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Re: Forest

"Got what I needed to do out of the way earlier, I tend to come out this way most nights, I find it much more peaceful than the inside dorm for meditation. You might remember a few days ago when you first arrived here on the tour seeing me come around? If you did then you saw me returning from an all night excursion out here."

He watched her bag slide down, noting the way it landed to the ground.

"Curious, what did you bring all this way out here? Work related material or do you have your own training stuff as well?"
Re: Forest

"Hrm. Yeah, I think I saw you at some point. Seems like my kind of place too. I like trees. About the bag, yeah, something to train with, but something I thought you might just want to see as well. The thing for you too see first..." She unzips the bag and pulls out a long rifle, made of plastic and metal, the plastic being a grey-green colour, and a scope is attached on top. "This is my personal firearm, a Remington 770 rifle, a cheaper alternative to the R700, made with plastics instead of wood. Not as good to look at, not quite as comfortable as the wood either, but still very accurate, and more than powerful enough for most needs. I didn't bring any ammo with me, not that I'd want to shoot it out here anyway, its quite loud. As for my training gear, I bought this down, was talking about it earlier." She reaches down again, placing her rifle on top of the bag, and pulling out a long length of wood, with a fabric grip, and near the other end, a deep purple horse-hair plume, followed shortly by a Saxon-style spear-head. The weapon overall was roughly 5'8" long. Grasping it with two hands, Suzy says "I've had this for a fair few years, practise with it most days, though I've never had any formal training. The plume was originally red, but I dyed it this nice purple. I don't do meditating or stuff, so, yeah. My story." Planting the butt of the spear on the ground, she reaches behind her head with her free hand scratching some point behind her ear, grinning slightly.

Her rifle, a Remington Model 770.

The head of her spear.
Re: Forest

Siphon regard the rifle for a moment, taking the time to eye up the weapon and gauge it's potential. If she saw him do so, she'd probably take notice that he didn't give it a quick once over like most collectors would, he seemed to study each detail with precision, much more than just a collector would have been doing.

The spear he took less time with, but nodded approvingly of.

"Seems rugged enough of a weapon for almost anything. Might I hold that rifle for a moment, if you don't mind? I'll show you the staff and swords in a moment as well, left them in my own bag."

It now suddenly hit her that she hadn't noticed a bag before, though a quick look down revealed there was in fact one, partially hidden by the night.
Re: Forest

"Yeah sure, have a look." Suzy says, picking the rifle up by the forestock, and proferring the stock to Siphon.
Re: Forest

((A friend of mine has an airsoft replica of the military cousin to that rifle. A Remington 700. Very nice to use, real or not. Will shoot clean through a drinks can at 40 meters. Which might not sound like much, but that's pretty good for a 0.35 gram pellet.))

Ellisia moved though the forest quietly, coming up to the clearing where Siphon and Suzy were. Stepping into the light she put down a sports bag she was carrying and anounced herself, "Hello again. I decided to come a little earlier after all. The asignment didn't look too hard. Ah, so that would be the trusty spear hmm." she says as she walks over to a log to sit down for a moment.
Re: Forest

"Oh, hey Ellisia, yeah, this is my spear, did you bring any goodies down to display?" Suzy says, spinning the spear around her hand a couple of times, and sweeping it behind her back.
Re: Forest

Siphon gently took the weapon, the sighted it, staring down for several moments at only something he probably would be able to see, since he was making use of the scope.

If Suzy watched, she would take note of two things. One, his aim was steady, unwavering at all, and he clearly wasn't just an avid collector, no, he sure as hell knew exactly what he was doing with that weapon. She might even get the impression he could snipe with it, if of course it were only loaded.

After several more moments, he set the weapon down gently then reached into his bag.

Out came a metal looking staff, which he held in both hands for a moment.


"This was give to me as I said. Took some time to get used to it, but when I did ... It quickly became a favorite of mine."

For a moment he stood there with it so they could see, then twirled it, similar to how he had with the sword earlier, only this time he had both hands on it. He ended up finishing with a complex move though, using one hand to swing the staff at an angle that would have taken out someone's legs if they'd been in the way, while his upper left arm moved up in what would have been a hard hit to anyone jumping to avoid being hit in the legs.

"That move in particular took some time to perfect."

Both would note, despite that little workout, he was yet to breathe hard, or even break a sweat.
Re: Forest

Pulling the bag over towards the log, Ellisia leans over and unzips it, "Mostly just brought over a few things from the club. Pair of bokens, the blunt knives, the wooden forearm shield that Tony (misc npc) made, and this thing on my back..." She says lifting each article halfway from the bag to show, then motioning to the rubber spear tied to her sword case. "But also one other very personal item of mine." She says removing a sheathed broad sword of sorts and holding it to the light. Drawing the blade part way revealed a veteran blade, with a weathered appearance much in contrast to her larger sword. The sharp of the blade bore dozens of pits and evidence of past impacts. The flat of the blade, while gleaming and well looked after, was scarred with scratches and irremovable metal staining gained over time and use. "Another family blade. Though this one dates back much farther than just my foster father. How far exactly, I'm a little ashamed that I can't tell you. I don't actually know."

She honestly didn't know the true age of the broad sword. It was the one she had been found clutching coated in demon blood when the Etheirian Knight arrived at her devastated village. The battered old sword was the only tie she kept to her brief and forgotten life before she became a citizen of Etheiria.
Re: Forest

"Impressive, Siphon. Both the handling of the rifle and your weaponcraft. Do you use rifles much? Your aim seems pretty good. Maybe I should have brought ammo after all, I should very much like to see you shoot sometime. Ellisia, I'm liking that sword. That is a blade that has a history. Seems to have been a very interesting history too." Suzy says, before continuing, nodding at the bag with the knives in. "I have to say though, I quite like knives. As throwing weapons though, I'd rather have a small mace if an enemy is too close for a spear to be any good."
Re: Forest

He nodded.

"Used to use them quite a bit a some years ago when I'd go hunting with my father. Of course, we used something with a bit more kick to it since we were hunting fairly large game, but the principle remains the same."

He replaced his staff into the bag he'd brought, then withdrew a pair of short type swords. Neither was pitted like Elissia's blade was, but they clearly had been used a lot from the worn grips on them, which had of course been carefully replaced. Still, one could see where the old grips had once come down, even as he held one in each hand.

"These babies I crafted myself. The blades were forged by my own hand during my younger days when I thought I might give blacksmithing a try. The grips were pre-existing ones that I salvaged, and repaired. I've trained with them numerous times, even actually been through a few battles with them. You might remember I told you of my trip to Africa before? While I was there we came under attack from what I can only guess were a band of pirates or terrorists. They'd come looking for slave laborers in the village we stayed at, using cutlass type weapons. Between all of us, we managed to fend them off, killing a number of them too, though not without casualties. Since then ... Well, a lot has changed since then, I came here after all."

Both swords were made of material that neither Suzy or Elissia would be able to readily identify, though both would note each blade was wickedly sharp. Sharp enough if left the mind to wonder if even a metal shield could stop such a blade.

On each length of blade too, there were carved runes on them, far older than he could have been easily. One could only guess he'd picked up whatever language these runes were from on one of his trips, and had not only learned it, but had put it to practical use.
Re: Forest

((Gah, head ache... -_- ))

"I wish I could tell you what that history is."
Ellisia says running her hand gently across the textured flat of the blade. "The pair of knives in the bag aren't built for throwing, but the weight isn't too far off. Choosing a mace as a backup is interesting. I find a lot of people don't appreciate them much. Though I might say a mace could be a bit cumbersome as a secondary."

She turns her head to take a second look at Siphon's staff like weapon. "It's certainly a unique one Siphon. Is there a specific name?"

Knowing Siphon, Ellisia also had to wonder if there was some other function hidden in the staff.
Re: Forest

Siphon nodded.

"Yes, it's called Trembotah Envol Terahn Baht. Quite literally translates to 'the staff of the gods.' Never quite understood why they called it that."
Re: Forest

"What would you be hunting that needed more than a .30-06? Rhino's or something?" Suzy remarked, impressed, "How old were you when you went to Africa? I mean, you can't be much older than 24, so you must have been pretty young to be in a battle, especially on the front lines! And about those runes, I don't recognize the language, are they some old Eastern symbols? On the mace, you can get these dinky little ones, they're excellent secondary's, you can whip 'em out in an instant and they'll batter anything you can get with 'em. I find them much more effective than daggers or such because they are heavier, better for defence because they're still small enough to move around quickly, then strike a potentially bone-crushing blow."

(Blargh. Better than nothing, didn't want to keep ya waiting too long...)
Re: Forest

He nodded.

"Rhinos, and the ever nasty Egyptian Crocodile. I was around thirteen the time we got attacked, I was raised early on to pursue what I found interest in. Ultimately, for the most part, I took after my Father, learned from him and the people he knew."

Her question regarding the runes did however get a bit of a laugh from him.

"Old doesn't quite begin to describe them my dear. Half of the symbols there you could trace back to Medieval Latin, and the other half would root back to Ancient Sumerian. Both languages are extensively Ancient in their roots."
Re: Forest

((Oh snap. I actually missed one of Siphons posts (#70). If I seemed to be ignoring it, that's why.))

Ellisia didn't really know how to respond to Siphon's story, so she simply listened with a look of interest. To Suzy again, "Heh, and I prefer daggers. Very versatile and short enough that they won't impede mobility whether drawn or stowed. Doesn't quite have the parrying ability a light mace has, but still plenty able to block most weapons. I've been wanting to try out the Sai, but sadly it's one of the few things the club doesn't have." Ellisia say's smiling again. Glancing into the bag again, "Hmm, got the knives. It's a shame we don't have a mace out here..."
Re: Forest

"If they're so old, and you made the swords yourself, where'd you learn the language Siphon? I've never heard mention of it." Suzy asks, bringing a hand up and brushing a lock of hair out of her face.

Turning to Ellisia once again, "I've never had the chance to use Sai myself. Some guys at my old Ju-Jitsu club used them, but they were actually studying Kobudo. I wouldn't worry about maces, I do try not to use them, after all, if they're that close, I haven't been fighting properly have I?", finishing with a short laugh.
Re: Forest

There was a brief flash to his face, as if some memory had stirred before he replied.

"English isn't my first language Suzy, it's actually my tenth. Latin was our primary back home, and I ended up learning various others from my parents. I only learned English though after their deaths."

He sat down, looking up to the stars, and the light he'd been holding finally died out, yet the area remained lit enough to see.
Re: Forest

((I just discovered that you can get dagger length bokkens as well. Duh. Probably makes more sense that the club would have some of those rather than "blunt knives". So I'm replacing the said knives in the bag with them.))

"No I've not used them either, but they seem like a very interesting weapon. Though an opponent getting too close doesn't always mean you've done badly, if your using a spear you can count on them to be trying their hardest to get past it. Having a little surprise hidden and ready for when that happens can win the fight the moment they think they have you." Ellisia says picking up one of the bokkens again, lightly bouncing it's weight in her hand.

In the eye's of any normal student Ellisia was certain that Siphon's claims must be sounding more and more incredible with every new thing said. It was nothing to do with her, but inside it made her a little nervous none the less. "Ten languages... that's quite something. How ever do you keep them all in your head?" she comments. As the light goes out she bobs back down into the bag once more, "Hang on, I brought some light as well..." She says coming back up with an electric lamp, standing to hang it from a branch.
Re: Forest

Siphon shrugged.

"I ask myself that some times too. I guess I just have a good memory. And it probably helps that I still have tutorial discs to brush up with every now and then. Then again too, I don't ever get much of a chance to use them around here since no one speaks them."

This he said with a slight frown, as if that were disappointing to him.
Re: Forest

"Gah. I'm sorry about your parents." Shrugging, Suzy continued, "Never been any good at languages myself though. Scraped through a course in German but I've forgotten most of it now. Never heard of anyone with that many though. If you're that good you could probably make a decent living as a linguist or translator. Just a thought."

Observing the Bokken, she added "I reckon a short Bokken is more appropriate than a double-edged dagger as a secondary. Bit quicker, easier to get where you want it to be. Eh, its still whatever feels best for you isn't it?"