pair of black cloth shoes covering his oddly-shaped feet, walks out, his stride different from most, mainly because of the fact that his legs bend like that of a digitigrade mammal. He closes his eyes and begins to scan the area with his Psi abilities, noting all the life-signs in the area as he places his right hand on his ship next to the door, the door seemingly disappearing as strangely as it had appeared

"By the Khala's light, why did Zeratul ask me to do this?" The Dark Templar asks through his Psionic abilities to anyone withing ten meters, a little trick he had picked up back on his tribe's homeworld "Well. On to this 'meeting'" he says again, slowly striding forward and stopping outside the bay, sending out another undetectable pulse of Psi, noting more life-signs and heading for the largest group he can find, most likely heading for the Briefing Room
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Pheonix Alugere

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Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

Nebula slowly glided through space towards the floating metal shell that housed many of the drone-not-drones that normally lived on the huge colored stones. The drones-not-drones had sent a message to Nebula's elders asking them to come meet at this shell who, in turn, sent Nebula to see what the drone-not-drones wanted and give them help if they asked. The Elders had declared that dealings with the drone-not-drones would help Nebula's mind mature and so Nebula went.

As Nebula approached the floating metal shell, it felt many of the drone-not-drones' roaming metal shells going to and from the large floating shell. Soon it also felt a tingle as those on the station shown their lights on Nebula to identify it.

To be helpful, it spoke to the minds of those operating the lights, *I am* Here an image of stars floating in a sea of stellar gas as planets form around them is transmitted, the best simplification of this would be to the word 'Nebula.' *The Elders received your meaningful lights and sent me to meet with you.*

At this time, those who could sense psychic energy would feel a massive tendril of it reach out and touch the station.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

Ixackael feels a strange presence overwhelm his Psionic senses, stopping in his tracks "I sense another with powers similar to myself" he thinks to himself, looking around at the station and sending out a small Psi pulse, sensing anything within his usual fifty meter radius "What have I gotten into? When I get back to Shakuras, I'm going to beat the crap out of Zeratul for sending me here." he thinks to himself again, his blue eyes looking over the station and his thoughts floating around in his own head as he resumes his walk to the area he had pre-determined

Pheonix Alugere

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Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

While waiting to see how the drone-not-drones on the floating metal shell respond, Nebula feels a small pulse within the shell. Forgetting about the drone-not-drones who it had spoken to, Nebula reaches out to the one which had made the pulse and mentally pokes it.

*Hey!* It sends to the drone-not-drone that had been at the center of the pulse. Of course, what a living ship three fourths of a kilometer long considers a light poke might not be so for a smaller creature.
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Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

Ixackael's mental guard is instantly raised as he feels the mental poke "So I was correct. There IS another aboard this station who can communicate like me" Ixackael replies mentally, directing his thoughts to the entity that first contacted him, still on his guard as he walks "What brings you to this station. And who are you?" he thinks, still trying to maintain a connection with Nebula

Pheonix Alugere

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Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

*I am* again the flurry of mental images that could vaguely be interpreted as Nebula. *The Elders sent me out here to respond to the meaningful lights that the drone-not-drones sent.* It responds before adding a question.

*What are you? Most drone-not-drones cannot speak normally.*


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

"So. You are one of the creatures like my race which cannot speak through oral means. I am know as Ixackael. I am a Protoss from the far-off planet Shakuras. I came as a favor to my mentor, Zeratul." Ixackael thinks back to Nebula, a new-found interest in this being "The images you have sent to me. They most resemble what my people know as a Nebula. Do you mind if I call you by that name?" he thinks to Nebula, a smile would be on his face if he had a mouth

Pheonix Alugere

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Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

*Nebula...?* The creature pauses as if mentally tasting the name. *I suppose that works, the Elders said that you drone-not-drones didn't think like* Here a series images of massive creatures moving between stars and galaxies in an endless journey are transmited.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

"Well, they probably have not heard of our race. We lack the means to communicate like other 'drone-not-drones', as you put them. It could very well be that our two races were in some small way related in our evolution." Ixackael thinks to Nebula, his walk long-since postponed to concentrate on his conversation with Nebula "Those images, though. Those creatures resemble a long-standing enemy of my race. It startled me for a moment to see them." he thinks, then tries to change the subject "You follow elders. Much like my own race. We usually follow those who are older than us, as age means wisdom. It is good to know there are other races out there besides my own that use thought to communicate." he sends back to Nebula, thoughts of Shakuras and Zeratul slipping in alongside his thoughts to Nebula

Pheonix Alugere

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Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

You have 'enemies' that look like this? An image is transmitted of a creature that is similar to an elongated sphere with two triangular appendages growing out from the middle like massive wings and a mouth taking up almost a third of its body. *Also, what is an 'enemies'?*


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

Nebula would soon receive a reply back to his transmission. "Welcome to Peltas Five then. I am interpreting your images as a Nebula, so I ask if I may call you that myself? I am known as Siphon/Talvesh of the Alverans. We had not expected to encounter a being such as yourself, and as such I am afraid I am ill equipped to properly greet you. Please accept my apologies."

At this same time, Nebula's sensors would indicate a gargantuan vessel emerge from hyper-space. If he had encountered, or his kind had encountered such a ship before, he would then recognize it as a Wraith Hive Ship. Moments later a smaller ship arrived behind the Hive. This would come across as an Alveran ship, if Nebula had encountered one before.

Rather than dock, both ships took up a high orbit near the station, the larger one further out due to her mass.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

Ixackael take a moment to reply, the image resembling that of a Zerg Mutalisk "Yes, Nebula. That is one of their many forms. And an 'enemies' is a being or race that wants to destroy you or your race. My enemies are known as the Zerg. It would be too difficult to explain what they are without showing you. So I will." Ixack thinks to Nebula, then closes his eyes and begins showing images of the massacre's on Auir, and the Zerg that caused it. The tragedies on Shakuras, and the mighty Queen of Blades that caused it. And the images of fallen Protoss laying at the feet of a woman with wings which had no feathers or webbing, her claws stained with blue blood as she chuckles "Those......Abominations...........are Zerg." he simply replies, his thoughts beginning to cloud "I am afraid I cannot speak with you much longer. My rage is starting to cloud my thoughts. Let us speak again once I am rested, Nebula" he thinks, then opens his eyes, the blue in them shining a bit brighter than normal. If one could see anything in his eyes, it would be extreme rage

Pheonix Alugere

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Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

Hearing the metal shell's meaningful light Nebula devotes a small portion of its mind to respond without breaking its conversation with the protoss-drone-not-drone. *That name is acceptable, already the protoss-drone-not-drone Ixackael has chosen to call me that*

Then, sensing the new ships, in particular the Wraith hive, Nebula reaches out to try and initiate a third conversation with the hive ship itself. *Hey.*
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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

There was a brief moment of pause from the station before the reply came back. "Very well then Nebula, welcome to our galaxy. I wish we had better accomodations for you here, but as I said, we were not expecting anything quite like you to show up here. I wasn't even aware a being such as you existed, but one of our goals is too seek out new life, and I wholeheartedly welcome the opportunity for first contact."

The Hive on the other hand replied nearly instantaneously. Greetings, I am Narlina, Queen of this Hive. It is rare we come across another species capable of direct telepathic communication. Might I ask, what is your name, and where do you come from? I am curious to learn more of you. This of course, was a complete telepathic communication from the Queen.

Pheonix Alugere

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Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

To the floating metal shell, Nebula responds simply, though with some confusion knowing that the drone-not-drones had contacted them first, *The Elders did however, receive your meaningful lights, although they didn't come from here. The message was rather odd, something about a Gilligan and an Isle about 43 sheddings ago. The Elders interpreted it as a greeting and sent me to communicate.*

To the hive, it first uses its telepathy to see the number of minds on board before responding, *The drone-not-drones of the floating metal shell refer to me as Nebula because they cannot fully speak my name, and the other* Here a series images of massive creatures moving between stars and galaxies in an endless journey are transmitted similar to when Nebula spoke to Ixackael, *have stopped to feed at the edge of this cluster of great lights and gravity while I interact with the drone-not-drones. You are interesting though. You are drone-not-drones that have made a large drone to move yourself with.*


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

There is a pause, then a curious and baffled, "Gilligan and an Isle? I'm not sure I am following what you mean. We sent out a sub-space message asking our allies to meet here, and anyone who had heard of the Ascendant Empire and knew what was going on to come here and at least discuss things. I can only guess that our message reached you by sheer luck. However since you are here, I believe that it is only fair that you have access to why our message was sent out in the first place. We will soon begin what we call a meeting amongst our kind, and I would invite you to listen in on it to understand us some."

The voice is quite clearly confused, although certainly trying to understand everything as best as he can.

The response from the hive is a moment in coming, and the scan of minds would reveal that there were well over thirty thousand Wraith aboard this hive, a medium sized crew for such a large vessel. Interesting. The others of your kind, as well as you feed on cosmic energy? That is amazing, although... our kind, we call ourselves the Wraith, long ago learned we could use certain forms of energy to sustain ourselves, including electrical energies. Perhaps at some juncture we can expand on our knowledge of each other and learn more from each other?

Pheonix Alugere

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Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

To the metal shell, Nebula responds simply, *I understand that since many drone-not-drones cannot speak properly, I shall send a drone to aid in communication.* Subsequently a small object departs from an orifice near the end of the creature and begins to head towards the station.

To the Wraith, Nebula continues replies with a correction, *We do not feed on the energy of the great lights, but instead on the large asteroids which are more plentiful in these clusters than in the dark between.* To demonstrate, Nebula opens its massive mouth, a rift which is over 200 meters long.

To Ixackael, Nebula responds with bewilderment after having take some time to think on his response despite the begging of rest, *The being I showed you could not be one of these 'Zerg' you speak of. The last time my kind approached a cluster of great lights was before the Elders were born. It was over 300 sheddings ago. You must be mistaken.*


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

"Understood Nebula, we are tracking your drone now and are ready to receive."

There was a pause and then back from Narlina, Ah, my apologies then. I misunderstood you. Incredible!

Pheonix Alugere

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Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

Soon the drone, a meter wide hexagon with a leg at each corner, approaches the station and begins to maneuver itself using a weaker form of Nebula's telekinetic movement towards the first opening it can find.

To the Wraith Nebula Finishes while closing its mouth, *As for trading knowledge, you would want to find and ask the Elders that. They know the knowledge that my people have learned at other great light clusters as we have traveled, but for myself, this is my first time visiting a great light cluster*
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