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A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"I see, well I figured it was something to that degree. Just didn't know how much detail he might have gone into with it all," Lena replied with a nod, before heaving a sigh and looking back to the marquis.

"Well my lord... prior to them taking over the town, Jaime, my comrade, and I were both captured by the cultists. But we managed to escape shortly thereafter, and we rushed back to the town. They were... trying to convert us, and the leader of their cult seemed to think I could help them, but I refused her flat out. There was one of their number, among the cultists I mean, that I managed to convince, at least I'd like to think I managed to convince her anyway, to stop their madness, but I don't know if it took or not, as I didn't see her again after Jaime and I made our escape from their hideout. And believe me, I was tempted, because they... heh, I won't lie, they used sex to try and convert us, and I... very nearly gave in, if it hadn't been for Jaime being captured with me, I probably Would have. Um... let's see... I don't Think there's anything really that important that I'm leaving out, really everything just happened so fast when we went to the duke's tower, that I... I just can't remember Every little detail of what happened. I was so distraught over losing Jaime that my mind kind of shut down there for a while. You know?" Lena went on to say, trying to give as much information without giving away that she nearly contributed to the ritual herself, and leaving out the details about her near death experience with the angel, and with her own sort of guardian succubus protecting her from said angel.

"Is there anything you'd like to know? Of can remember that is," Lena asked after a few moments. "O-Oh and if you know of any really good blacksmiths in town, or around Eastmarch here, please do tell me, as I'd like to get a really fine sword to compliment my gear, since if I'm fighting really close or in a confined space, my spear might not be the best of options to use," Lena then said, figuring if anyone knew the best blacksmiths around here, it'd be the marquis.
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"He'd given some details, though I must admit I wasn't expecting so many...sordid details," he replies with tact albeit indifference. "I understand the rest, there's no need to go into much more detail, though I admit the proclivities you engaged in, there is a worrying cost to such thing, I might recommend you take some time away from such matters to center yourself?" He catches himself stops and bows his head apologetically but just for a moment.

"Forgive my impertinence. It's little of my business, you've done me a service by bringing both this letter and your story to me. Our realm is beset by dangers on all sides, a fact most true on our kingdoms borders, particularly within my Demense."

Servants begin to bring in plates of food, it's not ludicrously extravagant, but well-cooked meals in generous portions.

"So, thank you for doing more than your fair share to keep these lands safe. I'm sure you've heard this praise before, but just the same." He mulls something over, as wine is offered and if accepted poured. He takes a sip and sets the goblet down. "I don't know what you wish to do next, but there is plenty more to be done if you are willing. The city of Westmarch will happily house you for a duration. Enough to rest, or find your next step."
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"Oh thank you, I think I'll be okay though. I've heard that some people grieve for the loss off a loved one for a Very long time before they're able to move on, and some never stop truly grieving, but I know that Jaime wouldn't want me to grieve myself into an early grave or anything myself," Lena replied with a soft smile of thanks to the marquis for his kind words.

When the food was brought out, Lena accepted it, and a glass of red wine to drink, which she sipped at a bit and found it much to her liking, as was the food. "Mmm, it's delicious. And I thank you again, my lord. I decided a few days ago to go ahead and leave Farnshold to just... try and get away, else I didn't think I could ever bring myself To leave, because that's where Jaime was buried and all. But I don't really know what I'm going to do next. I've heard of strange magics that Could possible be a lead and maybe bring Jaime back to me. But... I just don't know if I should trust them, and even if they Are true, they could upset the natural order of things, or just anything. By chance do you have anything that needs to be done around here, or perhaps do you know anyone that needs anything done by an adventurer of sorts?" Lena replied when the marquis told her she could remain in Eastmarch for as long as she liked and whatnot.
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"Of course," he replied good naturedly. They both began to eat and Lena was offered as much as she wanted to eat.

"I would hazard against such a search, but I trust your heart to guide you there, just be careful. People will seek to take advantage of your heart, trust your instincts, or perhaps, your mind," he smiled.

When she asks if there's anything he wanted done he nodded slowly. "Well, in truth...I was hoping you might ask. A few days east of here one of our keeps had fallen, a small one nearer to the border. Survivors could not tell us what they saw, loss of memory or madness by the sight. If you're looking for a goal, I would be greatful if you could investigate. I would send my own men but with all word I hear of what has gone on at Farnshold, I wouldn't dare lower our defenses."

"If that does not appeal, of course, I'm sure there's rumor of adventure around town, there always is. I won't be slighted if you refuse."
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Lena ate her fill, not overeating, as she usually didn't do that unless the food was exceptionally good and she simply couldn't help herself. "Aye, my lord. I know to keep myself ready for anything. Thank you for your concern though, truly... it makes me feel a lot better to know that there are people that worry about me still. And I can take a look into it, might as well since I have no other jobs lined up or anything," Lena replied after a few moments. "Mmm, lunch was delicious my lord. And the wine... exquisite," Lena said once they finished eating, where she would get up and bow to the marquis in thanks for the invitation.

"So my lord... what do you think caused the keep to fall? Like... what attacked it, do you think?" Lena asked after having bowed respectfully upon finishing her meal.
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"Of course, glad you enjoyed," he said with a simple gesture. "And that would be of great help. As for what assailed the keep, it could be any number of things. A monstrous horde, like the Orks, or other assembled tribes. It could be a magic user whose magic and summoned beasts drove them out. It could be an organized group of rebels, or a rival seeking to discredit me. The possibilities are nigh endless. But it is not a common thing to be sure."
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"I'll be it's a Very uncommon, or incredibly rare thing indeed. If you don't mind, I'd like to take a couple of days here in town to rest up after my trip here just in case I decide to have a sword or something forged for myself to have as an extra weapon. But I shall depart as soon as I've completed any business like that and am sure I'll have the supplies needed to get there and back to report on the matter," Lena replied with a bow, preparing to leave unless the marquis had anything else to say to her, where she'd get out of her dress once back in her room, and she'd get into her normal travel clothes to look and ask around for the best blacksmith in town that could do magic equipment, specifically swords.
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"No rush on leaving of course, but if you could set out within a few days that would remove the need for me to come up with some kind of alternative plan." He'd give polite goodbyes as Lena set out for the town.

For magical equipment Lena would not be looking for a blacksmith, but instead a wizard and someone capable of doing anything major would not be found in town it seemed. That said, there were rumors of trade of magic items she could track down, or if she had a minor enchantment in mind she might be able to be pointed in the right direction.

Did she want to try to hunt down what items might be for sale? Or seek to put some kind of minor enchantment on her existing equipment, and if so, what kind?
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"Oh of course, I Shouldn't be in town but a couple of days before I head down that way," Lena replied with a nod.

After changing and heading out in search of a blacksmith capable of making enchantments on her swords and stuff, Lena soon found she'd need an actual wizard or mage of some sort that could do it for her. So she opted to instead search for any magical items that might be for sale in town, looking mostly for swords and other weapons, but taking a look at any magical items she found, as she thought about what enchantments she could get on a sword that might be useful for her, thinking mostly a fiery enchantment or something that would make the sword sharper and stronger so it didn't break, things like that.

Just look for equipment for sale first though.
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Lena searches for most of the day hunting down whatever magical items she can in the market and finds the following:

[3GP] Periapt of Health - When worn about the neck this charm increases the wearer's fortitude and allows them to withstand more blows in combat.

[2GP] Emblem of Light - An emblem that when worn can be activated to project either a field of light around the wearer as if a powerful torch, or projected forward in a focused cone. Has a limited duration but recharges when not in use.

[1GP] Glasses of Farseeing - Glasses the when worn allow the wearer to see great distances, but causes intense headaches if worn too long.

[2GP] Ring of Fortitude - Allows the user to resist the effect of poisons.

[3GP] Feathered Scabbard of Grace - Wearer is able to slow their fall from high heights, and also any blade drawn from the scabbard is hard to remove from the wielder's hand.

[2GP] Ring of Attuned Sense - Enhances the user's senses, allowing flashes of insight, unreliable but assured to be a life saver.

[1GP] Binding Rope - A magically enchanted rope that when activated securely binds the person it is placed on. Hard to escape from, merchant claimed it was 'impossible'.

A number of potions and poultice, minor effects like healing, curing poison, temporary increase in strength and 'other' ones. Each run about a coin.
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Looking around for a while, Lena found a few things of note that interested her, and she couldn't help but smirk a bit at the magical Binding Rope that she'd found, thinking of what Jaime might have thought about said rope, and the sorts of antics they might have gotten up to with it. After looking the things all over, Lena decided on getting the Binding Rope, and the amulet. Sure it would cost her a pretty penny, but she knew that she may end up needing the extra help, and these things would help her if she would be working alone.

"Yes, I'll take this, and this please, and... here's the gold for them," Lena told the shopkeeper for the magic rope and the amulet, where she'd coil the rope up and carry it over her shoulder, and put the amulet on, before heading back to her room to stow the rope, but she'd leave the amulet on unless it seemed like it would disrupt her sleep and make her uncomfortable.

Buying the Periapt of Health, and the Binding Rope for now, may come back and get the Ring of Fortitude depending on how much gold she has left, as I remember her using only 3 for the dress, and she had like... 10 or 12. Didn't she?
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Lena tracks down the sellers of two items in particular, trading them for her coin which has dwindled down to a still pretty proud fortune of 5 gold coins.

Her amulet and the rope seemed mundane, but she had a pretty good feeling she wasn't bilked. She'd have to attune to her magical items first, the owners of each gave her the instructions how to do so. Simply having them on or around for about a day would suffice, the amulet itself just needed to be word, the rope once attuned would respond to her call of 'Bind' when uttered. The amulet seemed to be utterly unnoticed while she slept.

She had some time left before end of day, was there anything else she wished to do?
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Lena sighed softly as she saw only 5 of her gold coins left, but she was sure that she hadn't been swindled... surely. At least she hoped she hadn't been swindled anyway. She nodded when the instructions on how to attune the magic items to her were given, and memorized them so she didn't forget. After she got her things put away, leaving her amulet on, Lena decided to take a walk around town, keeping her trusty dagger on her hip as she walked around, and leaving her gold and the rest of her things back at the marquis' estate while she did, just really enjoying herself as she walked around, seeing if there was anything she could learn while taking her walk and if she found a decent bar or tavern, she'd stop there for a drink with her more mundane coins, figuring she should do this and relax a bit before she headed out on the job for the marquis.
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

The evening passed with little fanfare, she found a nice bustling bar with some music and entertainment and found herself a nice night. The bar got busy, packed almost wall to wall with laborers and artisans alike, not too upscale but enough she didn't fear getting stabbed by some drunk thug in the middle of her time there.

Eventually, she finds herself in with the crowd's chit chatting about this and that, when it comes out that she's an adventurer she is pressed for stories and when she shares a few she suddenly finds herself at the center of the room. The spotlight doesn't last for long but its enough to win the patrons over and she finds offers of free drinks overflowing. Later in the evening, she found herself the center of the attention of the dancer who was with the band who played and a few sly intimate moments at the bar woke up beside her the next day.

She slips out early leaving Lena time to ready for her journey. The Marquis entrusts her with supplies and a horse and sees her on her way. Does Lena head straight for the keep? And if so, does she try to pass through the shorter path through the woods or stick to the roads across primarily the plains?
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Lena couldn't help but feel a bit giddy as she saw the bar she'd decided on, and went on in. She smiled and answered any questions that were asked about her adventuring, well, she answered to the best of her abilities anyway. The offers of free drinks were accepted and she happily took several of the free drinks and downed them over the course of her stay. She was a bit drunk, but not Too very drunk, though enough to get a small hangover the next morning, prior to getting some coffee, and she remembered that dancer from the previous night that joined her on her way home. She hoped that the marquis didn't give her any dirty looks for that, but she didn't really care too much and she'd check to see if she could find her and give her a goodbye kiss before she prepared to leave.

After she got ready for the day and asked for the horse to travel faster, Lena would prepare and head on after packing her things up on the back of the horse. After leaving, if she could find a road through the forest, she'd take it, her spear laying across her lap as she rode her horse along towards the keep, taking the shorter path towards it.

Take the shorter path.
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Her journey would be three days on horseback through the woods, setting a pretty casual pace to keep careful watch and to keep her strength up. How did she set up camp? Assuming she rested, of course.
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Thankfully her journey was mostly easy going, and when she set up her camp for the first evening, she'd get her tent or bedroll up in a small clearing that had some large trees to her back if she could find a decent spot to do it at. Assuming she didn't get attacked or accosted through the night, she'd set off the next morning and would go at a casual pace, and would keep a close eye out for anything that might be off.
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

The first day was clear out of Eastmarch, passing mostly villages you actually managed to find a small farm happy to make up a bed for you, especially with some mild coin to spare. After that, however, you hit the wooded patches in your direct trip towards the fallen keep. Early before bed her magic items seemed to attune, the necklace worked as expected, filling Lena with renewed vigor.

The next day was uneventful, animals teemed in the forest but it was otherwise mundane, nothing seemed to follow hunt or really be interested in Lena as she set out through what paths she could find. As the sun began to drop and visibility became exceedingly poor Lena set up camp in the first clearing she could find, rolling out her bedroll to sleep.

It doesn't take long, the gentle sounds of the woods lulling her to sleep. She has some comforting snug dreams, and hears the faint sound of giggling, does she bother trying to awaken? Or just get comfortable.
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"Oh wow, thank you so much. I really appreciate your generosity," Lena would tell the farmer family that put her up for the night, offering a few silver coins in exchange for the dinner and bed to sleep in, and happily taking both before she got into the more thickly wooded areas.

Thankfully her amulet was now attuned to her, and she hoped that the rope was attuned properly now too, but if it wasn't, she'd check it again that evening when she bedded down for the night. The second day was mostly easy going, and she was glad to be traveling again, as it really just seemed to relax her. By the time the sun was going down, Lena found that she could see practically noting in the woods, and so decided to set up camp for the night, her bedroll set up near her campfire, which she placed a few logs that she'd get a bit wet in a nearby stream, so that they burned a bit longer through the night, although they would produce a bit more smoke she knew. Hearing the giggling though wake her up, Lena gasped and raised up to look around cautiously, her hand reaching for her spear instinctively as she looked around.

"Is... someone there?" Lena called out into the woods around her curiously.
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

As Lena stirred she felt a bit groggy, out of sorts but not unpleasantly so. Her eyes snapped open and she saw... a diminutive face staring back at her.


"Oops," she said with a bright smile, wings flitting on her shoulder. "She's waking up guys." You hear a chorus of whispers around you and realize now the figure stands at maybe a foot tall, and there are a few standing around Lena.

The warmth hits her then, having been through enough dealing with inflicted arousal it's not like that, but she feels like she's awoken in the middle of a rather intense dream and she has that same desire of having stopped half way into it.

As she reaches for her weapons she finds she can't, her arms are stuck behind her back, a snug familiar rope binding each of her limbs together, unmovably, the more she struggles to more some delicately placed knots seem to rub against some sensitive areas.

The figure she saw when she awoke places a gentle tiny hand on Lena's nose. "Oh don't worry we won't hurt you, or even take your fun items with us. We'll just take a teensy little sample of your mana and be on our way."

With that their work Lena realizes continues, two struggle to slip her top off while he waist is already exposed, her cock half erect is being dutifully serviced by two of the, what she assumes are Fairy-folk or Fae. Their naked forms are pressed tightly to her shaft, breasts pressed tight as their hands seek the most sensitive areas, planting kisses along the side of the length.

"Shouldn't take too long."

Lena 10/10 FP, 4/8 AP -AROUSED-
Fae ??/?? FP, ??/?? AP