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Re: Forest

(NP) "Matt?" she asked, slightly in confusion.
Re: Forest

"Y'know, Matt... the Janitor? The guy that loves guns, has a bunch of alcohol in his closet, pretends to only act insane, that Matt?"
Now Kyo was thoroughly confused. How could anyone go to this school and not know Matt?
Re: Forest

She thought through her mind a bit, her photographic memory scanning through who she saw in the crowd. "The only janitor I saw went and commented to a kid I danced with a bit, before my head started hurting and I went to get some air...' she said slowly.
Re: Forest

"That'd be him, then. This school only has one Janitor after all," Kyo says with a grin, remembering how he had heard Matt grumble at that fact on occasions... "And then he'd go and do something stupid," Kyo thought to himself, "I bet that the higher-ups make sure he's the ONLY Janitor to punish him for his antics."
"So, you feelin' any better?" Kyo asks her.
Re: Forest

She nodded. "It was just another flashback was all... odd, I didn't have one all summer, and yet... now the school year is over, they're starting back up again... I just hope one doesn't happen when classes start...."
Re: Forest

"Yeah, it's hard to concentrate when your head hurts... maybe you should visit the Hot Spring if it gets too bad. That place can help alleviate just about anything, mental or physical," Kyo suggests.
"Hell, it can even help the soul if you let it," Kyo thinks to himself.
Re: Forest

A small smile goes to her face again. "I may have to, if it keeps up. Or just spend a weekend back outside, where the air is more clear..."
Re: Forest

"Well, if Matt gets up to his usual tricks, the Forest and such will be the ONLY clean air we'll have," Kyo smiles weakly, still not over the fact that Matt had made the boy's dorm smell like burnt piss. "How something can smell like burnt piss, I'll never know... only Matt could accomplish that," Kyo thinks to himself, shaking his head a little in disbelief.
Re: Forest

She giggles at the remark. "Aw, come on, he can't be all bad..." she reasons.
Re: Forest

"Oh, he's not bad," Kyo chuckles, "He just picks the wrong people, or the wrong time, or, more often than not, a combination of both."
Kyo thinks for a minute, and then adds, "Still, if I had a choice, I'd probably hang out with him over most of the students I know or have known. At least he's not a brooding magician, or a psycho bitch made up of energy/electricity that's trying to kill everyone, or..."
Kyo seems to trail off, lost in the past. He simply leans back and stares at the night sky, remembering his first day at this school, all the shit he put up with from teachers and other students, all the battles he had fought in, all the friends he had gained and lost... had it really been only a couple of years since his first day here?
Re: Forest

The last couple of outbursts made her eyebrows raise a bit, but Trixie didn't comment on it, letting the silence last for a while...
Re: Forest

"Hey hey, so who's this brooding magician? Anyone I should be keeping an eye out for?" Art calls out to Kyo, his arms overflowing with paper. "I take it you've been to the hot springs? You smell all 'hot springy'." Art says to Kyo, now having gotten closer to him.

"Oh Trixie, you feeling better now?" His tone switching from boyish curiosity to sincerity.
Re: Forest

At the sudden yell, Trixie mentally checked to make sure she was still human-looking, and after affirming that, she turned her attention to Art- and visibly halted as she caught a smell whafting from him. "Y-yeah, I'm fine..." she said, slowly, as she also tried to figure out what the smell was.

((What can I say? animalistic sences+blood, even if mostly diluted from the cleaning, is still detectable in tiny amounts))
Re: Forest

"Thats alright then, I can't have you coming down with something so soon after we've met," Art then curiously watches her expression for a moment, noting on the subtle changes. "You really alright? Or is it something else?"
Re: Forest

"I... dunno... is there something dead around here? All of a sudden I'm catching the scent of blood..."
Re: Forest

"Blood? How can she possibly smell it after I've had a shower?" Art thinks to himself, his expression giving nothing away.

"Oh, that. You can probably smell it from where I cut myself earlier. Paper cuts always sting the most." He says in a casual manner. "Oh yeah, speaking of paper, make sure to check out the wall of the girls dorm tomorrow morning, you'll be in for a surprise." Art says, a grin spreading across his face. "And before I take my leave," Art takes Trixie's hand and lightly kisses it. "Thank you for the dance, it was most enjoyable," Art then leaves, his destination; the girls dorm.
Re: Forest

She blushed at the kiss, and the explanation did make sence, so she brushed it off. "I'm almost afraid to ask," she mentions about the one explanation.
Re: Forest

Kyo comes out of his reverie at the sound of a boy walking up to the bench. He had noticed him coming from a mile away... no, it wasn't the boy, it was something else...

"Oh, he's not someone you should be afraid of, so long as you don't do something to him personally, you should be fine. And yeah, I did. I prefer the Springs over any other place here" Kyo responds and smiles, while at the same time trying to figure out what was off about the boy. Boosting his senses ever so slightly, Kyo thought he smelled something, and focusing on his sense of smell, noticed the scent of blood.

Trixie beat Kyo to the question, and Kyo wasn't happy with the boy's response.
"The scent is too strong to have been a paper cut, given how diluted it seems to be," Kyo thinks to himself, but he simply shrugs and lets the boy think his explanation was sufficient.

"That was... Art, right?" Kyo asks, having never actually met the boy, but remembering him from the tour.
Re: Forest

She nodded. "And that wasn't his blood for one, odd, it wasn't on him earlier... yeah, that's him, he offered me a dance, whatever that was, and then my head hurt, so I left early... What you think is the problem?"
Re: Forest

Letting out a heavy sigh, Kyo says in an exasperated tone, "I think it means we're about to have another... interesting school year."

As annoyed as he seems on the outside, Kyo's insides are beginning to come to life. "Hmph. The year hasn't even really started, and someone's already walking around with someone else's blood on them. That Art guy doesn't seem the type to randomly kill, and the blood was too old for him to have done anything besides touch the body... he's trying to cover something up, but what? Well well, this year will be exciting indeed..."