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Ava (Keylo)

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Re: Ava (Keylo)

She opens the door to the west and to her horror, it is a dead end. It appears to be a large storage room, with many cabinets lining the walls.

(Sorry, but that's my map :( )

Travel East
Re: Ava (Keylo)

(Ah well, no biggie)

Letting out a sigh upon realizing that this was a dead end, Ava decides to search the room for anything useful before backtracking...

(Search Area)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Looking through a bunch of storage crates, she finds a large metal rod and a stand. Not really sure of it's intended purpose, Ava surmises that it will work very well as a blunt weapon. Grabbing some surgical tubing and, tying a sling, she quickly throws it over her back.

(Weapon's will add +2 to any combat roll you have until you lose the weapon, such as if a foe crit hits you, or someway restrains your arms)

Search Again
Travel East
Re: Ava (Keylo)


Having obtained her makeshift weapon, Ava heads back the way she came, and hopefully out of the lab.

(Travel east)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Moving back into the large chemistry lab, she makes special note to avoid any tendrils she might find...

Travel W/E
Re: Ava (Keylo)

On constant alert still after her previous encounter, Ava travels east once again...

(Action: Travel East)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Entering the Eastern end of the lab, she notices a large pile of slime in the center of the room that was not there just a few moments ago. Slowly moving along the edge of the room, Ava takes note that the slime seems to be aware of her presence, but has not moved toward her, yet.

Slime HP: 4

Search the area
Flee W/N(33% chance)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

I don't like the looks of that...

Deciding that retreat is the better part of valor for the day, Ava decides to make a run for it and hope that the slime moves slower than she can run.

(Flee North)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Ava makes it about halfway to the door when she feels a large, sticky mass impact her between her shoulder blades. Reeling from the hit, she tumbles a few steps then turns circles, trying to get a handle on what just transpired. She looks back into the center of the room and cannot find the slime ball that was there mere moments before.

(Flee Failed)

Re: Ava (Keylo)

After regaining her balance following the impact, Ava decides to not make any hasty moves, and carefully relocate the Slime before taking an action...

(Action: Wait)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Looking around the room, Ava still can't seem to find the bulk of the slime. She feels the chunk that hit her begin to slide down the back of her t-shirt. Shuddering at the unnatural feeling, she notices a quick movement in the corner of her eye. Suddenly the slime ball flied off of the ceiling at Ava. Thinking quickly, she spins and lands a backhand onto the slime, knocking a good deal off of her back in the process. The slime ball flies behind a table, momentarily hiding it from Ava's view.

Slime HP: 3

Flee W/N(50% chance)

(Doing a lot better than last time you visited this room ^_^)
Re: Ava (Keylo)


Fully alert now that she knew the slime was still around, Ava readied her makeshift weapon, keeping the location where the slime had disappeared in her view as she slowly backed away from it...

(Action: Wait)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

In what seems like hours, Ava waits with her makeshift weapon in hand. With what sounds almost like a tank sloshing, the slime blob leaps out from behind the table directly at Ava. Ava, thinking quickly, dodges to the right and at the same time swings her club at the blob. While she is able to successfully dodge the latest attack, she lands crooked on her feet and swings wide, flailing her club harmlessly through the air.

(Blocked blob attack)

Slime HP: 3

Flee W/N(50% chance)
Re: Ava (Keylo)


Having let out a shout as she narrowly dodged the slime flying at her, and missed in her attempt at batting the slime away, Ava found herself a tad off balance, due to her over the top swing. Nevertheless, the white-haired girl quickly steadies herself and swings at the slime with her make-shift weapon in hopes of smashing it.

(Action: Attack)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

A quick flash of light brightens the room as the metal club catches a dim light. The flash disorients the slime long enough for Ava to land a massive blow to the blob as is splashes into a dozen pieces. Ava sighs in relief, but her comfort quickly turns to fear when she sees that the pieces are merging back together again.

(Crit Hit)

Slime HP: 1

Flee W/N(83% chance)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Swing down her club again panickedly, Ava attempts to smash the slime into enough pieces so that it can reform itself...

(Action: Attack)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Frantically swinging at anything remotely "slimy" she lands several killing blows. In her panicky fury, she loses track of how many hits she lands. When she finally comes back down to earth she doesn't see anything remotely slime monster like. Just a watery puddle.

(crit hit)

Search the area
Travel N/W
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Glad that the slime or whatever it was had been destroyed completely, Ava allows herself to sit down for a bit to catch her breath, before moving on...

(Travel North)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Entering a hallway, she sees that it travels to her west. There also appears to be a cell door to her north. The hallway itself seems rather barren, though there area fouple small boxes stacked on one wall.

Travel N/W/S
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Wondering if there was possibly another way out of the cell that might lead her closer to the north east stairway, Ava decides to head north once again.

(Travel North)
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