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Amarant: Noble's Path

Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Oh, yes - Sorry I didn't confirm it, but I implemented a bit of what you suggested:

I made it so that mana regens at 1 per hour, with a bit more while sleeping. Also, Jane can overdraw one spell. That is, she can only overdraw once while at 0 mana, and cannot do so again until she at least regains the 1-2 mana and goes back up to 0. Note, that this could have some dire consequences... the details of which I am not privy to reveal at this time. ;)

Overall, when our heroine runs out of mana, she has to decide what is the lesser evil: melee or overdrawing. And thank you for bringing it up again, as I realized a mistake I made with the details a bit that has been corrected.

I also redid miscasting in the first post: I decided to change it up so that the only way to have a spell fizzle is to roll less than "2" - as long as the roll's a 2+ everything is dandy. However, being attacked, grappled, or otherwise distracted may make the roll a bit harder to pull off. To put it simply: spells have a 10% chance to fizzle most of the time, but have a small penalty when hit or having your concentration broken. Eventually - since Jane is still technically a novice in the use of magic - our heroine will become much better at casting magic, and the chance of having a spell fizzle will be extremely small, if not almost non-existant.

So she can effectively overdraw a singular spell at 0 Mana? Now this is going to be interesting. Through I have a suggestion again for this - If Jane ever comes down to having to pick between melee/ranged weapon or overdrawing for a spell, for a little tossup, if the vote is close (only off by 1 or 2), roll the dice and see if Jane panicks! And wastes a whole turn.

Thank goodness for that change to miscasting. Now, now spell fizzles will only happen on spells that are out of her league or her concentration is being shot or being frustrated.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Through I have a suggestion again for this - If Jane ever comes down to having to pick between melee/ranged weapon or overdrawing for a spell, for a little tossup, if the vote is close (only off by 1 or 2), roll the dice and see if Jane panicks! And wastes a whole turn.

I may add something like that, but it may simply be a mechanic that adds more headache to an already tense situation. And while I have dabbled in the idea that the number of votes a decision has determines how effective it could be... I wouldn't want people to worry about sacrificing the well-being of the character by voting for what they want to vote for.

We'll see what everyone else thinks. If enough people decide its an interesting mechanic and are okay with it, I'll add it. We fortunately have quite a few posts before Jane could even conceivably run out of mana.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

So she can effectively overdraw a singular spell at 0 Mana? Now this is going to be interesting. Through I have a suggestion again for this - If Jane ever comes down to having to pick between melee/ranged weapon or overdrawing for a spell, for a little tossup, if the vote is close (only off by 1 or 2), roll the dice and see if Jane panicks! And wastes a whole turn.

Thank goodness for that change to miscasting. Now, now spell fizzles will only happen on spells that are out of her league or her concentration is being shot or being frustrated.

Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Through I have a suggestion again for this - If Jane ever comes down to having to pick between melee/ranged weapon or overdrawing for a spell, for a little tossup, if the vote is close (only off by 1 or 2), roll the dice and see if Jane panicks! And wastes a whole turn.
I really don't like that idea. First of all, we already have enough random elements - no need to add another one. And second, it might discourage people from voting for the option they want. For example:
Option 1 has 5 votes, option 2 has 3 votes. A voter likes option 2, but he's worried about causing the character to panic, so he votes for option 1 instead. I can definitely see that sort of thing happening, especially if the character is in a tight spot and panicking is guaranteed to cause defeat.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

I really don't like that idea. First of all, we already have enough random elements - no need to add another one. And second, it might discourage people from voting for the option they want. For example:
Option 1 has 5 votes, option 2 has 3 votes. A voter likes option 2, but he's worried about causing the character to panic, so he votes for option 1 instead. I can definitely see that sort of thing happening, especially if the character is in a tight spot and panicking is guaranteed to cause defeat.

I can see that, I really can, but I will still support my own suggestion and not back down.

Anyway, Cevrik77 has put his foot down. It's not going to be anything as disabiliting as that but something more along the lines of "Fluff" like a headache. Am I reading that correctly?
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Anyway, Cevrik77 has put his foot down. It's not going to be anything as disabiliting as that but something more along the lines of "Fluff" like a headache. Am I reading that correctly?

I wouldn't say I've put my foot down, but if there is enough support, if will definitely be more of flavor to add to the text rather than a crucial game element. Most likely, it will be something, manifested in the story, that represents the opposition between the voters, but is highly unlikely to affect the story in any real way.

Anyway... here we go. I haven’t actually sat down to write anything in quite a bit, so the early posts may be a bit bumpy as I get back up to speed… This first one might be a bit long, but it’s mostly to just set everything up.

Also, the first few posts are a small “tutorial” to get everything set up and see how it all works out – once we’re back home in the Noble's District, you guys can decide where we go from there and the real story begins. If you’re wondering where your scrolls, jewelry and other goods are... they're at the house - just be patient!

Amarant: Noble's Path

Far below was a field of squares; reds, greens, yellows, and blues, the colors formed an almost checkerboard-like pattern, extending from one colossal wall to the other. Beyond the enclosure lay an even greater expanse, this one a solid blue to the edge of the horizon. The sun casting an orange haze on its surface, it was calm compared to the colored fury within the stone walls: people rushing under, around, and in between the colored sections, they hunted for their quarry. Their appearances varied as much as the products they sought; a myriad of races - mostly male - dressed in all manner of clothing. A cacophony of shouts and conversation grew along with the checkerboard pattern, the commotion unintelligible. A constant din that absorbed all other noise, there was only one thing that seemed to surmount it: a series of hard, mechanical ticks, they sounded off in quick succession. This grew as well, the clangorous rhythm eventually slowing until it was abruptly ended with the crash and creak of wood against stone. More creaking and the sounds of ropes being untied and tossed to the ground before a cluster of people stepped off the wooden platform.

“Stay behind me”.

The words came from a man, taller than most, he wore a drab, yellow uniform that puffed up slightly around the arms and thighs and had a wide blade strapped to his hip, a hand constantly resting against its handle. Bald, except for the friendly mutton chops on his face, he also bared the experience of many battles, his visage contradicting the moniker of his facial hair.

Behind him, following just on his heels, was a girl. While normal-sized, she was dwarfed next to the imposing figure. She was a beautiful woman by most accounts, her features sharp and fine. With green eyes and brown hair that was pinned up behind her head.

She didn’t cling to the man in front of her, but still, she used him as a shield, her lithe form moving quickly as the mass of bodies separated in front of them. the man moved forcefully, pushing aside those who did not clear away; beggars, vagabonds, and pickpockets, they waited in ambush, seeking to receive a sum of what many others had brought with them to spend at the markets, whether given or ill-gained.

The two figures descended into the sea of color, teals, reds, and violets passing them by. The girl had seen the sight many times before in her life, its wonder having worn off long ago. Instead, it was the people that caught her attention: traders, travelers, adventurers, and even pirates, they all came by boat or train to the city. Speaking many different languages and bringing with them parts of other cultures she had read about. Of course, while they were fascinating, they also brought about a certain sense of danger, various blades, bludgeons, and even firearms fastened to hips, thighs, and chests.

Even so, the man had long since slowed, relaxing a bit as the busier parts of the market lay behind the pair. The girl took the opportunity to move up, walking alongside the intimidating figure.

“Used to be calm here. Those dull-minded fools are more common with every passing week.” The man said, letting out an agitated snort.

The girl glanced back behind them, her green eyes peering back as though trying to see the scene they had left far behind them.

“If you give them a coin or two they will usually leave you well enough alone.” she said, turning back around.

Her companion scoffed in response.

“Aye, one of the wolves may leave, but that squandered coin’s blood for the rest of the pack. Hell, what am I saying? Those degenerates are always by that blasted thing.”

She didn’t respond, knowing there was truth in what he said: the elevator was one of the most direct ways from the upper residential district to the markets. More importantly, it was one of the most direct routes from the Noble’s district to the markets. Fiends and lowlifes congregate near the bottom, the turning of the elevator’s mechanism music to their ears.

The two continued to move through the markets, stalls and stands giving way to more traditional streets and buildings as they made their way further south. Still, the streets were packed, this day one of many in which quite a few trade ships have come bearing goods. While the two did have money with them, today’s business was different.

“Now, Jane, I apologize for this, but… I’m going to need you to-“

“I know, Thorold,” she cut him off, “stay outside”.

The slightest pang of regret showed on his face before continuing.

“My apologies, but you know how it is – they don’t trust anyone they don’t know. Even today’s spot is nothing more than a place to meet.”

Jane nodded, having gone through this process before. While they had traveled to the market for the past couple of days in preparation for something, today’s venture was not in order to buy things. No, this was a meeting with a few of Thorold’s “associates”. She still wasn’t quite sure who they were or where in the district they were even going, the only thing she knew for sure was that Thorold had known them since long before her father was even a nobleman.

She noticed the look on his face, his eyes narrowing and brow furrowing for a bit; it was the same look he got anytime he felt as though he wasn’t doing his job. While her father’s bodyguard in actuality, Thorold felt he needed to protect her any time she left the Noble District – a responsibility he sometimes stressed over a little too much. She actually wasn’t exactly sure why Thorold became a guard for her father. Whatever the case, she knew that he cares for both of them a great deal, so much so he would sooner die than have harm come to either her or her father. Jane was reminded of how doing such a thing would be no easy feat however, as she noticed the expression fade just as fast as it had come about.

Thorold was one of the most proficient fighters Jane has ever seen, let alone have the good fortune to train under him. While she was never really one to wield a blade, he had attempted to teach her ever since she was just a girl. He had almost become like a second father, if not a brother to her, being there for her whenever her father was wrapped up in political dealings – which was quite often.

Noticing the a dress store down the ways, Jane chuckled, reminded of how, even though Thorold was one of the most tenacious and battle-hardened individuals she knew of, he would become a complete pushover with her sometimes. However, he would always be ready to revert back to a stern protector at a moment’s notice.

Even over the commotion of the street, Thorold must’ve noticed her laugh however, as he gave her a suspicious look and gave her an inquisitive “Hm?”

“Oh, nothing in particular” she replied with a small smile.

Thorold cocked an eyebrow, but didn’t go into it any further, looking back to the street, scanning for any potential threats.

Still, Jane couldn’t help but think back over the past decade or so: With her father away fulfilling his duty as a council member, and her Mother having passed long ago, Thorold has had to attend to some very interesting parental duties. The situations have become even more entertaining over recent years – few things are as out of place in the world as a war veteran helping a young girl shop for a court dress or helping her learn practice her lessons from Charm School. It’s become even worse for him in more recent years as her figure has become much more like that of a “proper woman”, a far-cry from the “Little Jan” he used to know.

Another chuckle, another confused look.

The pair continued south through the lower market district until they finally came upon a section where the streets and alleys started to become a bit narrower than usual. Thorold then stopped her, aware of some sign or hint unknown to her. He then turned to her and leaned down repeating reasons she knew all too well of why she had to stay here, but also apologies that were always unique.

“You’re still armed, right?”

“I’m always armed” Jane quipped.

Are you still armed?” Thorold asked again.

“Yes, yes, it’s right here.” Jane answers, patting her skirt, where underneath lies a dagger strapped to her thigh.

“Good! I know you’re plenty dangerous… but remember, you’re still a novice and magic can’t always solve everything.”

“Yes, yes, I know.”

“Alright, just- … be careful and make sure to stay within sight of this spot – call for a guard if there’s an issue and if you’re in danger… “

“I know: Run.”

“Good, now… “

And with that Thorold starts to walk down one of the narrower alleyways, turning to look back to Jane once more before eventually disappearing from sight.

Jane spends her time meandering about the area, window shopping the few stores that are available. Fewer still were the interesting shops, the vast majority of shops in this part of the market dealing with tools, carpentry, and other crafts she didn’t find any interest in. She did find one jewelry store, but it’s shelves lie bare – another target in a long string of robberies that have been popping up around the city.

She thought she managed to find a store that dealt in books, although it only dealt in supplies. She was actually quite the bookworm, fascinated by how such a simple thing could hold so much knowledge. She had originally not been that found of books, or any kind of intellectual pursuits for that matter, until her tutelage under Scholar Ide.

Scholar Ide was a friend of her father’s, and while he did educate her in the classic sense, he also taught her how to use magic. Jane was extremely lucky, all things considered, as very few humans ever have the potential to ever begin to learn magic, let alone any other race. For years Jane has learning the art of magic, with many of them spent simply learning how to create a small ball of light change how she hears others. It’s only in more recent years has she finally started to grasp much more advanced magic and actual, destructive spells. And while she does know how to cast much more than most at her age, she is still a novice, and isn’t always able to cast every spell reliably.

As she was wandering about, she noticed a young man jogging towards her at a moderate pace. At first she thought he was simply going to pass her by, but then noticed him give a small smile when he saw her and actually sped up. She was hesitant to talk to anyone without Thorold around, but she also couldn’t simply ignore him. In any case, her hand slowly drifted towards her knife.

“Ms. Theriner, I presume?” he asked, his breath a little heavy from the jog.

He was just slightly taller than her and didn’t look as though he was much stronger either, although he did look to be slightly older. He was clean shaven and his hair was dressed back, a look that complimented his upper class attire. He’s definitely not from this part of town – most likely upper residential or Noble’s District even. Jane also notices the faint glint of a blade fastened to the back of the man’s hip. He looks somewhat familiar, but Jane just can’t seem to place his face…

“You know Maria, correct? She sent me here to come get you!”

He seems to be in a bit of a rush, although Maria she did know: She was one of, if not her best friend in the city. Always studying magic and trying to gather as much research as she could about ancient civilizations and ruins, she was one of the few people who she could converse with and not only discuss magic, but get lost discussing it too. Maria’s grasp of magical theory rivaled that of many others, but her inability to harness it as well as many others has left her desiring only more knowledge. Jane wonders how this man knows Maria…

How does Jane respond?

For decisions, I will usually provide a few stock options that are obvious given the situation, but you guys are always free to try and come up with an “Other” solution to fit a scenario.

Primary Vote:

A) Ask why Maria needs her, but refuse to go until you have an acceptable answer.
B) Refuse to go with him, assuming this is some kind of trick.
C) Agree to go with him, but ask why Maria needs you.

X) Other

Z) Minor Action

Secondary Vote: Even though Jane is wearing what would be expected of nobles today, how does Jane prefer to dress?

A) As she is now/a more feminine style – a noble female’s normal wear is fine for her (Will include skirts, basques that connect to stockings, blouses, leggings, and things typical of a noble/upper class woman.
B) A mix – can include skirts, pants, shirts of many variations, and overall is just comfortable with whatever. She likes to strike a balance between a noble’s classic look and casual wear of the average citizen.
C) Tomboyish – Wears pants much more often, simple bras and underwear, as well as simpler shirts that can range from normal female shirts such as blouses to loose fitting, almost male shirts. Will avoid stockings and fancy clothing.
D) As is in the picture from before (might need a small bit of help describing the clothing as I’ve never been good with it).

X) Custom – Choose. Go ahead and describe a “look” for our heroine.

Minor Actions Explained:
Minor Actions are small actions you may do in addition to your Primary Vote (A,B, C, etc.). They will usually just provide you with additional information or perhaps, in rare circumstances, an item. If it would cause an encounter or runs the risk of causing general havoc than it's best to put it as an additional detail under primary vote.

Examples are asking someone a simple question, inspecting an object or feature in the environment, checking on or using an item in your inventory, or changing some feature on your person (i.e. Putting your hair into ponytail).

They may help you, but please, try not to abuse the system. Trying to examine a couple objects in detail may be fine, but picking every item off the shelf in a store can get a bit... tedious.

Jane Theriner.
Age: 20
Height: 5’ 7”
Weight: 128 lbs.
Breast Size: 34d
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green

Constitution: 20/20
Mana: 10/10
Cantrip Charges: 5/5
Corruption: 0/100
Pleasure: 0/20
XP: 0/100

(STR) Strength: d6 + 1
(DEX) Dexterity: d8 + 1
(INT) Intelligence: d10 + 3
(WIS) Wisdom: d8 + 2
(CHA) Charisma: d10 + 0

Minor Cure Wounds
Magic Armor
Wave of Force

Comprehend Language
Material Shift
Create Light

Mercantile Mind: +2 on rolls to negotiate the price of goods. +1 on rolls for any perception or sense motive checks involving the value of an item.
Charming: +3 to Charisma-based checks against Human, Elf, Dwarf, Half-orc and Half-elf males.
Mana Reserves: After casting a spell, roll a d6: On the result of a “6”, the spell uses 1 less mana.
Budding Diplomat : +1 to Diplomacy rolls.

Sexual Experience: None

Gold: 80 Coins

Dagger: +d4 damage

Head: N/A
Chest: Pale silver blouse.
Arms: Long Sleeves from blouse.
Legs: Dark grey skirt, extends to just above knee. Bare legs.
Shoes: Dress boots, brown, wide heel 1”
Brassiere: white silk bustier.
Underwear: dark grey silk.

Dice Report:
Perception check – Small knife on young man’s back:
Wisdom: d8 = Rolled a “7”(+2) Total = 9, 4+ needed – Check Succeeded.
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Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Something about the guy feels off. If he was really sent by Maria there would be no need for him to ask if Jane knows Maria. With that in mind:

Other) Don't go anywhere. Instead ask why Maria needs Jane and why she sent him to get her instead of coming personally or sending someone known to both her and Jane. Also politely ask about the young man's name (I'm not sure if that counts as a Minor Action)

About the way she dresses:
Most of the time she dresses as a typical noblewoman because it's useful:
- When dealing with other nobles it helps to look like one
- Non-nobles might either be wary of angering her and getting on the bad side of her father, or might think that she's the sheltered, easy-to-trick, daughter of some noble, thus underestimating her
But when looking like a noble won't be if any help - or might even get her in trouble - she wears whatever she's comfortable with, be it pants, skirts, shirts, etc.

So I guess my vote is a combination of A and B
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Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Something about the guy feels off. If he was really sent by Maria there would be no need for him to ask if Jane knows Maria. With that in mind:

Other) Don't go anywhere. Instead ask why Maria needs Jane and why she sent him to get her instead of coming personally or sending someone known to both her and Jane. Also politely ask about the young man's name (I'm not sure if that counts as a Minor Action)

Yes, I'm going with this Other. It sounds close to A but it isn't. This puts Jane as more highly suspicious then anything else, while A makes her feel wobbly, as if wanting to go and just needing a simple acceptable answer.

So my vote is Moonblack's Other.

Now onto her clothing. Oooh this is fun! Simpliest answer is A for the clothing section through I want to tag on that she has a noticeable shoulder hip slung bag that holds large amounts of research books, writing utensils and the assorted to help her pass time when she is locked in a boring area and needs to wait.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Pretty much Moonblack's "A" followed by another A for clothing.

Also, my opinion about different votes having impact: Terrible idea if it's any more detrimental than just a nod to the other option during the scene. I feel that assigning a detrimental effect to any vote total that does not equal 100% on a single option kills creativity and enforces a feel of "Well, X or Y is already winning so I guess I'll pick that".
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Yes, I'm going with this Other. It sounds close to A but it isn't. This puts Jane as more highly suspicious then anything else, while A makes her feel wobbly, as if wanting to go and just needing a simple acceptable answer.

So my vote is Moonblack's Other.

Now onto her clothing. Oooh this is fun! Simpliest answer is A for the clothing section through I want to tag on that she has a noticeable shoulder hip slung bag that holds large amounts of research books, writing utensils and the assorted to help her pass time when she is locked in a boring area and needs to wait.

Yeah. Let's go with this.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

moonblack's other + ask how much in a hurry are we exactly, because we probably shouldn't ditch Thorold, he's the good guy
A for dress code
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

A for the simple fact that he can be anyone, and the place has become more dangerous to live given the string of robberies. I would say that unless he mentions Maria's work/hobby/studies being involved then I wouldn't budge, and it has to be something specific and not just "She's made a breakthrough, come with me!" type deal.

B personal preference on styles and because skirts can become a hindrance. Running is a lot easier when you don't have to worry about tripping over the hem of a skirt.

Z Ask the man's name and station. He looks like he belongs, but looks can be deceiving. Perhaps a Wisdom/Perception check might come into play and we can get a feel for him.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Primary Vote: Modified A
- Ask why Maria needs Jane.
- Why she sent him to get her instead of coming in person or sending someone they both knew.
- Ask name and station

Secondary Vote: Primarily A
- “ As she is now/a more feminine style – a noble female’s normal wear is fine for her (Will include skirts, basques that connect to stockings, blouses, leggings, and things typical of a noble/upper class woman.
- Diagasvesle: Small shoulder bag for books and writing utensils.

... and because skirts can become a hindrance..
Most skirts will be around knee-length or so. There may be certain situations where Jane will be in a longer skirt or a dress, but her choice of clothing as per the vote means she will usually wear something that doesn’t really restrict movement.

... if it's any more detrimental than just a nod to the other option during the scene. I feel that assigning a detrimental effect to any vote total that does not equal 100% on a single option kills creativity and enforces a feel of "Well, X or Y is already winning so I guess I'll pick that".

I’ve decided to make it so that if such a situation does occur, any text affected by it will only be purely for flavor – I will not jeopardize Jane or the story just because of it. A few words, maybe a sentence or two, but nothing more.

Also, bear with me guys, as I am still getting sued to this new writing style: For those of you who remember, “Unknown Path” was in “second-person”, or more precisely, it used “you” and “your” quite a bit. Here, the story is told in a more traditional “third-person” format. So, if you see a few you’s or your’s in the story, it is referring to Jane.

Jane was suspicious of the man – even though he looks familiar, he could be anyone. He claims to know Maria, but even so, what could be so important that Maria needs her there now?

“I’m… sorry, but I can’t accompany you, truly. Please, who are you? How do you know Maria and what does she require of me?”

Maria’s experiments and academic pursuits hardly ever called for an assistant, the budding mage almost always able to multitask alchemic concoctions and keep track of the massive stacks of parchment in her study.

The young man doesn’t respond for a bit, seeming a bit lost for words. When he finally does so, he takes long pauses and doesn’t answer any of Jane’s inquiries.

“She……. needs help! I… can explain on the way – just come with me now and I can take you to her!”

He seems frantic and a bit nervous, going so far as to grab Jane’s wrist before she could react, pulling firmly to try and prompt her to follow him. A stressed look is on his face, but Jane can’t deduce if it’s born of fear, worry, or agitation. As he turns to try and leave with her in tow, Jane manages to get a better view of the knife on the back of his belt – a dagger, six inches in length, its sheath inlaid with a single gem.

The man seems intent on getting Jane to follow him, pulling at Jane’s wrist, prompting her to come along.

How does Jane respond?

Remember, you can vote for “A”, “B”, or any other choice but still slightly alter the vote by adding something to it – if enough people back the vote, such as what transpired with Moonblack’s decision (as it was quite close to A), that choice will win. Note, however, that simply writing the letter “A” doesn’t convey to me that you want that person’s slightly altered choice.

I’d much rather have voting and decision making in this story be a field in which you navigate through rather than a series of set restrictive paths, if that makes any sense.

Primary Vote: What does Jane do?

A) Jane refuses to go, yanking her wrist away and threatening the man to either stop, answer her questions, or leave her alone.
B) She tries to press him for an actual answer, trying her best to remain where she is.
C) Choose to trust the man… for the moment.
D) Jane doesn’t take any chances, striking out at the man with firsts, blade, or spell in order to escape.

X) Other

Z) Minor Action

Secondary Vote: Even though Jane is wearing what would be expected of nobles today, how does Jane prefer to dress?

You guys can go ahead and continue to leave input for this decision if you care to do so as it hasn’t exactly reached a deadline.

A) As she is now/a more feminine style – a noble female’s normal wear is fine for her (Will include skirts, basques that connect to stockings, blouses, leggings, and things typical of a noble/upper class woman.
B) A mix – can include skirts, pants, shirts of many variations, and overall is just comfortable with whatever. She likes to strike a balance between a noble’s classic look and casual wear of the average citizen.
C) Tomboyish – Wears pants much more often, simple bras and underwear, as well as simpler shirts that can range from normal female shirts such as blouses to loose fitting, almost male shirts. Will avoid stockings and fancy clothing.
D) As is in the picture from before (might need a small bit of help describing the clothing as I’ve never been good with it).

X) Custom – Choose. Go ahead and describe a “look” for our heroine.

Minor Actions Explained:
Minor Actions are small actions you may do in addition to your Primary Vote (A,B, C, etc.). They will usually just provide you with additional information or perhaps, in rare circumstances, an item. If it would cause an encounter or runs the risk of causing general havoc than it's best to put it as an additional detail under primary vote.

Examples are asking someone a simple question, inspecting an object or feature in the environment, checking on or using an item in your inventory, or changing some feature on your person (i.e. putting your hair into ponytail).

They may help you, but please, try not to abuse the system. Trying to examine a couple objects in detail may be fine, but picking every item off the shelf in a store can get a bit... tedious.

Jane Theriner.
Age: 20
Height: 5’ 7”
Weight: 128 lbs.
Breast Size: 34d
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green

Constitution: 20/20
Mana: 10/10
Cantrip Charges: 5/5
Corruption: 0/100
Pleasure: 0/20
XP: 0/100

(STR) Strength: d6 + 1
(DEX) Dexterity: d8 + 1
(INT) Intelligence: d10 + 3
(WIS) Wisdom: d8 + 2
(CHA) Charisma: d10 + 0

Minor Cure Wounds
Magic Armor
Wave of Force

Comprehend Language
Material Shift
Create Light

Mercantile Mind: +2 on rolls to negotiate the price of goods. +1 on rolls for any perception or sense motive checks involving the value of an item.
Charming: +3 to Charisma-based checks against Human, Elf, Dwarf, Half-orc and Half-elf males.
Mana Reserves: After casting a spell, roll a d6: On the result of a “6”, the spell uses 1 less mana.
Budding Diplomat : +1 to Diplomacy rolls.

Sexual Experience: None

Gold: 80 Coins

Dagger: +d4 damage

Head: N/A
Chest: Pale silver blouse.
Arms: Long Sleeves from blouse.
Legs: Dark grey skirt, extends to just above knee. Bare legs.
Shoes: Dress boots, brown, wide 1” heel .
Brassiere: white silk bustier.
Underwear: dark grey silk.

Dice Report:
Charisma Check – Questions Answered:
Charisma: d10 = Rolled a “3”(+3) Total = 6, ? Needed – Check failed.

Reflex check – Wrist:
Dexterity: d8 = Rolled a “4”(+1) Total = 5, 6+ needed – Check failed.

As you can see, some checks are quite small while others are a little bit more important. In either case, failing didn’t lead to any dire consequences, but simply shifted the direction the story took a tiny bit.

Also, you can sometimes glean certain traits about individuals based on their reaction to you, but of course, this is probably common sense and is more organic than any game mechanic.

This entry is also a good example of when an enemy’s roll/die is very low…
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Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

I'll go with a modified A again:
Jane quickly scans the area looking for a guard. Next she yanks her wrist away but times it so it happens just as the guy is taking a step and has one foot in the air (hopefully it will catch him by surprise and cause him to lose balance, maybe even fall down). Then:
- if there is a guard nearby - call him and let's see if our new "friend" will be a bit more talkative when dealing with a guard
- if there is no nearby guard simply refuse to go and threaten the man to either stop, answer her questions, or leave her alone
In both cases keep a close eye on him, ready for any hostile movements.