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A new EGG, by CHAMBER Corp

Re: A new EGG, by CHAMBER Corp

Name: Sarah Silver
Age: 20
Physical Description: A brunette with a constant grin and ample breasts. She could probably stand to lose a little weight, but not terribly much.

Mental Description: A trickster whose pranks sometimes get out of hand. Even then, she's never really sorry, feeling that her victims should understand that it was all in good fun. The one exception was changing the settings when Ashley went into the Egg. And then only because of the consequences the event had for herself.

Bio: Being cut off from her group of friends really didn't start to hurt until after the summer, a few weeks into the fall semester. And then it *really* hurt, as some of the people who refused to have anything to do with her were important people among the student body. She found herself friendless and miserable, and so she finally sought out Jessica, who had hinted that there was a path to redemption.

The path was simple. Go back into the Egg herself. Not with the comfortable settings she had used the first time, but with settings at least as bad as those she had given Ashley. And play it all the way through. Start it and give up too early, and her crime would be revealed publicly, so that even if she went to a new school, infamy would follow.

It took her another few weeks to work up the courage to actually do it, but it felt like half the women in the student body was giving her the silent treatment, and everyone else treated her like she had the plague, or they were afraid to be seen with her.

previous settings:
Humans: Y 5
Male/Female: Y 1
Female/Female: Y 4
Pregnancy: N
Birthing: N
Non Consent Sex: Y 1
Slavery: N
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y 1
Roughness: 1 (most gentle)

new settings:
Humans: Y 2
Male/Female: Y 2
Female/Female: Y 3
Pregnancy: Y 4
Birthing: Y 4
Non Consent Sex: Y 5
Slavery: Y 5
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y 4
Roughness: 5 (least gentle)
Re: A new EGG, by CHAMBER Corp

I'll just leave this here for whenever you have the time for it.

Name: Faylin Ester
Age: 19
Physical Description:

Mental Description: Faylin is competitive by nature, always keen to work towards being the best. She was never really too good at team sports though, preferring to outwit her opponents mentally rather than physically. A love of board games quickly translated into a love of video games as she grew older. Despite her competitive nature she is fairly social, always enjoying testing her wits against new people.

She doesn't peg herself as much of a fighter and has always gravitated towards spell casters in fantasy games. It helps that she really likes wearing robes over the thought of bulky armour.

Humans: Y 3
Male/Female: Y 3
Female/Female: Y 4
Pregnancy: Y 1
Birthing: Y 1
Non Consent Sex: Y 4
Slavery: Y 4
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y 4
Roughness: 4
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Re: A new EGG, by CHAMBER Corp

All games are now placed on hold pending my next major update to the system, which will probably have it's own thread.

Thanks for understanding!

Ignoring that above stuff

The new thread has been posted. Existing players may either continue with the game as it is now, or start a new game, if they so desire. Games and very probably be ported.
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