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Ainia: The World on the Rim


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Here's another campaign setting I've devised for Pathfinder or other such roleplaying systems. This is very much a work in progress.

The setting is during the Bronze Age, when Iron and Steel are barely even a concept. Here, multiple nations vie for control of the continent they reside on.

The Continent of Ainia

Ainia is the continent on which all three of the warring factions live. The continent itself is split into three individual portions, separated by three major rivers which flow from Mount Ainia, which rests at the center of the continent.

To the North, almost all the land within the area defined by the two northern rivers is comprised of Mount Ercral and its foothills. Much of the foothills and slopes of Ercral are terraced, and winding paths that are said to lead all the way to the summit are often found, though there is little sign of civilization save the occasional abandoned Dwarf home.

To the south-east, a relatively flat and open region of the continent lies, fertile farmland and dense forests comprising much of the area, with several rolling hills to the far east, and low-lying plains to the south.

To the south-west, a veritable wasteland exists. Ringing the edge of this third of the continent from river to river, a blackened and charred mountain range stands as a testament to the fury of the tallest mountain in the range, Dragonsbreath Mountain. Much of the land in this third of the continent is rocky and uneven, coated with the blackened remains of a volcanic eruption some centuries ago, leaving the land barren and desolate, though there are several small lakes and tributaries from the main rivers to provide enough water for anyone living in this section of Ainia.

Between each continent, in the very center of the border between them, stand bridges several hundred meters wide, grand and imperial bridges made by a civilization whose name has been lost to the ages. Many attempts to bring them down have been made, and all fail, as the numerous magical wards and enchantments see the bridges restored within a day, preventing any one continent from breaking itself off from the others.

The Empire

To the East and South, the Holy Astoch Empire controls a good portion of the sub-continent. This Empire, first born of all the Human cities banding together, has conquered three races on their path to domination. The Empire has extremely strong spiritual beliefs, believing themselves to be the chosen of the Gods, and the righteous rulers of the world.

The Orcs were the first race to be conquered. When the Empire expanded into their territory, it sparked a brutal and bloody war that lasted nearly three decades, until eventually, the sheer numbers of the Empire allowed them to sweep across the Orcish strongholds and cities, eventually assimilating their people and culture into themselves, marking the first of the Empire's conquests. Over time, the Orcs have come to accept and even enjoy their place in the Empire, being revered as the finest soldiers to serve beneath their banners. Orcs make up more than a third of the Empire's standing army, and it is not uncommon for an Orc to achieve an Officer's commission. Those who do not serve in the army are often involved some way in helping the war effort. Many are smiths or tanners, shaping and creating the armor and weapons the Legion employs in battle.

The second race to be conquered by the Empire were the Elves. Due to the assimilation of the Orcs, the war for control of Elven lands lasted only two years, with the same results as the Orcish conquering. The remaining cities were absorbed into the Empire, and the standing army that remained was folded into the Legion. Elves, in contrast to the Orcs, do not typically serve in the Legion. Many are considered the "lower-class" members of society, doing the dirty and common jobs needed to keep the Empire's cities and towns in working order, from farming to masonry, to simple carpentry. Few elves view the Legion as a viable alternative to low-end work amongst the cities of the Empire, believing themselves not fit for combat like their Orcish predecessors.

The third and most recent addition to the Empire are the Gnomes. Contrary to the Elves and Orcs, the Gnomes were not conquered. When the Empire began to expand westward, the Gnomes took the initiative. Before the Legion could reach their doorstep, the Gnomes surrendered to the Empire to be assimilated, on the condition there be no conflict involved whatsoever. This marked a new age for the Empire, as it was the first time they had assimilated a new race without an agonizing or casualty-enducing war. Since their assimilation, the Gnomes have found their jobs doing intricate or delicate work amongst the Empire, as well as banding together to tackle problems the Empire faces, such as how to counter their enemy's advances or finding a new metal to replace Bronze. It is rare to see a Gnome amongst the Legion, as they are not the most combat-able individuals.

Found scattered amongst the cities and towns of Astoch, Aasimar are sometimes seen walking the streets. These rare half-breeds are seen as messengers of the Gods themselves, sent to guide and watch over the Empire, which reveres the Divine beings of the Astral Plane and Outer Sphere. It is not uncommon for a citizen on the street to bow or kneel down, or simply step aside and give an Aasimar a wide berth out of respect. Many hold high positions in the Empire's society, guiding and observing the course of events in the Empire.

Amongst the Legion of the empire, there is a rather infamous division, known as the Forward Division. These are comprised of gladiators or warriors who have shown a distinct lack of teamwork ability, or are too battle-hungry to work in a cohesive unit. They are the first division of soldiers sent into battle when the Legion marches for war, and they have the highest casualty rating, both friend and foe, of all the Legion's divisions.

Gladiators are a major event in Astoch, the capital of the Empire, where a magnificent Colosseum stands. Criminals who have been convicted of a violent or heinous crime in the Empire are sentenced to fight as gladiators for the amusement of the Emperor and the Nobility. These gladiators fight daily, in deadly, unarmored combat, so as to make the fights more brutal and entertaining. A criminal who has been sentenced to fight as a Gladiator must claim victory in 20 battles, at which point they are offered a choice. They can either be set free, though they are exiled from the Empire, or they can join the military, as a member of the Forward Division.

Of note about the Empire, though they say they control the entire sub-continent of Astoch, really they only control a third of it. The rest is ruled by many different Noble houses, all typically at war with one another when the Dwarves or Wildmen aren't a threat. Many of these Nobles and Lords tend to employ Dragon Riders and Outsiders who align with their own goals to serve them. The farther you get from the Empire's capital, the more apparent it is that these Lords only follow the rules as loosely as they can get away with. On the very outskirts of the Wildlands, it's entirely possible that nobles will have almost an entire army comprised of Wildmen, in exchange for providing them and their families with necessities that the Wildlands tend to lack. Dragon Riders employed by nobles often serve as Knights, fighting for their lord for some form of reward, be it accolades, glory, money, land. They have the right during battle to take command of the lesser forces of a noble's army, but only if they feel they can turn the tide by doing so. Otherwise, they are often encouraged to advise the Generals, and be advised by them.

Of note in the Empire, Slavery is common practice. Many of the races from the Wildlands are often captured and brought back to Astoch to serve as slaves for one master or another, and more often than not every household has at least one slave. These are typically kept in line by magical slave collars directly tied to their Masters, who can punish them with anything ranging from a minor, uncomfortable shock, to a completely debilitating full-body zap of magical energy. The only exceptions to standard slave-taking practice are the Dragon Riders. Regardless of what race a Rider is, putting a slave collar on them is punishable by death, and many slavers enforce this rule themselves, should their subordinates break it.

The Dwarves

Controlling the northern sub-continent, the Dwarves of Mount Ercral preside over full coffers and empty mountains.

The Dwarves, in the long time they have existed, have mined and hoarded every type of resource in the known world, amassing a grand fortune that is rumored to fill half of their grand mountain hold. From within their mountainous, underground stronghold, few Dwarves are actually seen on the surface, save for major military engagements. The Dwarves use their vast wealth to employ their own standing army of mercenaries and exiles, be it from the western Wildlands, or gladiators who have earned an exile from the Empire. These sellswords are given grand residences near the surface of Ercral's expansive tunnel network, along with all the riches they could ever need, so long as they put themselves in the path of anything attempting to take this mountain home from them.

The weaponry and armor employed by the Dwarves is said to be that of legend, shining silver plates, said to deflect even the most vicious of blades, and gleaming blades that have been seen cutting through even the toughest of Bronze armor. How the Dwarves have mastered this strange material, none can say, only that anything a Dwarven defender is seen carrying is highly coveted by the Empire, be it for research or just to improve a soldier's chances on the battlefield.

Rarely, a Dwarf is actually seen on the battlefield, generally to lead a company of sellswords in defending a key strategic position. These dwarves are clad in thick suits of heavy shining plates, of the same material many of the sellswords use for their weapons and armor. Riding atop hardy rams clad in the same armor, they are often seen wading through the enemy's lines, cleaving flesh from bone and head from shoulder, barely even stopping to notice the arrows and spear thrown at them that deflect off of their strange armor.

Deep within their massive sprawling cities, it's rare to experience wholesale racism, unlike in the Empire. The Dwarves believe themselves above all the other races, as evidenced by guarded, Dwarf-only paths and sections of the city. However that is where the racism stops, as many Dwarves realize that all other races are useful and have their own strengths and weaknesses. Dwarves are at the top, and everyone below them are equal. Much of non-Dwarf life is devoted to one principle: You earn your share. Handouts are few and far in the Underkingdom, so if you can't pull or pay your weight, you aren't worth others' time.

Because of their vast wealth and strange forging practices, the Empire sees them as a threat to their own livelihood, and are constantly waging war against them, gaining ground almost as quickly as they lose it, the battlefront constantly fluctuating.

The Wildmen

To the west of the Empire and the Dwarven lands, jagged and rough foothills forged of cooled magma run slowly up the side of Dragonsbreath Mountain, a barren and desolate wasteland the Wildmen claim their home.

The Wildmen are not one specific race, rather, an alliance of all the races the Empire has deemed "Impure." Gnolls, Giants, Ogres, Tieflings, almost every race that is not accepted amongst the Empire is found in some community or another. Because of this, they have no real military or chain of command, though they do have a network of scouts to warn them of incursions into their land. The denizens of the Wildlands see the Empire as powermongers, and are constantly fending them off, and even striking back into the farmlands of the Empire, to plunder what they need to survive. The Wildmen believe that the farmlands are rightfully theirs, as without them they suffer immensely from food shortages, so they are constantly fighting the Empire back, in the hopes of one day holding enough land to feed their people.

Dragon Riders

Found all throughout Ainia, Dragons and their Riders can be found just about anywhere there's conflict, strife, or general unrest. Many of them are sanctioned by one of two sides, with Rogue Riders also being a rare occurrence. All of the Riders have one thing in common no matter how they got their dragon: The creature called out to them within the shell, and on placing their hand on the egg, were branded with a serpant coiling around the base of the thumb and the palm of the hand, the basis of the bond that all Dragon Riders share with their Dragon. In the simplest of terms, the Dragon and Rider bond their souls together, permanently linking their fates together. The Riders begin to gather strength, and gain Draconic lifespan and immunities, while the Dragons gain a conduit for channeling their overwhelming magical energy, and an ability to manipulate intricate workings and devices that a dragon on its own cannot. Nobody really knows WHY all Dragon eggs require this method of hatching, but there has not been a recorded case of a Dragon hatching naturally in many centuries.

The Dragon Coalition

High atop Mount Ainia, nestled into the cone of the massive mountain, a city of marble and alabaster stands, shrouded by the clouds that form around the peak of the mountain, keeping its existence largely a secret to the warring empires below. It is from here, The White City, that the Dragon Coalition rules all Metallic dragons, and their subjects. Comprised of the oldest and wisest of every flight of Metallic dragons, the Coalition seeks to bring order and stability to the world in the future. This goal, however, can never come to fruition, as they are engaged in a shadow war with the Chromatic dragons of Dragonsbreath Mountain, who seek to turn all of Ainia into the same barren wasteland that surrounds their home.

The Coalition itself is not just an army of dragons. Many of the buildings are designed for humanoids, mortals who have either descended from the first Dragon tenders, or those that Dragon Riders have found amongst the three empires that show that they are good and pure enough to live amongst the Dragons.

Amongst these mortals are the Dragon Riders, diplomats and warriors who have taken it upon themselves to protect and strengthen a Hatchling, by bonding with it and accelerating its growth by centuries at a time. These Riders strike out occasionally from the White City, seeking to further themselves and in doing so, their dragons, by way of combat, worldly experience, or serving a lord or lady whose virtues they agree with. Very few of these are seen in Mortal lands, but many believe them to be signs of good fortune, or impending victory in a coming battle.

The Chromatic Brotherhood

Resting atop Dragonsbreath Mountain, in caves and hovels carved out of the cone of the dormant volcano, the Chromatic Brotherhood and their subjects dwell, plotting the downfall of mortals, and the conquest of Ainia. Where the Dragon Coalition believes in the goodness of Mortals, and their future, the Brotherhood believe Ainia is rightfully theirs to conquer and do with as they see fit. Ruled by a Red dragon of immense power, the dragons, and the mortals they command, train and prepare for the inevitable war that looms between the two Dragon flights.

As the coalition has riders, so too does the Brotherhood, who enlist anyone willing to do what it takes to not only bring conquest to the Brotherhood, but also victory to themselves, and power to their Bonded dragons. As the Metallic riders often serve those whose virtues align with their own, the Chromatic riders serve anyone willing to pay them the respect and coin a Rider is deserving, in exchange for slaying their enemies, or deterring attacks.

Because both Chromatic and Metallic riders serve mortals for their own reasoning, it is not unheard of for a Metallic and a Chromatic to end up serving the same lord, though their dragons tend to harbor hatred towards each other, and often have to be reined in by their riders. Because both sides are trying to keep the existence of their societies a secret, they often try to co-operate with any other Dragon Riders they end up serving alongside, and as such, most common folks just believe all of them to be from the same secretive order.

Rogue Riders

Sometimes, a mortal gets it in their head that they can tame a Dragon. Some are too stupid to realize that wading into a Dragon nest is most assuredly a death sentence. Some are kind enough to earn a Dragon's trust. These normal individuals can develop their own Bond with a Dragon whose trust they earn. These are called Rogue Riders. These riders operate outside the teachings and moral justifications the Coalition and Brotherhood instill in sanctioned Dragon Riders.

This isn't to say they are hated by both groups. Quite the opposite, actually. Typically, a sanctioned Dragon Rider is encouraged to try and befriend a Rogue Rider they come across, in the hopes of winning them over to their cause. When this happens, the rogue and Sanctioned riders both fly to their respective organizations, and plead a case for them to be sanctioned, though this is a formality at best. Both organizations need as many Bonded dragons as they can get, to both bolster their own forces, and to increase their numbers in the mortal realms for when both organizations break their veil of secrecy and fly to war.

The easiest way to tell if a Rider is actually sanctioned is to check the back of their shoulders. There, spanning the length of their shoulder blades, is usually a brand marking them as either Coalition or Brotherhood, which, to someone not looking for the hidden differences, look much the same.
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Re: Unnamed Bronze-Age setting.

Dragon Ecology

Ainia is a rather rare world. Where most, Dragons are merely whispers and legends, on ainia, Dragons roam freely. Humanoids live at an uneasy reverence of Dragons, mostly due to fear of their awesome power, and many of the smaller breeds can be found in cities or rural homes as housepets, though, most of the dragons will tell you the role is reversed. Following is an account of the typical nesting habits of the many breeds that fall outside the catch-all that Chromatics, Metallics, and Imperials tend to fall under, living in their isolated cities atop tall mountains. These dragons are often referred to as "Impure Dragons" as opposed to the traditional "True Dragons"

Impure Dragons tend to fall into Classifications, which often serve as indicators of their abilities.

Mystery class:Mystery Class dragons have little known about them, and exhibit especially unusal habits and abilities unidentified in other classes.

Boulder Class:Boulder Class dragons are tough and associated with the earth. They can eat rocks, and despite that their wings are smaller compared to their entire body, they are able to fly as fast and as high as most other dragons can.

Sharp Class:Sharp Class dragons are vain and prideful, and they all possess sharp body parts.

Stoker Class:Stoker Class dragons are hotheaded fire breathers, and most of them are capable of setting themselves on fire. All dragons in this class are immune to fire.

Strike Class:Strike Class dragons are generally extremely powerful. They have blazing speed, pin-point accuracy, high intelligence, and incredible vice-like jaw strength. They are also the most difficult to train, but the most loyal once trained. They are also capable of surviving in freezing temperatures such as ice.

Tidal Class:Tidal Class dragons live in and near the ocean, and unlike most dragons, they don't have fire breaths as their ranged attacks. These dragons are generally bigger in size than most of other classes, and have a generally higher tendency for violence towards humanoids compared to other dragons.

Class: Mystery

Boneknappers are a species of dragon who have no set nesting area. As the name implies, the Boneknapper spends much of its live scouring the continent for pieces of bone that might be suitable for their armor.

Where a normal Dragon tends to rely on their scaled hide to protect them, the Boneknapper forges a suit of armor on its body out of the remains of humanoid and dragon skeletons, and it is for this very reason they are often found picking over the aftermath of a large battle. Boneknappers tend to fall behind in terms of Magical capabilities as almost all of their magic is spent weaving enchantments and protection spells into their armor, to compensate for their relatively thin hide. Their fire is less of a stream and more a torrent of black and red fire, having more range than width.

Class: Mystery

Changewings are a reclusive breed of Mystery Class dragon who are most commonly found nesting in the foothills of Mount Urcral, protecting their eggs from outside threats, as they take a full year to hatch after being laid, as opposed to most other breeds, whose eggs tend to hatch within a month of being laid. Changewings, because of their highly adaptive scale coloring, can be any color of the rainbow, though many tend to be red or green.

The most notable ability of a Changewing is to seamlessly blend into their environment, becoming nigh on invisible. Long tassels of fins stretch back off of their heads, allowing them to effectively render both themselves and their riders invisible. While a normal Dragon would have a breath of fire, Changewings possess the ability to spew a stream of highly caustic acid, capable of melting even the thickest of armors in seconds. It because of their highly territorial nature and exceptionally deadly breath that there are almost none of them outside of their nests in the foothills of Urcral.

Deadly Nadder
Class: Sharp

The Deadly Nadder is a rare breed of dragon, walking on two legs much like a chicken. These dragons are some of the fastest of all the breeds found on Ainia, and are known for having the hottest breath in the dragon world, functioning as a blinding white-hot torch. Even without their breath, they are still exceptionally deadly, as their tails sport numerous dozens of spines which can be shot out at high velocity. Each spine is coated with a deadly poison, which gets stronger and stronger the older the dragon lives. A Nadder in its first decade of life will likely only paralyze anyone it hits with its poison, but a Nadder in their prime of 5 or more decades can kill a grown man in a matter of minutes.

Nadders are exceptionally vain and beautiful, and as such tend to nest near fresh water from Mount Ainia, which they use to clean themselves and shine their scales, which typically come in bright, color-filled hues. These dragons have a blind spot directly in front of their head, where their horn obscures their vision. Their nesting habits never keep them far from the pure waters that surround Ainia, and so all three subcontinents tend to have them in the inner fourths of their territory.

Class: Boulder

The Gronkle is one of the toughest, and slowest, dragons that grace the wilds of Ainia. Short, stubby, slow, and lazy, the Gronkle's best quality is its seemingly unlimited number of breath weapon shots. Most Dragons have a shot limit, and once they reach this, the glands that produce their ignition gas or other breath weapon require time to recover. Gronkles, on the other hand, can ingest a large piece of rock, and melt it down into molten slag, and fire that in place of the normal "lava bombs" they are known for having. This makes them a vital tool for extended sieges, as with a large enough supply of rocks, the Gronkle can effectively harass enemy troops and structure with impunity.

Gronkles tend to live in rocky, rural areas, anywhere that loose stone is in abundance, and are often found near their larger cousins, the Hotburples. Their hides tend to be tough enough to withstand a normal Bronze sword blow, and tend to be darker colors to match their earthly diet.

Hideous Zippleback
Class: Mystery

The Hideous Zippleback is a large, two-headed dragon. It is sly and surprising, but certain noises can confuse it and cause it to entangle its heads. These heads often have distinct personalities and thought processes, and can even be of opposing genders. Generally, the heads tend to argue about almost everything, which often marks them as annoying to other Dragons.

Different to normal dragons, the Zippleback's breath weapon is a two-pronged attack. One head breathes out highly flammable gas, and the other can create sparks with a special gland on the roof of its mouth. A single spark can ignite the entire cloud, making Zippleback fire more of an explosion than a steady stream.

Zipplebacks tend to live in open areas where they can easily move around, as their large bodies tend to slow them down and hinder their maneuverability. When attempting to befriend one, it is often twice as difficult as a normal dragon as each head has its own wants and desires.

Class: Boulder

Hotburples are hardier, larger, and lazier versions of their cousins, the Gronkle. Characterized by their longer shouts and tails, and their eyes being closer to their nose than their ears, Hotburples possess the same affinity for near-limitless fire shots as their cousins, with the key difference being that they prefer rocks with higher mineral counts to eat. A Hotburple is not above simply eating a sword someone tries to swing at it, and will likely even THANK the wielder for the snack.

Hotburples tend to live near mines or large caves, where they can get access to the mineral-heavy rocks they tend to love.

Monstrous Nightmare
Class: Stoker

The Monstrous Nightmare is one of the most aggressive, powerful, and stubborn breeds of dragon known to mortals. A Nightmare is usually purple, scarlet, or green and possesses a long, snake like neck and tail. Unlike some other breeds of dragon, it has no forelegs, and its ground-based locomotion is based on the use of its claws on its wings.

Nightmares are the poster child of the Stoker Class of dragons, their saliva highly flammable, and their skin able to produce it on command. Their fire tends to be a gout of orange-colored oil that can melt through steel if not quenched quickly enough.

Nightmares tend to live almost exclusively in areas of volcanic activity, marking Dragonsbreath Mountain as their sole nesting ground.

Night Fury
Class: Strike

The Night Fury, the "Unholy Offspring of Lightning and Death Itself," is one of the rarest Dragon breeds in the world, only 3 living members of the species on record with the Dragon Coalition.

These slender, black, catlike dragons may look small, but their sleek frames allow them to reach absurd speeds, outperforming even the fastest Deadly Nadder. Their fire is unique in that instead of a flaming bolt of fire, like the Gronkles or the Rumblehorns, the Night Fury fires out a blueish-purple bolt of "plasma" which has an exceptionally high amount of concussive force behind it compared to the normal dragon fire, leading to smaller fires, but much greater amounts of destruction. This fire is also unique in that when the Night Fury is channeling gas into its mouth, it emits a high-pitched whine. This is further amplified as the breed tends to favor diving attacks, rocketing through the air like an arrow, further fanning their combustion gasses and strengthening the blast, before letting it fly and pulling out of the dive.

Night Furies have never been spotted anywhere outside of the White city, so many mortals believe them to be a myth.

Class: Boulder

The Rumblehorn has relatively large wings, a wide torso, and a tail with a club-like hammer on the tip. Its most notable feature is the heavily armed front half of its body with firm armor plates on the neck and a large lower jaw, a battle axe-shaped muzzle, which is always digging in the dirt, looking for scents, and two, very sharp, elongated horns resembling those of ceratopsian dinosaurs, but lacking a beak. Rumblehorns are exceptionally skilled trackers, able to track a scent days after its owner has passed.

They are an exception to the rule of Boulder class dragons, being that they actually prefer meat over rocks, though they can still eat and digest them for sustenance in a pinch. They also lack the Gronkle's and Hoturple's ability to replenish their own fire by eating rocks, though their hide is even thicker than a Hotburples, most spears shattering the moment they attempt to pierce the thick hide. Rumblehorn fire bolts are also rather unique, actually gaining strength the farther they travel, going from a blackened ball of soot and steadily growing hotter and hotter as they travel, until they glow white-hot, at which point they detonate in mid air with a heavy concussive force if they don't actually impact anything.

Rumblehorns tend to nest on the inner border of the Wildlands, sharing their nesting grounds with the Deadly Nadders there.

Smothering Smokebreath
Class: Mystery

The Smothering Smokebreath is a small breed of dragon no bigger than a common guard dog. Their hides are almost always gray, their mouths are almost as big as their bodies, and they have no discernable neck. It has short, stubby legs and a wingspan equivalent to over twice its body length. Its tail is long, thin, and very spiky.

These small dragons almost exclusively hunt in packs, and each one can generate smoke from pores on its body, allowing them to obscure themselves and their kin in a thick cloud of fog. Smokebreaths are often drawn to metallic or shiny objects, working as packs to distract anyone carrying such objects, while another steals it and flies away. The reason this is done is because Smokebreaths build their nests out of metal, and their breath can be used as a form of welding torch to melt and mold metal objects into the desired shape for their nest, which protects them from non-dragon threats when they retreat within it.

Smokebreaths are commonly found on both sides of the border between Urcral and the Empire, using the constant skirmishes and battles to scavenge spare metal to build their nests.

Terrible Terror
Class: Stoker

The Terrible Terror is among the smallest of the dragons, being no larger than a house cat even at its largest. When they are not living among humanoids as "house pets" they are prone to traveling in packs that number in the dozens. They are capable of such pinpoint accuracy with their flames that they can be considered the sniper of the Dragon World.

Their colorations span anywhere from green to red, and they are often prone to infighting and dispute. These dragons have relatively small brains, rendering all but their eldest unable to speak the common Mortal tongue, though they can learn to roughly understand it.

Terrible Terrors are found anywhere that there is civilization, often living among mortals as house pets, though ask any other Dragon and they'll say the Terrors are the ones who keep the mortals as pets.

Class: Sharp

Stormcutters are one of the larger breeds of non-conventional dragons. Intelligent, proud, and confident, they tend towards owl-like mannerisms, and have a second set of wings beneath their primary set, allowing for exceptionally tight maneuvering at low speed, as well as massive levels of endurance dual to reduced overall strain on each wing. When on the ground, their lower, smaller set of wings act as their forelegs, and when gliding they can align and meld almost seamlessly with their upper set of wings. Their tail sports long fins running the length of it, forming an X shape in its own right. At the main central joint of each wing, a wickedly sharp spearhead-sized claw allows them to spear fish and other small prey, making them formidable hunters, and their heads can rotate a full 180 degrees to either side.

Stormcutters, while possessing the best maneuverability of almost any Dragon, are also rather slow, due to the size of their bodies and lack of any aerodynamics. Their fire, on the other hand, is a thing of legend. To a mortal, a Stormcutter's breath raking the ground looks more like a tornado of fire than anything, and many polytheists believe that it was granted to the Stormcutters by the God of Fire himself.

This breed is rather rare compared to others, though not nearly as rare as the Night Fury. Currently, 8 Stormcutters are known to the Dragon Coalition, 7 of whom live within the White City, with a few more likely in hiding around the continent.

Class: Tidal

The Thunderdrum is a rather large Tidal Class dragon who's as comfortable in the sea and beneath the waves as it is on land. It's noted by many as possessing great power, and in place of a breath weapon, it produces a massive concussive cone of sound, capable of killing a human at close range.

This dragon relies mostly on its two sets of wings, one primary and one smaller set to the rear, using them to get around and move through the water like a tornado. The Thunderdrum's main body is roughly the size of a large blackbear, and it's legs, despite them being smaller than even a Terrible Terror's legs, can surprisingly enough hold the massive dragon's weight, though they have no real use beyond that.

Luckily for most mortals, Thunderdrums tend to stay in the open seas, where they form pods, migrating around the ocean as a family. Many ships exploring the seas have been warned to veer away from a pod of Thunderdrums as a rule of thumb, as any threat to one Thunderdrum is likely to draw the ire of the rest of the pod, which often results in the ship being reduced to nothing but flotsam in short order.

Class: Sharp

The Timberjack is a gigantic species of dragon. It appears to have a head that is of a similar shape to the Monstrous Nightmare and has a long slender neck, body, and tail. Its wingspan is massive, easily twice as wide as a Stormcutter's, and the leading edge is razor-sharp, able to slice clean through the trunk of a full-grown tree and not even slow the Timberjack down. The downside to this, is that the Timberjack lacks any actual limbs, forcing it to use its mighty tail to stand on, coiling it much like a snake would.

Timberjacks are commonly found within the large forest of northern Astoch, and at the base of the foothills of Urcral. Though their size makes them an incredibly intimidating breed of dragon, they are actually rather docile around humanoids.

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Re: Ainia: The World on the Rim

On Outsiders and Planar Travel

The barriers that separate Ainia from other planes are exceptionally weak compared to those of other Material planes. This makes traveling to Ainia from another plane incredibly easy. As such, Outsiders are fairly common on the continent, some even pledging themselves to a mortal paragon who extolls virtues in line with their own. As such, halfbreeds like Tieflings and Aasimar are much more common here than any of the Material planes. This, it is disputed, is because allegedly, Ainia is on the "Rim" of the Material planes, almost as if it is a "Nexus" of all the different Planes of existence.

These weakened barriers are not limited to the Astral and Outer planes. Sometimes, the barrier between Ainia and another Material world will weaken, sweeping anyone and anything in the area where the barrier has weakened into Ainia, before collapsing and strengthening itself. Most who come through can never go back without the aid of exceptionally powerful mages, and are often referred to as Outlanders, as the passage marks them with a magical brand that a skilled enough mage can detect. Because of this, many of the Empire and Dwarven kingdoms believe it to be the work of the Gods. Many believe every Outlander has a duty to fulfill on Ainia, and will do anything in their power to assist them in doing so, that they may curry the favor of the Gods. Most of the reasoning behind this is because, looking back through history, every major shift or historical upheaval has been centered around an Outlander.

Typically, this extra-planar travel comes with several strange occurrences. Firstly, inorganic matter seems to be rather averse to breaching the barrier to Ainia, unless it's protected entirely by organic material. A fitting example is of how someone managed to bring a weapon from their own world by having it completely wrapped in leathers and cloth when he was pulled through.

Major Individuals

Ainia is in a constant state of upheaval. Between the Empire and the Dwarves constantly skirmishing, the Wildmen raiding the Western Farmlands, and the shadow war raging between dragon-lead organizations, there's a lot of individuals on the world stage. Below are some of them, categorized by the "side" they're on. More will be added as time goes on and events unfold.

Holy Empire of Astoch

The Holy Empire of Astoch rules the eastern third of their subcontinent, and the rest of the land is maintained by noble families that stretch back to the original forming of the Empire. Citizens of the internal Empire city will say they're loyal to the Emperor, though people who actually live in the Noblelands will tell you that they only serve themselves and their own goals.

Emperor Gaius

Emperor Gaius rules the Holy Empire of Astoch as "One Chosen by the gods" to do so. This has been disputed many times, and every time it has, the Emperor has performed a holy act that would normally be impossible without divine intervention. The man himself appears aged, and rather feeble, though this is just a facade. Serving him directly is a divine being known as an Avoral, a birdlike humanoid who towers over the Emperor at almost 8 feet tall. This being serves as the Emperor's master spy, and refuses to give anyone his actual name, so the Emperor has named him Sharpclaw. This being's service to the Emperor also serves to further his claim that he is chosen by the gods to lead the Empire.

Lady Amelia Black

Lady Amelia black is the current ruler of House Black, one of two Noble estates that border the Wildlands. A pale, lithe woman, she rules her area of Astoch with a gentle hand, preferring diplomacy over war, as most other Nobles are wont to do. Her most notable trait, however, is how much care she has for Dragons and their riders. Where a normal Noble would give their Riders the same authority and duties as a Knight would, she instead allows them to serve her in any way they can, so long as she sees it as useful to her. In addition, she is incredibly lenient when it comes to failure from her Riders. Her home, a grand mansion set on one of the rolling plains her territory encompasses, is often littered with Dragons of many shapes and sizes, Bonded or not. Most of them are Terrible Terrors, which she seems to have a soft spot for, and allows them to lay wherever they find comfortable.

Sir Cassius Black

The younger brother of Lady Amelia Black, Cassius leads the defensive fronts bordering the Wildlands, and has committed himself to fending them off with as few casualties on all sides as possible. Strangely enough, he wields a bastard sword in his left hand when seen on the battlefield, his right arm slung across his stomach and rarely, if ever, actually used to fight. When asked how his troops feel about him, many respond with an almost fanatical reverence of his willpower and staunch belief that a good commander leads from the front. When citizens are asked about him, they often respond with tales of his chivalry or honor, though nobody has ever really figured out why he refuses to use his right arm for anything. Lastly, ask any Dragon, and they'll wonder why the hell he's not been chosen as a Rider.

Sir Caelun Halfhand

Caelun Halfhand is the son of Arthur Halfhand, the current patron of the Halfhand estate, the other Noble house that borders the Wildlands. The Halfhands have always been strong allies of House Black, and they often solve their problems together, though Caelun himself sees the current patron of the Black Estate as weak and forgiving, where a Noble must be strong and strict to protect the Empire. Like his father, and his father, stretching back to the very first Halfhand, Caelun was born with a genetic defect that prevented the bones in his right ring and pinky finger from forming beyond the first knuckle, which is how the family got their name. Many people have seen Caelun flying on the back of a Gold dragon since he was a boy, leading them to believe that he himself is a Dragon Rider from the same Order that all the others hail, and that the Family has been serving them for generations.

Underkingdom of Urcral

The Underkingdom of Urcral, home to many a Dwarf and their massive underground empire in the northern subcontinent, where Mount Urcral, the third-tallest mountain on the continent, looms over a plethora of other peaks, foothills, and dense mountainous forests.

The Braids

The Underkingdom is ruled by five Dwarven families, each being responsible for a specific resource, and all five ruling as a semi-Democratic council.

House Goldbraid is in charge of gold and precious metals, and controls the mint for the entire Kingdom.

House Copperbraid is in charge of copper, zinc, and other minor metals needed for Automota and steamworks projects.

House Mythrilbraid operates the only Mythril mine in the empire, and is in charge of the Kingdom's standing military.

House Ironbraid manages the vast abundance of iron and cobalt that runs through most of the mountain range, and are in charge of maintaining the basic infrastructure of their kingdom.

House Diamondbraid operates much of the gem and percious stone trade, in addition to many Marble, Basalt, and Limestone quarries used in the construction of buildings on the surface.

Dragon Orders

The Dragon Orders, waging a shadow war against one another, have several key figures that actual sanctioned Dragon Riders likely know of.

Brightscale, Eldest of Dragons, Ruler of the Dragon Coalition.

Brightscale is a colossal Gold Dragon, one of three Dragons that rule the Coalition. His age puts him near 1500 years old, the eldest living True Dragon on Ainia. From his seat at the head of the Coalition, Brightscale extolls the virtues of good and lawfulness, and prepares them for the coming fight against the Brotherhood, which looms on the horizon, threatening to turn Ainia into a giant battleground between massive armies of Dragons and Riders.

Crushclaw, Bringer of Pain, Ruler of the Chromatic Brotherhood

At the head of the Brotherhood, a colossal Red dragon sits, smouldering away within the heart of Dragonsbreath Mountain, scheming and plotting to dethrone Brightscale. At just under 1500 years old, Crushclaw holds himself the second-oldest True Dragon on Ainia, and he uses his immense power to bend the Chromatic flights to his will. Crushclaw rules the Brotherhood differently from Brightscale, where Brightscale might teach people to be good and expect them to follow a strict code of laws and rules, Crushclaw ask only that those who serve him do so with absolute loyalty. Beyond that, he cares not for their individual affairs, so long as they are prepared to fight the Coalition for control of Ainia.
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