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RPG RPG Maker [アーリマン / Ahriman] 紋章騎士ノルド ~隷装の騎士編~ (RJ266435)


Jungle Girl
Oct 6, 2013
Reputation score

AKA Crest Knight Nord 2

previous game in this series:

Gameplay: After an extremely long introductory scene, talk to the blue haired chick to choose:

- Start a campaign
- Shop / Enhance Crest
- Just chat

Starting a campaign gives you another choice - which campaign - which brings you to the base camp for that campaign. There, you can talk to blue hair again to get yet another choice - select the first option to choose which battle to fight. Once you pick one, you'll be thrust into a series of battles - each is Nord vs multiple enemies. Don't worry, Nord is OP - under normal circumstances, she gets to go twice for each round of enemy attacks. Battles are basically standard RPGmaker with a ton of custom scripting layered on top. Some abilities counter enemy moves, so keep an eye out for the icons above each enemy's head (and in Nord's skill descriptions). You have 3 main resources: HP, which will stun you when depleted to 0; MP, which is used for abilities and sex attack resistance, and causes an orgasm when depleted to 0; and TP, which is used for special abilities. Be careful not to use the top-rightmost ability (the one with the heart crest), because it just stuns Nord. Enemies can grapple and capture Nord, which is basically a progression of interactive H-scenes in-battle, where you always have a chance to escape. Note that the effects of being captured reset on returning to HQ (retreating from a base camp). As for non-battle mechanics, you can buy new skills and level-ups from the blue haired chick with currency earned from killing enemies, but that's about it - there's no manual managing of your equipment or consumables, really.

Controls: Standard RPGmaker (z to confirm, x to cancel/menu, arrow keys to navigate), except:

- in battles, when grappled/caught, press Up/Left/Right to choose which action to take
- hold A (keyboard) to fast-forward text/events

Story (basic, I can't read moonrunes): Nord is a crest knight, a special forces type soldier with extremely strong powers - powers that are enhanced by uncovering her crest (read: flashing her crotch). In the intro to the first game, her crest gets transformed by an evil wizard into a slut crest, making her much weaker. She fights some weak ass enemies to regain some of her strength, with the help of her sister. Conveniently for yuri lovers, fixing Nord's crest means "syncing crests" with her sister (read: tribbing) - though it should be noted that each game only has a few of these scenes. In the second game, Nord is still suffering from the modified crest when she is at a banquet/meeting. Some of the attendees start making fun of her, so she decides to reveal her crest to teach them all a lesson. Unfortunately, uncovering her crest means revealing that her crest has been modified, so her secretary (blue hair chick) wipes the attendees memory of that and calms Nord down. Afterwards, there's a rebellion happening in a certain district (I have no idea why), so Nord has to go out and suppress it.

Fetishes: bondage, bdsm, non-consent, moral corruption, yuri, femdom, feet

Special note for pirates: Don't download any version uploaded before December - the original version was a buggy mess.
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I hope a lot of things were fixed from the 1.0 content. Can't wait to see if Ahriman is back to form.

Ok, idk why, but after clearing those goblins and a cutscene, the whole game is fecking yellow, and I have no idea how to level up that purple thing.
Always love the gameplay and art of Ahriman's stuff. Lets see how this one goes.
Once your MP is 0, it should level up. When I played the demo, never noticed the background becomes yellow.
Ok, then I'm fecked, 'cause her MP has been 0 for several times now, pretty sure my game is broken or something.
also, I'm sure it's not supposed to be yellow.
Ok, then I'm fecked, 'cause her MP has been 0 for several times now, pretty sure my game is broken or something.
also, I'm sure it's not supposed to be yellow.
That is weird. Are you playing the one that got removed by dlsite (uploaded on October 2019) or the newest one that just started selling on dlsite yesterday? Because the one uploaded back then was buggy as hell.
Oh so that's why it was released for 3 months but I don't know anything at all, weird, I clicked the link on dldshare and it took me to the buggy one.

Ayup - This is the game that made a lot of people lose faith in Ahriman. To put it simply, he released a buggy game and was arrogant about it. He eventually pulled it, issued refunds, and tried to fix it. However, it has been 2 months since that incident, and people no doubt remember this failure.

It is very rare that people fully forgive this type of failure. For example, Mahou Shoujo Ai is still remembered for "shipping buggy CDs that one time," despite being iconic tentacle rape hentai.
Ayup - This is the game that made a lot of people lose faith in Ahriman. To put it simply, he released a buggy game and was arrogant about it. He eventually pulled it, issued refunds, and tried to fix it. However, it has been 2 months since that incident, and people no doubt remember this failure.

It is very rare that people fully forgive this type of failure. For example, Mahou Shoujo Ai is still remembered for "shipping buggy CDs that one time," despite being iconic tentacle rape hentai.

I want to point out that he didn't voluntarily pull the game. DLsite got so many complaints and angry customers that they pulled the game for him and issued refunds. He was only really reduced to what is basically groveling after a conga line of humiliating failures. He's basically lost nearly all of the goodwill he's built up. At this point I'm personally expecting this to be a shitshow as well and really getting my entertainment from that. In fact he had to go around DLsite to sell an alpha version of the fixed game in order to "settle some debts".
I looked into the game for translation purposes. It's the embodiment of spaghetti-code. I know now why it was so bug ridden from his last release of this game.

For example:
- The game contains the complete asset of it's prequel, with all maps and text
- The game use a 1,89 MB Ruby Script to handle nearly all it dialog options, variable and trigger calls.
- Nearly all events are called via really obscure scripts.
- It used some old and strange .dll that gets falls flagged as suspicious by most AVs.
So is this game bug-free and worth buying?

Probably not; it's arguably not worth pirating it, let alone buying it.

The best to hope for is that someone else makes this game, but fundamentally better.
So far, the trial version for this seems alright. I'm currently messing around in the game and just seeing how things are working. Haven't encountered any bug yet. (At least for now.)

I honestly don't know how the actual product is doing. Seems to be doing well due to the reviews, but I'm just going to hold off on it and continue to play the trial for now.
Played through v1.01 - no problems, the game is really short, main route take a little more than hour to complete, 3 hours to see all defeat scenarios.

Has nice bondage but not nearly good as Aoi was...
Are there ever any bad ends? Seems like she always gets rescued which is a turn off. (playing demo if that makes a difference).
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Played through v1.01 - no problems, the game is really short, main route take a little more than hour to complete, 3 hours to see all defeat scenarios.

Has nice bondage but not nearly good as Aoi was...
How many types of special defeat did you find? Because I only found 1 of each enemy
3 enemies, 3 levels of defeat per enemy, plus after you max out defeat, there's special fight opens, with special defeat scene for each enemy (it has remark about it in the fight's description).
I gotta say, this might be the biggest dickslap in the face from an H game dev i've ever had. I bought the game on english dlsite, the motherfucker then removes it because its a buggy piece of shit, fixes it (i assume) puts it back, AND NOW, since he removed it, its gone from my purchase history, meaning he wants me to buy the game AGAIN, if i want to play the fixed version...top tier bullshit right there.