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"Hyaah!!" Thoth exclaimed, as after a series of parries and counter strokes, Rovana's feint and swirling water attack resulted in a deep wound in his side. It was a telling blow, yet at the same time, it seemed to awaken not despair but a keen madness in the enemy captain.

"So be it, Reaver. Let each captain declare their colours... your eye against the terrible voice of the true Lord of the Depths!"

In a surge of swinging strikes, the wounded Thoth lunged forward, and the blows of his saber hummed with an augmented force - the ominous rumble of eldritch power behind each swing. Wisely and instinctively, Rovana chose to dodge rather than parry aside those strikes. Yet still when a close blow forced her to deflect the enemy's blade, a crack like thunder left her arm numb with shock. Her swordsmanship parried the blade's course away from her body and down into the wooden planks beneath them.

The wood splintered with a terrible crack, and instantly the entire platform disc lurched to one side, as a chain mooring snapped loose. The sanctum's hanging disc slid to the side, and Rovana and Thoth both had to quickly search for a handhold...

[Rovana uncannily dodges and takes 16 thunder damage. She must make an Acrobatics check DC 12 to avoid having to slide down to the edge of the wooden platform that is now hanging at a 30 degree incline over the dark pool of water below.]

Captain Rovana
Shadowpike Sanctum
HP 32/53

"Hahahar!" Rovana enthused, continuing her fighting style of being provocative-vunerable, only to dodge away when her opponent tried to take advantage of her faux-weakness. "To fight like this after me sword hit ya,, ye earned yer keep better than that fish-faced captain I had before.. Let's see how you do if I double down on that."
Though she did gasp at the crack of lightning, her left arm hanging limp and twitching oddly, with one of her eyes shut closed in pain and her teeth gritting.. if never losing their dangerous grin. She had another good arm to spare, after all.

"Ye could have warned me yer captain stole yer thunder, Jow!" She shouted over, even as she noticed the platform tilting, wondering if the keen and determined madness in her opponents eyes was the expression she showed others in the heat of battle.

The tilting platform had little on the tilting of a ship and with a ferocious growl, Rovana lunged at her opponent again, stabbing at him, hoping to take advange of -his- being unbalanced as she raised her sword in another wide arch, tilted it as if to shift the trajectory again, took a feint-telling step forward.. and then just dextrously continued her wide, a little too obvious swing, hoping to drive her sword trough his defenses by the fraction of the moment it would take him to realize the double-feint. And then, if she had hit the man, she'd step backward, her still somewhat numb hand reached for her hat, taking it off, putting it on her chest, in a gesture of respect, as more water crawled over his form, tearing at his wound. She knew that her cut was deep. Somehow, she felt, none here would provide their beloved captain with medical aid, nor was the lurker benevolent enough to try and rescue a failing champion, she suspected. If captain Toth was sensible, she thought, he'd stay low and hold onto what little of his life was left right now.
"You can not endure this fight much longer. I'd bid thee farewell, but if I was a betting girl - and I am-, I'd say yer master hungers for a strong soul and is no picky eater. By the code, I shall remember you, Captain Toth." She proclaimed, before raising her voice and sword.. still keeping it in the way of herself and the opposing pirate, just in case.

"Lurker! Enough hiding behind the easily impressed and rituals, they'll help you no longer. You have a debt to pay. You would nay have anyone thinking you a coward, aye? " She mocked.

(No idea what bugs the spoiler-code, I edit it away and it just turns back to look like this, click last)
Acrobatics of 18.
Rovana's sword has a +1 enhancement I missed, so her last attack dealt 1 point of damage moar.

Rovana will attack, then move back for free thanks to her fancy-footworking, trapping her opponent in a watery prison once more, to trigger if he tries to pursue.

This round attack: .. I'll presume this is another hit too, pfew, 21 to hit!

Damage: 11 sneak, 5 Necrotic, and.. 12 from base weapon plus dex.. hooohooh. 28 total.

Booming blade damage in case he willingly moves:
Shadowspike Sanctum - The Dark Pool

With both the pirate captains hanging on to the tilting platform as it started to lilt ever more dangerously to one side, the pair of them crossed blades in a series of additional sabre strikes. Rovana utilized her speed to take aggressive lunges, with a stab landing across his shoulder, leaving him to grit his teeth. The two tentacles that were wriggling from out of holes in his red jacket helped him to maintain a grip on the platform, and now two more snaked out from beneath his jacket to allow him to cling to the platform safely and use his human arms to continue the fight.

"You underestimate the strength of the deeps, poppet. If ye be so eager to meet the Lurker, ye can say hello to his first vessel. Come now, you must enjoy the water as much as I do." Thoth called back, He then used his tentacles to snap the moorings to the remaining two chains, even as the water whorls from Rovana's blade kept his body trapped in place for the moment.

With a splintering crack the lilting platform swung violently and flipped head over heals. Rovana would need to make a daring feat of athletics just to stay with the platform as if crashed into the water below, otherwise she would be flung against the rocks on the side of the wall. As they both fell, Thoth's tentacles kept him safely in place. But by the time Rovana resurfaced from the water below, she would find that the enemy captain was no longer above the blackened water.

[DC=12 Athletics check to stick with the platform and avoid falling damage. (This is strength based, primarily because its your clinging ability, not your balance ability) Otherwise, take 2d6 bludgeoning damage from hitting the side of the cavern before going into the water.]

The sounds of the battle above faded away. Rovana's sword whispered to her that the Enemy was not yet risen. Only a vessel for its return had been prepared... and it was an imperfect thing at that. If the vessel were destroyed, or damaged to the point that it could not contain the spirit of the vestige, then the Lurker could be defeated before it ever had a chance to re-enter the world. A far better prospect then facing it directly.

Captain Rovana
Shadowpike Sanctum
HP 32/53

Rovana shook her head "Ye don't know defeat when it's stabbing into yer chest, it seems." She growled, stabbing her sword into the platform to hold on and stabilize herself.. and managing to do the same. "Foolish captain. If he's more man than monster still, water will only cause him to bleed out more." She growled at her opponents retreat, reaching out and grabbing the stones by the wall.. only to slip, followed by a creative curse.

"I'll cut the coward to bloody bits!" She growled, keeping her blade readied, until the enemy reappeared. ... well, except they didn't.
Granted, this would have been propably exactly what Rovana had done in his situation.. didn't mean she -liked- it being done to her. She wasn't sure if the tidal wave plus fall had been enough to kill all of the fish creatures, and the captain still going after two decisive hits bothered her too.. the last thing she recalled to stand strong after two of her strikes had been that oversized undead on the bridge.. well. . and Strahd, she presumed, but he didn't count.
"Come after me and help out, if you're still battle-hungry and done up there!" She shouted up, adding a silent 'best of luck' before diving under the waters.

It seemed she had little option though. Climbing up would just leave her vunerable on the climb, to arrive when the fight ended. Stepping on the raft.. where would she go? She sighed and stopped pushing to keep herself afloat, for a moment focusing on the hauntingly beautiful sensation of drowning before her water-breathing changes kicked in and she let herself sink deeper, thinking to herself, .. and perhaps the sword.
If there's such a vessel, it'll be at the depths of this place. You know, Lurker or Dagon, I'm right tired of powers beyond me challenging or directing me. I nay care about damagin' a vessel and going har harr, I want this lurker to pay his debt. Plus, this whole idea of there being anything greater than a pirate nay sits well with me.

She stared at her sword as she descended. Then, she smirked. Y'know, I just had an idea about what a proper pirate hero would do. If I find the time bein' right.

No idea why it does the spoiler thing..
Rovana wanted to whirlpool up the whole pond, but had a nat 1 climb to hold onto those stones. *nodnod*.. feel like it might fail no matter.

Athletics: Sucess!:
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Shadowspike Depths

Descent into the inky black pool revealed nothing beyond the eerie green glow of the Eye in Dagon's Call, extending out to a sphere of dim light with a 10 foot radius. No fish or living thing passed by, though Rovana's innate connection to the water told her that a current moved in unrhythmic eddies, leading to the conclusion that something vast was creating shifts in the water. More than that, her gut feeling - perhaps that survival sixth sense that all lucky pirates had to develop - told her that there was something beneath her.

Rationally, a person in her position should be afraid, but fear was staved off for the moment. A surreal observance washed through he as she swam downward, an it was as though she were out of her body, bearing witness to a priate captain diving beneath the waves, her blonde hair rippling behind he head, her wet clothes clinging to her lithe, muscular frame. Her sword clutched tightly in her competent hand. This outsider consciousness was perhaps best how to reveal the method in which the sword replied to her thoughts, for it did not use language to convey meaning, yet it was not an emotional connection either - for the emotions that the Eye had were alien in nature to anything that mortals could claim to know.

In her curious state of mind, she imagined a chessboard between two mighty beings, and a piece on that chessboard, resembling a dashing female pirate was being moved into place. An indignation flared up in her, naturally, for what soul that fought in the name of freedom would allow for such manipulation? And yet, there came to mind as well the idea that the forces arrayed behind and in front of her mattered not, so long as her reasons for seeking her own sense of justice were satisfied.

"We Align." Came an odd sort of sentiment. "Therefore, become the will of the deep, just as the deep becomes your will."

[During this battle, Rovana receives +30 Temporary Hit Points at the start of each of her turns. This effect is a boon given by an outside sentience, and may be withdrawn at any time.]

Rovana hovered in the black water, coming to a stop as though by instinct, and reorienting herself, the light of her sword glowing brighter, its revealing glow now doubling in length. At the edge of that sphere, a grey membrane in the water shifted aside, revealing a massive eye, lifeless and blind, though a tiny speck of emerald light, like a pinpoint, eminated from its center. The eye was as wide as Rovana was tall, and there came a groaning emanation of sound, wretched and broken in pain, yet echoing a boundless rage. The massive creature that lurked before her moved, beginning a flurry of activity that would initiate a deadly encounter.

[Roll for Initiative]

Rovana was in her body fully once more. As a bolstering force surged inside of her, strengthening her for this battle, hidden knowledge seeped into her brain, and she understood a bit more about the machinations of this encounter:

At last it came to it. The mighty Dagon had known that its mad offspring, the envious and ambitious That Which Lurks, had long since been sent into the nebulous realm between oblivion and undeath, and always since it had been seeking a way back into the reality of the cosmos. The pretender would find no such entry here, for the Deep belonged to Dagon - He who predated the Abyss itself, and the coming of the ta'nar'i and the shifting of the heavens and hells. The focus of the Demon Lord now peered through the mists of the Demiplane of Dread, to watch this mortal do battle with the desperate and ill-prepared vessel of the Enemy. The mortal Rovana acted out of her own desires, for her own cause, and this suited Dagon well, for the Obyrith did not need a follower, it rather required a weapon. That-Which-Lurks had chosen this soul (some 200 years ago in a far off temple) to be its original vessel. Now robbed of it - Dagon had sadistically decided to twist the knife, and empower the chosen soul to be the instrument of its progeny's destruction. The undead, malformed husk of a once mighty Kraken was now the alternative for That-Which-Lurks, and it was a poor substitute - for a mortal soul, properly prepared, was a more certain and more stable thing. The Lurker had been desperate, but even in its desperation, it had this opportunity. Control this sea, control this domain, and hunt down Rovana's soul for all eternity - that is, if it could manifest fully. It needed its vessel to remain intact, or such a possibility would end.

Rovana understood now. Yes, Dagon was using her. But even if Dagon had not wanted to, there was still reason enough to destroy this creature in front of her. Self-preservation and revenge co-mingled nicely, and the Pirate's Code suggested that if ever there was an advantage - take it. Right now was as good an advantage as she might ever get over this entity that had plagued her in two lifetimes.

Captain Rovana
Shadowpike Sanctum
HP 62/53 AC 16, Pirate Factor: Very High!

Rovana was unsuprisingly and, without witnesses, also visibly tense, to the point of being ready to stab anything hostile, and a few non-hostile seeming things, if they made the mistake of swimming too close to her. Her arm still tingled with the shocking-effect.. but she was quite certain that the opposing captain was in a worse state.

However, the moment of almost-observing herself had the effect of the pirate steadying herself(And briefly wondering just how often she had seen herself. There had been ghostly her, shadow her, floating in the water her.. was it wrong to to think she looked pretty good, all things considered?) She almost tried practicing a 'please-don't-bite-me-I'm-so-innocent posture to use on Ludmilla later, but remembered the situation she was in. No. She was not afraid. Whatever fear she felt, her foes should feel greater. The sea, above and below, held no greater danger than pirates. The unhealthy tension left her, and determination glowed in her eyes. Why fear death or devil as long as you were pirate?

Observe just how dangerous a piece you play with, Dagon.
She mused to herself, glancing over to Dagons eye. ... But they do. It'd benefit neither to betray the other, as this one did me. Bear witness to the fate of those that dare such. Even she was aware that a mind such as this creatures would find her confidence amusing at best. But at the same time, there had been other interest in her damned soul. Certainly, being a champion of Dagon would only increase hells offer.. Not that she ever ment to take it. This disgusting promising and patronizing, this offering of rank and power that ought to be earned.. no she was much happier doing as she pleased and building her own name. Every praise and curse should be hard earned! And if she so happened to coincidentially help out a mighty creature which aided her in turn, well, there was nothing in the code against that.

Plus, she felt rather revitalized. Well, considering the tentacle-growing thing of the other captain, this should balance things, she decided, as she flexed her arm and smirked, the water-currents subtly playing around her skin.

"Hurts huh?" Rovana asked, not all that sincerely, unconsciously shouting in abyssal. That language alone was fit to express her absolute hatred for the betrayer. Centuries ago, it mattered not. Another life entirely, it mattered not, nor was the pirate motivated by such noble things as innocents being hurt and turned into undead and monstrosities (Though, that would have been a decent enough reason by itself, at least if there were treasure involved somehow, or people admiering her for being heroic. Rovana was a firm believer in doing the morally good thing, as long as there were witnesses to appreciate such unselfishness). It was not even a physical fear or pain, for many things had hurt Rovana here, Strahd, in the many ways his very being tortured these lands. Lady Wachter, Various creatures. No, this was a, to Rovana, more profound fight than any of that.
"Not as much as it'll hurt to have your vessel shattered like a broken ship, the remnants of your being scattered and drowning in the seas of oblivion.. You have a Debt to pay!" She declared and her lips curled into her usual vicious smirk. "And whatever of you is trying to stay afloat, I'll use to feed myself or my sword with, before fucking" Well being fucked, but details. "My hot vampire-wife.. Plus some other beauties.
Though to be frank, I hope just a bit of you survives. Enough to whisper the tale. of the fool crossing me. It may be Dagon's plan, but it'll be the Reaver's blade."
She tipped her chin, looking at the massive opponent. As much as she enjoyed her boasting, justified or not as it was, she scantly knew where to start, and frankly, didn't want to test her bodies strength against this one in a pure physical conflict.. ah. Yes. That'd work.

"Anyway. You had your fair share of minions thrown against me, only fair we turn this around, eh?" Rovana smirked and fearlessly swam to stare at that eye.. before lifted her blade, gripping it tighter and focusing, black water swirling around it. Before, rather than attacking, she had it stabbing it into the water besides her, cutting,.. but not the water, something more insubstantial, a tiny cut within the boundaries of this reality itself.. to indubitably snap violently shut, but not before spewing a few of the least of Dagons creatures out.
Now, Rovana was as far from a demonologist as she was from an alcoholics anonymous meeting(Even if she was starting to feel like it, stupid vampires and their stupid wine-sipping ways), but, her command coincidentially was both easy enough and welcomed by even the most simple demons:
"Tear him apart!"

(Initiative.. think this is the first time I rolled it high, 22!)

And summons lesser demons for a six.. eight super weak demons! I just -assume- that Dagon has an aquatic variant of a dretch to offer.. ^^
-Usually to command even the least demons you'd need an initative thingie, but I assume this a special case. Plus! Even if a few of the demons try to turn on Rovana for shits and giggles, the temporary hp can soak that one up just fine. Yey! ^^-

2 Swordcharges remain.


Summon lesser demons for a :
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