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831 Trenton Street, Apt. 44 (Termite, plmnko, KakkaHousu, RaptorJesus)


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: 831 Trenton Street, Apt. 44 (Termite, plmnko, KakkaHousu, RaptorJesus)

Aria cant hide her surprise to heard what Tammy said, making her stop working for a moment to get a closer check on the maid girl. So are you really Timmy? I was thinking than you were someone else, like a twin sister.

The celestial curiosity get bigger as she get closser and then with an smirk continue. I never expected to find a human maid shaeshifter, its my first time looking one and this make me wonder many things. Her skimpy metal skirt get more opened with each seductive step to the two maids, with her bright shinning eyes looking each part from Tammy as if she were looking what is behind the clothes of the strange human.

... You looks really like a cute girl now, has you... changed completely?~ Her question come just a feet close Tammy, her free hand soon moves to the other maid but instead tried to innocently rubs the owl.

It looks than your bird havent changed...Hmm.. I have now many questions about this, but we have work to do. She wanted baddly to continue getting closer to know more of Tammy, but then her tail touch the other maid. Oh true, you are the mortal than has been in troubles all this time, it must not be your lucky day. But dont worry, that bad luck cant last forever She said kindly before turn back and continue cleaning, suddenly looking how the other maid get inside to take the letter than has comming out the rotten maid.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: 831 Trenton Street, Apt. 44 (Termite, plmnko, KakkaHousu, RaptorJesus)

Gabriel?: Stress: 2/20 Favor: -
Karin: S 2/20 F 8
Timmy: S 0/30 F 4
Mica: S 0/10 F 7
Taki: S 1/30 F 4

Yet more cleanery happens!
Karin rolls 4, times Skill of 3 she totals 12.
Tammy rolls 2, times Skill of 1 she totals 2.
Mica rolls 3, times Skill of 3 she totals 9.
Taki rolls 5, times Skill of 4+1 she totals 25!

The Maids started to clean. For someone who'd spent more time getting people to clean things - even if it usually was usually just her boots - than cleaning herself, Karin was surprisingly adept at it - but her sister Taki seemed to steal the show. She cleaned like she was a custodial Neo of The Mess Matrix! Undoubtedly, she had many, many long years of practice, keeping her household clean and keeping after her dozens of children.

Karin still had the letter... she'd stopped to read it before helping out with the cleaning.

"I knew I forgot something..." the stitched-maid said when they'd all finished, looking embarrassed. A large paper charm bobbed and waved on her back as she cleaned - when she finished, she went over to crowd around Karin, poking her face over the little Karin's shoulder to look for it, groping her for the letter. "What's it say, what's it say?"

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: 831 Trenton Street, Apt. 44 (Termite, plmnko, KakkaHousu, RaptorJesus)

"I didn't have lots of children!!! I'm still eighteen!" Taki shouted at nothing in particular after cleaning while making it seem like she had magic at her disposal. She slid along the floor on a rag, leaving behind nothing but clean in her wake. She did a blackflip off of the wall, removing the single stain near the top that none of the other maids could have reached without something to stand on, before duel wielding a vacuum cleaner and steam cleaner for any rugs that were present, taking a stance with both as if she were a ninja trained in the arts of maid-jutsu.

The room was spotless, and Taki looked proud of herself. But the vacuum cleaner was still on. It caught her dress and sent her toppling over. She fell flat on her face, onto the floor.

Taki x 1


Taki x 0

She didn't get up that time.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: 831 Trenton Street, Apt. 44 (Termite, plmnko, KakkaHousu, RaptorJesus)

Focused on cleaning, the young looking winged woman was moving slower as ussual because she wanted to check what could be the uses of the paper than Karin has taken, however her senses could dont stop to notice how the mature klutz woman made a great performance at cleaning just before shutting what could be a shout spell or a war cry, anyway it could be than the human is trying to lie herself, as that luscious mature body never could be of a young maiden.

Her cleaning moves get reduced as she see the whole event and without notice all get cleaned, something than she feels glad so she dont need to waste her energy on common works, However this dont ended completely fine and that strange air sucking objet than the old woman was using started to go against the human maid, making the woman fall and this looks to had hurted the poor worked baddly.

Mica think the worst, as humans are frail and more someone like that woman who could be get hurted so baddly in any fall. We must save her from that dangerous air bender being. The winged woman know than she was not strong enoug to fight against it and then just tried to find out how to free the poor woman from it, she would even make the monster have the down part dress if needed, but that could be the last option. For what she suppose the strong Timmy must find the way f help them or at least go for help.

Once the human woman has been saved, Mica will try to dont let anyone move Taki. Please dont get close her, maybe one of her bones has been get broken, so we must check her first. Once said this, Mica will try with care check up the whole maid body. Please dont move, i will try to heal you if needed, It has been a really dangerous fall. Btw, you shouldnt be ashamed of have a huge family and a lot of experience at your work, there is nothing wrong for you continue working at your respectable age Said Mica trying to be kind with the poor bad luck maid
Last edited:

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: 831 Trenton Street, Apt. 44 (Termite, plmnko, KakkaHousu, RaptorJesus)

While this was hardly her usual forte, Karin found herself being almost equal on both making others clean and doing it herself. Even so, she had to make way for her sister, who had broken into a sudden competence streak and was cleaning like a dervish. For once, the diminutive dominatrix could feel some pride about being Taki's sister as the other girl swept and vacuumed things like crazy. Even the anticlimatic faceplant in the end didn't bother her this time around. While she was about to go and see if her sister was alright, Karin found that she had no reason to. Mica was there first, so she could deal with the aftermath of Taki's clumsy finish maneuver.

Karin did have other things as she was suddenly grabbyhanded for the letter that she had gone through earlier. Poking the attacker's forehead with her index finger, she hoped to be rid of them without the need of any violence. "Doesn't seem to be nothing more than a birthday letter. You were supposed to keep it safe anyway, so here. Give it to Gabby once she comes here again." she told the patchwork girl as she gave the letter over to her.


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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Re: 831 Trenton Street, Apt. 44 (Termite, plmnko, KakkaHousu, RaptorJesus)

And what did Tammy manage during all this? Not much. It was a little hard for her to actually deal with a mess when it didn't quite stand out like the magazines and the movies did. And without any smut to be found there was nothing for her to stumble across as she started wiping areas that Maemi-san had already gone over. But Maemi-san was more than a match, and despite Tammy's stellar performance their task was completed in a relatively short time.

And then Taki went splat.

Tammy was a little surprised by that, especially since Maemi-san was so adept at what she did, but no one can ever keep a good klutz down. Thankfully the sexy little number was already there. Unfortunately she didn't seem to have any clue what to do, so it was up to Tammy to save the day. With that in mind she immediately snapped a finger in the air, and following that the owl on her shoulder started hooting like a little sonar dish. After a few more moments the shape of the vacuum finally started to stand out, and by following its cord she found the devilish contraptions plug and freed it from its jack.

Crisis averted.

Now that Maemi-san was safe Tammy took a moment to look around since her owl was still going off, and her 'sight' fell on the frankenmaid and the... Why the hell did she sound so familiar? Tammy was sure she never met someone like that in her life, but sitting here next to Maemi-san just felt entirely too... Nostalgic. That was the word that popped into the man-girl's mind, and for some reason that seemed to make perfect sense.

But weird feelings of deja vu could wait. They had a woman down. "Ladies? Do you think we should do anything for Maemi-san?" While it was true the unconscious woman was a klutz she usually popped up a few seconds later none the worse for wear. But she hadn't done that yet. Would she need medical aid? Tammy didn't think so, but best to get everyone's opinion.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: 831 Trenton Street, Apt. 44 (Termite, plmnko, KakkaHousu, RaptorJesus)

The winged girl was trying to find out how to help the poor klutz maid, thinking than she could use her powers to heal her until notice than she dont have too much power to try another spell. Then the blind woman's owl started to make some noise what make her turn to check both a little as she continue trying to aid her partner. What continue confuse her a little, as the strange creature suddenly stoped when Timmy separed that strange tail from the wall, the creature soon stoped of make any noise and the suction stop.

Amazing, Timmy. So the creature source power come from the wall. Mica get up at the instant and get close Timmy, taking the genderchange maid' hand to guide her. Yes, we must try to help her without lost any time, please follow me. The celestial maid said in a tone than let Timmy know than she and Maemi need her help, sooon placing Tammy over the uncouncious woman. I need you to restrain Miss Maemi for a moment, but dont move her until i find out if is safe to move her from here. Said this Mica placed Timmy's hands oves Maemi ones and Tammi sitting over the klutz maid belly and lower body,

Once made this, Mica check the woman head and limbs with care, then softly undress her in part, in order to check her chest and hips


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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Re: 831 Trenton Street, Apt. 44 (Termite, plmnko, KakkaHousu, RaptorJesus)

"Anything to-" Tammy's hand was quickly taken. "-help?" With that she was led right over toward Taki's prone form. And then she was led over it. And then she was led onto it. Tammy wasn't quite sure how she felt about this, but as she straddled Maemi-san's wonderfully developed body that really didn't seem to matter anymore. Mica asked her to keep Taki held so the surprisingly adept maid wouldn't flail and hurt herself possibly, and once Tammy had Mica started her exam.

It seemed innocent enough, each limb being carefully checked, but then Mica moved to Taki's chest. Any good medical professional will tell you that a thorough examination needs to have as few clothes in the way as possible, and apparently Mica subscribed to that school of thought. Mica undressed her patient, at least enough to expose the chest that has fed over a dozen children, and at that exact moment Tammy was glad she was a girl. She managed to keep her cool and all, that was her trademark, but even so if she had been Timmy right then he probably would have embarrassed himself. Even the most stoic of men would never have been able to prevent the completely natural reaction to seeing this much flesh.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: 831 Trenton Street, Apt. 44 (Termite, plmnko, KakkaHousu, RaptorJesus)

She was rolled onto her back apparently, and had attracted quite a crowd. First was Tammy's body upon her own. Taki winced a little at the weight placed upon her stomach, letting out a small groan of discomfort. Then, as her limbs were checked, and articles of clothing removed, Taki shivered as a result, murmuring, "Cold..." in her state of unconsciousness, before all the bothersome effects added together made her open her eyes slightly, to witness-

"I'M BEING RAPED!" Taki cried out, struggling wildly.


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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Re: 831 Trenton Street, Apt. 44 (Termite, plmnko, KakkaHousu, RaptorJesus)


Tammy had her attention focused a little too strictly on Taki and her examination, so when the woman finally woke and screamed practically right in the ambiguously gendered maid's ears it was simply too much. The aspect of sight she'd learned to use, the one that focused more on what she heard, one that made her see more like a bat than anything else, was suddenly cut. She cringed and covered her ears, but that couldn't stop the small ringing that persisted and the general fuzz she now saw. She was really and truly blind.

Having one's self suddenly plunged into darkness would probably unnerve most other people, but considering how Tim/Tammy actually saw the world this has happened on more than one occasion. It hurt, that much could be seen on her face in that moment, but after a couple quick glances around and seeing nothing more than a giant blob of whiny noise Tammy simply let out a huff. "Guys? I... I really can't see right now..." If Maemi-san had decided to stop screaming her 'rapist' would be seen rubbing around in her ears for a bit, but it really didn't help. "I'm probably gonna be stuck like this for a few minutes..." Part of that earlier cringe had Tammy rising off of Taki's stomach, and she hovered there as a hand reached out and tried to find Mica in the last position she'd seen the interesting girl. "A little help?"


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: 831 Trenton Street, Apt. 44 (Termite, plmnko, KakkaHousu, RaptorJesus)

With her attention focused on find any clue of a possible serious damage, the winged lady made a surprised little cry when Taki awake. Wait...wait, dont move Maemi, we are just trying to find any fracture and if you continue moving you could damage yourself even more. Mica said jumping over Taki body and huging her to make her reduce her moves, but as Timmy was over the mature woman body she only had the chance of hold her placing her perfect skimpy armored chest over the klutz maid face. Calm down, please. we arent raping you!!! We were worried for you because you fall uncouncious ! Answer the little woman as she tried to use her weight to contain the wild matured maid until she heard Timmy asking for help.

Ow poor thing, dont worry Timmy, i will do my best to help you. Just hold my tail for a moment and i will take care of you. Mica answer soon moving and placing her heart shape warm soft tail to where Timmy could hold it, very worried and feeling bad for the poor blind mortal. J...just please be kind and hold it softly.

Once all calmed, Mica will get up and help Timmy to sit at a good place with her cuddling at her body. We will stay here together until you get recovered, dont worry, just thru, i mean trust me and rest for a while. The hibrid said with her little body at a side of Timmy triyng to let him/her feel a friendly body in this harsh moment, as her tail wrap around the human softly rubbing at the TG maid, her wings also were trying to make something similar as a hug to the mortal

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: 831 Trenton Street, Apt. 44 (Termite, plmnko, KakkaHousu, RaptorJesus)

Taki went silent, though not for the reason of calming down. She continued to cry out and attempt escape before the other woman threw herself on top of her, and smothered Taki in her breasts. Taki's legs stomped about, while the noises she made went silent and became mere mumbles. Slowly, ever so slowly, her movements would slow. It would seem that she had calmed down, but she had actually fallen unconscious (again) due to lack of oxygen.

Taki went limp, eyes swirling.