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Akari Sunblade (ryuforce)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Character Name: Akari Sunblade Age 23

Character Race: Human

Character Class: Warrior

Appearance: Akari is a 5 foot 6 inch human with long red hair and brown eyes. Her skin is fair in complexion with average hips and an athletic figure. Her breasts are a size C. Despite her warrior nature, her skin is a bit softer then most fighters as she takes care of her body both physically and cosmetically.

Starting Stats:

Strength: 40
Dexterity: 40
Vitality: 50
Energy: 10
Intelligence: 10

Starting Accuracy: 170
Starting Magical Accuracy: 50
Starting Evasion: 140
Freedom Rating: 170
Sexual Freedom Rating: 200
Magical Defense: 50
Speed Rating: 140

Starting HP: 200
Starting Mana: 20
Starting Sexual Stamina: 210

Special Skills:

Cleave Chain: This series of attacks hits for 75 Damage, up to 3 times for a maximum of 225 Total Damage. Each hit MUST connect to continue the chain. Melee skill.

Ferocious Strike Chain: This series of attacks hits for 70 damage, up to 4 times for a maximum of 280 Total Damage. Each hit MUST connect to continue the chain. Melee skill.

Shattering Wave Chain: This series of attacks hits for 55 damage, up to 3 times for a maximum of 165 Total Damage, and hits ALL enemies in the field of play. Each hit MUST connect to continue the chain. Mana Cost: 5. Melee skill.

Weakening Blow: This attack hits for 600 shadow damage AND causes the target to take double damage from ALL attacks it isn't immune to for 3 turns. This can't be stacked with the Necromancer ability Amplify. Melee skill despite it's damage type. This won't cause Shadow Damage dealing skills to do more damage.

Shove: This skill knocks your opponent down, dealing 25 damage. Once they are down, there is a follow-up to this called Crippling Cut that will attempt to execute automatically. If this hits, you deal 225 damage. Mana Cost: 5 Melee skills.

Class Specific Skills:

Enmity Boost - This passive skill causes all enemies to initially target ONLY the warrior until such time she has been grappled, or is actively being raped. This skill becomes useless however when your companion reaches KL 4 or higher, or when an enemy that has a specific favorite target class to attack is present. The latter applying to just the one enemy, with the former being in general.

Sexual Rush - A Warrior can allow herself to get raped in order to 'absorb' sexual energy from the 'passion of the moment.' This power will continue to build as she's raped, and for every 10 points of sexual pleasure she takes, she'll add +1 damage. This skill does a baseline damage of 300. Upon her orgasm, the Warrior will release all of her pent up sexual energy in an all encompassing ball of fury, lashing out with shadow damage. This damage can't be reduced in any way, and it can't be 'blocked' or 'resisted', and hits all enemies on the field of play regardless of if they are raping a
companion or not. This skill can only be activated once per enemy per encounter. Certain special abilities can negate this.

Class Specific Perks: +10 to all rolls and -10 pleasure vs. anything that has tentacles/vines. Plants, Sylvari, Nelvoken and all tentacled creatures Male or Female count).

Class Specific Weaknesses: Suffers double orgasms when hit with an attack that causes an instant orgasm, meaning she takes twice the KP on these attacks than is normal.

Orientation: TANK Class

Akaria awoke to the sensation of falling. Barely catching herself, she noticed a sword on a table, along with a note.

Dear Akaria. How lovely you are, and how I long to hear, and see you arch your back as a wild orgasm claims you. Well, I must welcome you to the Planet of Pleasure, where dreams come true, if you have sexual dreams. You have been brought here to play in a little game of mine. The objective is to survive and meet me, and play with me for your right to go home. However, along the way you'll have plenty of chances to have a little fun and have sex with my friends. I'll be watching of course, waiting for you to arrive so we can have tons of fun. I hope that tight little body of yours can handle what is to come, and I do hope you enjoy lots of sex, because that's what you'll be getting today. Enjoy yourself out there, and save some of your body for me. Once the door opens, the game begins, and don't think you can hide forever. Eventually, we'll find you and come get you.

About then the door in the corner of the room literally fell off it's hinges, and she could heard the sound of an ocean coming from up the stairwell leading out.


1: Move onward.

2: What the fuck even? (Might get caught by staying.)
Re: Akaria Sunblade (ryuforce)

Akari gasp, waking up to find herself in a strange dark room. "Where.. where am I? What is this?" The girl stood up, looking around the darken area as the last thing she remembered was paroling for guard duty in the middle of the night. Something striking her from behind and now this. Upon spotting the sword and note she walked over to it, taking the blade to examine. Just as good as the axe she normally uses.

However upon reading the note, her nose wrinkles as she tilts the message side ways. "Plant of Pleasure, Sex? What the hell?" The girl throws down the note in disgust. "This has to be some bizarre prank, a joke by my fellow guards I bet." The girl says, trying to reassure herself even as she finds a door opening up or more so, falling apart. With nothing but questions, she heads though it, moving on.

(Move onward.)
Re: Akaria Sunblade (ryuforce)

Moving onward and up the stairs, Akari walked into something that looked like a dream!

She was standing above an ocean beach, with sparkling emerald colored water that looked far purer than anything on Earth. However it was the sky that drew her immediate focus.

Six moons were visible despite it being broad daylight, and the sky itself was purple. The clouds, what few there were, they were pink! The grass nearby was all red, like it had been stained all around with blood. The biggest shocker though came when SHE appeared. Suddenly, a brown haired woman who was stunningly attractive, and also completely nude, appeared. However she didn't seem to entirely be real, but more phantasmal than anything, yet with no clear definition to say she was a hologram.

"Hello, my name is Cassidy. My duty is to guide you the best that I can through this place, in the hopes you can survive. The creatures you will undoubtedly encounter are lustful beasts who will stop at nothing to sexually corrupt you. Don't let that happen. I'm limited in how I can help you, but I will do my best. As you progress through this place, I will
appear to you, guiding you as best as I can. When the time is right, I will see you again. Farewell for now, and good luck."

Just like that the woman vanished right before her eyes, seeming to just cease to exist.

The only way she could go was west, if her sense of direction was accurate, and west had some sparse trees off in the distance.


1: Move onward.

2: What just happened? (Stay and chance to be caught)
Re: Akaria Sunblade (ryuforce)

When Akari finally got out of the mysterious room she was in her mouth was open in shock. Staring up into the sky, the water, and the ground. All of it was as surreal as it was eerily beautiful. "Where... where am I?" Akari asked herself as she stared up at the moons. Nothing about this should make sense, nor be possible. Is this all a dream?

When she finally turned back to examine the grass that's when she spotted the girl. This made the warrior jump back in surprise only to examine and notice her nude form. "Guide?... sexually corrupt? What does that- Hey!" Before the girl could ask her questions, the woman vanished as quickly as she appeared.

"Wait come back! I got so many questions." Akari let out a sigh, scratching the back of her head. "Just a dream, just a stupid dream." She muttered to herself and looked around once more. Having no other option, the red haired warrior head west as she tried so hard to make sense of this world.

(ONWARD TO VICTORY...or defeat)
Re: Akaria Sunblade (ryuforce)

As Akari took off towards her intended destination, she noticed some plant life. Shrugging and walking past it ...

Trap Evasion Roll:

Trap???: 150+316 vs. Akari: 200+483=683 (EVADE!)

Suddenly one of the plants came alive and tried to grab her! Fortunately Akari was quick enough to roll away from the grab, and she watched as phallic looking plant tendrils whipped about for a few moments, searching for her. Finally the plant went dormant again, but only now did she realize how close she'd come to being grabbed.


1: Move On.

2: Wait a moment and think about what just almost happened (chance to get caught).
Re: Akaria Sunblade (ryuforce)

Akari walked on as she started to take note of plant life. Nothing she was too interested in though. Least that was what she thought until one lashed out at her! Her warrior training kicked in just in time as she rolled to safety. The phallus like plant searching for her before giving up. "I.. I almost got grabbed... and... what would it have done?" She pondered in shock and a tad out of fear. Knowing full well what this plant might of done.

Re: Akaria Sunblade (ryuforce)

Akari waited a little bit, but it seemed like nothing else interesting was going to happen, no enemies showed up, and the plant seemed to have vanished, or perhaps she was simply trying not to see it?


1: Move On.

2: Wait until something shows up.

3: Walk by that plant and see what happens (lets it grab you).
Re: Akaria Sunblade (ryuforce)

After some recollection, Akari sighed and thought it would be best to move on. She'll never get out of this strange realm by standing next to a plant that may or may not of done things to her. Facing back onto the path, she moved on and resolved keeping an eye out for any more strange plants.

(Move on)
Re: Akaria Sunblade (ryuforce)

Akari kept moving and found herself in another seemingly empty area. As she carefully moved around looking for creepy sex plants ...

Trap Evasion:

Trap???: 150+790=940 vs. Akari: 200+224+10=434.

... The ground suddenly gave way beneath her! She fell into some kind of pit, but that wasn't the biggest issue. The pit felt warm and slimy and there was something MOVING down here with her. Before she could react, she was suddenly grabbed by countless tentacles! Quickly all three of her holes were stuffed, and she was being raped!

Akari suffers 25 pleasure due to being a warrior and tentacles not affecting her as much, and gains 85 KP. She has 185 Stamina left until she orgasms for the trap.


1: Try to get free!

2: Have an orgasm!
Re: Akaria Sunblade (ryuforce)

With Akari's eyes focused on the plants and possible trees to look for signs of dangerous plants, there will be no way she could be caught flat footed again. Nope, this warrior is determined to avoid any plant grabbing a hold of her once more. However when she took a step forward to an area she was confident had no plants, she found herself instead falling into a pit. "Damn it!" She called out in frustration but at least landed on something soft, though a stand slimy and warm.

If only it was that simple though as soon she felt everything sliding against her body and sure enough the trap fully sprung. Her arms and legs were the first things to be grabbed, followed shortly by her waist and a few clinging over her breasts. She struggled and pulled but found them to be the least of her problem as two tentacles didn't hesitate to slide into her sex and ass respectively. With them thrusting away she lets out a forced moan. "Oh no it's ahhh happening. Gotta.. gotta.. es-mmph!" She was silenced by another tentacle that slid into her complaining mouth.

The warrior struggled and moaned in the hold. She knew full well that even with how good this trap made it felt, it wasn't going to stop thrusting into her any time soon. Doing her best, she attempted to fight back against the trap and get herself free, hoping that once she gained momentum she could make a break for a ledge and pull herself out of the trap.

Re: Akaria Sunblade (ryuforce)

Escape Trap:

Akari: 200+16+10=226 vs. Trap: 150+443=593 (STUCK!)

Akari can't break free of the trap!

Pleasure Roll:

Trap: 150+210=360 vs. Akari: 200+10+10=220 (SEX!)

Akari suffers 25 pleasure as the trap continues to rape her, gaining another 25 KP as well. She has 160 Stamina left until she orgasms for the trap.


Same as before.
Re: Akaria Sunblade (ryuforce)

Akari moans and groans in pleasure as the tentacles do not seem willing to let her go yet. Still she continues to struggle, tugging and pulling as she attempts to get this trap to let her go.

(Struggle again)
Re: Akaria Sunblade (ryuforce)

Escape Trap:

Akari: 200+87+10=297 vs. Trap: 150+593=743 (STUCK!)

Akari can't break free of the trap still!

Pleasure Roll:

Trap: 150+305=455 vs. Akari: 200+570+10=770 (RESIST!)

Akari manages to resist sex this time.


Same as before.
Re: Akaria Sunblade (ryuforce)

Akari pants as she finds her attempt to break free still not working. She's a fighter and yet these tentacles seem to have no problem keeping her still. She isn't ready to give up just yet and once again pulls to try to get her freedom. No matter how good it feels to have the tentacles sliding into her, she can't allow it to take her. Not now, not so easily!

(Struggles again)
Re: Akaria Sunblade (ryuforce)

Escape Trap:

Akari: 200+51+10=261 vs. Trap: 150+724=874 (STUCK!)

Akari felt like she was struggling with an immovable force, the Tentacles just had that strong a grip on her. Or maybe her body was betraying her? It was hard to say, but it seemed to her that she was either struggling too wildly, or perhaps her strength wasn't quite there for some reason.

Pleasure Roll:

Trap: 150+500=650 vs. Akari: 200+43+10=253 (SEX!)

Akari can't fight off the pleasure this time, the tentacles continuing to have their way with her! Akari suffers 25 pleasure and gains 25 KP, and now has 135 Stamina until she orgasms.


1: Try to get free again.

2: Let it rape you to an orgasm and HOPE it releases you when it does.
Re: Akari Sunblade (ryuforce)

Akari started to moan. It feels like no matter how much she tugs she can't get the tentacles to budge. All as those tentacles find the right spots this time. The way it's thrusting is admittingly starting to feel quite good. "Ohh ye- no! No! I gotta get free!" She struggles still, determine not to let herself lose to such a simple trap, even when it's starting to actually feel good.

(She'll keep struggling til she gets free until she cums or something comes to help her)
Re: Akari Sunblade (ryuforce)

Escape Trap:

Akari: 200+32+10=242 vs. Trap: 150+152=302 (STUCK!)

Akari can't get free.

Pleasure Roll:

Trap: 150+500=650 vs. Akari: 200+712+10=922 (RESIST!)

Akari avoids more sex ...

Round 2:

Escape Trap:

Akari: 200+500+10=710 vs. Trap: 150+700=850 (STUCK!)

Akari is still stuck.

Pleasure Roll:

Trap: 150+600=750 vs. Akari: 200+560+10=770 (RESIST!)

Akari resists sex again.

Round 3:

Escape Trap:

Akari: 200+540+10=750 vs. Trap: 150+63=213 (FREE!)

Akari manages to FINALLY break free from the trap, and luckily for her, it doesn't seem anything wandered into the area to attack her!


1: Move On.

2: Rest a moment (chance to be caught).
Re: Akari Sunblade (ryuforce)

It took a while and a hell of a lot of determination but with one last tug the tentacles finally lose their grip, allowing her to grab the edge of the pit and hoist herself up. Rolling away from the trap that so eagerly wanted to make her moan, she pants and lays on the ground. "Wha..what the hell was that? What the hell is this place?" She muttered to herself, still in disbelief of what she just encountered, despite being warned earlier.

In time though, she finally gets up. The girl knowing she has to keep moving if she wants to find a way out of this strange land. Looking around first to make sure nothing showed up, she moved ahead. Lucky for her, nothing showed up to mock her situation or to attack her when she escaped. With such, she moved forward, taking her blessing over taking a breather.

(Move on)
Re: Akari Sunblade (ryuforce)

Akari moved on again, having to walk through some forested like areas. As she walked along ...

Trap Evasion Roll:

Trap?: 175+335=510 vs. Akari: 200+799=999 (EVADED)

... she suddenly saw something out of the corner of her eye, and with a surge forward, she avoided what looked like a tentacle! Turning around after clearing the spot, she'd see a yellow tentacle grasping about for her, and it seemed to be coming from the TREE itself! After a few moments, it gave up, vanishing back to the top of the tree like it had never been there.


1: Move On.

2: Stop a moment to think about what almost happened (chance to be caught).
Re: Akari Sunblade (ryuforce)

Akari wanders forward until she spotted another tentacle after her. Barely avoiding it's attempt to ensnare and likely fuck her. The girl moving away until it gave up and retreated to the trees above. "The hell, how many traps are there?" She muttered to herself concern as she keeps moving ahead.

(Move on)