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The Adbot's Revenge!


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Copper picked her head up slightly. "Isn't their base that giant freaking whatever the hell that just grew out of the ground that, y'know, the Brotherhood is attacking? Kinda hard to miss." She pushed her shades back to the bridge of her nose, not having raised her chin from her chest while the transport rumbled onward. "Or is that some other base that just cropped out of nowhere?"


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"That's the Brotherhood's base." Shrike pointed out, taking attention away from the wall beside her, she's been very carefully cutting grooves in a blank spot to make a small picture, though it's as of yet unintelligible, perhaps from the bouncing and jarring caused by the movement of the vehicle.


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"As long as we get there," Sin muttered to the other two women, nestling herself in the corner.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"God?" Gorgutz seemed to be puzzled by Nox's words at first, but quickly he began to laugh. His underlings joined him after the moment, after they've realized it was safe to laugh with the warboss, even though they had no idea what Nox's words meant. After all, Gorgutz found this funny, so it had to be funny. "Yer no god, just a pile o' scrap. Oy! Lugnut! See wat makes dis tick leta'. Now, back to yer jobz, gitz!" After saying that, Gorgutz turned around and walked away, moving towards a large building. It looked like a small fortress made of wood, scrap, big guns and god only knew what else. The constructors were probably drunk, insane or both, and the whole thing seemed to be ready to collapse. However, this was probably the toughest and best defended structure in the camp - the warboss's quarters. The only one that followed Gorgutz was Brokk - other orks quickly scrambled, returning to their posts. The only one that remained was the Big Mek, who apparently had trouble with figuring out what Gorgutz meant when he said "later". In the meantime, he just kept staring at Nox. Somehow, the mechanoid was reminded of Cerberus, the guardian of Hell. If he tried to look for Grave, he'd find out that the darkling and the weirdboy disappeared - most likely they took the discussion to a different place.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon never took his eyes off the road as he drove.

"They're correct Host on it's location, and yes I was there at their base, or as it was fifteen years ago when I vanished. I've also been there to the base twenty five years from now. One of the perks of my new ability, though at a hefty price is the ability to teleport, not just through space, but time as well. I want one thing clear. All of you I consider colleagues, and some of you I consider even to be close friends. Should we win this day, and all survive, you must know one thing. I will not be rejoining you back at the forum, and no Host, I am NOT joining your band of Lurkers. In fact, I'll likely be striking off where no one will find me, I'm becoming too dangerous to be around all of you, or I will be."

He seemed quite certain of this, yet didn't seem upset by it, more .... resigned.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Copper listens quietly as he speaks. "Yeah, well, the future ain't solid, buddy. Don't be so hasty to run off because of something that might happen. Let's just deal with this and then we'll deal with you." She reaches into her jacket and pulls out a cigarette, shaking one up and offering it to Sin before taking one for herself. After lighting it, she tosses the Zippo to the other woman if she needs that as well.


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Sin catches the lighter and lights the offered cigarette. As she tossed the zippo back she took a drag, and let it out in a swirling cloud.

"Fuck I needed that,"


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

As Sinful finished her sentence, a loud thump was heard to the right of the vehicle, which had suddenly become airborn. It began to tumble through the air, before crashing upside-down. Outside, a massive black figure began to thump towards it. It began to chuckle in a familiar voice. "Get out here, you whelps! You're in need of crushing!" it bellows, raising a massive fist over it's head, aiming to crush the transport with one blow. "The future god of the world demands that you die!" Supermeme yells, bringing it's fist down, but missing the transport's center area, hitting it on a corner and causing it to flip through the air, before landing upright behind him.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

The moment the vehicle had stopped, Siphon was no longer in the seat.

Brain Damage be damned, this fucker needs a lesson in manners.

One second he was in front of the beast, the next the beast lost sight of him .... right up until it actually felt a punch connect with it's backside. Not enough to kill it, but enough to physically MOVE his mass and hurt.

"You? A god? Arrogant little prick even in undeath aren't you? Only someone truly deserving the right to be called that garners that title, and you, your not even close to being worth that."

There was a fire to his eyes that the group had never seen before, almost as if he relished this battle and this proving ground, yet there was also something that said he wasn't showing his full potential yet.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

The punch had hurt, alright, but it had been more of a needle prick hurt than anything. Supermeme's skin seemed to feel like punching tempered steel, not even a bit of give from the punch "Ow. That tickled. You seem to be a bit stronger than the others. But you can't hurt me like that. You'd need something as strong as me just to even hurt my own skin."the beast chuckles, grinning and bearing his massive set of fangs. "The only one who might even pose a tiny threat to me is Toonpimp. And he's my leader, so nothing can stop me!"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon laughed hard at this before looking square at the beast.

"OH really now, and just WHO do you think made ME? I'm not even coming at you at full strength yet and you just admitted I packed more of a whallop. I wonder what you'll do when I do this."

Again a sudden flash, and he moved at a damn near phantom sprint speed, a significantly harder double punch and kick combination hitting into his opponent. Once this was finished, he was back where he'd started a smile on his face.

"Your dying SuperMeme. Slowly but surely your MASTER has led you both to believe your growing stronger every day, deluding himself into believing you can perfect the PG357AW virus. Your wrong, it's inherently unstable in it's natural state. I should know, I'm infected with it. Both of you will be rotting in your graves long before any of us do. Tell me, how well do you like electricity?"

((Again, harder power, but STILL holding back. He's goading SuperMeme, trying to see what reaction he can garner.))


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Shrike lets out a grunt of surprise as the transport gets tossed, taking stock of herself once it stops flying. Couple bruises, nothing broken. Small head wound trickling some blood, she puts a finger to it and it comes back red. She takes a quick glance at Copper before shrugging and exiting the transport, her shimmering blue blades appearing in her hand as she went.


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Her lip was split, blood trickling down her chin. Sin scrambled out of the vehicle and pulled her swords free of their scabbards.

"Fucking bastard," she growled and leapt towards him, stabbing at his legs.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Awsonofa--" Copper spits out as the transport tumbles over, swatting at the cigarette she just lost before it puts a hole in her shirt. She's jostled around, turned upside down, but the blows from slamming into the ground aren't even enough to phase her.

"Finally. Time to tear shit up." She follows after the other two women, her claws quite visible as she grabs the sides of the transport and hauls herself out.

So this behemoth was Supermeme.

Not impressed.

"All right, fucker. Let's see how thick that skin of yours really is." Bounding around the battle already in progress, she heads for his backside, leaping at him and using her claws to dig in and get a grip, making to haul herself onto his back. She doesn't seem to care if she's hurting him or not, as attacking him that way doesn't appear to be her intention. If he tries to grab her, he's suddenly grasping at mist that continues to traverse up his form until she reaches his neck and head, straddling him there if she has the chance or simply just clinging to him if she doesn't. "Now, let's see how well you do without eyes."

Rather than swiping at them she grabs for the flesh there, scooping and smearing it like moist clay, folding his own skin over onto itself, causing his face to distort as she literally pulls as much of his skin over his face as she possibly can, ideally trying to cover his eyes, nose, and mouth, sealing them shut within a cocoon of his own flesh.
Last edited:


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Supermeme grunts lightly at Siphon's attack, his massive grin still on his face as he hears Siphon's words and laughs loudly "PATHETIC! You all are mere flies compared to me! What makes you think I'm going to let you live past this moment?!" he roars, then feels Copper climbing his back, then slicing at his face from behind, roaring as his eyes are covered by his own flesh, before grasping one of her arms and yanking her off of his neck, holding her out in front of him "One nuisance after another, neverending, never ceasing to make me exert myself." he says, then flings Copper to the side, turning his attention back to Siphon, his nose sniffing out the blood on his face, putting his shoulder forward, and suddenly disappearing. If Siphon was fast enough, he just might be able to realize that Supermeme had diverted all of his strength to his legs, and used that to move at speeds faster than even Siphon could. Supermeme would fly past him, skidding to a halt a few feet behind him. "You can't beat me! You're inferior! I am the future GOD!" he roars, then brings both of his hands crashing together around Siphon at phantom-sprint speed, intending to squash him.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon showed no emotion on his face, not moving until it was far too late for Supermeme to realize what he had planned.

As the hulking beast was about to connect, Siphon teleported behind him, then used the momentum of his enemy against it, placing a well timed shove into the back of his body, likely enough to trip the behemoth at worst. If he was real lucky, the force might be enough to cause Supermeme to fall flat on his face.

Then came the unthinkable. Siphon jumped into the air, and seemed to hang there, a dangerous red hue around him. Then blasts of pure electrical energy crackled from his entire body, snaking their way right towards Supermeme, the intent to fry very clear.

It wouldn't take much knowledge of the language spoken to know what Siphon said, even though a translation would follow.

"Ventprah elokneh veltan embrok vampiricanus."

A smile then he translated.

"You can't defeat the Ancient Vampires."

After a moment he added with no doubt in his voice, "but you can try. Many have. ALL have failed, and you will be no difference. The power and knowledge of them all runs through me. Sure, it may kill me in the end, but I'll live long enough to see you and TP sent to your graves. And to think, YOU made me into what I am Supermeme. You see, it was your blunder that created me, that led me to my true destiny. I suppose I should thank you for that. Then again, I'm not feeling that chariatable after you killed my brother."

((Think electrical current much like a super-generator, though less hard hitting since it's being generated from him directly and not fed from another source. Not enough to kill SM, but enough to get his attention and realize he's not dealing with a cream puff, not that he'd ever admit someone could challenge him :D))


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Supermeme lands on his right hand, his right knee barely touching the ground before he springs back up onto both feet, looking up at the lightning then growling as it shocks him, shaking halfway through, then seeming to ignore it, dusting off his right shoulder with his left hand, his grin still on his face "You think I care what you are? My mission is to kill everyone who may prove a threat to Toonpimp. That includes all of you! And that tin soldier you call a leader!" he yells, suddenly disappearing, then appearing behind Shrike, grasping her in his right hand, and slowly clenching his fist around her, raising her off the ground til she was eye-level with the behemoth "You wouldn't attack me when I could easily crush your pathetic little friend in an instant, now, would you? Doing so would brand you a traitor, and not doing so will also brand you a traitor. Either way. You will not walk away unharmed."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

There's a dull crack of a sound as the vampire slams into a nearby building, the side of it caving slightly and spiderwebbing out in cracks as she hits and then falls to the ground. For a good number of seconds, she doesn't move and then there's a cough.

"Fuck, that's going to leave a mark." Pushing herself up, she winces, feeling a few bits of bone knitting themselves back together. She twists up to a sitting position, not trusting herself to move just yet and, given Siphon's light show, not wanting to right at the moment. As he mentions the Ancients, she cants her head to the side, curious, but this isn't the time to ask.

As soon as the behemoth grabs hold of Shrike, though, the world goes completely red. Literally. The vampire's eyes flare up with a crimson gleam and one second she's standing in the shadow of the building and the next she's going for the wrist of the hand holding Shrike, prepared to rip, tear, or twist away the muscles of it to keep him from being able to squeeze.

((Copper's in Caine's Fury mode, which means she has the speed to probably peel away the skin and muscle of Meme's wrist and if there's no muscle, he can't move his hand. And if he tries to smash Shrike into the ground or throw Copper away again, she'll be able to stop him. Won't be infinite and will probably tear up the ground beneath her feet, but should be long enough for someone else to do something.))


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Shrike lets out a gasp as Meme gets a hold of her, surprised by his sudden burst of speed. Something must be blocking her precognition, or she would have seen something like that coming. She feels him start to squeeze, and quickly builds a barrier around herself, knowing her blades don't do sufficient damage to him. As shimmering blue surrounds her, she calls out. "Kill it quick! I won't be able to keep this ub forever!"


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Supermeme looks down at the vampire trying to claw past his flesh, chuckling as she would soon realize that his flesh would heal a second after Copper had stopped cutting that particular area, growing harder and harder to cut with each attempt. If Copper could distinguish one thing, it was that as it got harder to cut, it would also begin to cause a sting of pain with each attack, as if reflecting her own attack back at her. "As I said before. You are nothing more than a nuisance." he states, turning his attention back to Siphon, his left hand clenching into a fist that he raises in front of his left eye "This world will have a new order! It will have me as it's God! And no one can stop me!!!!!" he roars, breaking out into another roaring laugh


Back at Silver's garage, Burrito was sitting up, almost fully stripped of his skin and human-like features. What sat on the table in the main garage was what appeared to be a Terminator robot, with the exception of having a more defined body structure, with large servos serving as both automators and supports, each part double-tasking to pull the weight of another, should it fail. The entire design culminated into a large glowing blue orb, with a honeycomb of yellow surrounding it, pulsating gently every so often as Burrito moved his head to examine the shop.

Off in a dark corner, however, movement stirred. A familiar tapping was heard alongside footsteps, a figure walking out of the darkness and sighing as he adjusted his gloves "Well, well, well. Look who we have here." the man says, raising his left hand to brush back his dog ears from in front of his shoulders to behind them. "It seems not even my mechanic is safe from your watchful eyes." Burrito says, turning his head so his glowing red eyes could look his enemy right in the face. "Are those your final words, cyborg?" the man asks, his left hand clutching his cane, and his right grasping the diamond head, pulling it and drawing a sword from within the cane "I'm afraid not." Burrito says, standing rather jerkishly, his legs barely even working enough to hold him up.

((No one better interfere with the whole thing happening back at Silvers' place. You have been warned.))