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A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

(Yeah, tad sorry, but going to fast forward this a bit to prevent all out war between Eva and the rest of the survivors.)

Reina closed her eyes for a second, as if to see beyond her normal eye sight, seeming to enter a trance of sorts... then, reopened them, feigning a smile despite a slightly disturbing vision of a possible future which she saw.

"I believe...now."

It was about then that a driver in the front called back, to confirm Reina's 'predictions'.

"Mistress, we've arrived at the haven."

Smiling at the driver kindly, and making a slight bow, Reina thanked her subordinate for the work that had been done.

"All right, thanks for your hard work."

"Is there anything else you would like me to do?"

"Yes, please show this child through the other entrance if you would. There's something I need to take care of real fast."

Quickly apologizing to Jen for being unable to see her in herself, it was then that the white-haired woman opened the backdoor of the ambulance and skipped out of it daintly, as if in somewhat of a hurry...
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

Uncomfortable about going outside, Jen hesitates. Still, she eventually decides a building might be safer than a vehicle because she can at least hide more easily there. Quickly getting out of the vehicle, she carefully moves over to the building, trying to keep anything from noticing her and attacking out of the fog.
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

Moving over to the building while on the watch for anything that might possibly harm her, Jen finds herself arriving just short glass entrance soon enough, from where she could see Reina just inside. Unable to make out more than that without entering the line of sight of the others, it appeared that if Jen wished to find out more she would have to enter the building herself...

Either way, no matter what she chose to do, this would be the beginning of her time as a piece on the game board of a witch...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SCENARIO COMPLETE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

None are able to escape the sin in their veins...

(Jen has completed her scenario, and is now Level 3! Jen now has 6 additional stat points with which to upgrade her stats! Please allocate or save the points as you desire, state what you to do here, and update your character sheet to reflect upon your changes!)

(After posting how you'll add stats here, feel free to continue to the haven thread)
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

+2 to dex no points remaining.

Speed 10 -> 18
(In other words... Zoom zoom)