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The Adbot's Revenge!



Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Supermeme takes a deep breath in, then slams both of his fists together, then raises them over his head and then slams them down, his mouth opening as he did so, the earth literally disappearing from beneath his hands, a brown ball of light forming in his mouth, before a large brown beam is emitted from his mouth, emitted at Grave and actually BENDING as it passed him to hit Siphon in the back. All of this happened within the course of two seconds, before the light disappeared.


TP suddenly disappears, then reappears a foot forward, on his left hand in a low duck, then suddenly leaps towards Oni who is heading towards him, clashing his sword with the dark being
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Feb 6, 2009
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave grinned when the beam passed him. Really wide. "Big mistake, idiot." He slammed his fist into the ground, releasing the power and forming a black circle on the ground around Supermeme, which quickly began to turn into a portal similiar to the one Grave made earlier. "Ever heard of elementals? They have a funny ability - to go into a world made entirely of the element that they represent. And guess what? You're facing one. Ready for a trip?"

(If Shrike is conscious - Grave sent her to the spot which he used as an observation point earlier.)


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"So is that all you've got? Your speed?" Oni growls at Toon Pimp through gritted teeth as he tries to force him backwards, his blades trapping Toon Pimp's own sword. Dark energies begin to course over Oni's body, enveloping him in a miasma of darkness, then quite suddenly it rushes onto his blades, coating them, and focusing this energy Oni pushes forward, slashing his blades outwards in an attempt to throw Toon Pimp backwards.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon growled in pain as the blast hit him, sending him flying, ironically, backwards, tearing out a chunk of flesh when he hit the ground. Blood flew from this and the wound on his face, which had torn open.

Wounded heavily as he was however, he still was determined to make it to his feet again. By the time he would however, there probably would be no need to fight.

His body was healing rapidly, but no where near as fast as he thought it should have been. The sight of his blood though tilted the world into a haze of black and red, his hands clenching as something else began to happen, loud snapping noises coming from inside of his body. He would not pass out, he could not pass out really as the nerve receptors for that were long fried beyond repair. However, it did keep him immobile long enough for Grave to do what he was planning, or for SM to retreat, whichever came first.

While the pain was excruciating, Siphon's mind was still churning, processing everything at an alarming rate. He was sure if he survived he could heal Shrike, though ... wait, HEAL her?

It suddenly dawned on him that whatever Supermeme had hit him with had jolted his mind into clarity. He knew it wouldn't last forever, but he'd been given another chance. He couldn't stop what he'd already put into motion, but he COULD, assuming he survived, make absolutely certain that none of his friends fell victim to death, and that they could stop some of his more ... insane ideas.

And so he stayed there, bent on one knee where he was stuck for now, waiting for the moment his body stopped hurting enough to move.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"It seems that I won't be getting at your friend today." Toonpimp says, being pushed back and sheathing his blade "Well, Oni. You've won this battle for now." he says, suddenly disappearing. Burrito would manage to stand, and limp back to the table, turning to look at Oni silently for several minutes before speaking "Where were you, man? I though you were dead for good."


Supermeme sees the black portal open, looking around and trying to escape, when suddenly Grave feels something hard hit him in the back of the head, before being elbowed in the gut and punched in the face, all within a split second of each other, before Toonpimp appears on Supermeme's shoulders, chuckling before they both disappear, a piece of paper being left behind, floating through the air towards Siphon. It read only two words. FAREWELL. WEAKLING.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Sonnovabitch," Oni mutters as Toon Pimp disappears, connecting his swords back together again he dematerialises it before his attention draws back to Burrito.

"I thought I was too," Oni begins, hopping up onto the nearest surface Oni sits down. "But, it looks like the God's had other plans for us." Oni pauses, remaining silent for a few moments. "I was battling for what seemed like a thousand years, constantly changing form. Looks like it was only in that dimension that time went at such a pace. How long have I been gone anyway?" Oni adds, turning to face Burrito again.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

It took Grave a while to recover and understand everything his senses registered. Once he realized what happened, he let out a stream of curses that could scare a normal person. After releasing some steam, the darkling gestured towards the portal. It quickly grew smaller, then turned into an egg-shaped thing before disappearing, leaving Shrike's body on the ground. Grave took a look around and shook his head. "Damn... Whatever he is, he's gotta be pretty quick... I'd have sealed that guy away if that bastard didn't interfere." The darkling made a few steps forward, stopping near Shrike and kneeling, checking how much damage she took.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"You've been gone for about half a day. Things have really gone to shit." Burrito says, sighing as Silvers walks in, laying Burrito down on the table and pressing a button, a large coffin-like machine coming down and hissing for a few seconds, before retracting. Silvers then helps Burrito sit back up, his robotic body disguised once again behind his normal appearance. Silvers would nod, heading back wherever he was before, Burrito hopping down from the table, grasping his sword nearby and attaching the sheath to the left side of his waist "How about you? Are you ready to fight? We've got a couple of would-be gods to kill." he says, stretching his arms "But first, we've got to catch up with the rest of the group."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon now had stood.

"He's a virus Grave, just like I once was. Now ... I don't know what the hell I am anymore. Hmph, weakling eh? We shall see when we meet again vantak. I have great plans in motion."

He then moved over to Grave's side, joining him to check on Shrike.

"Damn. This is bad. Ok look, I can heal the damage, keep her from dying but ... if we try to revive her before her body has had a chance to mentally heal on it's own it may kill her anyway, do you understand?"

After he had healed her, he turned to Grave and spoke lowly.

"Grave, I need to ask you something, it's ... important. Have you ever heard of anyone with the ability to teleport through time as well as space?"

The elemental might be able to tell that something had rattled the usually unflappable hybrid in front of him, and whatever it was, the blue eyes staring back at him had a concerned, haunted look to them. They were the eyes of someone who knew something bad was going to happen, and needed help preventing it.

((Keeping Shrike KO'd at request of her and Burrito so you know Grave.))


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave simply nodded when Siphon explained Shrike's status to him, not interfering with the process. He couldn't help anyway. After hearing Siphon's question, the darkling shook his head. "Time-space travel, huh... I know someone capable of manipulating time and space, actually... Even capable of jumping through dimensions and such. However, you should forget about asking him for help. He probably won't feel like aiding you at all... Reaching that bastard is hard enough anyway, and it may take time. He may be willing to do me a favor, though, considering the fact that we're sort of... Comrades. What exactly do you need?"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon paused for only a moment before answering.

"I need to know if there is a way of stopping the damage done to the brain when using that ability. As I understand it, each time I use my power it causes damage to my brain, which will eventually turn me completely insane. I need to know if there is a way of countering that, or some way of making the strain less ... taxing. When that energy blast Supermeme fired hit me, it did something that reversed the damage already done, otherwise this conversation wouldn't be coherent. If need be ... Well lets just say if there is no way to stop it, or duplicate the reversal effect, I have an idea on how to cripple the enemy forces and give you all a chance."

He paused, then finally spoke.

"If need be I'll teleport into their base with an active, ready to detonate nuke and take most of them with me. I can't, I WON'T allow myself to get to a point where I could potentially hurt any of you. I can't let it get to a point where that chance would even be there, but I can't shirk my duties either. Something you need to be aware of Grave. Sparky was my brother, not just a random wraith friend."


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave listened carefully, digesting the information. After a while, he finally spoke. "I see... In other words, you can't use that power without harming yourself." The darkling didn't want to say anything about Sparky. It seemed that while Grave understood Siphon, he didn't want to touch this topic. "That person I told you about... I never really saw him take damage because of his own ability." Grave pondered for a while, before facing Siphon. "I'm afraid I may be unable to help you with that. That guy was very unusual anyway, and he had more than one... Personality in him. I never really understood his power. I could try to contact and ask him, but I can't promise you anything. In my opinion... You're screwed."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon thought for a long time regarding this, weighing things heavily.

"I don't want you wasting a favor on something that probably is doomed to begin with any way, so I guess we just need to see if we can think of anything. If I knew exactly what the hell Supermeme hit me with then maybe I could find a way to duplicate it in a less powerful form, but ... thanks anyway Grave. We all knew what we were getting into ya know? Perhaps ... perhaps it's better this way for the world. Just one last duty to perform then for me, and then ... well see. Eternal rest might be good after all. You said that your ability seals people right? Is there a way you can use that power to destroy them completely?"


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

(Hate missing things for several hours.)

Allright, that's it. He's getting his mouth sealed shut next.

Given Meme's sudden movements, Copper's suddenly on the ground again. Even if she were to get between his fist and the earth, it would wind up being the same result for Shrike: not good. She does jump back as the inky portal opens up, grinning as she sees who comes out of it.

"GoodtohaveyoubackGrave." She doesn't question where he's taken Shrike off to, knowing that probably anywhere is better than ground zero here. Time to see if a new player in the mix would make a difference. And for a second, it seemed it would, even after Meme's attack disintegrated the ground, the energy from it slamming into Siphon. She saw Grave preparing his attack and then stumble, a growl escaping her throat as she saw the man on the beast's shoulder the second before they disappered.

Bounding over to her commerades, it looked as though she was coming down from her frenzy, though her eyes still bore their crimson glow. "I might be able to help a little, too, but you're right, it really is all up to her." (I'm not ghouling Shrike without Shrike's okay *laughs*) She flops down on the ground and takes out her flask, tipping it up and draining the contents in one very long pull, listening to the other two talking.

"So," she states, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, "enough with the doom and gloom. What's the plan for killing those two assholes?" She diverts the conversation, or tries to, given that with that question, she has an idea of where Siphon's going with it and right now, she doesn't want to deal with that. There's too much going on to think about ending things right now. "If he's a virus, then we need an antibody. And to keep f'ing Toonpimp away from him so he can't bolt."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon nodded slowly.

"Well I'm not sure we can create an anti-viral weapon against the two of them in the length of time we have. I'd need a sample of the unstable virus from their bodies, something I wasn't able to acquire. Not sure it'd be wise to try it either. Splitting them up might be possible though, especially if we multi-frontal hit their facility. Of course to do that I'll have to teleport some of us somewhere, and I can only take one other person with me at a time without extending problems to the guests."

He considered her for a moment, then sheepishly looked at her with a lowered head.

"How much blood do you have left in that flask Copper? I'm uh ... kind of thirsty, if you catch my meaning?"


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"I think the group of us can manage getting places quickly on our own." She with her speed and transformations, Grave obviously having some new tricks of the trade as well. "And I was just being a smartass, really. Maybe we can douse his ass in orange juice instead." She grins. At his request, though, she frowns first, then arches a brow. "Sorry, mate. So was I." She tips it over, nothing really but a drop remaining on the rim which she swipes with a finger. "Doubt a little dab'll do ya."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

He sighs lightly.

"No, that would probably just make things worse. Hmm, hunting time I guess. Though what to hunt .... Feel up to joining?"


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Might need it, especially if we're going into another fight right after this one. Might I recommend an anime-based something? They hold more blood than the average. We probably should reconointer with Burrito, too. See how he's doing and get Shrike somewhere safe." Grave's left off the list because, well, she's not worried about him; there doesn't appear to be a need to.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Agreed, let's get moving there. I'm thinking teleporting is out right now, I have no idea what kind of reaction I'll have if I try teleing while thirsty. Looks like we walk, Grave ya up for it?"


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Half a day? Is that all? Wow, time really flew by fast in that dimension then." A twisted smiles stretches across his face. "I'm always up for slaying those who'd try to claim this planet from me." Jumping down from where he sat Oni holds out his hand, a second later his sword appears.

"Which way are they?" Oni asks as he throws the sword down and jumps. The blade hovers two foot in the air and Oni lands on it. "Hop on, it'll be faster and cost us a lot less energy to get there this way."