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[Tribal Tactics] The Lore (Forever WIP)


Needs to go commit sudoku
RP Moderator
Nov 15, 2008
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The known world consists of a large central continent, divided into various territories through natural barriers such as mountain ranges or deep ravines, and is surrounded by vast oceans with a few islands of varying sizes scattered around it. At the center lies an enormous mountain, said to once have been a volcano, but now only fresh, crisp water pours out from it in every direction and provides each territory with drinkable water. The base of the mountain is a vast stretch of hollow caves and deep chasms, and the many tunnels in there provide alternative routes between each territory.

To the south lies the lands of the Felyn Prides, vast stretches of Savannah doted by Jungle-like forests surrounding small lakes, with mountains separating them from the west and east territories of the island. The Felyn Prides while often scattered into small groups of extended families, still by far and large work together for the common good of Felynkind. Felyn prides are either ruled by a group of venerable and wise elders, or by a powerful and respected, or feared, chieftain.

To the west lies the lands of the Reptyl Tribes, vast stretches of Swamp doted by rocky spires, with a mountainrange to the south and a deep chasm to the north. The Reptyl Tribes always live in large groups, and only rarely choose to work together with those from outside their own tribe. Reptyl Tribes are ruled by their Shamans, which commonly are of the Draconian race but it is not uncommon of that a pair of Lamias rule a tribe, while Saurian Shamans ruling a tribe are very rare.

To the east lies the lands of the Outcast Packs, vast stretches of Desert frequently doted by dry, rocky ground, and rarely doted by lush and vibrant Oasises, with a mountainrange to the south and deep chasm to the north. The Outcast Packs are often small nomadic groups that wander from place to place in search of food or thrills, with only a scant few permanent settlements to be found. Among the Outcasts, only the strong and mighty are fit for leading and ruling, while the weak and meek are only meant to follow.

Few knows what lies beyond the bottomless ravines and chasms to the north.

The setting is largely of a tribal era, tools being made of wood, stone and bone, and people living in either caves or tents made of hides. Magic exists, and those capable of making use of its powers are sometimes respected and sometimes feared, depending on the user and those around them. Magic items are ranges from being common to rare depending on the strength of the enchantment.

Lions, they are spread far and wide and thrives in just about any environment, and are known for their teamwork and charisma. The average male stands about 6' to 6'4/180 to 190cm tall, the average female ranging from 5'4 to 6'/160 to 180cm.

Cheetahs, they most often live in large flat regions, such as the savannahs, and are known for their great speed. The average male stands 5' to 5'4/150 to 160cm tall. The average female stands 4'8 to 5'2/145 to 155cm tall.

Kityans, they live just about everywhere much like Lions, and tend to form larger families compared to other catfolk. They are known for their natural affinity for magic, and are known to form a mild empathic link with those they stick together with. The average male stands 4'8 to 5'4/145 to 160cm tall. The average female stands 4'4 to 5'/140 to 150cm tall.

Jaguars, they tend to stick to the jungles, but are not adverse to living elsewhere. They are more nomading than other catfolk, which stems from their well known quick temper and reckless, careless attitudes. The average male stands 6'4 to 7'/190 to 210cm tall. The average female stands 6'2 to 6'8/185 to 200cm tall.

Panthers, much like Jaguars they prefer the jungles, but are not uncommon to find in other regions. They are known for their agility and ability to remain unseen, and it is a rare thing to find a Panther that isn't mischievious in nature, be it harmless pranks or stealing what catches their fancy. The average male stands 6' to 6'4/180 to 190cm tall, the average female ranging from 5'8 to 6'4/170 to 190cm.

Tigers, while not adverse to social interaction, tend to be highly competitive with others of their kind, as they are by their nature one of the, if not THE, biggest and strongest of all catfolk. They are known as the mightiest of warriors among the catfolk. The average male stands 9'4 to 10'/280 to 300cm tall, the average female stands 9' to 9'8/270 to 290cm tall.

Sphinxes, they make their homes wherever it pleases them, and have a tendency to wander and seek out solitude. They are quiet and contemplative by nature, but many of them find great joy in intellectual challenges, much like Tigers find joy in physical ones. They are well known for possessing powerful innate magical prowess, and being the only kind of catfolk possessing wings. Strangely enough, only female Sphinxes exist, and they are known to have a maternal side towards Kityans, often acting as a guardian for the smallest of the catfolk. The average Sphinx stands 6'4 to 7'4/190 to 220cm tall.
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