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In today's news...

I saw Oppenheimer. It was good. A pretty good biopic that gets a lot right, but also a few things wrong. People are surprised that the last half hour that focuses on a part of Oppenheimer's life following the end of WWII is in a movie about Oppenheimer. Next, people are going to complain that the sky is fucking blue.
This is not the movies thread.
This also isn't the shit-slinging thread, yet here you are trying to. What a gosh-darned surprise!

This one doesn't even surprise me. It should, but it doesn't. Make of that what you will.
Who knew clout chasing with a demographic that doesn't buy your games would lead you to ruin?

Rest in piss Volition, you made some good IPs (Freespace, Red Faction, Saints Row) but threw away your success to chase the evaporating ESG dragon.

Oof, Red Faction 1 and 2 were the games my brothers and I would play on the playstation we rented from the video store, I still can hear Sopot whispering to me in my dreams...
Then again most of the good stuff was back when THQ was still their publisher, so after they went defunct I suppose things went off the rails. Maybe sometimes the publisher is less of the bad guy and more of the tard wrangler.

Fuckin A.

For those unaware of the finer points of the American government, governors do not have the legal authority to make law by decree.
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Fuckin A.

For those unaware of the finer points of the American government, governors do not have the legal authority to make law by decree.
Temporary laws/decrees tend to be gray areas.
Temporary laws/decrees tend to be gray areas.
I suppose if you're only looking at the letter of the law, when you take the spirit of the laws into consideration it's pretty clear that there was an intent to prevent some ruler sitting in their ivory tower deciding how the peasants were allowed to live or what rights they are granted. Even worse, the disengenousness of declaring a public health emergency for something that isn't a pathogen or chemical contaminant goes pretty far in establishing that those responsible are intentionally attempting to skirt that spirit of the law and use an illegitimate "crisis" to force the public to conform to their will.
Even worse, the disengenousness of declaring a public health emergency for something that isn't a pathogen or chemical contaminant goes pretty far in establishing that those responsible are intentionally attempting to skirt that spirit of the law and use an illegitimate "crisis" to force the public to conform to their will.

Not a yank so this doesn't affect me really, but I hope that governor gets slapped for using those laws like they have. Not only do they fully know that it'll be overturned asap because it doesn't meet the legal requirements and went ahead with it anyway for a headline boost, but by doing this they compromise the measure itself in cases where it could be used legitimately.

Reminds me of the current 'Voice' bullshit we've got going on, and the litany of retarded and contradicting COVID measures that every state premier was trotting out in front of the cameras. The polies are so fucking up themselves they're focusing on trying to get 'their' moment in history: Keating had Mabo, Kevin Krudd had his embarrassing 'apology', now Albo wants 'his' big thing to be remembered by.

They're all trying to play Caesar, but they're actually not even close to discount Caesar. More 'Free Julius, will pay you to get rid of him' written on a cardboard box on the side of the road.
British wankers are one step closer to the day we've been dreading

The Online Harms Bill (now Online Safety Bill) has been guilted through Parliament using the old "Please think of the children" narrative, and now only awaits the Royal rubberstamp to be passed into Law.
The establishment media of course has only focused on the Bill's restrictions on Porn and Self Harm content, but it has always been a way to backdoor in making it legal to break end-to-end encryption and make it illegal to post wrongthink online.
As several British friends of mine said, Britain is just an open-air prison. Their government still considers the people to be serfs, not citizens. And serfs don't get rights
As several British friends of mine said, Britain is just an open-air prison. Their government still considers the people to be serfs, not citizens. And serfs don't get rights
and many of them are kinda okay with it.
Damn it Death:
among others...
25 Sept: David McCallum
27 Sept: Sir Michael Gambon
Dutch elections happened
Exit poll shows that most of the established political parties are practically dead after almost 50 years of failing a little bit harder every time
Expectation is that nothing will really change
But XSI, the MSM tells me you've got a far right government, surely things will change

They claim it's a far-right government, but Wilders is just center-right like the party he originally came from. With the only exception being that he's (loudly) opposed to immigration and the EU
Claims of 'extreme' or 'far right' politics are massively overrated and anyone making those claims doesn't understand Dutch politics
Dutch politics have been fucked for a few decades now and it's only going to get worse

Also yes, he's paid for by Mossad and israeli funding. Always has been. Never made it a secret. Jewish family too, also not a secret. His support for israel is not a secret either, he's been loud about that all along as well
That doesn't refute the claim though.
I thought I'd made my sarcasm very obvious.

I just can't help but notice the funny coincidence that Europe's most kosher of nationalists finally gets elected once Israel comes under threat.
I don't think that mattered much for the election
It was at least 90% because of the EU fucking with the Dutch consistently for decades, decades of mass immigration that none of the people wanted. And all this was made more important for voters because of the left wing extremists literally demanding land seizures of farmers, trying to ban very popular things and trying to force changes on our national traditions. And all this was justified as being both "For the environment!" and because "You have to do it, we made an EU treaty that says you have to do it and that supercedes national sovereignty!". They've seriously pissed off everyone and as a result people voted for the most well known anti-EU party.
This whole "EU treaty goes above your democracy and you're just our subject, now sit down and shut up. We want to seize all the land!" is why the whole farmer protests started even.

The constant attempts to justify these (and many other) things by going "You don't get to vote on that, stupid peasant. Us politicians made a treaty amongst eachother and treaties go above laws", including using the courts to try to enforce these treaties as if they were laws is why Wilders got elected this time. And I can't blame his voters for it either. If anything I am surprised it didn't go further, and that he isn't more extreme.

Late edit- Maybe more like 50% that, and 50% because the PVV actually talks left wing stuff on economy. And the Dutch are actually interested in all that left wing economic stuff- Unions, good worker protection laws, min wage laws, subsidies for industries important to maintain the country, welfare and social safety nets for the poor. All that stuff. But all the left wing parties we have seem to be more preoccupied with selling out to the EU, environmental legislation commonly known as 'burgertje pesten' (Or translated, 'Bullying citizens', policies that do not help the environment and just ban or restrict things for common people) and identity politics. So that's a huge amount of voters that are trying to find someone to vote on. And despite the PVV having a track record of being close to the neoliberals when it comes to policy, they talk about doing left-wing stuff on economy. Even if it is highly doubtful that they'll actually do any of it, that gets them a lot of votes.
The people mainly want a combination of nationalism and left-wing economic ideas. And not a single political party so far delivers that. But the PVV said they'll try, so they get votes
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