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Ava (Keylo)

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Re: Ava (Keylo)

Ava enters the cell and the first thing she sees are two men in long jeans sitting on the cell bed. Before she can think, one of the men throw a metal cup at Ava that hits her in the forehead. "You walked into the wrong room their sweetcheeks." The other one says.

Ava DEF: 3 + 1
Man1 HP: 3
Man2 HP: 3

Flee (<.01% success)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Rubbing her forehead in pain after being hit by the metal cup, Ava misses the comment the other man had dropped and instead viewed the two men only as more antagonists trying to hurt her.

Oww... more jerks?...

Raising her makeshift weapon, she assumes a counterattack stance, ready to clobber the first one that approaches her. Not responding to the men in any way verbally.

(Action: Wait)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

"Aww how cute, she wants to play Larry." The man says to the other. "Go get the door while I entertain our guest. "Sure thing Dave," responds Dave. Dave closes and latches the door behind him, securing it with what looks like a heavy latch bolt; surly running away is not an option anymore.

Larry approaches Ava and attempts to grab the weapon from her. Ava is quicker than Larry realizes and smacks him on the head with her club. "You bitch! Lets get her Dave!" With that, both men prepare to strike...

Ava DEF: 3 + 1
Larry HP: 2
Dave HP: 3

Re: Ava (Keylo)

(Aww, two on one? Hardly fair.)

Letting out an unearthly screech as she returned their rage with some of her own, Ava readied herself to deal a crushing blow to the men should they approach her again.

(Action: Wait)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

(As far as combat, I'm treating them as one person. So they really can't gang up on you in the rolls. Just trying to spice the text up ;))

Dave approaches Ava from behind and knocks her hard on the back of her neck. The force of this blow causes her to lose grip of her club as it falls to the floor. "Hah hah hah, she looks so cute mad!" Larry says.

(Crit hit by Dave; -1 DEF + drop of weapon)

Ava DEF: 2 + 1
Larry HP: 2
Dave HP: 3

Pick up weapon (risk getting hit again)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

(Hahahaha... Well then, suicide time!)

Anger boiling within her, Ava didn't even think to pick up her weapon, instead doing a flying leap towards one of the men and attempting to tear him apart with her bare hands...

(Action: Attack)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

(I'm gonna say you attacked Larry since he has lower HP ^_^)

Ava flies through the air at Larry. Larry, however, quickly grabs Ava in mid flight and throws her hard onto the bed. She lands on her back and loses her breath. Taking a moment to recoup, she refocuses and sees now both Dave and Larry standing over her.


Ava DEF: 1 + 1
Larry HP: 2
Dave HP: 3

Re: Ava (Keylo)

(That works)

Growling still as she stared down the two men intently, Ava begins back up as much as she could away from them, intending on lashing out with a kick if they try making a move on her.

(Action: Wait)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Larry, who appears to be the leader of the two, reaches out and tries to grab Ava's ankle to drag her back. However, all he gets is a faceful of foot. Reeling, he backs away from the bed, leaving only Dave within immediate striking distance for Ava.

Ava DEF: 1 + 1
Larry HP: 1
Dave HP: 3

Re: Ava (Keylo)

Glaring at the remaining man, Ava let out another growl, as if to say that he would receive the same if he came close.

(Action: Wait)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Now it's Dave's turn. He reaches out to grab Ava again by the ankles. Much like his partner in crime, he also receives a swift kick in the chest. Reeling backward, Dave turns and looks at Larry. "You little bitch!" Larry yells as her jumps on the bed. "You are going to pay for all this!" He threatens.

Ava DEF: 1 + 1
Larry HP: 1
Dave HP: 2

Re: Ava (Keylo)

Ava, still refusing to reply to them, merely let out an angry hiss, similar to one that serpents make before they strike. Implying that she would strike out every time they approached her.

(Action: Wait)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Larry quickly crawls over to Ava and grabs both her ankles. This time, Ava is unable to kick before she is caught. Larry, throwing both ankles under him, Quickly pounces on Ava, pressing on her body with his. "See babe, this isn't so back is it?" He sneers as he movies his face close to hers. His rotten breath is disgusts Ava as she wretches backward, trying to sink into the bed.

Ava DEF: 0 + 1
Larry HP: 1
Dave HP: 2

Re: Ava (Keylo)

Let out a cry of rage, Ava began struggling fiercely, clawing at him with her hands, trying to throw him off into the wall, anything to get him off and perhaps hurt him. The man was disgusting, perverted, AND apparently try to rape her, that was enough in Ava's book to warrant his death.

(Action: Attack)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Ava struggles, but the weight of Larry limits her any sort of meaningful attack. Larry sits up and pulls Ava's T-shirt up over her head and, with some struggle, off her body. "Gee Larry, let me have some fun too!" Dave says. With that, Larry pulls Ava off the bed and throws her to Dave. Dave stands behind her and grabs her arms behind her back with one hand and pulls her head back using her white hair with the other. Larry stands in front of Ava for a moment, looking over this woman in her mere underwear standing before him.


Ava DEF: 0
Larry HP: 1
Dave HP: 2

Submit (risk game over roll)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

"Don't... TOUCH ME!"

Ava lets out a roar as she says this, seething with anger. Should Larry approach, she'll use the opportunity to lash out with a kick, preferably to his gentails.

(Action: Wait)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Larry's eyes lock on the seemingly defenseless girl's nearly naked body. "Dave, she looks all tense, I think she needs a massage. With this he approaches Ava. She strikes out with a swift kick to Larry's crotch. However, Larry dodges and wraps one of his arms around her leg. "She IS a feisty one!" Larry says, grinning. He drops her leg and before she realizes what is happening, Larry unlatches her bra in the front, exposing her nipples to the cool air. Smiling, he begins to run is fingers around her nipples as Dave again jerks her hair backward. Ava begins to feel the warmth again within herself.

Ava DEF: 0
Larry HP: 1
Dave HP: 2

Submit (risk game over roll)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

(My luck is utterly horrible at the moment...)

Doing her best to ignore the man playing, with her nipples, Ava began lashing out wildly with her legs, struggling against the man holding her arms at the same time, apparently determined not to submit just yet.

(Action: Attack)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Struggling against Dave and trying to ignore the stimulation from her chest, she manages to headbutt Her rear captor. The hit must have been devastating, because Dave immediately fell to the floor, dragging Ava with him. She falls on top of him, quickly rolling to one side and regaining her feet. Looking down at Dave, she figures he is out cold and can focus on Larry. She doesn't immediately notice her bra has fallen off in the tumble.

(crit hit)

Ava DEF: 0
Larry HP: 1
Dave HP: 0

Submit (risk game over roll)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Ava growled as she watched Larry intently, watching to see what he would do now that his friend was knocked out. Should he persist in attacking, she would return the same with all the fury...

(Action: Wait)
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