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A War of Blood Soaked Golden Wings (Kala;Blu)

Re: A War of Blood Soaked Golden Wings (Kala;Blu)

Kala had spoken to large groups before. At least, she had fragments of memory about it, and was certain that her role as a leader of the Magi forces would have necessitated such things. However, she was still nervous about making decisions that might affect the lives of all aquatic mamono, especially now that the celestial forces were knocking on their doorstep.

The diamond slime listened patiently and inclined her head slightly to the introduction of each of the esteemed representatives, and indulged a tiny smile as Pirupi waved hello. She had missed the sea slime and her child-like approach to the world. It was a shame that the current situation outside the temple would not make exceptions for any naivete.

She tried to remain impassive towards the immediate insult she received from the kraken, not intending to be goaded into a reactionary statement. The leader of the merrows did that for her, and in a moment, the temple chamber had become a back and forth argument without Kala being allowed a moment to get a word in edgewise.

The diamond slime did her best to follow the conversation from all sides, and to consider what had been said. She really hadn't been fully caught up on the specifics of the situation here, but she gathered quickly that many assumptions were being made, based on unfortunate loss of lives. She couldn't blame some her detractors for being mad. It was a difficult situation. Still, she could not agree to a plan that would abandon Undine, who was much like a mother to her in her new form. If not for the elemental, she would be lost in oblivion. Kala owed her much and would not hear of retreat.

"You are angry. Lives have been lost, and you fear - rightly - that more lives will be lost if you stay here and fight. You want to blame me, because it's easy to. After all, I'm an oddity, something else, and it would be simple to say that all you need to do is get rid of me, and then you'll be safe.

"The trouble is, that even the most angry of you, on a deep level, know that I am not the one to blame - that I'm not the one killing you. The angels are the ones doing that, and the demons too. This war that you hope to avoid is already upon you. It's been fought for ages and it never ended, it was just dormant, building, stoking the flames that will engulf the entire mamono race if we let them!

"This is a war between the angels and demons, and both humans and the various mamono factions are like chess pieces on their board. The angels were happy to use the Magi to do their dirty work for as long as they could, but by convincing the Magi to break away from them, we took away a powerful tool and forced the angel's hands.

"What they are doing now is a desperation move. Ask yourselves, why haven't they done this before? Direct intervention? There was a reason they didn't want to do that. Now, their only play is shock and awe. To give the impression that the heavens are opening up, and throw us into disarray. Because they know that if we unite, stand together, and combine our forces with the Magi, that they cannot defeat us - not without giving the demons a clear advantage.

"This is a test of our resolve. They want to break us. The demons want this too. Think about it. Suddenly the factions they've been manipulating are taking on choices of their own. Their grip on our lives, our world, is slipping through their fingers. Through unity we are strong, we are diamond, we are adamantite, and no force, neither of Heaven or Hell, can shatter us.

"If we run now, if we abandon our elemental Undine, we will never, ever have the power to fight for our own destiny. One by one, our communities will be hunted down and exterminated - or worse, enslaved by heartless entities such as Cleska.

"We must act with courage, fight together, or we will die alone. As I look around the room, even with those who would have done with me, I see strong, capable fighters. I have every confidence, that if we regard each other as sisters, with the love and strength born of a family under assault, that we can prevail. We have a duty, unto one another, and we can fulfill that duty. We shall defend our temple and our sea home. We shall weather the raging storm from above, and the tyranny of our would be oppressors. For years, if necessary.

"The mamono and the humans are both under this assault, and we are linked together in our cause and in our need. They too, knew the risks of heaven's wrath when they agreed to join our cause. They made that ultimate step, to fight this unavoidable struggle, that we did not ask for, but was brought to us nonetheless, not by myself or Undine or the Magi, but through the mad designs of Heaven and Hell. Together, humans and mamono can defend one another to the utmost of our strength. United, we shall not fail. We shall fight the angels in the air, on the Magi ships, we shall fight them in the seas and oceans. With growing strength and confidence, we shall defend the waters of our temple, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, the shallows, the rivers and the streams. We shall never surrender. For we are merely the first in a swelling movement that will cast off the shackles of the celestial planes. I ask you all to make this stand with me, not only for Undine, but for yourselves, to know that when your home is under attack, others will stand strong to fight for you in your hour of need. That hour has come. Fight with me for what is right."
Re: A War of Blood Soaked Golden Wings (Kala;Blu)

"The trouble is, that even the most angry of you, on a deep level, know that I am not the one to blame - that I'm not the one killing you. The angels are the ones doing that, and the demons too. This war that you hope to avoid is already upon you. It's been fought for ages and it never ended, it was just dormant, building, stoking the flames that will engulf the entire mamono race if we let them!

"Kala is correct, times have changed." Francis indicated. "We cannot hope for history to repeat itself as it always has. There are pieces in place now, influence by the gods that have thrown this neverending loop out of it's cycle. With the addition of the shards of fate, the more the shards on each side win their battles, the more they will create a cascading effect that will become unstoppable. The same goes for Kala, if we allow her this major victory against such an overwhelming foe."

Guru, riding Zerahylie's back, spoke out after the sahuagin clicked her staff. "But we have no idea what this slime woman wants. She comes out of nowhere and we're supposed to treat her like the messiah? Just because she has some kind of fragment lodged in her soul?"

"What they are doing now is a desperation move. Ask yourselves, why haven't they done this before? Direct intervention? There was a reason they didn't want to do that. Now, their only play is shock and awe. To give the impression that the heavens are opening up, and throw us into disarray. Because they know that if we unite, stand together, and combine our forces with the Magi, that they cannot defeat us - not without giving the demons a clear advantage.

"This is a test of our resolve. They want to break us. The demons want this too. Think about it. Suddenly the factions they've been manipulating are taking on choices of their own. Their grip on our lives, our world, is slipping through their fingers. Through unity we are strong, we are diamond, we are adamantite, and no force, neither of Heaven or Hell, can shatter us.

The nereid in the corner giggled. Alora grinned at Kala. "I'm glad you didn't forget that we have demons wanting us to die as well, but your focus seems entirely on the angels regardless. I must inform you that I and a few others are logical minds, not common soldiers. Your pep talks are nothing but noise until they are reinforced with undefeatable logic." she informed Kala. "As it stands, we've heard the word from our scouts. Our combat ready forces number in at two-thousand five-hundred. The angelic forces are told to be four thousand, and that's just the infantry alone. We know for a fact that they're going to use Magi stolen technology constructed during their alliance. What are we going to do about their warships? Once those large bodies pass over us, they will open fire, and the temple will be eradicated swiftly."

Zerahylie clicked her staff, and Guru nodded. "One monster cannot defeat one angel! They're too strong! And they outnumber us too! We are going to lose to better equipped, more powerful, and more skilled fighters!" Guru spoke for the sahuagin.

Undine looked to Kala. "Kala, you spoke of a time when you had a conversation with the dwarves? Would they side with us in this battle if we asked?" she asked, as Kala would remember being given the flare gun from the Dwarf Queen to call for help. The dwarves would be a massive boost in the power of their army.

Francis grinned wider. "Not to mention, Kala isn't our only little fragment we have to play with. We have many other persons of interest running around doing favors for us and recruiting new aid. For instance, I have a little pet of mine running around doing errands for Crystal Claire. By now she's probably already recruited the aid of another faction or two to bolster our forces even further." Her eyes shifted to Alora. The two, each with their own thoughtful and sinister appearance, glared at each other. "So, worry not my dear. If Kala cannot do it, then my pet can."

Pirupi rose her hand. "We also have Prudi! She has a fragment too! Really strong!" she boasted.

Karkinos growled after a moment. "Alright, I'm sick of hearing this fragment nonsense! What does that even mean for us!? What the fuck makes some bitch with a fragment so important!?" she growled in question.

Tenno was stroking her hair in thought. "The Goddess of Fate split fragments of herself throughout the world and implanted the fragments in select people. Essentially, they have a piece of a god inside them that gives them a great deal of raw magical power."

Karkinos cocked an eyebrow. "... I still don't know what that means! Kala, how many angels can you kill!? That's all I care about, not this inspirational speech bullshit! We already heard it, and that was BEFORE our loved ones died in that explosion!"

Tenno nodded. "Not to mention, there still remains the matter of traitors in our midst. You're not leaving this place having convinced us, Kala. Not until you address all the issues. Don't you dare use more pep talk or pointless rhetoric to try and conceal your lack of ideas either, or this meeting is over."
Re: A War of Blood Soaked Golden Wings (Kala;Blu)

"The Queen of the dwarves gave me a means to call for her in case of an emergency - which this situation clearly calls for. Dwarves are known for upholding their oaths as well as their technological prowess. I believe that they would come to our aid and even the odds," the slimegirl said in response to Undine's leading question, but said it loud enough for the squabbling sides to hear.

"As for how strong I am, I can't give you a hard number, because I haven't been in a battle with an angel before. I can tell you that I have been in direct conflict with both Cleska and with Baphomet, and the shard of fate inside of me allowed me to defeat them both. That is something I would not have believed possible of any single slime, or even of the human commander I was in my former life, with all the Magi assets I once possessed. This convinces me that the fate shard within me is powerful enough to contend with the greatest of the angels in a time of need. If there are more chosen of fate battling in our favor, then the Angels' overconfidence could lead to their doom.

"I don't deny wanting to bolster your morale with my words - any worthwhile commander knows that the will to fight is an essential part of any battle plan. Clearly, it was a target of the traitor who bombed us, and if you let yourselves be cowed into retreat, then the bomber's plan will have been a success."

Kala moved about, letting Metal inside of her swirl into the shape of traditional armor as the diamond slime morphed into her most humanoid shape.

"My plan is to call the dwarves and to get a message through to Isabella, the current commander of the Magi who have switched to our side in this fight. They will have the airship capability and technical know-how to take down the Angelic fleet before it positions itself over us. I will lead the defenses at the temple and I will try to delay the enemy with a parley. If that doesn't work, I'll challenge the most prideful of their angels to a duel. It shouldn't be too hard to goad them into a contest. I'll delay until our allies arrive.

"And as for those numbers you quoted, with our defensive positioning and the dwarves and Magi knocking out their ability to bombard, their numbers become insufficient to take advantage of. With one of our Chosen defending each of our fronts, we can outlast them.

"Any other details would have to be gone over after I can compile a list of our current forces and combat capabilities - and naturally, the more of you who stay, the more I can work with regarding the clipping of our foes' wings."
Re: A War of Blood Soaked Golden Wings (Kala;Blu)

Tenno rose a brow at Kala. "Oh-hoh? The dwarves? Perhaps you're more charismatic than I thought, to earn the friendship of such wicked little creatures. I heard about the fight with Cleska as well, but I suppose what with the new developments, it must be true that she was defeated. With her outer body being so durable, it must have been hard for you." she chuckled.

Alora grinned. "So, here's to hoping you can clear out several hundred angels on your own with that amazing power of yours." she said with a shrug. "I'll admit that you are probably the best shot we have of winning, and unlike many of you, my home is rather open for me to choose where it exactly is, and where it can be. However, if Undine is lost then the ocean will become a rather inhospitable place, won't it?" she hummed. "In light of the fact that I have no choice, I will accept this Kala woman."

Tenno agreed. "Same."

Karkinos, seemingly subjective to peer pressure, would snap her claws. "Fine... Fine, FINE! I don't know if all that nonsense about Cleska is true, because you don't look that amazing! But whatever! Lets talk about your plan, and if it stinks, I'm going to throw you out of here myself!" she warned Kala.

Quara, the kappa, nodded. "I was going to defend Undine's temple anyway. What should we kappa do, Kala? Our shells make for great shields." she informed the slime.

Francis the merrow locked her fingers together at her waist. "Well, glad to see things went smoothly. You didn't need my help at all, Kala~" the merrow with a rather ominous grin declared. "I will inform the citizens of the temple that there is hope yet, and to call defenders. See if we can't raise our numbers a bit~" she said. Unless Kala stopped her, she'd splash into the water and leave.

Everyone looked at Kala, waiting to hear her speak. Their main concerns were traitors, the giant hole above where the angels could swoop in, and the various entrances around the temple where they could storm in. Not to mention, there were support pillars of natural stone supporting the ceiling above. If the angels destroyed that, it could do serious damage.