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A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

Xara: HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 38, Status = Pregnant

Tolyos blinked a few times at Xara's question, as if the thought hadn't even crossed his mind. "Hm? Oh. Me getting sucked in? Nah, that shouldn't be a problem, so long as you don't mind me dropping you guys off into the water... heh. If it really bothers you, I'll see about fetching a small boat we can pull along on the way there."

"You seem fairly relaxed about the whole thing," commented Safiya. "Have you done this before?"

"That I haven't! But, I have passed by that thing a few times, and I'm free now. That's what matters, I'd say. Repaying you three with this bit o' peril isn't going to bother me too much, especially if I can manage to keep the boat in one piece afterwards," he replied with a grin.

"Uuuu... I'm probably out of a job when I get back, too," whined Rabi softly.

Hearing the bunnygirl's concern, the seer addressed her personally. "Yes. Several ways. Apertures in your world, connected to those in ours. Though, it is best that one stay where they belong," she muttered in a slightly less cryptic fashion than usual. "Hard to find warm welcomes on either side for strangers." While likely not the answer that Xara was hoping for, it did reveal a useful bit of information; that there was more than one method of traveling between the 'worlds'. Probably.

"Ah... right. Well, thanks for your help," said the pale-skinned rogue, who turned back to the others and motioned towards the door with his chin. If Xara had been fretting about manners towards the elder, she likely didn't have to worry about doing anything worse than Tolyos, given how casual he had shown himself to be towards just about anyone, with the seer being no exception to this. "So unless ya got any other questions, we're headed out."

With that, the four exited and headed off towards the piers, where Tolyos fetched a small boat not far from their own craft, one remarkably similar to the one Xara and Safiya started in upon arriving to the strange, water-filled realm. Unwinding the attached rope from the dinghy's docking point, he left a silver coin nearby before fastening it to their main vehicle. "Hope ya don't mind if I spent a little bit of your cash here. Those livin' in this town are good people."

With the smaller boat now in tow, Tolyos proceeded to board the large craft, along with the others. "Mind if I drive this time? Since I gotta maneuver you guys to the right place, anyway."

Safiya shrugged. "That works. I'll pull the smaller boat up when it's time."

Once everyone was on and accounted for, the albino took the helm and steered their vehicle away skillfully. He was even better than Safiya as far as driving went, which made their trip smoother, as he was much less jerky with the wheel.


Their trip went rather uneventfully, as well, without a single pirate skiff in sight. But it was understandable, given the apparent roughness of the waters that they approached. These seemed... much darker, should Xara care to look over the boat's edge and peer into the depths. In addition, dozens of small, uninhabited rocks, perhaps half the size of Jadiram's smaller houses, jutted out from the surface, a rare sight in this practically endless sea, though they weren't so much islands at this point as they were hazards.

Still, Tolyos skillfully weaved the craft to avoid them, and before long, the inverted whirlpool appeared on the horizon. A pillar of swirling water, it seemed to go up into the sky forever. Faintly reminding the three Deunic travelers of a desert twister, save the fact that it was made from pure water, it raged in place, waiting to suck any hapless object up into the heavens.

"Well... shame I couldn't spend more time with the lot o' ya," said the marksman with a wink and a grin to Safiya, who could only respond with a forced, yet awkward smile in return. She didn't quite know how to handle his suggestive stares, but also couldn't deny that he had proven to be a great help on their journey nonetheless.

"Uh... likewise," replied the toned beauty, who shrugged off the odd tension by pulling the dinghy closer to them, so that the three could board. Inside were two oars. While not the most efficient method of propulsion, another look at the water showed that even the larger craft was slowly being pulled in towards the watery column. While they were still a relatively safe distance from the tempestuous formation, even that bit of security was liable to change within just a few minutes.

"T-Thanks," said Rabi quietly.

"Heh, don't mention it. Although, uh... you did manage to grab a lot of this treasure. Don't tell me you plan on trying to take it all with," said Tolyos, glancing sideways at Xara. "You can probably fit about half of this big chest on there with the three of ya, at least, but I don't recommend trying to get it all in."
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Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

"Don't worry, I think we can find a few jobs for you when we get back," Xara slipped in at Rabi's concern, although if the youth had been able to tell what the void rabbit had in mind for him he probably wouldn't have found her words soothing. Ilias might appreciate her finding a new easily teased member of the group, at least. "You probably won't even end up in prison again!" She added cheerfully, to help him get situated in the role of prime prank target.

The mystic's words were disappointing, but she had expected as much by that point. If it had really been so easy to harness and exploit another world's resources so easily, one of the water mages would have already done it, right? Someone would have, at least. "Thanks!" The void rabbit offered in chorus to Tolyos's own such gesture toward the mystic, and then nodded her assent to leaving before following the casual man out.

Similarly, she nodded her assent to his paying for a small boat. She wasn't exactly enthusiastic to see her precious loot fleeting away so easily, but it was for a pragmatic purpose. She could live with what she had left in exchange for not having yet another person desiring revenge on her friends or her because her group stole a boat.

And given another chance to let other people handle the little details, Xara did just that. She took the opportunity given to her to see the sights. What few there were to see, anyway, given that most were rocks that might destroy the boat and leave them to quickly learn how to swim. She quickly decided to alter her choice of pastime, and instead decided to pursue some idle conversation with Rabi. "Hey, you got any family back in Deun? For that matter, exactly how long have you been here?"

Wherever that conversation happened to go, when the time came, Xara would be ready to go. "Given the chance to do it all again, you're still the first pale, bald guy I'd help break out of prison," she added to the group's sentiments with a mischievous little grin, allowing his latest indiscretion toward Safiya to slip by without her comment as all the previous ones had. On the matter of the loot, she gave a look at the haul that Tolyos was suggesting would be safe to bring back to Jadiram with them. "A girl can dream, can't she?" The void rabbit asked with an exaggerated sigh. "You've worked with a merchant or two, right?" The question was directed at Rabi, though the next part was directed at both Safiya and him. "How much do two you think this stuff would fetch? I've never dealt with this kind of variety before, but if it's not going to get us anymore coin than water would then my vote is we take some water instead."
Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

Xara: HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 38, Status = Pregnant

"R-Really?! Thank you!" Rabi's face lit up when he heard Xara's casually delivered proposal, showing the bunnygirl a degree of joy not previously seen in the effeminate lad. It was almost as if all of the hope laying dormant in his being came alive through his expression, and he added emphasis to this by embracing the long-eared thief tightly, with a less than masculine squeal. "Eeee, I'm so glad to be heading back now...!" It only faded just slightly once Xara made the mere mention of the word 'prison', but as Rabi understood her quip to be a phrase of encouragement rather than the joke it might have been, he continued to beam, oblivious to what awaited him in Deun.

The youth's enthusiasm seemed to dwindle upon seeing the various hazards they were faced with during the boat's approach towards the ominous-looking 'portal' they were to enter, and as such, he was all to happy to entertain his Voidic crewmate's inquiries about his family. "Yes, I do. I have a mother, who is often sick... and two brothers. The medicine she needs is really expensive, though, so I do my best to help by taking whatever jobs I can." He let out a sigh, attempting to turn his gaze elsewhere, perhaps out of shame given the look on his face.

However, seeing that the rather perilous features of the scenery around them weren't helping any in terms of easing his worries, he eventually looked back to the girl in front of him. "To be honest, I'm... probably the least useful member of my family. Both of my brothers have found some kind of trade, but I'm not strong or skilled the way they are. Or good at anything, really. So I hoped that the job I found with Miss Asra would be the one I needed, but it looks like I got fooled again..." he trailed off, unable to help but frown.

"I'm always told by my brothers that I make myself a sucker for all the worst things. I mean, I really thought I was going to be stuck here for the rest of my life! Though, I don't even know how long I've been here... a few days, maybe? It's been hard to tell. I wound up here in a little boat, and before I knew it I was whisked away to a prison cell. My time in there, now THAT felt like forever. But, on the other hand... at least I can be glad that you came along to save me from all of that. I just know things will go right this time!" Rabi managed to finish his last two sentences with conviction, despite the doubt from earlier.

When the issue of the treasure came up, the androgynous young man looked at Xara and nodded, then popped open the chest briefly and took a few digs through the various silver. "Sure thing... oh, wow! Uhm, hmm. This should get us at least about 200 gold, maybe. But there are a lot of small things in here that I don't know the value of, so probably more? We should take more of the trinket-type items, while the goblets and such can be left behind, since they use up more room."

"Water, huh...? It's actually worth somethin' where you guys are from?" interrupted Tolyos. "Well, I'll be damned. Unfortunately, we don't really got any good containers on board that are really watertight... or that I'd trust to be, anyway. You'd best be off with the chest," he advised, after having pulled a couple of the less valuable items out of it, according to Rabi's appraisals.

Safiya moved over to the chest and attempted to heave it up. Even the well-muscled beauty strained a bit to lift it, but she managed, setting it onto the smaller craft to test it, then motioned for Rabi and Xara to come aboard once it looked safe--or safe enough, anyway. With the three Deunic residents and their loot aboard, the dinghy drooped down noticeably, but not quite enough to sink. "That's pushing it," said the taller blonde. "But it'll do, if you really insist on taking this back to Jadiram. I'll hang onto it when we enter the gate and just hope it agrees with us on the way there."

With the trio's boat in tow, Tolyos steered them just a bit closer before slowing to a stop. The waters grew more violent as proximity to the swirling mass did. They could hear him yelling over the splash of the waves. Cupping one side of his mouth to help direct the sound of his voice, he looked at the group of tan-skinned outsiders. "Alright, this is it... it's as far as I can take you! Good luck... and don't die, heh!"

Safiya and Rabi waved their farewells, and the former unsheathed one of her throwing knives, using the blade to cut away the rope tethering their craft to the much larger vehicle. With that, they were left to enter the intimidating vortex on their own. Rabi instinctively clung to Xara as they approached, while Safiya grabbed the oars and bravely propelled the boat ever closer to the middle. It wasn't long before the swirling waters began to suck them in, and once the natural pull took over, the strongest thief wrapped her arms around the chest, then looked up at Xara and Rabi. "Hope this works!" she remarked with a somewhat forced smile, seeing how attached the blonde youth was to her Voidic companion. "It's been... pretty surrealistic, to say the least." Though she likely meant 'surreal', as it was just like Safiya to get such words wrong, there was no Ilias there to correct her--at least not in this plane. Hopefully, there would be once more on the other.

"Gallahn willing," mumbled Rabi, holding onto the bunnygirl. Xara had just enough time to grab on tightly to any other loose possessions she had the mind to keep before the helix of water pulled them up, boat and all, into the heavens. A stomach-churning vault upwards followed, threatening to do away with Xara's lunch as she spun around for several seconds. Mercy was granted soon afterwards in the form of that strange, swirling high that she experienced upon first entering the water-filled world.

When it cleared, all was dark. Mostly dark, anyway... and the dry air of Deun, in the form of a light, late-night breeze, could be felt against her soaked skin.


The Voidic girl's eyes adjusted quickly to the darkness. She was in a wagon, though it wasn't moving, and a glance outside the wheeled shelter's partially opened cover told her that she was probably still in Jadiram, given that she was looking directly at the inside of a city wall. Her clothes and hair were completely drenched, and any items she might have been holding onto were still clutched tightly in her small hands, perhaps by instinct. A look off to the side would reveal an unconscious Rabi. In addition, the mysterious bottle that took her to the world full of water was not far from the effeminate boy in turn, piled up along with many other trinkets, some of which she recognized as belonging to Miss Asra--the merchant woman. Luckily, no one was in the wagon with them, but the yawn of a older man, perhaps a caravan guard on duty, could be heard off in the distance, perhaps no more than 50 meters away. Safiya, along with the chest she carried, was not to be found in the bunnygirl's immediate vicinity.
Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

"Is that so? Tell you what, when we're back and we've managed to sell the loot we'll see that you get some gold to take back to your family. It's only right," she added. She was, of course, very much disingenuous in her reasoning. Xara liked Rabi, sure, but she had yet to give anybody a coin simply for liking them. That wasn't how someone survived in the deserts of Deun. The only time the void rabbit freely gave things away was when she had something to gain from her supposed charity, anything from companionship to lessening the chance of someone hunting her down later on.

"And for what it's worth I think you've got just what it takes for our line of work. Just a bit of training and refinement and you'll be on your way!" She added, placing the the forefingers of each of her hands to the opposite hand's thumb in order to form a rectangle through which to view the effeminate youth. Small frame, relatively fast, apparently a talented or otherwise alluring mouth to repugnant and lewd men, the three would take him far in the world of thievery. His brief experience as a merchant would be handy too.

The decision on the loot garnered another nod of the thief's head. Though she did briefly interject. "Can I at least say goodbye to the rest of it?" And it might have seemed like an amusing quip at first... until she actually did just that. She briefly bade her farewell to the scattered loot that couldn't be brought along, including muttering something under her breath about "the reason we say goodbye is to say hello again." After that little episode, she reluctantly left. The materialistic girl did at least reply to Tolyos's goodbye. "You're easily the best white-haired pale guy I've ever broken out of a prison! Bye!"

With that, they were on their way. "That seems like a good word to describe it with," she replied to Safiya's unique language. With what little time she had, she secured her waterskin and double-checked her exotic weapon. Then, when the time came, she returned Rabi's hold, and at least tried to include Safiya and the chest into it. As the last vestiges of control over the boat were ripped entirely from their hands, Xara was as afraid as she imagined she ever could be and really hoping that she wouldn't have to learn to swim in a few moments. That hope inspired an morbid thought that she announced aloud. "It would really suck to drown after spending so much of my life stealing drinking water!"

And while that was the last thing she managed to yell before she was being pulled to another world, hopefully her own, she did manage at least one more thought. I'm swearing off curio shops after this.


Well, she could at least be sure by her soaked clothes that it wasn't all just a dream as she adjusted to her new surroundings. Since she hadn't clutched anything in her hands except for the other two -- both of whom she was far from strong enough to hold onto strongly enough to keep either from being lost to the vortex -- and given the proximity of the guard, her first check was for her weapon and waterskin. Her second action, once she had noticed the blond, was to confirm that Rabi was simply unconscious and not dead, and a satisfactory conclusion on that end would lead to her third which was to grab as many trinkets as she could hide on her person starting with the item that had started the mad adventure. Finally, Xara would nudge her unconscious ally gently in an attempt to wake him up, but remained ready to clap one hand over his mouth in case he started awake and made any significant noises.

Once he was awake, she would whisper; "I think we're in your former employer's wagon, and I don't think she'll take well to knowing either of us are here. Are you okay to move? We need to find Safi and get out of here."

LOOT ALL THE THINGS. Or anything within reason. Most importantly grab ye water world item. Then wake Rabi.

37 stealth, 31 perception, both counting lucky if either becomes applicable.

Cheat Sheet

When taking HP Damage: Xara has 1 armor from Clothes (TP = 25, DU = 2). When she's reduced to 27 HP or lower, she takes an instance of weakened causing a -10 penalty to all of her rolls.

When dealing PP damage: Xara deals +2 PP damage during penetrative sex. She deals half of PP damage dealt in corruption (whether you want this to happen is up to you, Takimaru, since it's the DLaby universe.)
When taking PP damage: She takes +4 damage from sensitive, and another +8 damage for each of the following fetishes being fulfilled: cumming inside, exhibitionism, public use, or size difference. On an orgasm, her PP resets to 21 instead of full.

Has Fertile: Pregnant on roll of 2, 3, or 4. Or automatically with another fertile partner.
Has Pheromones: Others more interested in sex with her.
Has Night Eyes: No perception penalties in the dark.
Has Nose for Treasure: +12 perception rolls when it comes to finding treasure.
Has Thief: Can disarm traps and pick locks.
Has Lucky: +3 to all non damage rolls.
Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

Xara: HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 38, Status = Pregnant

Stealth checks:
Xara: Pass
Safiya: Pass
Rabi: Fail

A quick patting down of her own figure would reveal to Xara that both her waterskin and weapon were still fastened to her in their usual fashion, though the latter would need a quick wiping down soon enough in order to avoid rust. Fortunately for her, there was no shortage of fine fabrics stashed about within the wagon on which she could do so, and while employing them for such purposes wouldn't bring her any closer to Miss Asra's good side, neither did running off with the old lady's goods.

Rabi, while soaked, was apparently breathing, though he groaned a little louder than Xara might have liked when she roused him. "Nnnnff... n-no, I... it hurts..." he whimpered, opening his eyes to the dim sight of the Voidic thief. Upon seeing that the person waking him was not the tormentor he might have expected, he allowed an embarrassed look to cross his features. "Ah, s, sorry! Guh, huhnn... where are we?" Sitting up, he rubbed the back of his head, observing his surroundings. "Jadiram?" Squinting and pausing for several seconds to allow his eyes to grow accustomed to the darkness, he took in his first few breaths of the familiar, dry air, looking to his companion. "We're in Miss Asra's wagon, aren't we?"

A scan of her immediate vicinity showed more goods than were presented to the bunnygirl during her first visit. Were all of these items enchanted, or were the rest just filler? While a shame, Xara didn't have nearly enough strength, nor the proper amount of limbs, to haul the entirety of it out with her. However, one thing she did possess with regards to the merchant's goods was a competent memory, and Miss Asra's words echoed in her head...

"Some of today's items come from as far as the Western Continent. I've a dowsing pendant that points you to the direction of natural, underground springs--water! No doubt priceless around these parts, but I can make a special, affordable deal within the window of 300 gold. On the other hand, I also have a flask here, one that is said to transport you to a beautiful oasis for a short time when whistled into. 50 gold. Or maybe a pair of magical slippers that causes vegetation to grow wherever one steps while wearing them? 100 gold. Finally, one of our associates found this lamp just the past week. It's said to have a rather tricky entity within, but even he hasn't figured it out. I'd be willing to part with it for 80 gold."

The flask, which had likely brought Xara and Safiya to that strange world to begin with, was right next to her. In addition, the slippers, pendant, and lamp were all portable enough to stash on her person, but beyond that, most of the other items laying about the wagon were a little too big or unwieldy to be lugging around with any degree of ease for the diminutive girl. They included the following; a bronze bird cage, several thick, rolled-up rugs, a large circular shield, a few rusted bells, and an ornate sword almost as long as she was tall. If she used both hands, she could take just one of those, but it would no doubt compromise her balance and thus her ability to remain stealthy in the current situation.

However, after a closer look, there were a few more smaller items that they could get away with if she got Rabi to cooperate, with some minor improvisation. A selection of candidates qualified for that bit of space. Amongst them was a bright red length of rope, a belt of sorts made from several interlocked rings, a gold serpentine armband, a ceremonial dagger, a large silk blanket, and a strangely phallic figurine of sorts.

The effeminate young man frowned at the proposal. "Um, but are you sure? I mean, what if she gets angry and finds us? We might get arrested, and I really can't afford to get in trouble here!" It soon dawned on Xara that despite the actions they took in the 'other' world, Rabi still had many attachments to this particular society, and thus many built-in reservations when it came to breaking the norms--even if logic stood that the two were probably not to be in the old woman's good graces if she found them anyway. Still, the bunnygirl was the one currently in front of Rabi, not Asra, and he wouldn't go so far as to refuse if she simply piled a few of the items onto him, though they would probably have to leave three of the six behind in order to maintain a sensible degree of stealth, given the boy's apparent inexperience with it. If nothing else, he did have the build for such tasks. His discretionary habits, however, left something to be desired, considering the volume at which he spoke.

A brief wipedown prevented Xara from feeling too chilly when she stepped outside, and her large ears caught a panting noise just around the corner, between the carriage she was in and another. It was Safiya; how she ended up there instead of inside was a mystery, but it didn't matter--she was safe, though a bit disoriented, leaning over the heavy-looking chest for support. She looked up, holding the side of her dome as if nursing a headache, and upon spotting her subhuman friend, managed a painful smile.

"Oh, good," was the first thing that she said in a low voice, before looking down at the container. "Looks like we made it back in good time. So uh, let's get out of here, huh?" she whispered.

Unfortunately, the experienced thief's efforts to remain quiet were wasted, as Rabi's previous words had caught the attention of the guard nearby.

"Hrm? Who's there?" said a voice from down the lot. A pause followed, but there wasn't just one set of footsteps that began to approach their position--there were two, and Xara could guess that the sentry had silently waved over another man to join him in examining the disturbance.
Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

After confirming that her weapons were still on her, and seeing how drenched they were, Xara would choose to dry her Honrainese meteor hammer with only the finest and most expensive-looking silks. Only the best, after all, and she considered it more than fair given how Asra had apparently knowingly sent her off to be enslaved and never heard from again.

"Don't worry, you're free now," she would whisper as Rabi woke, both to calm him and hopefully to quiet him. "Well, mostly. We've got just a bit further to go for that part." She silently nodded to his next question, hoping that he'd get the hint, but vocally added "probably" when he asked his next.

Once she had confirmed that Rabi was able to move, she quickly set about plundering from the tent. If there's one thing I regret right now it's that I wasn't born with four arms, she mused as she looked over the selection. The item that had taken her to the strange world was the first snatched, the second was the pendant which she slipped on as if she owned it. The void rabbit skipped the slippers and the lamp, as leaving a trail of vegetation didn't immediately seem handy as a thief and the the lamp seemed like it would be less than comfortable stowed away on her person.

The void rabbit also skipped over the bigger items. There was no way that she was going to casually slip away with any of the larger stock in her hands. The short thief did, however, grab the serpent armband, mostly because of its size and the convenience in hiding it, and slipped it onto her arm with the hope that it wasn't going to turn her into a snake or something--life in Jadiram was hard enough with rabbit ears, let alone if she turned into some sort of snake-rabbit-creature. Xara also stowed the phallic figure in her pants. She wasn't entirely sure if it was the remnants of her heat making that particular decision or not, but if worst came to worst she could use it for the harness she had sent Ilias out to purchase.

She picked out the interlocked ring belt for Rabi along with the ceremonial dagger to store on it and made to hand them over, though his complaint put an end to that. "Oh yes," she quietly replied, again fruitlessly hoping that he would take her hint and talk a bit lower. "I'd hate to ruin our reunion with her. I'm sure she'll be so thrilled that we're back from waterland and can vouch for how well her trinkets work." She placed down the ceremonial dagger and offered the belt. "You could consider it owed pay," she suggested, though she didn't press the matter if he didn't want to haul any of the loot himself. In the wagon of someone who'd undoubtedly like it if the two were never seen again probably wasn't the proper time to morally corrupt a person, after all. Rabi's corruption could come later.

After that was settled, she used a new expensive-looking fabric to wipe herself down, and offered Rabi yet another new fabric to wipe himself down. Then she stepped out of the tent. Her heart instantly rose the moment she saw that Safiya was okay, or mostly so. And she couldn't agree more when the toned woman suggested that they get out of there, though she simply remained silent and nodded. At least, until they heard the guards.

"Crap," she whispered. Think quickly. Phase one, deniability! She gave a glance around, her eyes immediately settling on their loot from the watery world. The chest... An idea began to form. "Do you recognize that voice? Keep it to nodding." She asked of the youth, pushing a finger to his lips. But regardless of whether he answered yes or no, her plan remained much the same. "Okay. Tell them that you two are brother and sister," she suggested, hoping to make use of their familial resemblance.

"Tell them that you work for Miss Asra and she used one of her trinkets to send you somewhere with the mission of bringing back exotic items, and really embellish about how great it is there and how it took you so long to get back because of all the nice people and loot and water. If they doubt you, tell them to blow into it and try it out themselves," she fished the flask that had started the whole mess and handed it over to Safiya, trusting her more than Rabi with keeping the plan straight. "And if that doesn't work, get them to help carry the chest over to the wagon and we'll give 'em a good bonk."

With that, she quickly and quietly dived back into the wagon and hid herself among the goods, and if she made it in successfully she would set about unwinding her meteor hammer while she waited. Her plan assumed many things, but she had to work with what she had.

Normally I would go ahead and math out a potential attack, but I'm not sure if it'll be needed yet so instead applicable stats and stuff:

37 stealth, 31 perception, 43 dodge, 23 resistance (all counting lucky)

Cheat Sheet

When taking HP Damage: Xara has 1 armor from Clothes (TP = 25, DU = 2). When she's reduced to 27 HP or lower, she takes an instance of weakened causing a -10 penalty to all of her rolls.

When dealing PP damage: Xara deals +2 PP damage during penetrative sex. She deals half of PP damage dealt in corruption (whether you want this to happen is up to you, Takimaru, since it's the DLaby universe.)
When taking PP damage: She takes +5 damage from sensitive, and another +8 damage for each of the following fetishes being fulfilled: cumming inside, exhibitionism, public use, or size difference. On an orgasm, her PP resets to 21 instead of full.

Has Fertile: Pregnant on roll of 2, 3, or 4. Or automatically with another fertile partner.
Has Pheromones: Others more interested in sex with her.
Has Night Eyes: No perception penalties in the dark.
Has Nose for Treasure: +12 perception rolls when it comes to finding treasure.
Has Thief: Can disarm traps and pick locks.
Has Lucky: +3 to all non damage rolls.
Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

Xara: HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 38, Status = Pregnant

"Yes, but, I mean she... g-gave me this job and I just... ah, hnn," Rabi stuttered in response, failing to make much of an argument in response to Xara's quip regarding the crafty merchant. Following orders to escape a bunch of slavers he was unfamiliar with came naturally enough. But this? It was Jadiram, and his legal standing was at stake. And yet, the Voidic thief had a very good point. The way that this Lady Asra had sent them away to such a cruel world without proper warning was both unfair and uncalled for. Whether she sensed that Xara was a subhuman, or that Rabi was too unskilled of a worker, it was fairly obvious that she didn't feel Jadiram had any real need for either of them. They were both in the same boat now, in that regard, and this sobering realization was still something that the blonde youth appeared to struggle with. "O-Okay," he whimpered, taking the offered loot from her and stashing it away on his person. He hesitated against when offered one of the old woman's fine fabrics to wipe himself down with, but another chilly breeze from the desert's night air made him reconsider fairly quickly.

Xara's question of whether or not Rabi recognized the approaching man's voice earned her a reply that was much louder than she might have wanted. "I do! He's one of the guards for the carava--err," he started in a conversational tone before realizing his error, then with his lips pursed tightly, nodded several times. At the suggestion that they claim to be siblings, Safiya shrugged and half-grinned, showing that she was willing enough to go with the plan. It wasn't as if she didn't notice the resemblance between the two, after all. In contrast, Rabi paused, looking to the taller, more athletic blonde, then to himself, and while exhibiting a puzzled expression, turned back to Xara.

"But... o-okay. Embellish... ahm, right," he replied, attempting to run the words over in his head repeatedly so that he wouldn't forget what had just been explained to him. In the process, he whispered them to himself aloud. Safiya raised a brow at the boy's odd memorization methods and calmly placed a finger over her lips at him, which prompted Rabi to quiet down. She had much more experience than him in the ways of subtlety, at least with regards to thievery, and it showed. Afterwards, she used what was available to wipe herself down, then took the flask in hand, keeping it in plain sight so as to show that she had nothing to hide for the purposes of Xara's fabricated tale.

Suddenly, as if to remind them, the commanding, deep voice could be heard once more. "I said, who's there?! I can hear talking, and it is far too late to be conversing at such volumes. If you do not answer, we will assume you to be a thief!"

A second, noticeably lighter voice could be heard muttering at a lower volume. "Geez, you're gonna wake everyone else up, probably..."

Just as the bunnygirl dove under some fine rugs to make herself hidden, the pair of guards arrived right outside, turning the wagon's corner to spot Rabi and Safiya, as made evident by the sounds of their footsteps, as well as the glow of a small lantern that only got brighter as they closed in. By the time they had entered the vicinity, some of the light shone through the wagon's linen covering, revealing the silhouettes of two men if Xara cared to take a peek. One of them was a rather stout gentleman, while the other was on the slender side. Both were taller than even Safiya.

"R... Rabi, was it? Is that you?" asked the first guard, squinting his eyes.

"Uhh, eh-heh, y-yes, it is!" stammered Rabi as the light revealed his features, though the nerves nearly caused him to choke on such a simple response.

"Oh, so it is. What might you be doing this late in the evening? I was under the impression that Lady Asra sent you on another odd job of sorts."

"Well, I, um, my sisterr... uuhh..." started the youth, the tension in his tone growing more obvious by the second.

Safiya interrupted him. "I'm Tahani, Rabi's sister. We were actually doing some clandestined work for Miss Asra by the use of one of her trinkets."

The men paused, perhaps attempting to process the young woman's odd take on the word 'clandestine', but overlooked it for the time being. "I see. Well, she always was one of the stranger members of the caravan," said the larger of the two.

The taller blonde continued on, so as not to let them get too suspicious or even to let them get too many words in edgewise. "So yes, we just returned by way of this bottle, as weird as it sounds, but if you don't believe me, you can even give it a try yourself. We got in a bit late since the time in the secret area it takes you to passes a little differently."

"I uh... I think we'll pass," commented the thinner guardsman, shaking his head. "Not really into those kinda... substances. So uh, what's with the chest?"

"We're just loading it into the wagon. Actually, could you help us? This thing is a bit heavy, even for me," explained Safiya, trying her best to sound charming.

"Uh, guess it wouldn't hurt. If I didn't know any better, I'd probably have been worried about you two taking stuff out of the wagon, since that's kinda what happens at this time of night."

The larger man stooped forward, inspecting Rabi's hair. Apparently the feminine youngster had forgotten to dry his hair off as well, and it earned him a bit of attention. "Are you well? You look... moist," remarked the guard.

Rabi swallowed hard. "I-I was uh, sweating, a lot, and... I mean there's none on my face, but, I... ahehhh..." If he wasn't sweating before, he would begin to in little time at all.

Safiya did her best to change the subject once again. "So! We'd really like to get to bed in a timely manner, and I know it's late already, so could you help us move this chest inside?"

The first guard turned his gaze from Rabi to Safiya, and nodded slowly. "Oh, hum... certainly." With his cohort's help, the two then lifted the chest, one man at each end, with relative ease, and moved towards the back end of the wagon.
Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

From under the rugs and with the benefit of being able to overhear the conversation outside the wagon, the void rabbit had a little bit more time to think things out. I should have told them to walk away after the chest was delivered, Xara briefly lamented after their story was successful. She could have seen about stealing a few more items and they might have gotten away without anybody but Asra having known that something was amiss. And that would be doubly beneficial, as how was Asra going to explain Rabi's disappearance and reappearance away without contradicting whatever tale she had spun before?

At the same time, though, getting a little bit of mud on Rabi's name might be a good idea. Rabi owing her a bit more would further insulate her from any threat of him selling her out to a slaver, and might push him further in with her group. He didn't realize it yet, but she could make good use of his naivete and his appeal to sodomy enthusiasts in her trade. Plus, the idea of leaving a chest full of goods in Asra's care that Xara and Safiya had swindled themselves from the watery realm's more criminal inhabitants just left a bad taste in her mouth. No, the guards were just going to need a few bonks, both so that Xara and company had a better chance of escaping with the loot and to send a message to the curio shop owner that some of those she had sent to be enslaved were back for revenge.

That didn't help her so much with her immediate plan of attack though. While the meteor hammer was the only weapon she had any real idea of how to use beyond "grab the safe end and hit them with the painful one" it wasn't made for cramped quarters and sneak attacks. The thief quickly gave up the idea of attacking them with the advantage of them holding the chest, and instead tried to inconspicuously sidle out of the way of anywhere they might drop the chest, remaining out of sight to the best of her ability. If she could do that much without being seen, she would wait until their backs were turned to quietly hop out of the cart, and then much less quietly attack.

With a low whistle to alert her comrades that it was time to attack, she would leap at the first guard's back, attempting to wrap the chain of her meteor hammer tight around his neck while he was still too surprised to actively resist and using her weight upon his back in order to choke the air from him. While it might have been much safer and easier just to brain him, she wanted to at least ensure that one of the guards would survive so he could tell Asra what happened. Hopefully Safiya could take care of the second without much issue, but Xara wasn't putting much hope on Rabi to contribute in a meaningful way.

Stay hidden as best she can until the guards put the chest in the cart and then turn around, then hop out and STRANGLE ONE OF THEM WITH HER METEOR HAMMER.

Mechanically she's going for the grapple, with the intent to stop him from calling out. If it's a sneak attack she also gets a free action attempt, which she will use to try and put him in a submission hold (i.e. more meteor hammer strangulation). Not sure how you'd want to mechanically handle her trying to strangle him unconscious, but I'm up for whatever you decide is a legitimate means (be it just dealing unarmed damage or whatever).

Her grapple modifier is 40, which gains +3 from lucky. Stealth is 34, which also gains +3 from lucky.

Probably applicable stats! 37 stealth, 31 perception, 43 dodge, 23 resistance (all counting lucky)

Cheat Sheet

When taking HP Damage: Xara has 1 armor from Clothes (TP = 25, DU = 2). When she's reduced to 27 HP or lower, she takes an instance of weakened causing a -10 penalty to all of her rolls.

When dealing PP damage: Xara deals +2 PP damage during penetrative sex. She deals half of PP damage dealt in corruption (whether you want this to happen is up to you, Takimaru, since it's the DLaby universe.)
When taking PP damage: She takes +5 damage from sensitive, and another +8 damage for each of the following fetishes being fulfilled: cumming inside, exhibitionism, public use, or size difference. On an orgasm, her PP resets to 21 instead of full.

Has Fertile: Pregnant on roll of 2, 3, or 4. Or automatically with another fertile partner.
Has Pheromones: Others more interested in sex with her.
Has Night Eyes: No perception penalties in the dark.
Has Nose for Treasure: +12 perception rolls when it comes to finding treasure.
Has Thief: Can disarm traps and pick locks.
Has Lucky: +3 to all non damage rolls.
Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

Xara: HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 38, Status = Pregnant

Stealth Check, Xara vs Caravan Guard A:
Xara rolled a 4 (+37 Stealth) = 41.
Caravan Guard A rolled a 17 (+17 Perception) = 34.
Xara wins. Grapple auto-success and all that.

Grapple Check aka the guard's pathetic attempts to escape the submission hold:
Xara rolled a 10 (+43 Grapple) = 53.
Caravan Guard A rolled an 18 (+30 Grapple) = 48.
Xara wins.

Honestly, because she's employing a weapon for this purpose (so it wouldn't -quite- be unarmed damage, per se) and clearly has the jump on him, I'm going to rule this one a success.

Stealth Check, Safiya vs Caravan Guard B:
Safiya rolled an 18 (+41 Stealth) = 59.
Caravan Guard B rolled a 2 (+25 Perception) = 27.
Safiya wins. Grapple auto-success.

The man's attempts to break out because that's all he CAN do:
Safiya rolled a 7 (+40 Grapple) = 47.
Caravan Guard B rolled a 10 (+20 Grapple) = 30.
Safiya wins.

Meanwhile, Rabi flails.

The heavy chest did its part in distracting the two guardsmen, as they showed themselves to be rather busy communicating with each other via gestures and eye contact so as to move the goods carefully, and without either one dropping their end. The floor of the wagon was elevated up past waist level, however, and seeing this, the men needed to coordinate their efforts properly.

"In it goes. Ready? On the count of three. One, two, three. Hurrnnngh!"

The sentries grunted in unison, both making the motion of a deadlift before setting it into the wagon as carefully as they could afford to. Beneath the cover of several rugs and fine fabrics, the lump that was Xara shifted over and out of the way just in time before the chest came down with a light thud.

"Whew! No wonder you had problems carrying it," commented the smaller of the two custodians as they turned to face Safiya and Rabi, exposing their backs to Xara in the process. "You must be real strong--for a girl," he added, causing Safiya's polite smile to fade just slightly. A quick peek to confirm their positions would tell the bunnygirl that if there was any time to strike, it would be at that very moment. Rabi looked up in time to witness the terrible sight of a cloaked rabbit slowly rising from behind the two unsuspecting guards.

Xara was quick to take advantage of the opportunity, and the chain of her meteor hammer came looping around the bigger man's neck, only to tighten as she criss-crossed the ends opposite from one another, gripping them tightly in each hand. Instinctively, he grabbed at his own throat, with eyes widened and slightly bulging from surprise, but the steel links were already taut and impossible for him to get his fingers underneath. And while the weapon wasn't necessarily suited for stealth in every scenario, it worked out for her this time. From the way he struggled, Xara could tell that he was strong, and the man might have managed to peel the Void Rabbit's limbs from around him had she attempted to strangle him the old fashioned way, by hand. But while this air choke was rather slow, even a bit painful, it was much harder for him to escape with the steel chain constricting his airway. With her feet on his back, Xara managed the leverage to get a nice good pull to go along with it, and the only sound that the portly guard made was a gagging noise akin to choking. "Ggguuurrhhckkk..."

Rabi's face took on a look of panic, and he began to flap his arms uselessly with mouth agape, too shocked to say anything.

"What in the--" started the younger of the two sentries, who turned towards his cohort in shock. That was as far as he was able to get in terms of reactions, however, as exposing his back to Safiya in turn gave her the chance to capitalize on it. And she did, slipping a hand underneath the young man's chin as the second clutched the back of his head in a tight stranglehold. With the front of the hapless victim's neck firmly settled in the crook of the well-toned girl's arm, between her bicep and the meatier part of her wrist, Safiya flexed and squeezed.

"Shhhh..." she whispered, constricting the bloodflow to his brain which led to a relatively quick blackout in contrast to the desperate, dying struggle that Xara's target mounted against her. But in the end, both men were left unconscious.

"Not bad for a girl, huh?" quipped Safiya with a snerk after setting the young man down.

"Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no," whimpered Rabi to himself, his gaze shifting between the two fallen guards, then to Safiya and Xara respectively while clutching the sides of his head with both hands. "What do we do!?"

"It's not that hard to figure out," said the taller blonde with a renewed grin. "We grab the chest that WE risked our lives to get in the first place, then get out of here!" With that said, she hoisted the chest right back out of the wagon, then prepared to leave. If Xara had any messages to leave for Lady Asra, or positions in which she wished to arrange the two unconscious men before taking off, she had just enough time to do so, as Safiya looked to want to leave fairly soon given the way she had already begun to haul the chest off in the direction of their hideout.
Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

"Shh," the void rabbit shushed the guard in a whisper, an echo of Safiya's own dialogue with the guard she was choking out, as she strangled him. "We're not going to kill you. You just need to be out of our way for a little while." Although she doubted it would calm him, it made her feel a little better. At least she wasn't going to have to disembowel these two, even though it probably would've been safer for the group as a whole if they were never seen again. Safe or not, Xara was determined to hold onto at least enough of her innocence to avoid becoming a repeat murderer.

When the two had dropped unconscious, the rabbit thief untangled her meteor hammer from the portly guard's neck and rewound it around her waist. "Big sis is right on this one," she whispered before diving back into the cart to scavenge for a few things. She would emerge a few moments later with a few more expensive pieces of fabric, the slippers, the lamp, and something that at least resembled a rope. "Miss Asra can go sit on a deoricot before I leave a chest of our hard-earned loot in her care." With that, she made impromptu gags out of the fabric and then went to the effort of tying the men to the wagon as quickly as she could--which would prove to be not very given how much they weighed and how small she was.

When her work with the rope was finished, she would set the slippers on one guard and the lamp on the other. "This should serve as a nice message," she mentioned aloud, offering her comrades some indication as to her thought process. Afterward, she would move with Safiya and Rabi on their way back to the hideout. Along the way, she would offer to take point and stay ahead of the two a little bit, waving them through when the streets were clear and generally avoiding the guards in the process so that they would avoid needing to explain what they were doing with a chest full of trinkets at such a late hour.

Tie ye guards, gag them, head to the hideout with Safiya and Rabi.

Also, move ahead of Safiya and Rabi a little bit so she can check the streets and such for guards and other bystanders and then wave Safiya through when the coast is clear.

Probably applicable stats! 37 stealth, 31 perception (both counting lucky)

Cheat Sheet

When taking HP Damage: Xara has 1 armor from Clothes (TP = 25, DU = 2). When she's reduced to 27 HP or lower, she takes an instance of weakened causing a -10 penalty to all of her rolls.

When dealing PP damage: Xara deals +2 PP damage during penetrative sex. She deals half of PP damage dealt in corruption (whether you want this to happen is up to you, Takimaru, since it's the DLaby universe.)
When taking PP damage: She takes +5 damage from sensitive, and another +8 damage for each of the following fetishes being fulfilled: cumming inside, exhibitionism, public use, or size difference. On an orgasm, her PP resets to 21 instead of full.

Has Fertile: Pregnant on roll of 2, 3, or 4. Or automatically with another fertile partner.
Has Pheromones: Others more interested in sex with her.
Has Night Eyes: No perception penalties in the dark.
Has Nose for Treasure: +12 perception rolls when it comes to finding treasure.
Has Thief: Can disarm traps and pick locks.
Has Lucky: +3 to all non damage rolls.
Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

Xara: HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 38, Status = Pregnant

The guards remained obedient in their unconsciousness as Xara hurried to bind them up and left her little 'message' for Lady Asra. The larger of the two was even snoring, although his partner twitched a few times, hinting that he could possibly wake up at any second. Seeing this, Safiya was quick to make haste, allowing the bunnygirl to scout ahead before lugging the chest along. The streets were relatively quiet, and the trio could easily guess that it was fairly late at night, when most were already asleep.

Apparently the same could be said for the others when the three arrived, as Nadim and Yasmin were already asleep, with the only sound made being the light snores of the former. Ilias was nowhere to be found. But a brief patdown of his sleeping area would reveal that he did purchase the things she was looking for; the tea, length of chain, a wooden peg, a leather belt, though perhaps a bit too big for the Void Rabbit herself, and the two metal bowls she requested.

Safiya had to dig inside for a length of rope, which she used to fasten around the chest on street level, only to climb back to the upper floor and lug the cargo up by hand. It wasn't the most graceful way of getting things up there, but she was used to it. Afterwards, she set the chest back down inside with an audible thud, to which Nadim and Yasmin stirred, but didn't rise. The blonde-haired leader of the group huffed at this and lit the lamp by which they used to see at night, which again, only caused the sleeping couple to turn over.

Rabi stepped into the living quarters only to notice another important detail about the two spooning on one of the beds--they were both in the nude, perhaps having indulged in each others' bodies to the point of exhaustion that night. The effeminate youth gasped and blushed, covering his mouth, and Safiya simply sighed, shaking her head at the indecent sight and reached for the pot she usually banged on to wake everyone up. However, realizing what time it was, and that Xara was nearby, she thought better of it, offering an apologetic look to the bunnygirl as she kicked the side of their bed, causing it to shake hard enough to actually rouse them this time.

"Agh! What the--" said Nadim, waking up with a start, as Yasmin followed suit, only to slip behind him by instinct.

"Kyaah!" she screamed, expecting some sort of intruder. Their expressions calmed just slightly when they saw Safiya and Xara standing there, but remained on edge for the most part, considering that there was now a strange boy in their home.

Rabi tried his best to avert his eyes as the pair hurried to clothe themselves, or at least slide under the covers. "Sorry, sorry!" said the boy nervously, scooting towards the corner.

"I should be the one apologizing," muttered Safiya, folding her arms and frowning at them. "Trying to replace us already, huh? Do you two ever NOT fuck? Is that what you were doing the whole time we were missing?"

"No!" protested Yasmin. "You don't even know the half of it! It was a miracle I made it out of there without getting sent to jail! I thought she kept you away for good, and her bodyguard even tried to grab me when I tried to take the bottle. They called the city guard and everyone started chasing me, calling me a THIEF! Can you believe that?!"

"Well... in technicalility, they aren't wrong," said Safiya with a shrug, botching her words as she sometimes tended to do.

"That was just so UNCALLED for," whined Yasmin, pouting and folding her arms as she used the covers as a makeshift cover. "Anyway, I didn't know if you guys had actually went into the bottle, or if it was some kinda trick or what! I was so scared!"

"We really looked for the two of you, Safiya sis," explained Nadim, at least showing visible relief that the leader of the group, along with their latest addition, were both in one piece. "It wasn't easy to believe Yasmin's story, but by the time we got back to try and take the bottle, the guard had been put on high alert and the old lady had already packed up shop... prolly figuring that some of her scams were already outed. It was getting late by that time, too, so after a bit more searching, we figured to try tomorrow. I'm glad you're safe though, believe me." He looked to get up, but the well-toned blonde held an arm out.

"Don't hug me while you're naked. And it wasn't easy staying safe where we went," replied Safiya with a sigh. "Long story, so I'll fill you in tomorrow, probably. But... thanks. So where's Ilias?"

"Still out there, looking for you two. He couldn't sleep that easily. Said he wouldn't come back until he found you."

"Good to know somebody cares. Hmph!" Safiya shot back with her hands on her hips.

"I already said, we tried, I swear!" said Yasmin defensively. "Who's that, anyway?" she added, looking to Rabi.

"I'm Rabi," replied the smaller blonde politely, though still visibly nervous from what he just saw.

"Saved him from that other world, or wherever it is we were sent," explained Safiya. "Well, get dressed. We're going to look for Ilias."
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Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

Finding Yasmin and Nadim naked together again was really the final sign that she was home and safe, and so Xara breathed a sigh of relief even as they shouted their surprise at the sudden return of Safiya and herself plus Rabi. Thankfully, the feeling of relief and safety beat out the desire to strip down and join them in their bed. Of course, neither feeling meant that she would allow the moment to pass without a comment at the lovers' expense. "Don't worry, you'll get used to it," Xara whispered to Rabi, which was to say she hushed herself just enough to make it seem like she didn't want to be heard while simultaneously remaining loud enough for everybody in the room to recognize her every word. "By this point I'd be worried for their relationship if I had walked in and they were still dressed."

Afterward she remained silent as Nadim and Yasmin offered their explanation and Safiya alternated between venting and asking questions, though at the end of it all the void rabbit did step in to stop the group's leader from making any rash decisions. "I think they did all they could, big sis," Xara noted after Safiya's final frustrated comment. "Well, I guess they didn't have to have sex in our memory, though I'm glad to know I've got that effect on people's love lives." She shrugged. "Anyway, even if they had looked every day of the week and well into the night they would have never found us, and if they had succeeded in finding Asra and stealing the flask then they'd have just ended up in the same boat as we were. Maybe literally."

"Speaking of which, we did get some loot," she motioned her head toward the chest. "Straight from... somewhere. We also took a few things from Miss Asra for our troubles. Here," she slid the golden serpentine bracelet from her arm and gave it a careless underhand toss in Yasmin's general direction. "I thought you might like that," she lied, she hadn't given Yasmin more than a single thought since the woman had been left behind in Asra's shop. "I think it counts as jewelry. Seems only fair since it sounds like you had a difficult time of your own after we were gone."

Of course, her reasons for giving the item to Yasmin were nowhere near as straightforward as she made them out to be. It served a few purposes that were not to the other woman's benefit. In addition to probably throwing the former noble off balance, it would put Xara on the upper ground during any future altercations with her. While the bratty girl herself might not appreciate the void rabbit's gift, the others in the room would remember it. Plus, the petite thief had no clue whether the item was cursed or magical or what it might inflict on its wearer, so better in Yasmin's hands than her own so she could determine if the item was of any real value or if it was just a sparkly piece of junk. As a final added bonus, it might also make her seem more like a generous benefactor to Rabi, which had its own benefits.

When the subject wheeled around to the search for Ilias, Xara once again spoke up. "I'm not so sure that all of us should go. The guards might still be searching for Yasmin, plus Ilias might return while we're out and it would be probably be good if someone was here to tell him that we're back. And Rabi isn't familiar with Ilias. Plus he was in that strange place even longer than us, so he could probably do with some rest too," and he doesn't have a lick of subtlety or discretion. "He can catch Yasmin up on what she missed out on in that flask world and they can both keep an eye on the haul."

That would signal the end of her contributions to planning, however, and once any further conversation about the subject had concluded she would leave with the group. It was only a search party for Ilias, and, while she was slightly worried about him, she was confident that he couldn't have gotten into too much trouble in a day. Unless he had run around yelling their names or something. Or accidentally let slip that he was associated with Yasmin and been taken by the guards for questioning. Or... On second thought, it was probably best that she not go too far down that line of logic.

Instead, she would lag behind just long enough to tease Rabi a bit more. "Just make yourself at home while you're here, if you get tired you can sleep on my bed," she said aloud and pointed toward the mattress, and then leaned in closer to quietly whisper to the youth. "And if you've got to rub one out after seeing the lovebirds, I recommend the washroom. I don't know if we have any left, but you're welcome to the junirants if you prefer them. Just try to be quiet while you're at it." She delivered in the most innocent and understanding tone she could muster. Before he could respond, she rushed to return to the departing group, barely keeping herself from audibly snickering. She had high hopes for Rabi as the new target for most of her teasing, but she also hoped that she would still have Ilias as a back up before the night was through.

Make sure ye flask gets deposited in the chest, no matter who has it. Can't have them getting caught with a stolen item on them. Give the bracelet to Yasmin. Finally, go with the group (whether it's just Safiya, Nadim, and herself, or whether Yasmin or Rabi insists on going with them) and search for Ilias!

Stats: 37 stealth and 31 perception (with lucky) just in case either of them come up. I'd throw up the cheat sheet but I assume some other stuff will probably happen before ACTION and ADVENTURE and RAPING RABI IN THE SHOWER.
Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

Xara: HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 38, Status = Pregnant

"I... will?" replied Rabi to Xara's reassurance that he would get used to such an event. His mouth crinkled. "So they do this all the time?" the effeminate blonde whispered back to the bunnygirl.

"It really wasn't -that-! We were just a little... uhh, frustrated, is all," huffed Yasmin after hearing the Void Rabbit's comment about her session with Nadim.

"Frustrated, huh? Well, that's one way of putting it," quipped Safiya. "But this just reminds me that we need to put our next pool of gold towards a better place... or one with a few rooms, at least, so we don't have to walk in on this every other day. I'm sure Ilias wouldn't be happy about it, having just made the shower room and all, but I think this chest full of loot might just change his mind when we do find him."

"I-It's fine, really!" exclaimed Rabi, forcing a smile. "It's not as if they knew that we would be back so soon... or even that I would be coming along. I've probably troubled everyone here to begin with, considering what you and Miss Xara have already done for me."

"Don't say that," insisted the taller blonde. "It's what any half decent person would have done, and besides, you've caused less of a headache for me over an entire day than what these two have in a few seconds."

"Harsh..." whined Yasmin, frowning. "Besides, if you had a boyfriend--err, girlfriend, I'm pretty sure you'd do the same thing too."

This caused Safiya to blush, though her expression immediately took on a look of protest. "A-As if! Don't lump me in with you two sex maniacs! Humping like rabbits... hmph! No offense, Xara. It's... just a saying."

Nadim grinned. "Xara's right though, I feel like she's got some kind of special effect on love lives," said the crimson-haired playboy cryptically, giving a wink in the bunnygirl's direction. He looked at her the same way he had before he claimed her the first time, like she was his prey, as if to imply that she was next. It appeared as if one time wasn't nearly enough for Nadim, and that he was intent on having a second or third fling with Xara, if not more. While he didn't explicitly mention it in front of the others, the look he gave her easily said as much, on an instinctual level rather than a social one. "And yeah, in hindsight I'm glad that we didn't end up on a fruitless quest. But I'm sure Ilias couldn't have gone too far, so sure, we can help with that."

Once the chest was opened, however, Yasmin perked up immediately, her attention quickly drawn to the promise of treasure and other shiny things. It was no secret that she had a weakness for jewelry and other fashionable accessories, and that quality of hers wasn't to change anytime soon. "Ooh, what's tha... WOW! Where did you get all of those?!" she cried, hurrying towards the open container with just the sheet covering her top, which in turn left her backside exposed, along with the rest of Nadim.

Rabi blushed and turned his head to the side, though whether he was doing so because of Yasmin or because of Nadim, both of whom were fairly good-looking and well-built for their age, was hard to tell.

Thanks to her focus on the piles of valuable objects, the lavender-haired girl was almost blindsided by Xara's toss of the serpentine bracelet in her direction, only looking up and catching it just in time. "Kyah!" she cried out, though her eyes sparkled when she saw what was in her hands. "Is this... for me?" Her gaze stuck onto the bunnygirl perhaps longer than was comfortable, somewhat suspiciously at first, but afterwards she held it close to her body, averting her eyes elsewhere. "Thanks..." she muttered quietly, in apparent confusion as to why the Void Rabbit would do such a thing.

However, it did look as though the action didn't go unappreciated, by the way Yasmin held onto her gift. Xara's last explanation regarding her 'generous' action caused the other girl to ease up a bit, and she responded in a knowing tone, as if she knew the reason all along. "I guess you're right. I thought I was done for," proclaimed the most fashionable one of the group. Her expression went from her usually sassy one around the bunnygirl to a more neutral one as she examined her reward.

"That's actually a good idea," replied Safiya, nodding towards Xara. "Rabi could certainly use the rest, I'm sure, and there's no use putting any more of us in danger. Alright then, it's been decided. You, me, and Nadim will split up to look for him. But if you don't find him within an hour or two, come right back and we can take care of it later, alright?" She threw her cloak back on and waved them along.

Nadim gave Yasmin and hug and a kiss before following. The lavender-haired girl returned the loving gestures half-heartedly, as she now seemed more interested in combing through the chest of shiny objects, having finally noticed them. The flask went into the chest, as Xara intended, but it wouldn't keep the other girl from continuing to look through whatever was inside, occasionally stopping to admire the armlet she had been given--it was gold, while most of what was in the trunk was silver.

Rabi smiled at Xara, nodding. "T... Thank you. I never thought I'd get to sleep in a warm bed ever again, after I was thrown in jail, there. And I have you to thank for it," said the youth, quick to move forward to hug the Voidic thief with no shortage of sincerity in his gratitude.

Her following lines, however, didn't appear to do their job in getting the correct reaction out of him. Not immediately, anyway. "Rub... one out? Oh, you have junirants? Well, if you don't mind, sure! It's been a while since I had one..."

Then he allowed the meaning of it all to sink in a little more, and a blush formed upon his cheeks as he quickly entered a state of fervent denial. "N-N-N-No! I couldn't possibly do such a thing in your home, Miss Xara! That's... I mean, it's so gracious of you to offer but why... aaaaa... uuh, I can't," he stammered, waving his hands at chest level.

With the teasing properly accomplished, the bunnygirl was then free to leave with Safiya and Nadim. The group did split up midway through it all, however, and Xara found herself combing through increasingly familiar streets. She received the route closest to their hideout, and thus technically the safest, as she was the newest member of the gang. Despite it being a poorer part of town, it was quiet--most had already gone to sleep by this time.

Fifteen minutes of searching and she had found nothing. But the turn of another corner on her patrol had Xara spotting someone that could easily pass as Ilias, if it wasn't him already; a cloaked figure about six feet tall. He hadn't noticed her yet, as his back was turned, but he was clearly searching for her, going so far as to move over random stacks of broken crates or debris. "Xara? Please tell me you're here... damnit! Of all the things I could possibly lose, ever again..."
Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

The void rabbit didn't add anything else of value to the conversation. She didn't bother mentioning that Yasmin was only going to be allowed to take her own cut's worth of jewelry, Safiya would probably put the girl in her place regarding the loot later and so Xara saw no point in ruining the woman's mood now. She did, however, meet Nadim's look, and her own expression was of anything but that of prey. The charming redheaded thief might think that he was going to build his own little harem among their group, and for some reason perhaps related to her voidic instincts part of Xara respected and maybe was even attracted to that, but if he thought he was going to be able to have her anytime he wanted then he was plainly wrong. No, Nadim was going to have to work for that sort of control. And if he wasn't careful then he'd find himself on the bottom during their next little encounter.

When it came time, she left with the others. She made no complaint when the trio split up, hoping that Ilias couldn't have gotten into enough trouble in a single day to merit all three of them needing to be there when they found him. Her choice to go along with their plan was rewarded all the more when she was the one that found the cloaked craftsman searching and calling for her -- and only her for that matter -- as a feeling of combined relief and mischief washed over her. Another feeling washed over her as well but it was a little less family friendly than the other two. Combined, her sudden mix of emotions encouraged her to promptly try to fulfill all three and simultaneously reward him for caring enough about her to search for her like he was.

Rather than calling out to Ilias and alerting him to her presence, she crept up as close as she could possibly get behind him. And once she was as close as she could get, she shoved a finger up against his back and tried to pass it off as a blade being pointed into his cloak. "Shh," she hushed him, and afterward she began whispering with no attempt to disguise her voice from him. "This is a mugging. Step into an alley and give me what I want and you won't get hurt."

Stats: 37 stealth and 31 perception (with lucky), if it counts.
Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

Xara: HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 38, Status = Pregnant

Stealth Check:
Xara rolled a 6 (+37 Stealth) = 43
Ilias rolled a 2 (+20 Perception) = 22.
Xara wins.

Xara found Ilias easier to sneak up on than she might have first expected. He was far too distracted--ironically, by thoughts of her--and apparently too distressed to even notice her approaching from behind. The considerably shorter thief caught him when he was looking beneath an empty cart parked to one edge of the road. After she pressed her finger against his back, he put his hands up and rose slowly. Without yet turning to face her, the young man took a deep breath in, then out, pausing. After he heard the shushing, he interrupted her. "Listen. Don't know why I'm telling you this. But two people who are really important to me, like you wouldn't ever understand, just... disappeared earlier today, and I won't go back home until I absolutely know that they're safe. You're making this search so much harder than it already is. So tell me what you want already. Money? It's in my right pocket. Take it. Just let me go after this. I've got things to do," he explained with a sigh, shaking his head.
Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

"Is that so?" She replied with a little bit of vocal surprise, and yet after his words she was even more determined to follow her initial plan through given the craftsman's impressive display of care for Safiya and her. The taller thief's interruption didn't change her strategy of not even attempting to mask her voice as she continued. "Okay then, I'll just take what I want and you can get on with your search." And then, probably to his surprise, she pressed her body, most notably her breasts, into his back and her free hand, which was to say the one not posing as a knife, crept around his front and slipped into his pants. The mischievous void rabbit began to play with his cock without delay, attempting to rouse the already distressed man into a full erection even as she continued to hold him at "knife" point.

"But since what I want is you, I think we're going to want to do this in an alley, Ilias," she added after a few moments of that, finally dropping the charade, for the most part at least, as her other hand moved to join its counterpart and began to fondle his balls. "Of course we could do it right here, if that's more your thing."
Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

Xara: HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 38, Status = Pregnant

"Wait, w-what--ah..." Ilias stuttered as he felt the sensation of Xara's soft bosom pressing against his lower mid back. His sizeable member was limp when she grabbed ahold of it through the inside of his pocket, but thanks to some shameless manipulation of the sensitive organ on her part, it wasn't long before his blood got flowing, and she'd soon find a more substantial object in her grasp. "Xara?" he finally guessed, as no one else would likely have approached him in such a manner. But thanks to the way she touched him, along with her recognizable voice and scent, it didn't take long for the carpenter to confirm such a guess.

"Uuuhh!" he grunted, instinctively pushing his hips up further into the Void Rabbit's ministrations, and reaching back with both hands. He stumbled forward a few steps as if to loosen her grip so that he might be able to turn around and hug her, but thanks to Xara's firm grip, along with a second hand she added by which to massage his jewels, he simply ended up taking her with. As they were just a few paces from the nearest alley, it wasn't long before the pair found themselves just short of it, with Ilias hunched over, two hands on the nearest wall, panting. "X-Xara!" he cried out, finally managing to loose her grip and turn around.

Immediately, he picked her up into a tight, meaningful hug. "I've been looking all over for you," he said in a cracked voice, holding her body close to his own. The potential romance of the moment was, however, somewhat dulled by the awkwardness of his now erect, clothed member pressing up against Xara's own nethers. Ilias didn't even notice as much until after the blunder, with the friction of their bodies against each other and the dome of his tent poking against Xara's crotch had perhaps done just enough to arouse her, provided she was in the mood to tolerate such an offense. "Sorry, I..." He started his apology, only to remember that she was the cause for his raging erection, and without saying anything more, set her down and leaned forward, kissing her deeply.

The urgency in his passionate gesture told Xara all it needed to about how much he had been missing her over such a relatively short amount of time. One might never guess such an aloof individual to be able to express themselves so fervently, but Xara had somehow brought that side of him out, with his lips pressed tightly against hers, his head tilted to the side as he gave no small amount of effort in showing the Void Rabbit how precious she was to him. In Deun, even public displays of affection were typically looked down upon, and while the streets appeared to be empty--at least for the time being--Ilias didn't seem to care in the slightest. They were out in the open now, and if Xara wanted to encourage such behavior from the taller thief, even in such a risky public situation, it wouldn't take much effort on her part.
Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

"Who's this Xara? She sounds funny and smart and charming and pretty and I'm sure it'd be a joy to meet her, but I've never heard of her!" As the void rabbit replied, her hands began to actively stroke Ilias shaft through the cloth of his pocket and at the same time began to enjoy the act more than strictly necessary. The petite thief was quickly becoming aroused by mere proximity to the craftsman, pressed against his back as she was and able to smell him with every breath she took. And since she had already wanted the man so badly, her arousal was most evident in how she pressed on without concerns or inhibitions or even the slightest worry that someone might be watching them. After all, it was most likely more private in an alley at that particular time of night than it was in their little home.

"Nope, I'm just your average everyday attacker. Your body or your life," she added, pressing more of herself against him as if to accentuate the point and hanging on even as he attempted to stumble away from her. But when he finally managed to break free of her grip and pulled her into a hug, she certainly didn't resist. The void rabbit even did her best to wrap her arms around him and return the gesture. "I noticed," she replied to his initial comment. "And for the record, I make it a point not to hang out under too many piles of garbage." Though she teased him, the evidence of how much he cared about her only made her squeeze him all the tighter. And maybe he wasn't the first to care about her, with how kind Safiya and even Nadim, to some extent, had been, but Ilias had a certain charm about him.

When she felt his stiffened cock rubbing against her own crotch through the barrier of both of their clothing, she pushed her hips back against him in turn. It didn't take long at all until her sex began to dampen in anticipation. Maybe it was love, maybe it was lust, or maybe it was just experimentation, but she hadn't believed herself capable of desiring the craftsman as much as she did right then. When he set her down and began to apologize, a light blush formed on her cheeks and she managed to reply with one word before he pushed his lips against hers. "Dummy."

The fact that it was public affection certainly didn't bother Xara, and it was likely to be the least of their crimes against Deunic laws and cultural decorum that night. Especially as she grabbed at his hand and began to guide it down her tummy, slipping it into her pants, under her panties, and toward her needy sex, both to show him how wet he made her and to urge him to do something about it. She, of course, repaid the favor in kind, slipping her free hand down his pants and wrapping it more directly around his cock, mimicking his own speed and tempo with her pussy in how she stroked his shaft.

But that wasn't enough for her, after the kiss had gone on for so long and they had shared their mutual masturbation for the duration of it, she pulled her hand away and his at the same time. Grabbing him by the wrists, she attempted to drag the taller thief along with her toward the abandoned alley. If he came along with her, she would make it all of five steps before she couldn't take it anymore. "Big sis and Nadi are out looking for you, but they said that if they couldn't find you in a few hours they'd head back home," she practically panted with need between each word. "But Yasmin is at home, so this is as private as it's going to get."

As if to punctuate her words, she began to sink to her knees, nuzzling Ilias's chest and stomach on her steady descent. And once she was at eye level with the man's crotch, she began to desperately tug at his pants, trying to get them down just far enough to expose his erection. "You showed me how much you cared about me, so let me show you how much I care about you." And barring any efforts by Ilias to halt the void rabbit, he would shortly find himself buried to the hilt in the bunny-girl's mouth.
Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

Xara: HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 38, Status = Pregnant

Ilias' attempts to make an appropriately witty response to Xara's quips ultimately ended in failure as he gasped and released a soft grunt at her touch. His breathing had become stunted and gradually more audible by the second.

"Hnngkk...! Hahh, hahh... X-Xara," he sputtered, trying to complete the sentence as his warm member swelled in her petite palm, soon growing hard enough for penetration. The bunnygirl hadn't even made direct skin-to-skin contact, but she might as well have been, with how aroused her lover had become. He was, understandably, a little sweaty, having frantically searched for her all night up until that moment, but it only served to strengthen his natural scent, which only helped to arouse Xara in a more direct way than it would have done for another human. Similarly, her natural pheromones did much to excite Ilias, but she would have hardly needed them at all to get him this hard or assertive towards her. Instead, her magnetic fragrance only guaranteed that he would act on his need for her touch right then and there, as opposed to anytime later.

And when he kissed her, he had done so with such a high sense of urgency. Xara had never felt so wanted by another person before, not once in her lifetime, even during her previous session with him and the other male thief. Where others in the past might have disparaged her for being a 'subhuman', none of that was even a thought in the carpenter's mind as he embraced her with no lack of sincerity. Ilias had almost lost her, or so he thought, and a night of anguish and despair had ended with great relief. But along with that was a renewed vow to treasure her more than ever before, to never relinquish her again. With that kiss he claimed her for himself, and Xara could practically feel as much as he went on. His tongue found hers and danced with it as his hands moved from her shoulders down to her sides, somewhat clumsily, but needily nonetheless. It provided a tremendous contrast to the dispassionate young man she had first laid eyes upon just days ago, but apparently she had brought out that side of him. It wasn't frightening in the slightest though, certainly not in the way Nadim's aura of lust might have done. By the firm, yet gentle embrace of his strong arms, he merely meant to let her know that she was safe with him--that he would protect her at all costs.

He made no complaints when the diminutive Void Rabbit grabbed his hand and guided his fingertips down the smooth skin of her stomach, eventually allowing them to meet her dampened petals. It told him all he needed to know about the state of her arousal, which he appreciated in no small amount. Continuing off her initial motion, Ilias began to stroke at her pink crevice with care, causing her juices to flow in higher abundance. In exchange, his own hips would automatically rise at the more intimate touch of her fingers directly upon his cock. Given Ilias' hardness along with the other bodily signs of his ongoing ascent into heavenly bliss, Xara knew that she was doing a sufficient job of driving him to the same levels of need as she felt deep inside. His touch still bore the mark of inexperience, as he occasionally missed her clit while toying with her on the outside and didn't quite manage to pin her G-spot down when his digits did sink into her slick depths, but he still tended to her with a degree of kindness and care, such that even the vastly more skilled Nadim's touch paled in comparison. By the time their mutual masturbation session was cut short thanks to the bunnygirl's urging, the two of them were practically panting alike. Xara had soaked through her panties and part of her bottoms had even soaked up a small amount of her secretions, and Ilias' rock-hard manhood had dribbled a trace amount of precum.

"Uhh... uh-huh, hnff," murmured the young man as he went right along into the alley with her, his own patience perfectly matching that of his lovely mate. "Okay." He simply nodded at her words, giving her short, breathless responses, and it wasn't quite clear if he understood them at first, given how focused he was on her. Ilias' body wasn't one to keep the Void Rabbit waiting. His shaft sprung forth as soon as she pulled his trousers down far enough to expose it, no doubt aching for her attentions. The thirst for her to do something about it was confirmed, but certainly not quenched, when she took his manhood into her mouth, and a single glance upward would treat her to the sight of Ilias' eyes widening, with a deep blush having overcome his face. He tilted his head upwards with a deep sigh of pleasure upon feeling the sensation of his most sensitive organ invited to the warmth of her mouth, and the large bead of precum waiting upon the tip of his manhood met the center of her tongue. Xara's tastebuds caught a slightly salty flavor from his first dose of juice, but it was one she was certainly familiar with by now. It wasn't the first time she had pleased him orally, and yet the feelings he had towards her were different, stronger than ever before. While curiosity mixed with lust might have been an appropriate descriptor for their first encounter, there was something different about this time around. Xara could feel it, and the one standing before her could too.

From there, Ilias allowed Xara to do as she pleased with him. Not that she needed to try very hard at all to get the reactions she wanted out of the man, but regardless, every bit of effort she put forth was rewarded in kind with a noticeably louder response from her lover. Though he rocked back and forth gently, perhaps due to his body's urgings more than anything, he allowed her to work at his own pace, caressing the sides of her neck gently and stroking the ebon locks framing her face. "Uuuhhh--... ohhh, X... Xara! Nnnngh, hauhh..." he groaned, shuffling until his back met the alley wall, so that he wouldn't simply fall over from the nearly overwhelming degree of bliss she was granting him with her mouth alone. He held nothing back as far as his reactions went, completely honest to her in them, as gasp and twitch he made was there for the bunnygirl to see and feel. "Oooohhhh, uuhhnngg, hahhff, aah, nnnnggh!" While he tried his best to hold on, it wasn't terribly long before Xara could sense the taller thief getting close, given the way his muscles tensed and relaxed. "Xara, I, w-wait! Nnnhuh!" At first, his intermittent jerks and twitches had done so in time with her bobbing motions, but as the petite beauty redoubled her efforts, she'd find that the reactions had begun to speed up along with her partner's breathing, growing more erratic in nature as she brought him closer and closer to the edge.

However, Ilias would never allow her to take him to that point. Not like this, noticing that his own fingers were still coated with the girl's secretions. Though she sucked on him with extraordinary effort, which definitely did not go unappreciated, the carpenter somehow managed to pull her away from his newly glistening pole, denying her the primary load of his seed for the time being. After catching his breath, he lifted the bunnygirl to her feet, gently placed her back against the wall and looked into her eyes. "Xara, I.. want, uh, hahh," he admitted, stumbling over his own words. His attempts at coherent speech didn't work very well, not in the mental state she had brought him to. But it was easy enough for her to simply guess what was next, which spared Ilias the trouble of spelling out for the Void Rabbit what he wanted to do; take her for himself and share the feeling of ecstasy with her. Dropping to his knees, he returned the favor in pulling Xara's bottoms down halfway, exposing her pussy to the cool night air. Her sensitive nethers would find themselves heated up soon enough, however, as Ilias leaned forward, treating her to the wet warmth of his tongue. As with before, he had not the skill of Nadim, but tried in earnest nonetheless to prepare her for what was to come. A few short licks upon her swollen petals soon turned into longer, more engaged strokes, and before long he had resorted to steady lapping upon the bunnygirl's increasingly wet cunny, with his hands reaching upwards to fondle her chest at the same time, ensuring that she was taken care of on multiple fronts.

While his oral attentions wouldn't quite take Xara there just yet, they would be more than sufficient to get her on the right track. After getting her properly worked up to where her juices had begun running down her inner thighs, he rose to his feet once more, and even a quick look downwards informed the Voidic beauty that Ilias had managed to stay hard by sheer virtue of the sounds she made for him. The gaze he fixed upon her wasn't any less passionate than before--if anything, it was more so, after the foreplay had gotten the both of them to a point of readiness. He placed his hands on the shorter one's hips, physically lifting her up so that she was roughly eye level with him, and carefully guided her back to the wall, effectively trapping her between the building and his impressive frame. Slipping a hand down to align himself with her, he gave Xara a meaningful look before easing himself forward with a deep sigh. "Nnnnnhh... uuhh, Xara," he groaned as his member parted her lower lips and slid into her heavenly depths. He struggled to fight off a short bout of lightheadedness as he hilted himself inside of her, with nothing else to worry about. Not that anything else mattered. There wasn't anyone watching or in the way. It was just the two of them, free to indulge in each other. It was quiet, almost too quiet, but that didn't seem to bother him in the least. The sounds of the couple's heavy breaths alternating with one another echoed through the alley as Ilias began to move.

Pinned against the wall as she was, Xara might have felt a little helpless, but she certainly didn't feel threatened or unsafe with Ilias there for her. While the taller thief did control the pace for the most part, she could adjust her position as she wished, but if she didn't choose, or opted to trust him with the matter instead, she'd find her legs being pushed up and back, her heels resting on his shoulders to allow for deeper penetration. Every thrust caused a ripple of undeniable pleasure to travel through Xara's body, and her sense of balance to practically spin thanks to Ilias' honest efforts. Try as she might, it became practically impossible for her to stay completely quiet, and the same proved true for Ilias as he fought the urge to cum inside her right away. The duo's calls of pleasure grew louder in the night, with the wet, rhythmic slap of their hips adding to the series of sounds they made together. "Ooohhuhh... ah, hnnng!" he moaned, leaning forward to meet her in a kiss as he rutted her steadily. Given her position, the bunnygirl was free to focus on her lover alone and the sensations they shared, with no one there to walk in on them, no one there to interrupt.

Or so it seemed, for the span of the first few minutes. Xara found herself tossed about in a sea of bliss before a sobering yell, from a thunderous voice--one not belonging to Ilias--pulled her from it all, interrupting the kiss that they had only just begun to share.

"Hey! What's going on here?!"

A quick look around would tell her that the sweating craftsman was still joined with her, in the same position as before. But Ilias' face was frozen with a shocked expression, as if caught red handed in the act of doing something inappropriate and illegal. And really, they were. Slowly his eyes glanced to the side as a figure on the adjacent street from the alley, holding a lantern, stood maybe fifteen paces from where the two were mating. It was a city guard, one of the night shift. The man's eyes widened in disbelief, he too could only gawk at the sight of a pair humping like rabbits in the middle of the night, in relative public no less. The nerve! If the guard's expression could talk, it would have said as much. Even then, once he managed to regain control over his vocal faculties, he used them anyway. "What in Gallahn's name! This is illegal! M-Matters like these are for the home, you... sexual deviants! You're under arrest!" His voice was loud, enough to rouse some of the sleeping populace as the footsteps of others, presumably sentries on the same shift, could be heard approaching from down the road. The man began to approach the pair.

For a moment, it was as if Ilias couldn't move. The two of them would be sent to jail, or so it seemed, for giving into temptation the way they did without consideration for the general public. A look of regret crossed the carpenter's features as the gears turned in his head. He gave her an apologetic look... but just a second later, it changed. While his new expression wasn't any less solemn, his eyes held more fire than before. No, the two of them wouldn't be sent to prison for this kind of thing, if he had anything to say about it. "Wrap your arms around my neck and, uh, hold on tight," he whispered to her. Xara felt the young man's strong hands support her bottom, and after slowly stepping out of his trousers, which were bunched up at his ankles, he moved her from the wall, still carrying her as he turned, exposing his backside to the carefully approaching guard, whose look of disbelief under the lantern's dim light was there for the bunnygirl to see, as she looked over her lover's shoulder. And with that, Ilias began to run.

It was no light jog, either--this was a full-out sprint intended to lose their pursuers. Each powerful stride that the taller thief took caused Xara to bounce up and down his shaft as she held on, and yet his length ensured that he didn't accidentally slip out of her during their escape. Angry yells from the first sentry and his cohorts could be heard as they began to give chase, and given the Void Rabbit's position, she was in a perfect place to notify Ilias of just how close they were. Like many in the town guard, they weren't exactly out of shape compared to most individuals, so they were much harder to shake than the pair might have liked. In addition, their incessant yells caused much of the public to wake and look out their windows at the absurd scene that had begun to unfold. Ilias took several sharp turns, and while it might have been ideal to restrict movement to alleyways, he simply didn't have time to pick and choose given the officials in hot pursuit. Because of that, they wound up in the open street at several points in time, with Xara bouncing up and down on Ilias' rock-hard shaft, the panicked carpenter somehow managing to stay erect even as his legs worked hard to take the two of them away to a more private area. Regardless, dozens of eyes had, if only for a moment, taken in the sight of a tall man running pantsless with a petite girl clinging to him in a most lewd, exhibitionist act.

Not that Ilias cared, as the foremost priority in his mind had become immediate escape. He wouldn't be able to climb very well with Xara in tow, so he had to rely on proper cornering and pure speed to lose their pursuers. Given his tall frame and long legs, eventually he made some good distance, though it was understandably difficult for the Void Rabbit to stay quiet when her partner began to run up several flights of stone stairs in the process, changing his deep, long thrusts inside of her to shorter, rapid ones, which did quite well in sending her ever closer to orgasm if she hadn't cum already. Somehow, the mix of panic and adrenaline kept Ilias from properly reaching climax as he ran. It was a good fifteen minutes--or something close to it--before they had finally found a moment of respite, with the two of them taking refuge up high on a rooftop thanks to some conveniently located stairs, which kept Ilias from having to climb. He fell onto his backside, panting and dizzy, as Xara remained impaled upon his soaked shaft. By the time the guards had been lost, it was difficult to even tell where they were.

"Hahh... hahh... a-are you alright? S-Sorry, I had to lose them. No way I was gonna... hahh, let us get caught for something like that," remarked Ilias between labored breaths. "Who knows what kinda punishment we woulda---nnnnggh..." But now that immediate danger was out of the way, an aching sensation arose in his groin as his body struggled to deal with the fact that he hadn't yet reached climax, despite the sustained level of stimulation for an extended period of time. "Uuhnngghh," grunted Ilias, his face taking on a defined grimace.
Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

The void rabbit wasn't slow in lavishing her attentions on Ilias's rod. She was well past interest in foreplay and delayed only long enough to allow her mouth to become used to his length again. The petite thief started by wrapping both hands around his shaft and giving short, quick pumps as she enveloped his tip with her lips and began to run her tongue in circles around the head of his cock. Xara maintained eye contact as best she could as mere moments later one hand slid from his shaft to cup his heavy testicles, giving them a gentle squeeze in the process, and her remaining hand and mouth both moved deeper onto his cock. It wasn't much longer than that before her other hand left slip down her tummy and handle the burning need in her own crotch and it was her mouth taking his entire length in long, drawn out bobs of her head.

It would've probably been quite a sight for anyone else watching, and it almost certainly was for Ilias. The bunnygirl on her knees kneeling before her much taller partner, one hand in her own pants and feverishly masturbating to the lewd act she was performing and the other cradling the man's balls, all while her upper body swayed back and forth with the motions of her head as she sucked his cock in an almost worshipful fashion. Xara felt anything but submissive in her position though. She reveled in her ability to make the aloof, serious member of their group reveal this impassioned, vulnerable side of himself. His every groan only pushed her to try to coax more from him--in more ways than one. That he she was fostering feelings for him that she had fostered for no other certainly didn't hurt, either.

After so long, the strain of attempting to keep her eyes on her partner's as she went deeper and deeper on his length caused her to give that up. Xara instead closed her eyes in order to better focus on the feeling of the throbbing shaft in her mouth. It was easy enough to tell that the taller thief was getting closer just by the motions of his body, even without the visual cues. Between his own increasing excitement and that the work of her own hand rubbing against her clit was quickly bringing her closer and closer to orgasm she opted to skip playing with his balls and instead chose to simply continue with what worked. She was so dedicated to her efforts that she mistook his call to wait as a sign that he was ready to cum. She gave a muffled "mmph" in approval and then took his length to the hilt and held herself their, her lips so close to the base of his shaft that her nose was buried against his crotch.

This left her completely surprised when he removed her without ever reaching his own peak, which would become pleasant surprise as he led her into their next position. As he spoke, the petite thief looked at him with recognition born of being in the same lust-drunk haze as the carpenter and breathlessly whispered; "Me too." The void rabbit's sex glistened with need as he pulled her bottoms free. It took only the first stroke of his tongue before she was pushing her hips toward his mouth and cooing wantonly with pleasure. "Mm, you're -- nnf -- getting really good at this," she sighed happily as she rested a hand in his hair. Now it seemed that she had quite the view, with the bigger, stronger male between her legs for the purpose of pleasuring her.

Between her own ministrations while she had been servicing him and his efforts to return the favor, it didn't take long before he reached his goal and she was as ready for him as she could possibly be. The look she gave him didn't lack for any of the passion or desire found in his. "So strong..." she cooed appreciatively as the carpenter lifted her by the hips. At his adjustments and his meaningful look, she only offered a slight nod and a smile. And when he penetrated her in full and groaned his pleasure at the feeling of her inner walls greedily accepting his length, she took the opportunity to grab the back of his head and try to pull him into a similarly greedy kiss.

But when the kiss came to an end she relinquished control to him, finding herself thoroughly distracted by the pleasant feeling of his cock inside her. She did her best to make the position adjustment easier, moving her legs with his guidance to end with them resting on his shoulders and bracing her hands on the wall behind her to help assuage the little bit of nervousness that remained at the prospect that he might drop her. As he began to thrust, she proved incredibly thankful for her handholds on the walls. Ilias was so spirited in his actions that there was very little she could do to actively contribute to the experience beyond bucking her hips toward him in timing with his own thrusts and maintaining her own balance, so she did just that. And as she became more and more involved in the act, she found herself forgetting exactly where they were. "Nn, Ilias!" she cooed very vocally in her approval of his methods. "So -- mm -- good!"

"Hey! What's going on here?!"

The guard's arrival certainly put an end to the mood in a real hurry. At first, Xara could only offer the man a stunned stare, still penetrated as she was, having completely forgotten that the two had been rutting in public. Her look very much matched that of a rabbit surprised by the sudden arrival of a predator. It didn't take too long before her mind reasserted itself however, albeit not in the form of a cunning escape plan. "Would you, ah, believe that we both tripped? And that our pants fell off when it happened? And my legs ended up above his shoulders?" She gave a slight wiggle of one of her feet, almost as if waving at the offended guard from its perch near Ilias's ear.

While her first thought might not have been an escape plan, she didn't intend to go quietly anymore than Ilias did. She did, however, expect that he would allow her off of his cock before they began running. The void rabbit managed to get as far as shifting so that her legs were around him instead of on his shoulders and her arms were wrapped around his neck before they were off and running. Not sure what else to do given the sheer absurdity of the situation, she called out to the guard who seemed about as stunned by the latest turn of events as she did. "B-bye!" She stammered her farewell due to a sudden, unexpected jolt of pleasure

What followed was perhaps the oddest situation she'd ever found herself in. The void rabbit was carried through the streets attached to Ilias by way of her legs, both his and her hands, and his shaft which was very steadily pounding away at her with each step. Perhaps more alarmingly, she found herself excited by the situation. The petite thief not only took pleasure in the feel of her partner's thrusts but also in the public nature of their tryst and Ilias's athleticism. Had she not busied herself by calling out his pursuers, Xara might have simply enjoyed their ridiculous romp through the city.

Her alarm and her own desire to avoid being jailed for their increasing crimes against public decency were the only thing that kept her from going over the edge on their escape. Once they hit the stairs that would lead them to their eventual hiding place and the alarm faded, she found herself unable to hold back any longer at the quickened thrusts. The bunnygirl went silent and she bit her lip and her head in Ilias's shoulder as her body began to convulse in a minor orgasm and waves of pleasure rolled through her. Somehow, though, that only frustrated her. All the teasing and foreplay and running and thrusting and the orgasm had proved underwhelming, and she was well past the point of feeling any shame when it came to satisfying her own desires after all that.

Which was why, after it was all said and done and Ilias collapsed onto his back with her still impaled, he wouldn't get to say too much before she pushed a finger to his mouth in a shushing manner. This time it was Xara's turn to adopt a predatory look. Without warning she grabbed his wrists and pulled his hands to her breasts, and then once he got the hint and began to grope her she dropped her own hands to his chest for balance. What followed next was anything but a slow buildup as she, in short order, began to work her hips and rapidly slide the slick walls of her pussy up and down his length. It wasn't long until she was riding her partner for all she was worth, trying to quickly build toward her second orgasm and the pleasure she felt she had been denied.

She was greedy enough in her endeavors that the bunnygirl didn't give Ilias's lack of an orgasm any thought at all. Her eager efforts to hump the carpenter until he couldn't feel his crotch were born entirely from a desire to reach her own peak. She proved remarkably quiet in her ministrations as well, although her gasps and moans increased in volume and frequency as she came closer to her climax. Despite her greed, however, it wasn't until Ilias's twitching cock finally loosed its load into her belly that she found that orgasm. The feeling of her partner's cum dousing her womb was what it would end up taking to finally send her over the edge.

And she went over with a bang. The ecstasy of her second orgasm was enough to make her feel like she was seeing stars. She babbled out a stream of words that included both 'Gallahn' and 'Ilias' as she spasmed atop him, all the while attempting to continue thrusting herself against him to both milk him and lengthen her own pleasure. Her expression was probably nothing short of absurd, with her mouth half-open and her eyes half-closed in the throes of bliss. She managed to extend her orgasm for several minutes before her convulsions began to die down. And once the adrenaline, the pleasure, and the rush all drained from her body, Xara collapsed limply atop Ilias.

"This was fun and all," the bunnygirl would start, once she had collected herself and her breath enough to speak. "But I think we need to move into a new hideout. With bedrooms." She would weakly try to roll off the craftsman after announcing that, though only so that she could lay beside him and look at the sky. "And... I think you're going to need a new pair of pants." It was task that she would take up in a few moments, given that through some hint of luck she still seemed to have hers. But in that particular moment she simply wanted to lay beside Ilias for a little while longer, assuming nothing conspired to prevent that from happening.