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Akari Sunblade (ryuforce)



RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Akari Sunblade (ryuforce)

Attack Roll:

Akari: 19 vs. Human: 26. Counter Attack = NO.

Akari MISSES her attack, perhaps letting her emotions get the better of her.

Grapple Attempt:

Human: 23 vs. Akari: 24. Counter Attack = NO.

Akari BARELY manages to dodge his attempt to grab her again, and it almost seems like his mind is completely gone. In fact, she might wonder if he were even 'alive' at all, and not some sort of zombie instead, for he showed no signs of the pain he had to be feeling, and he barely even seemed living.


1: Kill it!

2: Could it be ... Undead Sex?


Jungle Girl
Oct 22, 2011
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Re: Akari Sunblade (ryuforce)

"What the hell is wrong with you!" She called out as it only responded with grunts. Was this being even human? Even alive? The thought of a zombie trying to have it's way with her actually send shivers down her spine, mostly in disgust. Either way this fight is getting nowhere in her favor fast as she misses once more and barely avoids being grabbed again. Trying to get it together, she swings yet again, determine to kill whatever this thing is before it can grab her once more.

(Kill it with fire! Wait there is no fire? Then sword!)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Akari Sunblade (ryuforce)

Attack Roll:

Akari: 12 vs. Human: 1. Counter Attack = NO.

Finally, after a drawn out battle, Akari manages to land the killing blow.

Loot Phase:

Human: Map Piece!

Slime: HP Potion.

Akari gains an HP Potion, but on the Human she finds a map piece, telling her how to get to the next area! Almost immediately, she saw the ghost woman again.

"Congratulations, you have found one of the many map pieces you will need to make your escape. I will now show you how to get through to the next area and avoid all the creatures this map shows are active here."

After a few minutes, she had guided her to some kind of barrier, with a device that looked an awful lot like a fake pussy inserted into the barrier.

"This energy barrier can only be dropped when the device you see deems you to be worthy of passing. I'm afraid you must allow it to rape you until it's satisfied."

A moment later, the woman vanished, but Akari for a moment could have sworn she saw both a look of disgust on her face as she pointed out the device, as well as something sneaking in behind her. Could the woman actually be alive and projecting herself somehow? And if so, was she about to become a captive herself?


1: Let the device have it's way with you.

2: Scream, cry and give up and allow the enemies to find you and carry you away for a lifetime of sex.


Jungle Girl
Oct 22, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Akari Sunblade (ryuforce)

Akari panted as the sword finally struck true and the human fell over dead. She looked horrified over the events that just happen. "I... I warned you." she declared to the man as she dropped to her knees, catching her breath. "What.. what the hell kind of place is this?" Even with the explanation the woman gave her, grasping that it was all true left her in shock.

However as she stared down at the man she killed she noticed a piece of paper and from the slime, a potion. It took her a while but she hesitantly lifted up both and unfurled the paper to reveal it to be some sort of map. Pointing to the next area. When the woman reappeared, Akari jumped straight up and pointed her blade at her. Startled by the surprise only to slowly lower it down as the woman explained her goal.


There was least some reprieve as the woman guided Akari out of this area but this aid was only short lived when she is taken to a strange barrier and where a floating fake pussy holds it together. "Wait... I have to let it do what!?" She blinks at the woman's explanation but without a demonstration. Left clueless on what to do. Furthermore the way the woman's face turned to disgust and something seeming to shift up behind the girl left Akari worried.

Still, there is no other option she can think of but figure out how to disarm this barrier. Walking closer to the device she looked it over as it indeed looked like a woman's vagina, begging to be filled. "I... don't get it. I'm suppose to be raped by this thing. Something I already don't want to allow but even if I would be willing... I don't got a cock for it to fill." She thought to herself confused as she looked around for any clues. "Does it want me to lick it out?" She asks herself out loud with a bit of a blush, wondering if the woman can hear.

(Sex barriers, how do they work? XD I think I know the answer but I doubt Akari can come up with the conclusion on her own at the moment.)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Akari Sunblade (ryuforce)

Just when Akari thought she'd get nowhere, suddenly the device came to life!

A sudden surge of magic went through her, and in disbelief she watched herself grow an impressive cock. Then, with a sudden magical yank, she found herself plunged inside the depths of the fake pussy, as magical restraints tied her to the barrier, even as the pussy began stroking her new cock. Pleasure erupted in every nerve ending as her vulnerable new flesh was raped, and she felt more than her fair share of orgasms with her new tool, the sensations overwhelming her.

Akari gains 1,574 KP as the trap rapes her to several orgasms before finally releasing her after about fifteen minutes of incredible, non stop sex. She suddenly finds herself on the other side of the barrier, alone, her cock rapidly vanishing, but still some of her impossible semen trickling down her leg from where she was still dripping out just a moment ago.


1: Move Onward.

2: Stop to think about what just happened (chance to be caught).

3: Something else (IE: Taste the semen to see if it's real, or something that makes her stay put or move in combo with the action.)

((Note: She's back to full Stamina now.))


Jungle Girl
Oct 22, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Akari Sunblade (ryuforce)

Before Akari could ponder much longer she felt magical energy soar though her body. Shivering at first only to gasp as a cock sprouted out of her, shocking the girl as she tried to take a step back. "Wh.. what the hel- Ack!" She gasped as she is pulled into the barrier. A warmth spread against her crotch as the new tool slid completely into the fake pussy. With a groan she soon, squirms and pulls as the device stroked her cock but try as she might, she couldn ot break free of the hold.

"Mmnn oh.. the hell is gon.. going on... It's so.. .sensitive." She moans only to tense up from a sudden orgasm. Followed shortly by another. The overwhelming bliss spreading against her new cock and leaning her helplessly crying out in pleasure.

What felt like an eternity later she finds herself released on the other side of the barrier. Her cock vanishing before her very sight but the semen it has made slides a bit down her leg. "Th.. wh...this place is inside..." She finally manage to say to herself, slowly getting up. "This is all too much so fast. I.. I don't know what to do." She gets to her knees, wiping herself clean the best she can as her cheeks burn a crimson red. Akari starts to question if this is just one vivid dream. After all everything about the day before was normal and yet here she is in some other 'reality, trying not to get fucked by a human and being raped by a trap. None of it making any sense to her.

(2. think for now)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Akari Sunblade (ryuforce)

Sitting down, Akari was maybe hoping to wake up, but soon a light breeze flowed over her body, and she realized it wasn't a dream. This was real! There was no sign of the barrier, or the trap, both having seemed to vanish somehow. More importantly though, nothing seemed to be coming out to attack her in her vulnerable, confused state. At least, not yet.


1: Move Onward.

2: Think about it some more (chance to be caught)

3: Wait for a fight to see if it really is all real.


Jungle Girl
Oct 22, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Akari Sunblade (ryuforce)

After some though, Akari realizes just sitting here will do nothing. This is real and she has to move on. Getting up slowly, she tries to cautiously move on. Hoping nothing else will show up to stop her from finding a way out of here. Something deep down, she knows isn't gonna happen.

(Move on)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Akari Sunblade (ryuforce)

Moving on, Akari soon found herself in a new area, and as she looked up, two enemies came bounding over the hills at her! Instinctively, before she saw what they were, she took a step back to prepare herself ...

Trap Evasion Roll:

Trap???: 7 vs. Akari: 2

And suddenly Akari felt like she'd stepped in some kind of mud. Grimacing, she pulled herself out of it, and turned to face the attackers, not realizing what was about to happen ...

Enemy Encounter:

Level 3 Virago: Stamina: 135. Pleasure: 45. HP: 600.

Level 3 Harpy: Stamina: 140. Pleasure: 40. HP: 600. Weak vs. Physical Attacks.

As she recognized both of her attackers being female, Akari felt something strange going on down below her belt line. Gasping as she felt something MOVING there, she glanced down in a panic, and her eyes might widen as she saw the source! Right before her eye, a mass was growing above her pussy, one that quickly took on the shape, and form of a fully functional cock! It suddenly dawned on her, though she didn't know how she knew this, that she'd been infected with some kind of futanari parasite! Before she could react though, she felt something happen ...

Parasite Roll: 14 (Well ... time for some auto play!)

14 = Makes your futa cock grow larger, enough so you can suck yourself off, and you are forced to for five straight turns. If you were grappled/being raped, this breaks you free, and you can't be attacked again until this wears off. (Can't be removed during this).

... and suddenly her cock grew even bigger! She suddenly became overwhelmed by the desire to suck herself off, and try as she might to resist it, her body acted like something else had control of it, and she realized it was the parasite! Whimpering, she couldn't stop herself from lowering her own warm mouth over her new cock, and beginning to gently suck herself off.

5 Rounds Later:

Akari is forced to suck her own dick, dealing a total of 300 pleasure to herself! Her stamina runs out in the last few minutes of her self inflicted blowjob, and Akari trembles as she experiences a world shattering orgasm, even forced to swallow her own semen that she just spurted out! Akari gains a total of 400 KP from her self inflicted blowjob, her orgasm, sucking on her own dick and being forced to swallow her own parasite tainted seed. Meanwhile, her would be rapists just sit and watch, aroused and amused expressions on their avian features. Akari is in the adrenaline boost state for 8 turns.

Parasite Roll: 1: Instant 60 pleasure gain for five straight turns + whatever you'd get normally. (Ouch)

Even as she stood back up, her cock still there but more 'normal' in erect size, she felt tiny tendrils from the Parasite begin to massage her shaft, trying to stimulate her to an orgasm! Akari suffers 60 pleasure, and gains 60 KP. She has 60 Stamina left until she has an orgasm, and knows her adrenaline boost is about to be raped out of her!

Initiative Roll:

Harpy: 29 (1st)
Virago: 27 (2nd)
Akari: 26 (Last)

Worse still, her enemies had the upper hand now, as they lunged for her!

Grapple Attempts:

Harpy: 28 vs. Akari: 29+5=34. Counter Attack = YES.

Akari dodges the first attacker, and smacks her for 400 damage, leaving her with only 200 HP!

Virago: 12 vs. Akari: 24+5=29. Counter Attack = NO!

Akari nimbly dodges the second attacker, and now has a chance to do something.

The Parasite doesn't affect her yet, as it already has for this round.


1: Try to run away from the fight.

2: Try to ignore the Parasite, and focus on killing the monsters before they can take advantage of you.

3: Ignore the monsters and try to remove the parasite first, before that adrenaline boost is gone (chance it may still leave her with a temporary futa cock though)


Jungle Girl
Oct 22, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Akari Sunblade (ryuforce)

Just as she finally found something. Even though it was obviously an enemy. Everything bad could happen does so. Stepping into a pit of mud, she quickly moved out of it but the damage was already done. She gasped as she felt something moving against her crotch and before she could say a word, Akari watched in horror and shock as a new cock has formed. "Wha...what the hell?" Was all she could manage to mutter. Almost completely forgetting the two avian bird girls rushing towards her.

Still in shock, she could not expect her shaft to suddenly grow massive in size. Far to large for any normal tool to expect from a man and one that would taste so good. Shaking her head, Akari realized something was wrong, her own mouth watering as thoughts of how wonderful it would be to suck herself off grew in her head. What ever is doing this was too strong. This thing is making her want to give her own self a blow job and the girl find herself unable to do anything but drop her sword and lift her new erect shaft to her lips. Moaning and shivering at her own sudden desire, she could not help but slide her tongue along her own tool. Licking it slowly as she continued to suck.

Akari blushed furiously, knowing she was being watched but finding it just to good to stop. The sweet touch of her own lips felt like heaven to her new dick and sure enough she would gasp and moan as she rewarded herself with a powerful orgasm. Sucking down the seed, she shivered at the taste but her focus was starting to return, realizing this parasite is a dangerous threat to her right now. Almost as much as the two birds getting ready to attack.

Finally her hands stopped disobeying her new focused will and she left go of the shrinking shaft. Growing back down but still not gone. Shakingly getting up she held onto her sword again and gasped as she felt something rub at her cock. Stroking it so nicely and almost begging her to just let it take her to another orgasm. If she didn't do something fast, it would certainly happen especially as the two harpies swarm in for their attack.

Her heart raced but she reacted in time, lifting her blade and strafeing to the left she swung a heavy blow onto the Harpy. Then jumped away from the other bird girl as she dashed forward. Still they were the least concerning thing to her right now. This parasite would only keep pleasuring her and there is no way she can go on fighting with it there. "Give me one second and I'll show you a real fight!" She boldly declared as she took her distance. Knowing full well the beings would have to be outright stupid to actually listen but for now she fished and tried to find the parasite, determined to pull it off before it could do any more damage to her. The goal was simple.

Remove the parasite, attack the monsters, then deal with this new cock. She could freak out now over her shaft but doing so would only just allow these creatures to get her. And as a guard sworn to protect others, running is not an option either.

(3: Ignore the monsters and remove the parasite. Or least try to)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Akari Sunblade (ryuforce)

Ignoring her enemies, Akari grabbed the parasite and tried to pull it off.

Parasite Removal Attempt:

Akari: 7+5=12 vs. Parasite: 13.

Akari can't get the thing off of her, and it burrows deeper into her body! She realizes she'll have to wait a bit to try again, but in the meantime, she has enemies looking to take advantage! Worse, she's going to lose this adrenaline boost soon!

Grapple Attempts:

Harpy: 11 vs. Akari: 9. Counter Attack = NO!

Virago: 25 vs. Akari: 21.

Akari is jumped by BOTH winged women, and sandwiched between them! It seems they plan to double team her along with the parasite!

3 turns until removal can be attempted.


1: Try to get free.

2: See what they have in mind for a turn.

3: Let them fuck you and hope the parasite actually works in your favor somehow, and gets you free for you!

((You get your turn then the adrenaline gets raped out of you by the parasite.))


Jungle Girl
Oct 22, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Akari Sunblade (ryuforce)

Akari's hope of breaking off the parasite has failed and now two women press against her, causing her cheeks to burn red. Squirmign, she tries to pull out of the double teaming avian hold. Struggling and tugging along the way. "Dirty birds, just you wait til I get free!"

(1. Break the grapple)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Akari Sunblade (ryuforce)

Escape Grapple Attempt(s):

Akari: 4+5=9 vs. Harpy: 15.

Akari: 6+5=11 vs. Virago: 20.

Akari can't get free from either woman, and now she's in BIG trouble!

Akari suffers 60 pleasure as the parasite strokes her, and it causes her to orgasm! She spurts another load, fortunately not inside of one of the winged women yet, but the damage is done. Her adrenaline boost suddenly dies off, and she's left gasping as she gains 110 KP!

Penetration Attempts:

Harpy: 25 vs. Akari: 8.

Akari can't stop the avian woman from sliding her pussy over Akari's cock, nor can she stop her from riding her! Akari suffers 40 pleasure and gains 60 KP from the sudden sex, and has 170 Stamina left. The Harpy has 100 Stamina.

Virago: 26 vs. Akari: 22.

The Virago grows a dick herself, and rams into the pussy that Akari forgot she still had! Akari is now literally being double teamed, and being fucked two different ways! One is fucking her pussy, the other is riding her dick. Akari suffers 45 pleasure and gains 65 KP. She has 125 Stamina left, while the Virago has 90.

Akari is in big trouble, as the two women, plus the parasite can bring her to a rapid orgasm, and soon. 2/5 on parasite condition, 2 turns left til removal attempt.


1: Try to get free!

2: Enjoy the rape and have an orgasm (can't get adrenaline, but she doesn't know that muhahaha.)


Jungle Girl
Oct 22, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Akari Sunblade (ryuforce)

It turns out her choices of actions have backfired horribly. One second trying to fight the parasite, the next the girl freezes in a sudden pleasure induced orgasm, making it easy for her to be grabbed. Try as Akari might, soon she moans loudly when a nice warm pussy wraps around her cock. The pleasure almost unbearable as she is being rode on. Moaning and squirming, she tries to stop the harpy from riding her only to soon feel something large slip into her pussy. Her eyes open wide as she realizes now she has both and these two monsters intend to make the most of it.

Moaning and groaning in pleasure, their double teaming proves effective and a part of her just wants to lay there and take it. But she shakes the thought away, she wasn't about to have that human have a chance with her, neither would she allow the same for these monsters. Struggling again, she tries to work against the two, panting and moaning as one slides still on her new tool and the other keeps thrusting away in her. Akari doesn't care to admit it, but she isn't sure how long she could resist if she doesn't pull free soon.

(Struggling this time, but if she fails.... so gonna make her spend a turn giving into some harpy lovin!)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Akari Sunblade (ryuforce)

Akari suffers 60 pleasure as the parasite continues to 'stroke' her. She gains 60 KP. She has 65 Stamina left.

Escape Rape Attempts:

Akari: 19 vs. Harpy: 26.

Akari: 28 vs. Virago: 30.

Akari can't break free of either woman!

(Going off the assumption she'll try to resist the pleasure here, and if she fails to she gives in a turn, rather than if she fails to escape this time she just gives in to be ridden.)

Pleasure Rolls:

Harpy: 19 vs. Akari: 6.

Akari suffers 40 pleasure as the Harpy continues to work her, and with the Virago pounding her from behind as well, Akari knows she might just orgasm into the Harpy soon! Akari gains 40 KP, and has only 25 Stamina left until she has a wild orgasm.

The Harpy has 60 Stamina left.

Virago: 21 vs. Akari: 12.

Akari can't stop the continued double team from pleasuring her, and even as the Harpy rides her off, the Virago is pounding her pussy from behind. Finally, it's just too much, and she suffers an orgasm! At first, it starts in her pussy, the sensation of a shuddering orgasm ripping through her. She wasn't quite prepared for it to continue past her own pussy, and without warning she felt her cock spurt it's seed out, filling the pussy of the Harpy riding her! It was like having two orgasms at once, but meshed into a single super powerful one. As she uncontrollably spurts, she is barely aware of an instinctive warning in her mind. She has IMPREGNATED the Harpy!

Akari suffers 45 pleasure, and suffers a wild orgasm, impregnating the Harpy. She gains 240 KP from the sex, orgasm and being forced to give up her seed. Akari has 190 Stamina until her next orgasm.

The Virago has 45 Stamina until she fills Akari!

Round 2:

In complete bliss, Akari gives in to enjoy her rape, trying to recover from her sudden orgasm and the turn of events!

The Parasite continues to work her over, forcing her to take another 60 pleasure, and gain 60 KP. If she gets free, she can attempt to remove it now, but it's about to change status ailments on her!

Akari gains 40 pleasure as the Harpy continues riding her off mercilessly, not allowing her any time to recover between her orgasm and another ride. Akari gains 40 KP, and has 90 Stamina left until she has an orgasm.

The Harpy has 20 Stamina until she contracts in an orgasm around Akari!

Akari gains 45 pleasure as the Virago continues to fuck her from behind, and suddenly the thrusts increase in speed! Akari is helpless to prevent the Virago from suddenly slamming deep into her pussy, and can only enjoy the sensation of the Virago flooding her with her seed, filling her up. Once again, a warning goes off in her mind, only this time she realizes the Virago has IMPREGNATED her! Akari gains 70 KP, and has 45 stamina left until she has an orgasm.

Akari knows that the Harpy is about to have an orgasm herself, which in turn will tip her over the edge and cause her to share an orgasm with her rapist. The question is, can Akari resist the urge to feel that vice like pussy contract around her and milk her?


Harpy: 19/20.
Akari: 20/20.


1: Try to get free from the sex.

2: Enjoy one more hot ride and orgasm.

3: Give up until you are freed due to birthing, or KP cap (whichever happens first).


Jungle Girl
Oct 22, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Akari Sunblade (ryuforce)

Akari tries as she might, she can't resist the constant pressure in her pussy nor the wonderful pussy sliding against her cock. The double pleasure sensation is just something she is not use to at all. It all felt so wonderful to the poor warrior that before she knows it, she thrusts forward a bit and releases her load into the harpy. Spurting the seed over and over as she blushes deeply. The human knowing full well she has manage to impregnate the harpy.

But it didn't stop there, the Virago continued to thrust her futa cock in deep and with a loud cry of her own, she felt the avian monster thrust into her and cum as well. The sensation making the woman cry out in bliss once again. However she suddenly felt that she too was impregnated and this shocking realizing has caused her to come to her senses. If she doesn't break free, they'll continues to fuck her senseless even if they already had her impregnated.

Finally getting her focus back, the warrior struggled and pushed against the birds. Trying as hard as she can to get herself free from the endless threeway before she becomes to exhausted to fight.

(Try to get free. Also sorry bout the delay, it's getting busy this time of year.)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Akari Sunblade (ryuforce)

Escape Rape Attempts:

Akari: 13 vs. Harpy: 18

Akari: 24 vs. Virago: 7

Akari struggles, and is able to push the Virago off of her, but unfortunately the Harpy clings to her, actually forcing her to tip over backwards so now she is literally RIDING Akari.

Parasite Change: 15: Causes you to become obsessed with an enemy currently on the field of play that is free, and you'll let it rape you (instant penetration) for five straight turns. If there was no enemy, you'll become obsessed with having an orgasm somehow, and either rape your companion, or jerk yourself off. (Ouch, free Harpy loving!)

The change in angle comes at the worst time, as the parasite changes, and Akari can no longer think about ANYTHING but having sex with the Harpy riding her.

Over the next 5 rounds, the Harpy mercilessly rides Akari off, causing her to suffer 280 Pleasure, 590 KP and two orgasms herself, while the Harpy also has two.

The first orgasm is probably the best for Akari. As she lays there enjoying the ride, she can feel the Harpy begin to contract in an orgasm around her cock, the pussy beginning to squeeze her, almost milking her. Already close to the boiling point, Akari can't contain the pleasure, and with no warning, the sensations around her cock finally tip her past the point of no return. A wild, spurting orgasm rips through Akari as she floods the Harpy once more with her seed, the two sharing a powerful orgasm that seems to go on forever. As Akari spurts, the Harpy's pussy contracts, milking her for her seed, unrelentingly. When it's finally over, the Harpy continues to ride her, and after a while, Akari can feel the Harpy climax again around her! This time it isn't quite enough to make her orgasm immediately, and her body begins to crave release. The Harpy doesn't disappoint, and moments after it's orgasm dies down, Akari is caught in the throes of her second orgasm during this stretch. Soon after that orgasm dies down, her head begins to clear, and she realizes quite some time has passed! Further more, she seemed to have enjoyed all of this!

Parasite changes after she makes her next move.


Harpy: 14/20.
Akari: 15/20.


1: Gotta get free!

2: Fuck me into oblivion baby! (Go til birth/KP cap)

3: Other?


Jungle Girl
Oct 22, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Akari Sunblade (ryuforce)

Akari manages to get the Virago off of her but the harpy pushes her down to the ground. Struggling with all her might she tried to get the harpy off of her cock when suddenly her heart starts to pound. Looking up she moans and gives up the urge to fight back against this sexy Harpy. Without realizing the parasite is getting to her, Akari leans her head back and moans loudly as the harpy rides her.

Over and over, feeling that wonderful pussy squeeze her cock. Why would she fight this with her new tool? With a cry of pleasure she thrusts forward and cums against the wonderful avian's orgasming pussy. Still it's just not enough and the woman cries out as they both reach yet another orgasm, rocking the warrior to the core.

However her head starts to clear up as Akari realizes what she has been doing. Blushing in both shock and the fact she was enjoying it the whole time. Either way she had enough, she can't just keep letting it fuck her senseless as she attempts to push the harpy off. "You.. had your fun, now get off!"

(1. This is bad... gotta get free before it's too late)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Akari Sunblade (ryuforce)

Escape Rape Attempt:

Akari: 4 vs. Harpy: 26.

The Harpy merely laughs at her, easily holding Akari down as she continues to expertly ride her!

Parasite Change: 17: Causes you to become so sensitive to sex that you orgasm every time you have sex for five straight turns. (Oh dear)

Pleasure Roll:

Harpy: 22 vs. Akari: 12.

Akari can't stop the Harpy from continuing to ride her, and suddenly she feels the parasite do something different. In mere moments she goes from having the stamina to hold back her orgasm for now to suddenly so sensitive that the mere movement of the Harpy riding her causes her to spurt wildly in an orgasm! Akari's body is on fire with pleasure, and she knows it's the parasite doing this to her. Still, she can't deny the fact that the sex is really good, or the fact that if this thing held true to what it's been doing so far, she was going to end up having four more orgasms in a hurry if she couldn't get free! Akari suffers 210 pleasure, and gains 260 KP.

The Harpy has 90 stamina left until she has an orgasm around Akari again.


Harpy: 13/20.
Akari: 14/20.


1: Try to fight it!

2: Give in for the next four turns and have hot orgasms!


Jungle Girl
Oct 22, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Akari Sunblade (ryuforce)

Akari is still effectively pinned down by the Harpy just when things grow worst for her. The parasite causing her body to quake as her new cock feels so very sensitive. Within moments of just being rode she can not hold back as she cums once again into the Harpy's warm inviting pussy. The woman moans, blushing deeply as despite the situation, it does feel so good to be ridden off like this over and over.

Still she doesn't give up, attempting to steel her wits before the harpy can force yet another orgasm on her. She attempts to shove the creature off, barely whimpering form the constant pleasure and the constant thought of how much easier it would be to just let the Harpy continue to ride her.

(1 Keep fighting it. Maybe luck will finally kick in for the poor warrior)