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Amestris - Central City

Re: Amestris - Central City

Grave turned his head towards the kitchen. "Roy is the new Fuhrer and now all women in army have to wear tiny miniskirts." He chuckled and turned his head towards the table. This time, he paid more attention to the comic. His face became serious. He recalled the fight, then looked at other alchemists. "Say... Are you guys thinking that we're facing undead, or was someone simply bored enough to read this?"
Re: Amestris - Central City

James glanced over at Cynder. "There's an extremely good chance that we were, in fact, dealing with the undead yesterday."
Re: Amestris - Central City

Jack sighed. "Great... Any idea how to kill them? Well, putting aside the most obvious solutions, like dismemberment and such... Which are kinda hard to pull off without proper equipment or abilities."
Re: Amestris - Central City

James looked back at the comic cover. "The ones that were thrown at us yesterday? Not sure, but I suspect that anything that would seriously harm a normal person would likely have a similar effect. Something like Kane...I'm afraid that I don't have a clue yet, aside from simply taking out whatever they're using to maintain their form."

His gaze shifted into a "staring off into space" position. "I've had some time to review that encounter mentally, and it seemed to me that he became less substantial, and more 'hazy' for lack of a better term, the more damaged his robe became...Fleeing once it was destroyed."
Re: Amestris - Central City

Max picked up the comic and flicked through the pages until he came to one page in particular.

"It appears as if, in this comic at least, that we'll be of some use." He says as he holds it up. In it shows a zombie burning to death.
Re: Amestris - Central City

Cynder nodded. "If all else fails, use fire. At least it's flashy. How many of those gunpowder capsules you have?"
Re: Amestris - Central City

"After the explosion last night, about four. I dont really get that much gunpowder, after all this is the really expensive stuff."
Re: Amestris - Central City

Jack paused for a moment to think. "Well, I suppose it would be best to save them for a big pinch... I suppose that there might be an easier way to stop them... What about damaging the spine or cutting the head off? Extensive damage to the nervous system might do the trick."
Re: Amestris - Central City

"Probably, thats what happens in this comic as well. But I'm not really a fighter. For all the training Mustang has given me I'm only really good at healing and long range attacks. And I generallt only use my gunpowder when it's absolutely necessary, which the way the battle was going yesterday it was. After all, your gun didnt work on him." Max added, the corners of his mouth turned up to form a slight smile.
Re: Amestris - Central City

James shrugged. "As for damaging the spine...There's always my tactic. Hit it with a rock. And I don't think there is too much that can survive decapitation, although I'll admit that this does seem to be a bit beyond anyone's experience."
Re: Amestris - Central City

Cynder nodded. He seemed to be analyzing the battle that took place yesterday. "Gunpowder was useless as well... However, Mustang forced him to retreat with one attack. Which means two things: that thing isn't a simple zombie and most likely we will need high level alchemy to take him out. None of us is strong enough to beat him." Jack looked at Max and noticed the small half-smile. "Well, at least I won't die from a simple slash when he comes in swinging... Unlike you, I don't suck at CQC."
Re: Amestris - Central City

James glanced over at Cynder. "Pretty sure I already said that Kane wasn't a zombie. He's very much something else. What, I don't know yet. Also, either of you start a fight near my stuff, and I'll make sure the offender has to go to medical."

His tone of voice dropped a bit. "And I don't worry as much about my image as others. I will tell them exactly where my boot is, and why I'm hopping behind you on one foot."
Re: Amestris - Central City

Jack's eyebrows raised. He was pretty sure that James wasn't so easily anger - especially if the fight didn't involve him. "Tch... Whatever." This sentence was Cynder's equivalent of "I don't want to fight."
Re: Amestris - Central City

Oh, ok... WAIT WHAT!?! Sen practically roars out as she stomps in towards Grave glass in one hand, wrench in the other. Do you really want to mess with me before I'm awake? Sen says, gesturing threateningly with her wrench as she drinks some of her coffee laced milk.
Re: Amestris - Central City

Miranda said nothing, though she prudently stepped out of range of the hostilities.
Re: Amestris - Central City

Jack picked up the newspaper and showed it to Sen. "Calm down... Put that wrench away and read the newspaper if you don't believe me about the first part. As for the second part, Max knows all the details, so ask him." He kept his eyes on the wrench and his head out of Sen's reach, just in case.
Re: Amestris - Central City

Sen quickly snatches the newspaper with the hand the has the wrench and starts to scan it over before developing a bit of a twitch above one eye. The fucking pervert! Hmph, I doubt he can enforce it, though. Sen mutters.
Re: Amestris - Central City

"What do you mean 'I doubt he can enforce it'? Of course he can, he's the FUHRER now." Max replies. "He can do whatever the hell he wants."
Re: Amestris - Central City

Yeah, maybe, but enforcing perverted clothes on all the women who work for him is going to be a dangerous battle on his part. Sen continues putting down the paper.
Re: Amestris - Central City

Miranda sighed and said something quietly that only a few words could be barely heard, "I... crossdressing... excuse."