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A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

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Nov 10, 2008
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The gargoyle looks up from where it sits on the ground, it's sickly yellowish eyes staring out from the hideous stony face. As she stared at the creature a pale but rapidly flickering aura began to form around the creature. Slowly the colors began to come through as she concentrated orange and red. The anxiety of the creature bled through even into it's voice as it grated out as though the creature actually were stone.

"Malleus remembers other monster. Master orders Malleus to bring it any specimens like Malleus."

The creature seems to think about testing it's chains but stops and looks back into Vezina's eyes as it had before. The creature might not be very intelligent but she could certainly see an animal cunning in it's cat-like eyes.

It's aura shows a mix of fear (orange) and anger (red), though it's impossible to tell which is more dominant because of it's anxiety (rapid flickering).
Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

"I see. What happens if you don't do as your Master says? What happens when you fail your Master? Is Abetorius forgiving?" Vezina said.

She wanted to keep Malleus talking. Let it speak its fear into the darkness that was her unbeating heart. If he was angry, she could provoke him. Find what his buttons were and make him speak.

"Does your Master even care if you die? Falling into our hands like this? Do you expect him to come here, to rescue you?"
Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

"Malleus is punished for disobeying. Like other slaves before Malleus. Master never forgive failure." The creature grunted.

"Master can always replace useless slaves. Has done before. Malleus is already dead in master's eyes." The anger still remained within the gargoyle though it seemed to fade as the fear shined brighter within it's aura. Another color began to peak through as well. Grey, the color of depression, if her undead heart could feel such she might have pitied the creature. Failure being perhaps one of the few things she feared herself.
Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

"So. You have failed your master," Vezina said with icy finality. She did not pity the abomination, but she understood the depression. Were she in its place, she might well have felt the same. "Thou art now useless to him. Would there be any reason to return to him? Even if thou were to bring him a suitable prisoner, could you only look forward to destruction and replacement?"

She paused for an answer and then pressed on.

"The relationship between a master and a servant is based on power. It is the power that the master wields over the servant. One must use power to keep it. If thy master deems thee useless, then he uses thee not -- he keeps thee not. What would you do, Malleus, if thou art not kept?"
Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

Malleus eyes shine as he stares back at Vezina. His animal cunning seems to be thinking of what how he should answer. "You mean if Malleus were free. What Malleus would if it were free from master. He would fly high to mountains like others try."

He stops suddenly afraid and angry of what he has just said and looks as though he might panic when he says. "Is trick of master. No slave ever be free. Master destroy any who try with magics."
Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

Vezina smiled.

"This is no trick of your Master. He has no power here. Absolutey none. Here, your master is little more than a thief in the night, stealing from the table of his betters. He has proven to be a skilled thief, perhaps, but he and his brood will be caught. And they will be judged and punished. Oh yes..."

Vezina tilted her head back and closed her eyes, thinking wistfully of a day of reckoning. Flayed skins and the screams of these pretenders delighting her senses in this vision, where the Tremere scum would be extinguished like a candle flame denied its air.

When she opened her eyes, she spoke again, her voice building in confidence.

"You dream of freedom. Others who will approach you here will promise you alternatives. Some will want to be a new master to thee. Some will act as though they are your friend and ally. I shall do you the favor of something you have not experienced before, Malleus: I shall be honest with you."

She leaned closer, but still not close enough to be within touching distance of the gargoyle.

"I think thou art an abomination. It is possible thou were once a noble Cainite. Or perhaps just part of you was. That is immaterial to me. What you are now... it would be a mercy to give thee Final Death." She paused for emphasis.

"But you are only a tool, I see that now. It is your master who must be given Final Death. With your master nothing but ashes scattering upon the wind, why... Malleus would have no one to hunt him down when he flies to the mountains. There to exist as Malleus willed, ne'er to cross my path again, nor any other Cainite who would attempt to control him. You dream of this do you not, Malleus? Oh I see you've thought of it before, there is no use denying such. Thou are compelled to serve him, but you hate him. Hate him as much perhaps as you hate enemies like me. Maybe more.

"Tell me then, Malleus. Tell me where I can find your master."

Vezina held Malleus in her gaze, pressing the bounds of her own blood to new levels as she attempted to wrestle with the monster's will. He would be confused by the truths she had repeated to him. Forced to confront the fact that he truly did hate his master, that deep down, he wanted to tell Vezina where to find the Usurper that had leashed him. Now perhaps, if her compulsion could interfere with whatever spell Abetorius had used to exact Malleus' loyalty, the gargoyle's lips would loosen enough to let the sorcerer's haven slip.

Using Dominate Level 2 on Malleus
Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

Despite the animal cunning in the creature's eye, it's mind and will are as pliable as any domesticated animal. She can feel his will cave before her demands as the creature sits on its haunches and stares back. Now she understood why it referred to itself as slave for that was what the creature truly was.

"Malleus fly free, yes. Master havens to the northwest of city with other slaves and apprentice. The river, follow the river to the bridge, the battle bridge and the old church, yes." His chains rattle a bit as he seems to be suddenly excited by his betrayal. As though his first taste of freedom has made him want to taste more.
Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

All too easy, Vezina thought, with a self-satisfied, almost cruel grin on her face.

"Good, Malleus. You've taken your first step on the road to freedom. But we must not let you go until your former Master is disposed of, as well as his apprentice. You are safest here, and so here you will remain, under the protection of this house and of all Cainites who stand against the crimes of the Tremere. I will come to you again, when the deed is done or I have need of thy knowledge once more."

Vezina withdrew outside of the cage and closed the door behind her, before looking back to Malleus.

"There is every chance you may have Tzimisce blood in you, Malleus. If such is the case, there may yet be some hope for thee. Take solace that events are unfolding as they must, and you may yet be spared from the destruction fated to befall the Usurpers."

Those being the only kind words she could muster for the pitiful creature, she left it in the bowels of the estate to ponder what its actions had wrought. It was now in truth a traitor. Such disobedience only proved that its Master was unworthy of the Tzimisce blood it had stole to create its pretender bloodline. Now that she knew the haven of her enemy, it only remained to assemble a task force.

She sought out Lysandra, wanting her to take her to Rodger and Aethulwulf if the latter was still on the premises. A hunting party must be arranged immediately, so as to not give Abetorius any time to react.
Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

Malleus seems hardly surprised that he won't be immediately set free nor does he seem to entirely mind. A strange rumbling chortle is the only sound he makes as Vezina leaves him to his prison in Rodger's crypt.

Lysandra is found soon after Vezina regains the ground floor of the ancient mansion and she takes Vezina up to the library. She points to the back of the room where Rodger sits among his books once more.
Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

"I am left to wonder if the Scourge spent any time at all interrogating our prisoner or just satisfying her urge to stab someone repeatedly. A simple direct question sufficed to withdraw some information from the beast," Vezina said as she entered Rodger's library, finding him among his piles of tomes.

"The creature told me where I could find its master. He also mentioned that there is an apprentice - no doubt a recklessly embraced childe. And there are more of these gargoyle protecters there as well. As it was agreed that these outsiders be dealt with, I bring the matter before you. We can choose to either lay siege or storm the Tremere's haven, but something must be done. The Sheriff and the Warmaster both should be alerted."

If Rodger asked it of her, Vezina would relay the description that Malleus had given to her - a church to the northwest along the river, near a 'battle' bridge.
Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

Rodger looked up slowly from his dusty books as Vezina spoke. His thin smile creasing his face like a piece of folded parchment from one of his many books. he is as much a part of the library as the dust and the books of knowledge that line the shelves.

"I assume it was more a matter of asking the correct question rather than torture. It is usually more about guile than force when it comes to questioning the dead after all. I shall have word sent to both Aethelwulf and Richard immediately but where I should I tell them to look."

He listens with further interest as Vezina informs him of the location given by the Gargoyle. "I see. I'm sure either Aethelwulf or Richard will know which village the creature must speak of. I'm not much of a student of geography beyond my own haven. Perhaps you would care to deliver the information to them yourself so that you might be the harbinger of doom for these Tremere?"
Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

Vezina smiled at the harbinger of doom comment.

"That would please me. Where will I find Richard and Aethulwulf? I am familiar with neither of their havens."

Pausing for an answer, Vezina then added. "I know that you are more the type for reading, Rodger, but perhaps the Lady Lysandra is interested in ridding the night of these upstarts with me and the others?"
Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

"Richard can be most easily be found in Gropeconte Lane I am told. Aethelwulf is a bit more difficult to pin down especially with recent events, though you might try Farringdon Park." Rodger says in response to her first query.

"Lysandra might enjoy that. Though if I didn't know better I might think you were plotting to assassinate me." Rodger laughs mirthlessly at his own joke before continuing. "She does get rather bored of being my bodyguard with the utter lack of need for such things. Please feel free to ask her, she is around here somewhere."

Gropeconte or Grope Cunt Lane, apparently the medieval English term for a red light district. The silly things you learn on the internet when doing research.
Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

A tight lipped smile followed.

"No, Sir Rodger, I have no desire to see thee come to harm. Were you at any real threat, I should not take Lysandra from your side. However, you are safe here within your haven, I think, and I doubt you are defenseless. You could probably show me a thing or two, no doubt?"

The Tzimisce laughed politely, sufficing to relieve any tension her words may cause.

"Only the usurpers of the blood need fear me tonight. I will ask Lysandra if she cares to join me. By your leave, Sir Rodger." Vezina curtsied, and left the room to find Lysandra.

"My good lady, I would invite thee to accompany me tonight. I intend to gather the Sheriff and the Warmaster and lay siege to the usurpers in their den. Rodger has given his blessing to ask you. He thought you might be bored wandering these dusty halls, and I shall need competent Cainites with me to hunt this blood sorcerer."

In a more hushed tone, Vezina added, "If at all possible, I would also ask for some clothing more befitting of a huntress. It has been some time since I wore anything beyond a noble's dress, and it is not appropriate for raiding a haven."

Vezina did long for the hunting leathers and furs that her father had her wear in the woods of her homeland. They were not ladylike, but Vezina preferred the practicality, and was convinced that if properly made, they could be fine enough for a Scion. Tonight though was a moon for blood. Not for diplomacy.
Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

"I do have my means, though I am no warrior." Is all Rodger says as Vezina takes her leave.

"Finally someone comes to save me from my boredom. Sometimes I wish one of you would simply threaten my charge. I think I might have something suitable if it fits." Lysandra says with a grim smile as Vezina finds her in the foyer of the ancient mansion and leads the way down into a different section of the crypts.

Eventually they come to what appears to be an armory of sorts, lit by 2 torches set above some pagan shrine. Lysandra points to a wardrobe as she heads for the shrine saying. "Choose what you wish, Lady Vezina."

While the Lamia makes her unusual sounding prayers at the shrine Vezina finds several suits of leather armor within the wardrobe. Not quite the same make as what her father had once made Vezina wear in the old country but exactly what she sought. One of them in particular caught her eye a well made suit of leather armor lined with what appeared to be the fur of a fox, quite suitable for a noble on the hunt.
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Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

"Then I am gladdened to have relieved you from the monotony of your nightly duty. By the will of Caine, you will find reason to use your talents." Vezina grinned devilishly. Let Donegal and Pallas fight over the gargoyle, and let Isleena bleat on for inaction and temperance. She would find Cainites of action and put the sorcerers to the sword.

Upon opening the wardrobe and sifting through her options, her eyes soon fell on her preferred outfit. While she was not a stickler for fashion, the study of it had been drilled passionlessly into her mind for the sake of blending in with other nobility. She could tell this was a well made piece, and a rarity for it had been made with a female figure in mind. No doubt a custom order from a thrall. She took the armor with the fox pelt and laid it on a bench beside her.

Without embarrassment, Vezina disrobed, leaving her green traveling dress to fall in a heap at her ankles. Her pale, undead flesh still bore the many scars of her mortal days. Over a period of months, Scorylo had bled her with his unkind knife, letting her blood drip into a ditch of soil that she had been forced to dig with her own hands, until her fingers had become raw red things. She had blessed the earth spirit of this new land with her own life force - a ritual that Gyulu had revealed much later on, to be a part of her Koldunic heritage. Even across the many leagues of ocean, forest, and field, the tainted spirit of her dark homeland was a part of her sire's blood, and now her own vitae as well. Had such a ritual not been completed, Gyulu had explained, then she could never have hoped to draw power from this land, and the blood would have withered to ash in her veins.

Because she had endured the torture, she had not only proven herself a worthy bride, but her blood would open the way for her Koldunic heritage to have legitimacy in the soil of this new land. Spirits would not listen to a pretender who had not paid a price, and who had no tie to the land. Her sweet agony, Gyulu had said with pride, would be a great boon once he had reawakened the connection with the spirits.

'Other lines of our Tzimisce clan believe that it is only by changing ourselves that we can transcend,' Gyulu had said. "A Koldun changes the land itself. He is one with his domain - the spirit of his land personified in undying flesh. Given an eternity of study, a Koldun might become one with the very Earth itself. Would that not be transcendence, my bride?'

The leather was supple enough to be comfortable as she slid it over her milky flesh, covering her scars that would never heal unless she subjected herself to the disease of Vicissitude. The armor was hardened in the front however, and would provide some small protection against an errant assault. She flexed her arms, making sure she had enough range to pull a bow taught. Satisfied she scooped up her dress, and more importantly, the pouches of precious earth sewn into the folds of the fabric, and brought it with her to place it within the saddlebags of her mount.

"I thank thee for the garment, Lysandra. You must avail to me the name of the mortal who makes such pieces, for I may indeed want a suit for myself one night very soon."

Together the two vampires left the estate, heading first to fetch the Sheriff. Richard was supposedly to be found on Gropeconte Lane. The vulgar name repulsed her, but not nearly so much as Richard's face would.

"How is the Sheriff normally reached on short notice, Lysandra?"
Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

Having finished her prayers to whatever god or spirit the Lamia worshiped, Lysandra grabbed her own equipment. A simple though effective suit of boiled leather and a long wicked looking seax strapped to her hip. She grabbed a leather targe and slung it over her shoulder as she followed Vezina out to the horses only pausing to say. "It is a fine suit, though I prefer the tried and true armor from my days as a mortal. Assuming we survive I will gladly give you the name of it's crafter."

Mounting their horses Lysandra steered her own mount, an exceedingly pale grey horse, toward Cripplesgate. She rode in silence until Vezina asked how to contact the sheriff where she answered. "There is usually at least one of his clan mates amongst the beggars at Cripplesgate. I usually pass word along there and Richard finds me as soon as I enter Gropeconte. Word travels fast amongst the lepers as you probably already know."

As predicted an exceedingly filthy though heavily cloaked beggar steps forward as they enter the gate. Despite his appearance Vezina can easily tell the beggar is most likely Nosferatu, though thankfully he covers his loathsome appearance unlike the sheriff.
Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

"We will not meet Fiinal Death tonight, Lysandra. Tonight we corner the usurper in his lair and bring him to Cainite justice," Vezina said, a tremor of excitement in her voice. Her bloodlust against the Tremere surprised even her, but the affront against her bloodline, the gods of the Carpathians, struck an undead nerve within her. It was as if she felt the rage of her sires and grandsires before her, back to the Eldest itself. If she could, she would take back every last drop of blood these thieves had taken from her clan.

Heading to Cripplesgate upon Lysandra's advice, Vezina reined in her mount as the Nosferatu approached. Her horse was used to the presence of the unliving and had long ago been tamed by Vezina, so it did not shy at the presence of even the most repulsive Cainite.

"Good eve, beggar. Know you that we seek the Sheriff, Richard. Foul deeds are afoot these nights, and we so we will look for him at Gropeconte. Have thee a way to send word to him?" She fingered a coin in her gloved hand.
Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

The hooded but filthy Nosferatu nodded his head and made a strange squeaking sound toward a nearby alleyway. Vezina watched as at least a dozen shining red eyes appeared in the gloom of the street. A swarm of large rats, lead by one the largest white rat she had ever seen. The Nosferatu made further sounds and the rats quickly disappeared whence they had come as he turned and said in rasping English.

"He should receive the word before long, Lady Vezina. He shall meet you and Lysandra as you have asked. I hope you will perhaps do me the honor of returning should you need information or to pass word to my superiors at any time. My people also thank you for the gracious coin they shall feed well for this night."
Re: A Game of Cat and Mouse (Vezina)

Vezina gave a curt nod of recognition to the Nosferatu's use of animalism, noting the ghouled rat scurry off among its entourage of lesser rodents. A simple and elegant system. The rats knew where to find Richard, and that made working with the Nosferatu at the Cripples Gate indispensable.

"Your services will be sought as needed," she said, and flicked her reins, encouraging the horse onward towards Gropeconte. As she entered this area of the city, Vezina felt herself slipping back into the vulgarity of her mortal days among the forest trading camps. Dirty, foul smelling men groping at equally unfortunate women, the smell of piss and fouler ichors staining the squelching mud and refuse underfoot. Vezina was thankful that her horse kept her above most of it, though she was not as revolted by it as much as she should have been, were she a true blueblood. Then again, in her homeland, the boyars were no strangers to foul sights.

"Tell me, Lysandra, how did you come to be with Rodger?" Vezina asked, to pass the time before Richard found them.
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