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A Demon's Answer to the Heavens (Prudence;Termite)

Re: The Wrong Crowd (Prudence)

The blue eyes of the black haired girl looked up at Prudence with such a shy disposition, feeling immediately the effect of Prudence taking over the situation as she nearly invited herself in, while still giving the girl that little bit of choice. Even from the dim light, Prudence could see a red blush on her cheeks. Looking at her for another moment longer, perhaps another second or two of torture for Prudence, the girl suddenly started to open the door slowly, "Y-yes... You can come in..." the girl agreed shyly.

Stepping aside, Prudence was allowed to see inside the girl's visibly messy home. If Prudence were still interested in her reading experience, perhaps she'd find a small heaven inside the girl's home. Books were everywhere, on shelves, stacked up here and there, each seeming to have relation with each other from pile to pile. Her hobby was apparently studying, perhaps to a rather extreme extent, for a human, anyway.

The girl was considerably shorter then Prudence, which they'd learn as soon as they stood facing each other. The girl's head going up to Prudence's chin, it was perhaps clear why she was meek, due to how short she was. No doubt, someone like Katerina would have picked on her for this trait, while likely teasing one of her sexual holes, no doubt. In another display of meek behavior, the girl folded her arms in front of her as she'd let Prudence walk in. Her head lowered, eyes looking up at the taller woman, she was blushing terribly. "... You want to absorb me... Right?" she asked, visibly tensing at the mention of it. But, in an almost completely opposite display of meek behaviour, the girl reached up, grabbing the top of her kimono, and pulling it back, off of her shoulders, allowing her breasts to be seen bare. She was about the same size as Prudence, at least when you accounted for her smaller body. Not too big, not too small, her breasts were just a comfortable size for one's hand to grope.
Re: The Wrong Crowd (Prudence)

"Yes." She couldn't deny it. Prudence wanted to reach out and grab the small woman. Both sides wanted the same. The human within wanted to pull that girl close and cuddle the shy right out of her, and the demon wanted to pick her up and throw her on the bed and mount what she was sure lay hidden under the lower half of that kimono.

"But I'm not like my sisters. I want a little more." With both halves wanting something different the compromise they reached started with Pru walking closer to that little raven beauty. "I want to know what you want." Her hand came forward to land on the girl's stomach. She held it there while circling her. "I want to know what excites you." She embraced the girl from behind, letting her own bosom press into the girl's shoulders, the peaks that were her nipples clearly felt even through the Victorian dress she wore. "Where you like to be touched." Her hands came to the part that revealed those lovely breasts. They rose along the fabric, closing that part to conceal that nudity yet taking free reign to brush against against her skin the entire way. "You deepest, darkest desires." Her hands turned to travel back down to the girl's waist, only this time she took the liberty to run her palms over the swells of her flesh. "Because I want more than a slave, I want a lover."

Pru's tail unraveled from her waist to crawl forward and replace the arms wrapped around her victim. Once the two were bound together Pru lifted her arms just enough to support the girl's chest and feel them resting on her forearms. Now that they were so close together Pru pulled her aura back, sealing it within herself so the girl she held could answer truthfully. "Will you do that for me? Will you become my lover?"
Re: The Wrong Crowd (Prudence)

Blue eyes watching with an innocent, uncertain look, the girl gazed upon Prudence with an uncertain, yet humbled expression. Even as Prudence laid her hand on the girl's bare stomach, her nipples hardened with excitement. Even as Prudence embraced her from behind, her eyes did not leave the blond seductress's face, staring up at her, even as her arms were bound to her body by Pru's own, and then her tail, which tied her together like a kidnapped victim. "Y-you're so gentle..." the girl whispered. And at her question, she nodded slowly, mouth gaping open at her, as if astonished by her beauty. "I... I'll do anything for you..." the girl announced to Prudence, bewitched by the succubus power she was drowning the girl in.

While still wrapped in Prudence's tail, the girl snuck a hand to her crotch, one finger idly stimulating herself under her kimono. "I..." the girl began, uncertain as she stared up at the sex goddess before her, "I enjoy it when..." her pulse quickened, sweat starting to run down her face, which had gone red with an intense flush. "I'm... I'm a masochist... I like it when... People humiliate me..."

The raven haired girl moaned, fingering herself, squirming in Prudence's bindings while the blond succubus fondled her chest, "Katerina... She... She'd always make me say things about myself... And... She'd make me do horrible things... Like beg to be punished... And to beg her to hurt me..." she let out a little scream of pleasure, "I loved it~!" she moaned passionately. "To be treated inferior... To be embraced like this..." she tugs on Pru's tail, "I don't know why... But it makes me so crazy... Being someone's plaything... I get horny even when my covers are wrapped around me... I feel like someone else is doing it, and..." she clenched her teeth, fingering her clit, "And I can't wait anymore!" she whispered quickly, "Please punish me! I'd do anything just to be chained and molested by you!"
Re: The Wrong Crowd (Prudence)

A masochist... The girl wrapped in her arms was a masochist. Pru wasn't quite sure how to react. When she said she wasn't like her sisters there was so much more to it than that. She never went out looking to harm someone. Pru never hunted with the intent to rape and dominate. She wanted her meal to give themselves freely, to enjoy themselves fully and without reserve, to fill themselves with joy and love so she could eat her fill and then some. She understood how a succubus fed. She consumed the positive energy from her partner. Hunting someone down and forcing yourself on that person felt...counterproductive.

But this girl... She wanted to be punished. She wanted to be humiliated. She wanted to be dominated, controlled, so completely broken down that she became nothing more than a toy to be used and discarded. She downright asked for it. But how could Pru do that? She hated her own weakness. She hated how her biological family controlled her life, and she hated being nothing more than a battery for whatever demon happened to pass her by. Even if someone else wanted it, how could she-

A hand shifted down to prevent the girl from pleasuring herself. "Did I say you could touch yourself?" Nothing but a mischievous smile showed on Pru's face, but behind her eyes her human half was suddenly surprised to find herself saying those words. When she looked to the source the demon-within stood straight and tall. She wishes to be our lover, correct? We must respect her desire. The human opened her mouth. She wanted to say something, to argue against needlessly assaulting someone else, but nothing came. The girl made a request. As much as she hated it she had no right to deny her lover's wish.

With a spiritual huff Pru's more wicked nature gained control over her body, and with that change her eyes shifted to a shade of red befitting a demonic presence. Now that it was free to act as it pleased the hand that held the raven beauty's wrist slowly but deliberately began to rise. Pru's other hand caught the other wrist, and after an almost painfully long time Pru had both of the girl's arms raised high above her head. A moment later something strong and thick began to wrap around her arms, and if she dared to look up she would find a pair of tentacles hanging from a pool of darkness gathered on the ceiling. "I can't trust you to keep your hands under control." Pru unwound her tail and stepped back to survey her catch. She could clearly see the hardened nipples through the kimono, especially now that those raised arms presented her chest so nicely. "Let's get a matching set for your feet." Another pool spread underneath the girl, and another pair of tentacles rose to wrap around her ankles. With each of her limbs bound the tentacles started to wind up her legs and down her arms, and after a few moments they stopped at her knees and her elbow respectively.

"Can't have you acting on your own, now, but I think you like this, don't you?" The last question was more a statement than anything else, but Pru asked as a test. She wanted to see how this girl would answer. It would help set the tone for what was to come later. "Name." But before that she needed to know what she would call her little pet for the night. Maybe she should just be called "Pet"? That actually sounded like a good idea. The demon chuckled within Pru's mind. It was quite pleased with how well it was adjusting to this new roll, and it completely ignored how her other half was simply keeping to herself.
Re: The Wrong Crowd (Prudence)

"Wait-no!" the girl pleaded desperately as her hands were ripped from her body. She struggled with true effort against the tentacles, hands desperately wanting to be freed. Eyes tearing up, she looked up at Prudence pathetically, "Please, don't leave me hungry like this! My whole body is on fire! I... I need...!" she grunted, pulling at the tar colored tentacles with clenched teeth.

Her head snapped to Prudence immediately as she began to speak. Her lips quivered as Prudence suggested that she really liked it. Her body was demanding satisfaction, the crotch of her kimono glistening in the candlelight. "I'm sorry!" she apologized profusely, with great enthusiasm, "Please, I beg you, punish me! I can't stand just being left like this!"

Finger's curling, tears starting to form, she hung her head, her body constantly squirming with sick, lecherous desire. "... Yuri... My name is Yuri... Please..." she continued to beg, "Please... I'm going insane..." she pouted pathetically, sounding almost as if she were starving for her punishment.
Re: The Wrong Crowd (Prudence)

Yuri's protests and pleading were an obvious turn on, but as much as it excited Pru she also felt a little disappointed. The girl was already begging for relief, and Pru wanted to see how far she could tease the girl until she was left panting and crying for attention. Maybe she absorbed too much of Pru's aura? Or maybe she was far too conditioned. That sounded more likely. Kat would want one of her pets to be ready the moment she walked into a room.

Whatever the cause Pru was left with an incredibly horny woman that was soaking the kimono she wore. She felt she needed to do something about that, and to start things off she raised a finger and placed it to Yuri's lips. "Hush." As much as she liked hearing the girl beg she wanted her to quiet down so she could listen to what was said next. "We're going to play a little game." As Pru spoke she started to reach around the girl. Her hands sought out the the belts and bindings that held the kimono in place. "I want to know a little more about you, so I'm going to ask a few questions." Each was undone as she found them, and soon enough Yuri would be left suspended in the air while the clothes she wore were parted straight down the center. Her cleavage and cleft would be on full display, and she would make for quite an enticing sight. "Answer to my satisfaction and I'll give you a small reward. Failure to do so will only get you this." Pru's tail slowly rose between the girl's legs, but as it approached Yuri's needy sex it veered to the side just enough brush against her glistening thigh and merely ran alongside the edge of her netherlips. That tease alone would probably be more than enough for the girl's overloaded sex drive. "Understand?"
Re: The Wrong Crowd (Prudence)

Whining, and panting, Yuri's eyes crossed at the finger placed to her lips, before immediately snapping back up to Prudence's face. Her lips sealed, Yuri still emitted a slight whine, her chest heaving with desire. She gasped as Pru's hand went behind her to grab at the belt of her kimono, clearly getting excited. But when Prudence informed her that she wanted to ask questions, Yuri made another pull at her bindings, trying once again to attempt an escape. A look in her eyes suggested that if she were free, she'd pounce upon Prudence then and there, and forcefully get her satisfaction.

Her exposure didn't seem to phase Yuri, as the petite, raven haired girl was clearly more interested in Prudence, and her voluptuous curves. And the promise of a reward made her even more interested. Although, when Prudence began to demonstrate her method of punishment, Yuri squirmed, and cried loudly, thrusting her hips forward in a desperate measure to attempt to get the tail to touch her where she wanted it to.

A tear running down her cheek, she looked up at Prudence like a pathetic dog, her mouth agape from her mental craze. "Please..." she sobbed, "I'll do whatever you want!"
Re: The Wrong Crowd (Prudence)

Quit teasing her! Behind Pru's determined eyes, deep within the pit of her soul the redhead was a bit surprised to find her more fair twin actually speaking up on Yuri's behalf. The human within wore a look of defiance, but the demon could quite easily see her sister giving in to her more compassionate nature. Any other time the succubus would have listened to that and any other plea her gentle half would make, but not now. Yuri was unlike any lover they'd taken. She was an extremely submissive soul, one that loved to have her control stripped away and to be turned into someone's play thing. Compassion would never give the girl what she truly desired. That was why the demon simply smirked. She knew her sister was completely out of her element, and the reply was all that was needed to make her turn to retreat into her little corner of the world. Patience.

Back in the waking world Pru circled her little victim once and appraising her work. She gave a single low chuckle to show her approval, and then she disappeared once more to approach Yuri from behind. A moment later her hands curled around the bound girl's stomach while Pru pressed her entire body against Yuri's covered back. "That was a good answer." Those hands then rose to Yuri's chest, and once they arrived they each gripped a tit and nearly dug their nails into the yielding flesh. Then she started kneading. Pru focused most of her attention on this task, roughly massaging Yuri's and making sure she hovered on that line that separated pleasure from pain.

Pru continued for a few seconds, mostly to give Yuri the time to focus on the attention she received, but eventually the demon slowed down just a bit to speak once more. "Time for a question." Her eyes wandered around the house as if she were actually searching for the question she wanted to ask. Eventually she spotted the front door and knew what her first true question would be. "I felt something more than a lock on your door. Was that barrier yours?"
Re: The Wrong Crowd (Prudence)

Yuri ground her teeth, staring at Prudence wide-eyed in desperate expectation. She panted like a dog, sweat rolling down her face terribly, while her dark blue eyes gazed upon the dominant prudence, speaking of sexual starvation, and lack of attention. Once Prudence walked behind her, crediting Yuri with having done as she was told well, the girl nearly thrusted her own ass in the demoness' direction in pure desperation for abuse. A tear going down her cheek as she assumed Prudence would reward her as promised, Yuri smiled like an addict about to get her fix. "Thank you..." she cried quietly.

But, at the touch of her breasts, and squeezing of her nipples, her tears and sobs became screams of desperation. Letting out a shrill cry as her chest was abused, Yuri did express pain, but between cried of hurt, Prudence could hear a masochistic laughter, a wide, open smile on her face, as seen during her twists and turns, while the girl's eyes were rolled back into her face. Twisting back in a surprising way, clearly used to restraint, Yuri kissed Prudence deeply, "More!" she screamed, before diving in to continue the kiss.

But the kiss and smile faded as Prudence continued her questioning. Yuri was furious. She squirmed violently, clearly ready to hurt something if she was not hurt herself, like a rabid dog on it's chains. "It is! It is mine!" she shouted, "I made it myself!"

Thrashing further, Yuri let out a frustrated cry that could rival a siren, "PLEASE, IN THE NAME OF MERCY TEASE ME NO LONGER!!!" she screamed as loud as her voice could possibly allow, such to a point that she began coughing, gagging on her own pain in her throat. And even still, she continued to plead with Prudence through the pain, "I'll do ANYTHING!" she cried, sobbing, "Just... Please... Hurt me... Break me..."
Re: The Wrong Crowd (Prudence)

She's a mage! Pru found herself nearly laughing out loud at Yuri's response. Any soul who could use magic was a soul who fed well! It made her inner demon squeal with delight over the buffet it would soon be tasting.

In fact she couldn't wait any longer. Pru's tail had been flicking madly back and forth like a cat who suddenly found a mouse to play with, but a moment later it rose into the air and straightened at the end. The small spade that was her stinger began to visibly pulse and bulge, a couple veins beginning to pop until that end grew into an engorged prick that would put most men to shame. And once it was ready it surged forward. It quickly worked its way around Yuri's open kimono and ran straight between the girl's legs. For a moment it appeared to be heading right into her sopping little pussy, but at the last second it shifted and drove directly into the human's puckered little ass. Pru didn't give the girl a moment to let her muscles stretch. She just kept pushing, forcing her tail-grown cock into Yuri's tight hole until it was completely swallowed.

That was when Pru finally stopped. She held her tail still and gave Yuri that moment she would need to let her ass adjust, but that wasn't the reason why. Pru wanted to feel her lover squirm. She wanted to feel the girl's insides pulsing and quivering, to feel her body trying to adjust to the intruder it had no choice in accepting, and most of all to feel that first taste of essence splash against her soul's lips. She never tasted the joy a masochist felt when someone granted their desire for pain, and this first bite was something she wanted to savor for as long as she could.

"Very good! Nice and TIGHT!" Pru accented that last word with a sudden push from her tail. "That means you're going to give me just what I need. But I have another question." Pru's hands returned their attention to Yuri's tits, but this time instead of a rough massage her thumb and index finger trapped one of the girl's nipples. From there they pinched hard, and a moment later they began to pull away from her body. Pru pulled with a constant force, and soon enough Yuri's trapped teat became a strained cone of flesh that was stretched beyond the realm of comfort. It only stopped when that nipple popped free and was left red and puffed from the sudden abuse. "I touched you earlier, before I knocked. When I did I felt something a little more..." While Pru's free hand rose to pinch and pull on Yuri's other nipple the other lowered and drew a little circle around the girl's excited clit. "...substantial. So I want to know." A quick snap freed the trapped nipple, and now that that hand was no longer preoccupied it rose to grasp Yuri by her chin and hold her head in place. The bound girl would then feel Pru's warm breath washing over her ear before she could hear the succubus' hushed voice. "Where did your cock go, little girl?"
Re: The Wrong Crowd (Prudence)

Prudence seemed to lose her lack of desire for further foreplay. This brought joy to Yuri's face. With excitement, she smiled at the tail, pulsating, growing larger, and thicker, morphing into something reminding her of a phallus. 'It'll tear me open...' Yuri thought with not horror or fear, but excitement over the pain it would bring. Squirming at it lunged around her body, wrapping around her, and parting her kimono, Yuri cried out, bending forwards, expecting the tentacle to enter her pussy.

But, when it ripped into her ass, Yuri's eyes bulged wide, and her body arched with pain, her mouth agape in a silent scream, trying to release a pitch her voice couldn't allow. Her mouth worked, trying to speak as the fat tail broke into her intestines, her stomach bulging from the invasion. "I'm... Going... To explode...!" she wheezed. Even when Prudence stopped, her eyes still remained wide, trembling with shock and pain.

"I can't move my body..." she said in a weak whisper, giving a cry as Prudence pushed a little deeper, enjoying her invasion of the girl's body. The time Prudence spoke after that only granted her that time's worth of rest, before her nipples were yanked in Pru's fingers. Pulled violently, and painfully, Yuri cried out with an orgasmic shriek, a sudden spray of her pussy juices coating her legs, and the tail lodged deep in her ass.

Yelping as her breasts were freed, Yuri blinked with surprise when Prudence mentioned the lack of her cock, and the knowledge that she had one. Gripped in her hand, and feeling Pru's warm breath trailing along the side of her face, Yuri looked panicked, and worried. "I..." she hesitated, wincing from the pain, "... I'm not really a girl..." Yuri whispered with shame.
Re: The Wrong Crowd (Prudence)

The Succubus squealed. Pru's mindscape was filled with the delighted cries of a starved demon who had just tasted the first bite of an exquisite soul. She could feel Yuri's essence washing over her as her tail fed off the masochist's first orgasm. The flavor of a mage, the unbridled power of a trained soul paired with the utter submission from someone who begs to be dominated. It was so new, so alien, and yet it felt so wonderful! She needed more!

Within the waking world the tail lodged in Yuri's ass remained still as Pru listened to the girl's answer. "I see..." She had already guessed as much, but hearing the same within that answer peaked her interest. What exactly was Yuri? Was she just a truly powerful mage who had full control over her own body? Or was she that most elusive of human breeds, one who was born of both genders and could experience the full range of pleasures that both a man and a woman could enjoy? The thought made her inner voice squeal once again. A natural futa was a treat, a delicacy in the demon world that was nearly coveted above all others. It would explain why Kat went to such lengths to keep Yuri hidden from even her closest sister.

With a growing urge to know the truth Pru started moving once again. The fingers that had been teasing her victim's clit now looped lower and started slowly massaging Yuri's slickened folds. Pru's index and ring pressed out to expose the delicate flesh within, and her middle finger would simply explore and occasionally dip inside Yuri's soaked womanhood only to pull back out and tease her some more. "But that didn't really answer my question." The hand holding Yuri's chin dropped back down to attack the girl's tits, but this time they only massaged and fondled her instead of squeezing and manhandling. "So I'll give you one more chance. Where. Did. Your cock. Go?" All of Pru's attention was centered on the answer she was waiting to hear. She was so focused that she didn't even realize that Kat was near. She couldn't tell whether her sister was waiting by the door or had already stepped inside. She couldn't tell whether the door was closed or not. She didn't even realize that deep within her soul her kinder half was starting to close herself off.
Re: The Wrong Crowd (Prudence)

Yuri let out a whine as Prudence continued to tease. The girl's expression was nearly psychotic, eyes wide open, and pupils nearly microscopic. She seemed ready to hurt herself if she was not hurt by Prudence soon. Panting like a wild animal, drool coated her chin, her mind showing no concern over how wretched she looked. Her only interest was how the seductress behind her could abuse her body. "I'm a man!" Yuri suddenly screamed at the top of her lungs. "I transform into a girl whenever I absorb demon energy! I... I'm an Alp!" she pouted to Prudence.

With her fluids dripping to the floor, and making a large puddle of shame, the lust juices that were mixed among the saliva and sweat, belonged to a man, who was so feminine, that when demonic energy was injected into his body, instead of transforming into a male demon, he transformed into an Alp, a man with weak male chemistry, who adapts the female hormones injected into his body. Generally known as mutants by their nature, most cannot return to being a man once they transform into a woman. And here, Yuri claimed to be one of those mutants. But to become like this so suddenly, it was clear that Yuri could do what most could not, and revert back to being a male, to allow his sexual energy to replenish itself. And he could just as easily change back into a girl, which better suited his personality and appearance.

But with breasts, a curved waist, and perfect anatomy, none could have been able to tell that Yuri was not always a woman. And that was a fact. Yuri was too beautiful. And so, looking back at her, Yuri cast Prudence a frantic look, her fingers looking ready to bleed from squeezing into her palms to hard. "I'm going insane! Hurt me! Please! Just in the ass isn't enough!" she shouted with a moan from Pru's tail lodged in her rear. "I need... I need more punishment..." she suddenly whispered, very quiet. But her body was trembling. Unable to move, and satisfy her obsession, was truly a torture unlike any other.
Re: The Wrong Crowd (Prudence)

An alp... Those words echoed across Pru's soul, diving deep enough to reach the withdrawn human half and causing her to look up in curiosity. An alp. A creature born when a feminine man is fed enough succubus magic to have his masculinity overwhelmed and transformed into the woman he so closely resembled. A being that no longer belonged to the world of mortals but didn't quite fit into the world of demons. A soul formed from the conflict of two opposing forces. A soul not unlike...

"I think that's enough. No more questions!" The succubus was far too intrigued by the being before it to notice her simpler half awakening. Instead she focused on pulling her tail free, making sure it came out quick and rough and punished Yuri's ass before it was released. "But...this kimono is in the way..." Pru's tone of voice sounded disappointed, but only a short second later the tentacles holding Yuri's limbs in place started to pull away from each other. Her arms and legs were stretched to their limit, spread far enough to give Pru unfettered access to every inch of her body had that naughty kimono not been in the way.

"We'll just have to do something about that, won't we?" Without any warning the sound of something cutting air would hit Yuri's ears before the small woman felt a sudden sting her left thigh just below the swell of her ass. Another crack later she would feel the same thing on her right. With the way Pru had stretched her out she wouldn't be able to turn her head back properly. She couldn't have seen the tail turn back to normal, and all she could do was listen as it started whipping through the air, the spade at the end being used to strike out at the bound masochist as it tore through her clothes and left patches of silk falling to the floor as Pru slowly but surely revealed more and more of the alp's flesh. Soon enough she would be left with frayed tatters hanging off her shoulders and arms and nothing more, and her back side would be completely exposed, numerous welts and lash marks criss-crossing up and down her body. "Better?"
Re: The Wrong Crowd (Prudence)

Yuri didn't react to Prudence announcing that there were no more questions to be asked. But, when her tail sharply pulled from her tightened rear, Yuri let out a pleasured scream of pain. With a smile on her face, Yuri panted, looking back at Prudence with an endearing look, before her teeth clenched as binding took her limbs, and stretched her painfully. Letting out another cry, she still had enough spirit to speak when Prudence noted the problem of her kimono.

"Aaah! I'm sorry!" she screamed her apology, before screaming even louder as Prudence's tail whipped, and lashed at her body, destroying her kimono at the same time. With each strike, Yuri yelped, moaned, and twisted her head with enjoyment. Especially near sensitive areas, like her ribs, her eyes rolled back into her head as she choked during a scream of pleasure.

The whipping had ended too soon for her. Panting, Yuri tried to look back at Prudence from her awkward position, casting not a pained, but a loving look back at her.

"Yes... It felt so wonderful..." she told her with a deep breath. "My mistress," Yuri called to her, "I'm ready for you..." she announces, mentioning to the literally dripping genitals on full display to Prudence.
Re: The Wrong Crowd (Prudence)

As soon as Yuri's proclamation had been heard the sound of tearing fabric filled the air once more. Pru was running one of her nails over her own dress, her favorite outfit splitting where she touched as her finger trailed from her slightly inflated stomach down past her waist and continuing until she could feel the cool night air brushing against her overheated sex. Had Yuri the chance she would have seen Pru's now exposed clit pop out of its protective hood, the jewel poking further as it started to grow until Pru's prick was standing at full attention. Her tail did much the same, the two cocks rivaling each other's size as the blond grabbed the bound alp by her waist. "You've done well, little girl." Pru's mouth was hovering right beside Yuri's ear once again. "Time for your reward." The succubus aligned herself, her futa cock resting at Yuri's back door while the tail cock hovered just under the girl's dripping lips. Without any warning she pushed her twin members inside, each one burying themselves to the hilt in one fast, rough motion.

Within Pru's soulscape the succubus was quite pleased with herself as she felt herself pulling on the strands of such a submissive and willing soul. But beyond the feeding demon, beyond the rush of essence starting to sate her lustful hunger, the human within was quietly shedding a tear. She had tried to cut herself off, tried to ignore the torture her darker half had inflicted on the young girl, but when she stated what she truly was the empathetic soul was unable to turn away. Before her stood an alp, the very definition of contrasts, a spirit who was torn between human and demon and to Pru was no different than herself. She found someone she could relate to, someone who could sympathize with her plight and her fears about her true nature being revealed to the world, and what did she do? She bound the girl. Stretched her out. Tormented her mind by teasing her to the point of breaking, and once that was done her body was whipped and beaten until she looked like nothing more than a slave being punished.

Slave. That word made her cringe, even more so than each lash that struck the young alp's back. Memories of Pru's time as a slave started to rush to the surface. She remembered countless times when some of her more brutal sisters had tied her in their private stocks and beaten her into submission. Even as the mindless doll she was she still remembered the pain of it all, the way her body was mercilessly tortured until her screams made her hoarse. But beyond that was the complete and utter domination they lorded over her. She was nothing but a slave, a play thing for them all to use whenever they saw fit, nothing more than cattle they could feast upon that needed to be caged once their meal was done.

That was why this whole experience bothered her. Pru had her freedom completely stripped from her once, and to watch it happening to anyone else made her heart break. To watch her own body do it to another made it even worse. Even with Yuri's spirit starting to wash over her she couldn't keep herself from weeping. Even with that essence at her fingertips and the sheer joy she could feel starting to fill her hungry soul there was still that tint of pain that nearly made her sick to her stomach. It was all just too much. She couldn't take anymore. She wouldn't...

Back in the waking world the demon was in utter bliss. Yuri's bowels hugged her cock with each thrust she made, and she could feel the girl's pussy stretched so well that for every one of Yuri's involuntary spasms it felt like she was trying to milk her sensitive tail. And she could feel them touching! Each push made her twin cocks rub against the other, that small layer of flesh separating them doing almost nothing as she nearly fucked herself as she fucked the small girl. Pru was quickly working herself to a fierce climax, the near flood of juices from Yuri's snatch contrasting sharply with the strong muscles found nearly gripping her overgrown clit.

But something changed. She felt a lone tear start to roll down her cheek, and for a moment the demon was completely confused. Why would she weep for something that felt so wonderful? A moment later a sharp feeling of pain and sadness pierced her down to her very core, and she nearly doubled over until that feeling disappeared as quickly as it came. "What was...?" A silent scream of anguish cut through her, and this time she collapsed to her knees, one hand holding on to Yuri as the other clutched at her chest. Something was wrong. It felt like her heart was tearing itself in two, and she could do nothing to stop it. The demon within panicked, her frenzied screams showing her fear as she cried out to her other half. The human panicked as well, and she desperately started reaching for her darker side as a growing need overwhelmed her. Both sides needed to pull themselves together, or something bad was going to happen. But the closer they came the more they felt as if something were pulling them apart, and with each passing second she could feel some strange force literally tearing her soul in two. "WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME?!"
Re: The Wrong Crowd (Prudence)

Grinning, teeth clenched, and hands going red from squeezing her bonds that held her wrists, Yuri's expression couldn't have been more inviting. In fact, she nearly looked as if she'd pounce Prudence if she were freed, and take her satisfaction. That expression, as it seemed from Yuri's face, looked as if all of the torture, and pain she had gone through, was only foreplay, to get her ready for her partner to fuck her.

"W-wait!" Yuri panted as Prudence placed her length at her anus, "If it's dry, it will-" she pleaded out quickly, only not in time to get Pru to hear her, as the tip went in. "Aaah!" Yuri screamed, her eyes rolling back, her body tightening up to the point of straining herself. "It hurts! It..." she cried out, as her tongue rolled out of her mouth, panting as Prudence slid in. "Hurts so good~ I can't stand it!" she screamed out to the succubus raping her.

Thrusting, and stretching her, Yuri's body gripped, and squeezed the invading organs with surprising endurance. She became so enthralled over the two phalluses inside of her, that Yuri actually found the strength to buck back against her. "Cum inside!" Yuri shouted to Prudence.

Feeling Prudence suddenly act oddly, and even stopping her motions, Yuri turns back with a panic, "What's wrong!?" she exclaims. Tensing up, Yuri's lips moved silently, her eyes closing in focus, before she was enveloped in a bright light, and released from her bonds.

Turning, Yuri gripped Prudence's agonized body in her arms, holding her tightly against her own body with a surprising amount of energy, given how battered and bruised she looked. "Please, compose yourself! Why are you suffering!?" Yuri exclaimed in question.

"Get away from her, fool!" shouted a familiar voice, before a figure with wings suddenly dashed by, and grabbed Yuri, and soaring away with her to the other side of the room.

"Katerina!" Yuri called out to her, "You have to help her!" she announced to the succubus pleadingly.

"I cannot," she told Yuri grimly, "Releasing that much power, Prudence very well could cause serious damage to my soul." She informed Yuri. Turning her head, she looked at Prudence with squinted eyes, almost afraid that Prudence was going to explode in a bright light. "I had expected something like this to happen... All we can do is wait, and see if she has the strength to endure the agony of being literally torn in half..."
Re: The Wrong Crowd (Prudence)

A touch...

Comfort? Was someone trying to help? Pru couldn't tell. All she could see were bursts of light signaling another wave of agony. Her body was no longer listening to what she said. It tried to move on its own, and each time it did her muscles tried to move in opposing directions. And each time a flash hit those contractions became stronger. Within a painful eternity that lasted only a few short seconds the succubus's limbs were convulsing wildly, the muscles underneath strained so hard that they started to tear away from each other. Her flesh bulged in odd places, bits and pieces of her pressing against the flimsy layer of skin that held them in place. And each time they did her arms tried to grasp onto her bulging body as she quite literally tried to hold herself together.

Her body battled with itself for felt like hours, but as time dragged on she could feel herself losing. More and more her body struggled, and to both Kat and Yuri it would look like another body was trying to pull itself away. Her muscles ripped, her bones broke, her skin nearly burst. She was the very embodiment of a frightening nightmare, and it was only made worse when she finally opened her mouth. Her head fell back, and with it she let loose a primal scream that filled the small house and spilled into the night. But this wasn't the mere scream of someone in complete and utter agony. This was a scream that ran over you, ran through you, pierced you down to your very core and made your entire being shake and cringe in fear. This was the scream of a soul that was strained to its limits and could take no more. This was the scream of a dying soul.

Her skin finally started to tear, and once it did the very light of existence itself started to fill Yuri's home. As more and more of her started to split and tear away that light grew brighter and brighter. Perhaps she would explode just as Katerina feared, the only bits of her left the ringing of a tortured soul as only a few scraps of her form simply dissolved and returned to the aether. But Fate chose not to be so cruel. The blinding light slowly faded, and once it had Pru could be seen splayed out on the floor. Her body was a mess, small sections of her form simply missing, the edges starting to crumble and turn to dust. Anyone watching would think she was already dead, but her fingers started to twitch. At that first sign of life her decay stopped, and after a few tense seconds a new light started to bridge the gaps. Slowly but surely her body started to knit itself together, and soon enough she started to open her eyes.

One would think Pru would have been ecstatic to survive such an ordeal, but instead her eyes took a look of dread. She looked as if she were staring into blank space as her horns started to return, and her fingers desperately clawed for something to her side while her mouth starting silently pleading. A moment later a small shimmer filled the space nearby. It tried to gather itself, to fill the faint outline of a form before it failed. It faded little by little with each attempt, and it was only when it became a pale, almost clear sheen that it finally managed to solidify.

What little essence remained formed a second body, a poor, nearly translucent imitation that was still unmistakably Prudence. But this one held no color. It didn't make a move. It simply sat there, a lifeless look in its eyes until they very slowly shifted toward the twin that lay nearby. "Please..." The other had finally found her voice. "Help her..."
Re: The Wrong Crowd (Prudence)

The sight of terror, mutilation, and sickening tearing of two beings ripping each other apart, became enough to make Yuri cover a hand over her mouth, her body lurching forward, threatening to empty the contents of her stomach onto the floor, before Katerina's hands took her more strongly, supporting the girl as best she could, in awe of the shocking display of a single being, violently ripping itself into two.

"Katerina... She's dying...! What did I do...!?" Yuri cried helplessly. Despite being a man, she cried like the helpless girl she appeared to be. "I was so selfish, asking her to do those things... I really am a freak, an alp!" she accused herself.

Katerina clung to Yuri strongly, the figure of her muscles clearly toned in her arms appearing from the force she put into the embrace. Gazing at Prudence's suffering figure, tears ran down Katerina's eyes, crying in sorrow for her poor, suffering sister. "It's not your fault, Yuri... Prudence would not blame you for her suffering. Though she was a demon, her heart was stronger than any angel's."

Weeping together, Yuri and Katerina mourned Prudence's loss, watching the motions of her soul move through the room, as they both said a prayer for Prudence to safely find her way to the afterlife. But instead of leaving, the soul took shape. And snapping the two into a state of shock that rocked their very balance, the supposedly dead Prudence spoke. Their inner eyes focusing, both Yuri and Katerina felt a shock that struck them like a thunderbolt.

"Prudence's soul... Didn't leave her body!?" Katerina exclaimed.

Hearing Prudence's plea, Yuri's mind, and heart became focused in a single instant. Prudence wasn't dead. There was a chance to save her.

"Yuri!" Katerina shouted as the raven haired girl suddenly stood, and bolted from Katerina's arms, towards the ghostly figure, and kneeling down quickly over the ghostly shape of a human Prudence, clasping her hands together in focus.

Around Yuri, a dark energy started to gather around her. "Prudence... Please don't fade away! For your sake... I'll let you have...

"My humanity!" she shouted at the top of her lungs, gathering an almost suffocating, polluting amount of succubus energy. Her hands going to her throat, Yuri began to gag, and cough, her blue eyes suddenly overtaken by a swarm of black, changing, and polluting her body, leaving her with bright red, glowing eyes.

From her backside, a pair of bat wings and a devil's tail suddenly ruptured from her body. So taken into the curse, there would be no turning back for Yuri. Holding onto her throat, gagging desperately for air, her human side was cast away, the form of a pure ball of white light suddenly leaving Yuri's mouth through her throat, and taking to the air.

Collapsing to the side, the corrupted Yuri, completely taken by the darkness, fell into unconsciousness. Meanwhile, the sole spirit, Yuri's other half, slowly descended, approaching the wounded soul in need with it's kind light, before gently dissipating, and granting Prudence it's power.

Without Prudence's corrupted, demonic body, her human soul was but a heart without a shell to protect it. Throwing her humanity away, Yuri tossed that shell into the void of oblivion Prudence was sinking into, called death. And before their eyes, Yuri's sacrifice took shape, using Prudence's greater power, and merging with it, granting her a pure, and uncorrupted form.

Staring at Prudence, the human Prudence, Katerina was left in utter awe at the sight of the naked figure. She was flawless, without any cursed horns, or a demonic tail. This blond woman, was what Prudence looked like before she was polluted.

"Prudence... You're... A human...!?" she exclaimed with shock. A soul lost to the darkness of lust, and loneliness, it's only means of survival that of the love from other's, performing in front of her eyes, the act of taking it all back, and becoming a human again. "This... Can't be real..."
Re: The Wrong Crowd (Prudence)

A soul removed from its body...

A soul without form...

The human Pru felt alone. Lost. Her connection to her other half was lost. It was a presence she had felt for countless decades, and now that it was no longer there the sheer silence she felt was frightening. And that silence grew. It felt like it was surrounding her, overwhelming her, pulling her into a dark pit that terrorized her the deeper she went. She tried to fight. She tried to reach out. She tried to call for help, for anyone to save her from this oblivion that was engulfing her, but nothing worked. Her spirit was weak, the sheer trauma of losing a piece of herself draining her strength and leaving her as nothing more than a helpless little worm trying to claw its way back to the surface.

With each passing second she felt herself fading. The darkness had become so thick that the shadows that surrounded her took form and began to wrap around what little of her self remained. Being suffocated by her own death all she could do was raise her hand in desperation. Her spiritual fingers stretched to their limit, one final try to pull herself free of her own demise, and by some miracle she found something. Her grip tightened, and she soon felt a warmth bleeding into her arm. It quickly spread, her heart suddenly fluttering at the purity that was flowing through her, and her world began to spin as she felt herself spiraling away from her own destruction.

Everything lurched as she came to a screeching halt, and the first thing she felt was the overpowering urge to breath. She gasped and wheezed as her lungs seemed to fill themselves for the very first time, and once they gathered all they could she found herself collapsing back to the floor coughing and sputtering. Her eyes shot left and right, everything a blur while her vision seemed unwilling to adjust. The world itself was unfocused and strange, all of her senses refusing to work properly. She could only see strange shapes, hear muffled voices, feel her own heart pumping within her heaving chest. But something managed to punch through. "...human...?!" Everything she was focused on that voice, and she knew Katerina was somewhere nearby. She looked at all the odd blobs around her, her mind comparing each one to the picture she had of her sister, and little by little the form staring down at her was revealed as the succubus she had come to love.

The world started to fall back into place, and Prudence looked around, her mind recalling all she remembered before she had tried to shut herself away. The small house, the piles of books stacked haphazardly all around, she was in Yuri's home. Katerina was nearby. She was the one that brought Pru here. And to her side was...another succubus? Prudence blinked to clear her eyes, and when she looked again she found a demon lying face down on the floor, her wings and tail obscuring her features from view. Who was that? The only people that should be here are Katerina, Pru, and Yu...

The black hair. The short stature. The feminine curves that she could barely make out. Could that really be...? But she wasn't a succubus. She never had the wings or a tail! Why was she like this now?! As the human stared at the demon a sudden pang of sadness and guilt started to tear through her. Her essence no longer felt like her own, and she had an almost unbearable urge to rip it from her soul and force it back into the unconscious body lying so close. A couple tears started to streak down her face, but she couldn't stop staring at Yuri.

A moment later she felt something different. An arm. It wrapped around her body and pulled her closer. "It's okay..." That voice made her heart skip a beat, and as she found herself being wrapped into a hug from behind she craned her head back to find her demon half with a melancholy smile on her face. "She'll...she'll be fine." For a moment the human didn't know what to think, but she wanted to say something. She wanted to object. She wanted to scream that this wouldn't be okay, that whatever caused this was beyond acceptable and need to be fixed this very moment. But all she could do was open her mouth and gape like some landed fish. She very nearly pulled herself away to stand on her own two feet, but her twin's arms pulled her her closer while her wings began to wrap around them both. "I promise she'll be fine. We'll both make sure of it."

Something snapped once those words were said, and at that moment both the human Prudence and the demonic Pru felt their connection return. The human gained the memories of their split as well as what Yuri sacrificed to ensure her survival, and the demon recalled the memories of the human's time as a mindless slave and how much it pained her. The realization at what each had done and the consequences that followed made them both start to cry, and after a few pitiful sniffles they both said the same thing. "I'm sorry!" "I'm so sorry!" They clung to each other, both unwilling to do more than simply sit and wallow in their own grief until they turned as one. Their eyes suddenly found Katerina, and the both looked at her as if they were pleading for some guidance.