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A Study of Immortality(Grave)


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
Reputation score
Alice Tervin had been a scholar, theoretically a mage, but her skills in the arcane were in theory, and it was only with theory that she could actually serve as a proper combat caster. Still she was good at what she did. Digging deep into her books and research she had been on the verge of a breakthrough, only to suffer at the hands of one of her jealous fellow researchers. She came into the 'Blessing of Immortality' not at her own behest, but was kidnapped, a ritual preformed on her while drugged into unconsciousness, and her body dumped in the wild lands that bordered her home country. When she awoke she found a hermaphroditic floating infront of her even though her wings weren't flapping.

For some reason the woman had been holding a clipboard. The woman seemingly talking to herself. "Mmmm, well this isn't right. It says here you didn't preform the ritual on yourself." Then she noticed that Alice was awake, hovering over to float infront of Alice she said. "Ahh, it doesn't really matter, welcome to immortality! Or well, a rather close approximation to it, you'll figure it out eventually. If you ever decide you want to get rid of it you'll have to come find me, and beat the challenge to regain your soul from me."

The succubus giggled, and left Alice with a card. Turned out the succubus was called Lilith and was a self proclaimed deamoness of fertility. Either way she was gone before Alice looked up, and a day later the human was introduced to just what her 'immortality' was when she was captured by bandits, enslaved, and then found herself 'waking up' a few towns over shortly after she had given birth to her first child.

After that she had set off to go find herself a cure for her 'blessing' and had finally narrowed her search down. Three ancient locations, each with different tales behind it, but Lilith was down at the bottom and so was her freedom from her curse.

Option 1: The Dilapidated Ruin of Eros (Easy)
Example Primary Monster Types: Beastmen, Humans, Snakes

Option 2: The Castle of Zhou the Depraved (now deceased) (Normal)
Example Primary Monster Types: Tentacle monsters, Kobolds, Ferals

Option 3: The Sunken Ruin of Hermaphroditus (Hard)
Example Primary Monster Types: Hermaphrodites, Sea Creatures.
Re: A Study of Immortality(Grave)

Alice wasn't a happy camper. Some years ago, she was a respected scholar. Not much of a mage, but a damned good researched and theoreticist. Life was good until a certain dipshit whom she'd love to strangle decided to ruin everything, testing that damnable ritual after drugging and kidnapping her. That this so-called immortality was a curse became apparent very quickly. The demon's influence quickly drew the wrong kind of attention to her, dragging her into an encounter with brigands that ended very poorly to say the least. Captured again, she was raped repeatedly and broken until she was reduced to a mindless shell, a cock-starved bimbo dragged into slavery.

It wasn't until she reawakened in the body of her first daughter, sound of mind again, that she fully understood her situation. She frantically threw herself into searching for Lilith, knowing it was only a matter of time before the situation repeated itself. With little support available to her, she had to learn to fight and fend for herself as she sought her quarry, memories of past life providing information that allowed her to piece together the few clues she managed to unearth. None of them painted a pretty picture, but she had little to lose and her freedom was at stake. Desperation lent her willpower to face the challenge that awaited her.

The almost forgotten castle of the legendary Zhou the Depraved. A horrible man in life, said to have performed many deviant acts in pursuit of his whims before meeting an ignoble end. Still, it was unlikely the castle was fully abandoned. Nature began to encroach upon it again and places like this made great hideouts for dangerous creatures of all kinds. Unfortunately, Tervin would need to brave this terrible place in order to reach the demon and win her soul back by challenging her. Sword and shield in hand, she made her way inside, tense and ready for a fight if need be.
Re: A Study of Immortality(Grave)

Working her way up to the entrance of the crumbling castle. Alice would find the gate was ajar, and she could make her way inside to a grand entrance hall simply enough. Unfortunately as soon as she stepped inside the door slammed shut and wouldn't budge.

"Ohh hello! How are you enjoying that immortality that got forced on you." Came Lilith's voice, and Alice would see the girl was floating at the end of the entrance hall. "Guessing by you being here though I'm going to say 'not well.' Well that's unfortunate. Either way, if you can get down to me at the 10th floor and beat me I'll give you your soul back! Cya."

The daemon dissapeared into a portal, and left Alice standing there in the entrance hall. There was a door at the end of the hall, and one on the west side.
Re: A Study of Immortality(Grave)

Alice swore as the demon disappeared, frowning. Ten floors... This was going to be difficult. She had little choice now, though. The doors refused to open and she saw no other way out that she could use. Sighing, the woman continued on, starting to look for a way to reach the next floor. She hoped she'd not end up in too much trouble on the way.
Re: A Study of Immortality(Grave)

Turn 1 Floor 1: Alice takes the door to the west.

Name: Alice Tervin
Pic: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/album.php?albumid=184&pictureid=16764
Level: 0
Health: 10 / 10 [+1]
Resistance: 10 / 10 [+1]
Life: 10 / 10 [+1]

Skill: 1d20+0 (+1)
Intelligence: 1d20+0 (+1)
Speed: 1d20+0 (+1)
Power: 1d10 (+0~1)
Defense: 1d10 / 2 (+0~1)
Endurance: 1d1 (+0)
Stamina: 1d1 (+0)

Copper Sword: +3 Atk
Copper Shield: +3 Defense

Alice took the door to the west, unlike the main door it opened easily, and she found herself in a room with a single brown chest in the middle. There was nothing else in the room but the chest, and another door at the far end.
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Re: A Study of Immortality(Grave)

Alice glanced around to ensure the coast was clear before moving further into the room. The chest could be a trap... But it also could contain something useful. While much of the stuff the old lord left behind after his death was utterly depraved, perhaps there was something helpful left behind. After some consideration, she approached the chest, moving to open it while keeping an eye out for traps.
Re: A Study of Immortality(Grave)

Turn 1 Floor 1: Alice takes the door to the west.

Name: Alice Tervin
Pic: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/album.php?albumid=184&pictureid=16764
Level: 0
Health: 10 / 10 [+1]
Resistance: 6 / 10 [+1]
Life: 10 / 10 [+1]

Skill: 1d20+0 (+1)
Intelligence: 1d20+0 (+1)
Speed: 1d20+0 (+1)
Power: 1d10 (+0~1)
Defense: 1d10 / 2 (+0~1)
Endurance: 1d1 (+0)
Stamina: 1d1 (+0)

Copper Sword: +3 Atk
Copper Shield: +3 Defense
Iron Sword: +4 Atk

(Skill roll: 1d20 = 2)

Alice wouldn't see any traps, and went to open the chest. Unfortunately the chest was indeed trapped, but she just didn't see it. A needle shot out of the chest and jabbed into her thigh, injecting her with something. Whatever it was she wasn't sure, but she felt the effects quite well. Her body flushing with heat.

(Alice set off a trap, takes 4 Resistance Damage)

The chest had within it something of use at least. Namely an Iron Sword.

With the sword taken, she'd have the choice to return to the main room, or take the door that lead further west on the far side of the chest room.
Re: A Study of Immortality(Grave)

Alice swore as she felt the drug spread through her system. Damn that thing, must have been a leftover from the mad lord's reign. Still, she could keep moving, even with the hot feeling spreading through her body. At the very least, the reward was substantial. While it was no steel, the sword in the chest was still better than hers, meaning she had a decent weapon for the challenges ahead. Opting to try going further west for now, she moved forward.
Re: A Study of Immortality(Grave)

Turn 1 Floor 1: Alice takes the door to the west.
Turn 2 Floor 1: Alice takes the door to the west.

Name: Alice Tervin
Pic: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/album.php?albumid=184&pictureid=16764
Level: 0
Health: 10 / 10 [+1]
Resistance: 6 / 10 [+1]
Life: 10 / 10 [+1]

Skill: 1d20+0 (+1)
Intelligence: 1d20+0 (+1)
Speed: 1d20+0 (+1)
Power: 1d10 (+0~1)
Defense: 1d10 / 2 (+0~1)
Endurance: 1d1 (+0)
Stamina: 1d1 (+0)

Copper Sword: +3 Atk
Copper Shield: +3 Defense
Iron Sword: +4 Atk

Heading into the next room Alice would encounter her first enemies. A pack of kobolds that seemed just as suprised to see her as she likely was to see them. The three creatures letting out hisses of surprise before pulling wooden spears and pointing them threateningly at the ex-theoretical magus.
Re: A Study of Immortality(Grave)

Alice grimaced, raising her shield and drawing her iron sword as she prepared to fight. Great, two-legged vermin. She'd have to fight her way through them in order to keep moving forward, unless they backed down. "I suggest you step aside. I've come here for someone else, but I won't let you or anybody else stop me here."
Re: A Study of Immortality(Grave)

Turn 1 Floor 1: Alice takes the door to the west.
Turn 2 Floor 1: Alice takes the door to the west.

Name: Alice Tervin
Pic: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/album.php?albumid=184&pictureid=16764
Level: 0
Health: 10 / 10 [+1]
Resistance: 6 / 10 [+1]
Life: 10 / 10 [+1]

Skill: 1d20+0 (+1)
Intelligence: 1d20+0 (+1)
Speed: 1d20+0 (+1)
Power: 1d10 (+0~1)
Defense: 1d10 / 2 (+0~1)
Endurance: 1d1 (+0)
Stamina: 1d1 (+0)

Copper Sword: +3 Atk
Copper Shield: +3 Defense
Iron Sword: +4 Atk

The kobolds certainly weren't stepping aside, instead they approached, fanning out to try to encircle her.

(Alice Draws: 11,1,11||17,19||10,17)
Re: A Study of Immortality(Grave)

Alice glared back at the kobolds, ready for a fight. She circled to the side, trying to avoid being surrounded from all directions. It'd be best to keep an eye on all of them and get ready to strike back once they've made a move. A defensive approach was called for here.

Cards: 22|36|27
Re: A Study of Immortality(Grave)

Turn 1 Floor 1: Alice takes the door to the west.
Turn 2 Floor 1: Alice takes the door to the west.

Name: Alice Tervin
Pic: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/album.php?albumid=184&pictureid=16764
Level: 0
Health: 10 / 10 [+1]
Resistance: 6 / 10 [+1]
Life: 10 / 10 [+1]

Skill: 1d20+0 (+1)
Intelligence: 1d20+0 (+1)
Speed: 1d20+0 (+1)
Power: 1d10 (+0~1)
Defense: 1d10 / 2 (+0~1)
Endurance: 1d1 (+0)
Stamina: 1d1 (+0)

Copper Sword: +3 Atk
Copper Shield: +3 Defense
Iron Sword: +4 Atk

Remaining Cards: 18/18/18

Talia dug deep into her power reserves, and hit the kobolds like a freight train. Striking one of them heavily, even as a bit unknown to herself, her movements caused her breasts to bounce and her butt to jiggle, causing one of the kobolds to get a noticeable erection.

(Kobold 1 HP: 2/5 RP 5/5
Kobold 2 HP: 5/5 RP 3/5
Kobold 3 HP: 5/5 RP 5/5)

(Alice Deck: 1,18,3,19||9,13||2,1)
Re: A Study of Immortality(Grave)

Alice kept going, pushing her advantage. Her initial momentum was running low and she was left rather open after the first charge, but the woman wasn't stopping. She struck again, aiming at the kobold she managed to weaken, hoping to put him down fast.

Cards: 1+18|13|1
Re: A Study of Immortality(Grave)

Turn 1 Floor 1: Alice takes the door to the west.
Turn 2 Floor 1: Alice takes the door to the west.

Name: Alice Tervin
Pic: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/album.php?albumid=184&pictureid=16764
Level: 0
Health: 10 / 10 [+1]
Resistance: 1 / 10 [+1]
Life: 10 / 10 [+1]

Skill: 1d20+0 (+1)
Intelligence: 1d20+0 (+1)
Speed: 1d20+0 (+1)
Power: 1d10 (+0~1)
Defense: 1d10 / 2 (+0~1)
Endurance: 1d1 (+0)
Stamina: 1d1 (+0)

Copper Sword: +3 Atk
Copper Shield: +3 Defense
Iron Sword: +4 Atk

Remaining Cards: 16/17/17

Alice would manage to accomplish what she was looking for, the wounded kobold going down, but the other two leapt on her. One grabbing her breasts and fondling her, even as the one that had already had an erection was busy grinding said member between her thighs. The girl knocked down to her knees by the weight and she felt herself nearly climaxing at the relentless teasing.

(Kobold 1 HP: 0/5 RP 5/5
Kobold 2 HP: 5/5 RP 3/5
Kobold 3 HP: 5/5 RP 5/5)

(Alice Deck: 3,19,1,2,12||9,5,9||2,15,2)
Re: A Study of Immortality(Grave)

Cards: 1+12|9|15

Alice yelped as she was knocked down and groped, tensing as she felt the stimulation send a rush of pleasure through her. Barely able to hold back a moan, she struggled to throw the kobolds off of her and resume fighting, hoping to cut them down quickly.
Re: A Study of Immortality(Grave)

Turn 1 Floor 1: Alice takes the door to the west.
Turn 2 Floor 1: Alice takes the door to the west.

Name: Alice Tervin
Pic: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/album.php?albumid=184&pictureid=16764
Level: 0
Health: 10 / 10 [+1]
Resistance: 0 / 10 [+1]
Life: 6 / 10 [+1]

Skill: 1d20+0 (+1)
Intelligence: 1d20+0 (+1)
Speed: 1d20+0 (+1)
Power: 1d10 (+0~1)
Defense: 1d10 / 2 (+0~1)
Endurance: 1d1 (+0)
Stamina: 1d1 (+0)

Copper Sword: +3 Atk
Copper Shield: +3 Defense
Iron Sword: +4 Atk

Remaining Cards: 14/16/16

Unfortunately for Alice, luck was not on her side this time, while she nearly managed to throw the kobolds off, they managed to keep clinging on and she found herself pinned down as the kobold that was rubbing its shaft between her thighs slipped the cock inside her. The entry alone was enough to cause her to climax and the other kobold took advantage of that to slip into her mouth as well. She wasn't out of the fight yet, but she'd need something drastic at this point to avoid losing, and even then she'd likely just be caught by whatever came next.

(Kobold 1 HP: 0/5 RP 5/5
Kobold 2 HP: 5/5 RP 3/5
Kobold 3 HP: 5/5 RP 5/5)

(Alice Deck: 3,19,1,5,13,4||5,9,10,6||2,2,4,13)
Re: A Study of Immortality(Grave)

Cards: 19|10+5|13+2

Alice moaned around the cock in her mouth, desperately trying to maintain focus. Damn this cursed body of hers! It was way too sensitive! Knowing she had to act fast or risk being captured by the creatures, she mustered all the strength she could to try for another push at freedom, seeking to break away from them and beat them into a paste.
Re: A Study of Immortality(Grave)

Turn 1 Floor 1: Alice takes the door to the west.
Turn 2 Floor 1: Alice takes the door to the west.

Name: Alice Tervin
Pic: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/album.php?albumid=184&pictureid=16764
Level: 0
Health: 10 / 10 [+1]
Resistance: 0 / 10 [+1]
Life: 2 / 10 [+1]

Skill: 1d20+0 (+1)
Intelligence: 1d20+0 (+1)
Speed: 1d20+0 (+1)
Power: 1d10 (+0~1)
Defense: 1d10 / 2 (+0~1)
Endurance: 1d1 (+0)
Stamina: 1d1 (+0)

Copper Sword: +3 Atk
Copper Shield: +3 Defense
Iron Sword: +4 Atk

Remaining Cards: 13/14/14

Alice actually did a fairly good job of trying to drive the kobolds off, and her swinging sword and push actually got them away for a moment and damaged the one infront of her rather severely. Unfortunately before she could get back to her feet the kobolds jumped her again though, and both her holes were filled once more, and she wasn't able to push them away again for now as she felt her strength fading.

(Kobold 1 HP: 0/5 RP 5/5
Kobold 2 HP: 2/5 RP 3/5
Kobold 3 HP: 4/5 RP 5/5)

(Alice Deck: 3,1,5,13,4,20,5,20||9,6,3,1||2,4,11,12)
Re: A Study of Immortality(Grave)

Cards: 20|9+6|12+4

Alice struggled, panic setting in as she found herself struggling to keep fighting. She didn't want to end up a slave again, not to beasts! She'd keep fighting until the end, no matter what! The woman once more fought to push them off and strike them down, seeking to end them. Just a little more and she'd put another one down, once there was only one left perhaps she'd be able to turn her luck around and win this battle.