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A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

((To move... My typos are getting bloody ridiculous.))

Edging around to the other half of the room, Jen finds that it is as empty as the former asides from a foldable metal chair. She does however, freeze upon hearing footsteps behind her, footsteps that shouldn't exist...
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

Whirling about, Jen moves away quickly from the wall, incidentally moving herself closer to the red orb in the process. The whole time she backs away from the wall, Jen doesn't notice she's getting closer and closer to what would otherwise be something she would definitely want to at least poke with a long stick first before approaching
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

Backing away from the wall would prove to be a fatal mistake, as she suddenly finds herself in lifted up into the air, an arm that shouldn't have been there appearing around her neck. Someone was in this room, despite it being empty earlier, and that "someone" now had a strong hold on her.

"Kitty, kitty, I caught a kitty~"

Judging from the tone of the sing-song voice, it seemed that whoever had caught Jen was the same one that had let out the shrill screech, as well as a female...
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

Nyeeep! Jen exclaims as a startled noise before following her gut reaction: to duck her chin into the arm so it could strangle her before lifting her legs to let gravity try and slide her out of the person's reach.
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

(Congrats, you get a second update while I try to get some ideas so I can continue those of the others...)

Sliding out of the grasp one the one who had grabbed her, Jen turns around to see an exotic sight. A pink-haired woman with bat wings and a tail, dressed in erotic lingerie that matched with her silk black gloves and leather high heels. Whoever this was, it was obvious that the woman was a threat to the small girl, whether because of the superior height, or the discomforting hidden motives in her sing-song voice.

"Naughty kitty, don't you know that there's no where you can hide in our Lady's most lovely game?"
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

G-game? What s-sort of place is this? The p-person r-r-running this kidnapped m-me because no one w-would care if I d-disap-p-p-peared, didn't they? Jen stutters out fearfully, the woman scares her, but at least she is more human looking than the blob from before and more human sounding than the things in the other rooms.
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

(o_O;; I think I need new dice...)

"Silly kitty...don't you know what happens to cat burglars after they've been caught?"

A smile on the woman's face before she reappeared behind Jen, the demonic humanoid whispers the last part of her statement in a sensual manner into the small girl's ear before beginning to feel her up. Running gloved hands up and down the girl's naked body...

"They get tied up...then have their life slowly sucked out of them..."
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

Nyeeeeiiiii! Jen cries out as she tries the woman's hands away and scuttle away from her. She does not want to be near the woman. She is scary, and she looks like she wants to get herself off by hurting Jen.

(now if only I could think of some way that she would actually think of using the knife instead of running...)
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

Jen struggles against her captor's grip, but to no avail, finding the woman to be far stronger than she seemed.

"Stop squirming little kitty, and I can make this a lot more pleasureable for you... If you don't..."

It is then that Jen begins to feel her strength being sapped away, as if the woman holding her was "draining her life away", as she said she would earlier. Whispering in the girl's ear the continuation of the threat, it became obvious to Jen that if she would not satisfy the 'demon' in one way, the latter would have her way in another.

"I'll have to do this instead...and this has the potential to be much more painful... understand?"

(Critical hit!

Jen's Stamina Status: Yellow)
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

With that, Jen flies into a blind panic, trying to drop herself downward and out of the woman's grasp. Struggling about her arms try and push the woman back, a task that could be much more offensive than Jen thinks as she has forgotten the knife she had pulled off of the first corpse which is still gripped in one hand.
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

(The hell, 10 for the succubi?...and a 4 for you.)

Unfortunately for Jen, her attempt at escape is foiled once again as the succubus tightened its grip on the small girl, restraining her movement as its other hand forcibly pried the dagger away.

"Dangerous toys like these should be thrown away...like this!"

Tossing the dagger to the other side of the room, the pink-haired woman begin tracing her fingers down Jen's chest with her free hand, her voices becoming very sultry...

"Now then my pet...are you ready to be a good kitty for me?..."
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

Jen just starts to whimper as she tries to wriggle free. I don't want to die. She murmurs in fear, afraid of what the woman will to do her for the sake of pleasure.
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

Seeming to grow annoyed as the small girl it held continued to struggle, the succubus began to drain Jen's energy once again, this time at a much faster rate when compared to that of before.

"Such a bad kitty, it looks as if I'm going to have to take you home and teach you to be obedient to your masters..."

Beginning to black out, the last things Jen heard before her strength began to leave her completely seemed to be the sound of thunder outside, and being dropped by the one that held her as her vision faded...


When Jen awoke, she found herself awaking in what appeared to be an ambulance of sorts, now clothed and laying atop the lap of a rather striking white-haired woman, who was stroking her hair fondly. Staring into a pair of soft, blue eyes, the girl felt oddly secure for a moment, as if the woman she was resting upon seemed to signify safety alone with her mere presence.
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Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

Nyei! Jen cries out before trying to tumble off the woman's lap and get away. No one ever touched her unless they wanted something and were planning on taking it.
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

Tumbling off of the woman's lap, Jen managed to cause the woman to let out a gasp of surprise as she backed away into a corner of the ambulance, slightly trembling in fright as a result of her own paranoia. Betraying the small girl's expectations however, the white-haired woman rose slowly from her seat, extending a hand to the girl and speaking in a soothing tone of voice, one that seemed genuinely kind as opposed to one of deception.

"It's okay...I won't hurt you..."
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

Jen shakes her head. The only people who act nice are those who demand stuff in response. Jen says in a near whisper, a few tears in her eyes as she tries to wedge herself further into the corner in a tighter ball with her face trying to hide behind her knees and with her arms wrapped around her legs
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

Realizing that the small girl had been through a lot, the white-haired woman continued her attempt to convince Jen that all was well...

"No one here wants anything from you except to help you...please understand..."
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

Jen shakes her head as she tries to make herself smaller. Memories flash by of a small diary by her mattress in the warehouse. The diary is an improvised affair, a thing made from the backs of stolen flyers and bound using some old string. Jen wrote in the thing whenever she found a pencil and would read it at times to look on the few good entries. The good entries were few, however, and there were others... Shaking her head again, Jen looks at the woman from behind her knees, fear evident in her eyes.
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

Letting out a sigh as she watched the girl shrink away even more, it was then that the white-haired woman moved closer, reaching a hand out to stroke the little girl's hair. Then, her voice becoming melodic in addition to soft, she began to sing...

"La petite poule grise L’it une p’tit’ poul’ une petite poule grise Qu’allait pondre dans l’ise Pondait un p’tit’ coco..."
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

Quivering, Jen simply sits there, flinching slightly at the woman's touch. Not knowing what the woman is saying she simply remains quiet, huddled in the corner as the vehicle continues on it's way.