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A Cheating Tutorial


Demon Girl Pro
Sep 27, 2010
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WIP (Work In Progress) - More to come, grammatical revisions, et cetera... Update ALL the things!!

LAST UPDATED: May 28th, 2013

To the Mods/Admins: If anything in this thread is a problem, please delete that segment and send me a message, or send me a message. You don't have to, but I'd appreciate it.

Introduction/The Bottom Line: Some games make it really easy to export a cheat sheet for others to share and use, but a lot of the games that show up on here (Flash/RPG Maker) don't like to use the same addresses. This makes it difficult to share a cheat sheet, and makes it all the more important that a tutorial of some sort is up showing everyone how to do what they want to do for themselves. Not to get all poetic on you all, but give a man a cheat and he'll ask for more, teach a man how to cheat and he might share the profits!

NOTICE: This information was only 99.9% relevant and guaranteed the day of the last update. At any point in time the links or information may change or otherwise be rendered useless. Use the links, programs, and tutorials at your own risk. Also, kindly do not use this information to cheat in competitions, alter your ranking in scoreboards, or otherwise screw everyone else out of a good thing. This tutorial is for those who find a single player game to be otherwise unplayable, or something similar. I will not read the EULA (End User License Agreements) for you, break it down, or otherwise take responsibility for you not reading it for yourself.

Cheat Engine:


Basic Tutorial {Exact Value}:​
Assuming you've already installed and opened the program, you will need to do the following...

  1. "Select a process to open" - Monitor & Lense icon on the upper left.
  2. Input the desired number in the "Value:" text field.
  3. "First Scan"
  4. Change the desired number (e.g. get hit or spend money).
  5. Input the changed desired number in the "Value:" text field replacing the old number.
  6. "Next Scan"
  7. Repeat steps four (4) through six (6) until...
  8. You see the address(es) you're looking for.
Once you feel confident the address or addresses on the left are the ones you're looking to modify, you can do a number of different things. However, depending on the program, there could be any number of "true" addresses, or any number of "false" addresses. Under rare situations a value may be correct but appear to be wrong (like if you search true it may show up as one (1) or if you search 200 it may show up as two (2), the Hex equivalent (C8), twenty (20), point two (0.2), or a number of other things. See "Troubleshooting" for more information on this.

Let's assume the addresses are right though and you have two (2) of them. You can...

  1. "Watch" one of them by double clicking it.
  2. "Watch" one by right clicking it and selecting "Add selected addresses to the addresslist" from the resulting list.
  3. "Select" all of them by clicking inside the list, holding the Control (CTRL) key, and pressing the "A" key. This will highlight everything.
  4. "Change value of selected addresses" by right clicking the watched or selected addresses and selecting that option from the resulting list.
To watch all simply combine method three (3) with method two (2). Alternatively to methods one (1) or two (2), you can "Copy all selected items to the address list" by clicking on the red arrow facing down and to the right.

Once you watch an address you can double click any column to modify its contents, right click to "Change record" (which contains the modifiable columns by name tag), "Delete this record" (to remove it from the address list), "Browse this memory region" (advanced), "Change Color" (to color code your addresses for easier identification), "Set/Change Hotkeys" (for easier access to the address), and more. I recommend exploring your options to really understand each and what they can do for you.

Example {Unencrypted}:​
Your Character has 100 HP and gets hit for 96 leaving him with 4. First Scan (Value should be 100). Next Scan (Value should be 4). There should be one (1) to two (2) Addresses available on the left showing the current HP (4). There can be more, at which point additional scanning may be required. Simply select the addresses you want (up to two may be required), modify them, and hope it works!

Flash Example {Encrypted}:​
{See "Remedies" below before reading further.} Your Character has 100 HP and gets hit for 96 leaving him with 4. First Scan (Value should be 800). Next Scan (Value should be 32). There should be one (1) to two (2) Addresses available on the left showing the current HP (4) encrypted (32). There can be more, at which point additional scanning may be required. Simply select the addresses you want (up to two may be required), modify them, and hope it works! Remember, the information is encrypted and as a result inputting a value not divisible by 8 may result in a memory leak and/or may cause the program to crash.

RPG Maker Example {Encrypted}:​
{See "Remedies" below before reading further.} Your Character has 100 HP and gets hit for 96 leaving him with 4. First Scan (Value should be 201). Next Scan (Value should be 9). There should be one (1) to four (4) Addresses available on the left showing the current HP (4) encrypted (9). There can be more, at which point additional scanning may be required. Simply select the addresses you want (up to four may be required), modify them, and hope it works! Remember, the information is encrypted and as a result inputting a value not divisible by 2 with an addition of 1 may result in a memory leak and/or may cause the program to crash.

Some products are protected by mathematical formulas...
Flash: {n times 8} ; Example: {HP: 4} = {4*8=32}​
RPG Maker: {n times 2 plus 1} ; Example: {HP: 4} = {4*2+1=9} ; Example 2: {Gold: 0} = {0*0+1=1}​
Sometimes scanning the same value you just scanned (assuming it hasn't changed) will shake false addresses.
Sometimes opening a menu and scanning the same value you just scanned will shake false addresses.
Games that use real time clocks or lots of variables will tend to use "Double", most everything else is 4 bytes.

A lot can go wrong when searching for an address. Due to the complexity of it all, I'm only going to give you some basic troubleshoot tips.

"Is this it?" - When it doubt, watch the address (by selecting it). When something changes in game, it should change. If it's changing too little or too much, then you have a problem. Some addresses may change up to a second late depending on how the product was programmed, but this is more often than not a sign that the address you're looking for is affecting or being affected by the piece you're actually looking for (which gets more advanced. Functions like "Browse this memory region" can help you whittle it down, but only if you know how to use them.

"I can't find it!" - Sometimes programmers really hate people like you, so they script things in an odd fashion (granted, some do this by mistake, too). maybe the number you're seeing is only printed out and you need to track down the code via some other means such as text (e.g two instead of 2), hex (e.g. 56 instead of 86.), or even relative terms (e.g. searching a segment or entire flash script segment which is where programs like niflheim come in handy.).

"I can't change it!" - This is a broad one. Sometimes it looks like you didn't change it when you did, did when you didn't, or sometimes it resets. The thing to remember is that these products contain multiple layers. Sometimes when you see a number it can have one variable for the number that you see, one for the number that it is, one for double checking the previously mentioned number (security), one for receiving the change, one for outputting the change to any number of other locations... As a result you could literally see (if the programmer really sucks) dozens of addresses all for one little thing. You will need to experiment sometimes, you will need to think outside the box every so often, and some games will just plain drive you nuts. The only "fix" for this problem is figuring out what that number might be doing so you can figure out your next maneuver.

"I REALLY can't find it!" - This is just the basics, more advanced and potentially better worded tutorials exist out there. Look around, see what you can find, give it a firm whack. If you've spent hours researching, digging around, asking questions, and diddling at the code and still can't get it - odds are someone doesn't want you to find that code. From there you have two options, find a new method of attack (e.g. you want more money but can't hack your coins, try scanning the amount of gold you get from a farm, upgrade the farm, scan the new amount earned, and then hack your income rather than your gold!), or give up.



Assuming you don't like the one provided...

Start Poke. Pick a program. Click Add. Insert the value you want (If DWORD doesn't work, try again with WORD for the Value Type), otherwise set the value to unknown. Try a new value (if you specified a value) or select one of the options provided (if you said the value is unknown). Keep going until you've whittled down your options. You should eventually be left with a small amount of options that you can modify. Be sure to keep changing the value you're looking at, since it helps differentiate it from other ones.

For everything else revolving around poke, read the Cheat Engine section. Poke works very similarly and any problems will be similar. For example, Flash games may still have variables multiplied by 8, addresses may still appear to work, and so forth and so on. Poke is simply a simpler version of Cheat Engine, Cheat Engine is simply a deluxe (and far more confusing version) of Poke. Wow, hell of tutorial, huh?


Niflhiem is a hacking program designed to work with and interface with Kongregate. It is used to hack flash games.


I'm assuming you've opened Niflheim (and dealt with any Read-Me pop-ups.), if not, do so now. Once it's opened fully to a nice big grey box of soullessness, click "File", then "Open SWF". Click "Browse" and navigate to the file of your choice. Minimize the "Recently Access SOL files" box but don't close it (assuming it pops up).

From here there's a lot of different options, but most require you to ask for a print out before you make your actual move. For example try clicking "Get Frame". The Control Movie toolset read out that I'm on "Current Frame: 1". I can type any number I want into "Set Frame" and assuming it exists, Niflheim will usually take you to it once you click "Go To Frame". For example I can type "3" and if a frame 3 exists, it will take me to it. Additionally, you can also "Scan Variables" which may take a few moments. This collects a list of Variables, Objects, Strings, and Noise Words (most of that you can't modify, but Variables you can.). Unfortunately this game contains no modifiable Variables I can access, but if it did it might look something like "gold" which I could type into the "Modify Variables" toolset under "Variable Name". From there I can click "Get Value" which will read out the amount (let's say 100 in this instance", which I can then overwrite by typing a number into "Set Value". So assuming I typed in 9999, and hit "Set Value", I should now have 9999 gold. Now, since that's a tad annoying, you can also watch values and modify them from the watch list without having to first look them up (this is really nice when variables have names like fnct_gld_01_a and playr_hth_Max_1). Do note that it is cap sensitive if I remember correctly, and that the program is highly buggy!

The use of Niflhiem on its intended target (Kongregate) is not recommend, encouraged, or approved of by me. Last I checked the program has not been updated in a long time, and using it may result in any number of negative repercussions. This tutorial is how to use it strictly on programs you have downloaded to your system locally. Kindly do not ruin things for everyone else.

RGSSAD - RGSS2A - RGSS3A Decrypter by Falo:

  1. I attached the file to this post for convenience. It was hard to track down initially and the original download location was shot down by RPG Maker Fans who wanted to protect their games from thieves seeking to steal their work. I am posting this so you can enjoy your content you... well let's just assume you paid for it... I do not in any shape or form condone anyone using this as a means with which to steal copyrighted information - this is for fapping... FAPPING YA HEAR!?

This one is pretty easy. I'm going to assume you have it open and running again. Click "File", then "Open File". Navigate via window to the game's location and try to find the "RGSS Encrypted Archive" file (normally named "Game". Either double click the file or click "Open". You should now see the main window again with a filled list showing things like "Actors.rvdata". Now, since most of you don't want to spend hours clicking on each file you want, and just want to get the pictures (as in right this minute), simply click "Tools" and "Extract All Files". A folder will now appear where the Decrypter's executable is located called "Extract". All you naughty perps can now go inside of Extract, click Graphics, and peruse to your rotten heart's content.

TL;DR: File, Open File, Select the encrypted data, Tools, Extract All Files, FAP.

Post-Script: Yes, I will consider hacking a game to see if I can export a save file or cheat sheet if you request it. HOWEVER, I am a very busy man with a complicated life and am not responsible for never responding to you, acknowledging your existence, fixing your problems, banging your wife, OR ANYTHING ELSE OF SAID NATURE. I am responsible for keeping myself alive and healthy, FULL STOP.


  • RGSSAD - RGSS2A - RGSS3A Decrypter.zip
    166.8 KB · Views: 59
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Re: A Cheating Tutorial

I forget do we have a better place for this?
Re: A Cheating Tutorial


"News and Announcements"
"The Blank Page" > "RP Templates / Campaign Notes / Game Design"
"Hentai" > "Hentai Games"

Any of those sound more accurate?

Frankly speaking go ahead and put this anywhere you want - heck, if you feel the hassle is worth it you could technically even create a section for this sort of thing...

Did I seriously create a dilemma just by trying to be helpful!? :confused:
Re: A Cheating Tutorial

I'ma put you in game design unless sin complains.

also it helps if you put an introduction to your project so people know exactly what it is.