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Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)



Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Ashley sigh and look to the floor for a moment " If only we could make the wedding at the temple" She said softly mostly to herself as the memory of the orgy of days ago was vivid in her mind, the blush and small react of her body easily catched by Angie show than the human loved that moment. Mize for the other side giggle and laught a little. "Your mother already have in mind a huge ceremony in this town, a shame than we had already send the invitations".

As they walk Angie could see the town and she could remember her time with Ashley the lasts days, they were sweet and the human has tried hard to sattle all the angel wishes, learning more and more of each other. In these days Ashley tried her best to teach to the angel more of her world and with Mize help the Angel got to have a more perfect vision of this area. The town and its surroundings were where the humans live, then the forest have others races and have many beasts and monsters. If that was not enough to stop the humans to explore the forest, the mountains have horny harpies very territorials, as they hunt humans and used to breed chicks then leave them without any shinning object. As the mountains cut the forest, the elves couldnt pass easily to the human lands, mostly that was the reason for not a single elf in the town yet in rare chances small groups come to visit them yet with the lack of males this havent happened yet.

But this looks to be changing for good, the blue girls are now sharing this town with the female humans, the romance was everywhere and this bring power to Angelique, of course her main source of power was her lover, it was addictive mate with Ashley. Just when Angie was pondering this she find some beast girls passing like nothing isnide the town and ask for some food and fun in exchange of service. "Maybe in some days the others could walk like nothing at this town, not all of my sisters have my talent and charisma" Mize said as she throw flowers to herself in her usual cheerful yet sensual way.

They then reach the church open the beautiful doors and Ashley cover her mouth as what they could see was unexpected for her. The priest of the church was a blue lady, the interior of the church has been adapted for theirs taste. There were only deities of love, lust and similar topics of different places and few others than even Angie couldnt remember. The Priest not stop her speech who was about accept the others and share love around the world. The place have maybe some dozen of females, the most open minded tried to help the prude ones, it was not by force, they were kind and Angie couldnt find malice on theirs atempts yet she could see others mating in the place as if this were normal what has affected Ashley to react at the start in that way.

"I like this place more every day, maybe some flowers and others colors could make this better" Mize said as Ashley ask if she could wait outside as she inspect the gardens first, Angie could let her alone or talk with the one in charge or let Mize take care of that.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"We could do it there, but I'd like all of the town to see it too, as well as my family, so going to the temple would be a bit hard for them," Angie said softly, wrapping her arm around Ashley as they walked.

Angie listened to all Ashley and Mize told her about the mortal world, thirsting for knowledge about it, so she'd know all she could about her beloved's world. When she saw the beast girls, Angie couldn't help but feel too curious and went over to say hello to them, and if any of them were okami or nekos, then Angie couldn't help herself and would pet them.

"I don't mind you waiting outside sweetie, but be careful okay. As for the flowers, I know a few nature magics, that can help grow plants somewhat, so maybe I could help with getting the flowers for the wedding. Roses, Violets, and whatever else there might be Ashley wants, I can certainly grow it, I'm sure," Angie said, looking thoughtful about what flowers to get for Ashley, and wondering what her favorites were.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Easily Angelique got to get close the beastkind group, thn they backstep some inches, but Ashley and Mize follow the angel what made them stop of run away as the trio look friendly. "Hi... we dont want to cause any problem, we just came to trade some goods" One of the beastkinds said, as they show some of what they had bring to share and as Mize look at theirs things Angie have all the time to pet the foreign girls, some were feline and canine related, so their fur was lovely end enjoyable to touch.


Time later in the temple Ashley was close to leave, mostly as the events happening inside the church made her need time to get used to it, but stop close no so far of the door because outside in the gardens some mates express their lustful love and she dont want to disturb them or make them ponder to force her to join them. "But i never have in mind marry someone, im not sure which flower could be the optimal for our wedding..." As hley said as she sit in a bench close Angie yet outside the church, with the door opened there was not any problem to heard each other.

"If that is the case maybe Angie should choice, the place where she come could have theirs own traditions and flowers... Actually if i were to choice i would preffer something unique and glorious, not some boring roses or common flowers" Mize add as she cuddles and hugs the angel, holding her hand and for what her moves dictate planning how all would move when the wedding happen.

"Then... there is a story of a holy flower in an old book than i read some years ago. It is supposed to grow in a secret place around these lands and if someone gift one to her lover they would have...ahm... a happy long life together" Ashley ended completely blushed as she end when made Mize need to hide her chuckles. Ashley notice this and frown softly as she get up her seat. "I know than it is a fairytale, but if there is a flower with that meaning i guess than i would choice it... maybe Angelique land have one" Ashley said trying to hide than she in part believe in that tale for childrens.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Angie pet the okami and neko girls that were there while Mize looked at their wares, with Angie smiling at them softly. "It's alright hon, so long as you follow our town's laws and whatnot, then you shouldn't have any problems from us," Angie promised the one that spoke, petting her last.


"Roses are the most beautiful of flowers, I think, love. So the most beautiful flowers, for the most beautiful woman would be appropriate I think," Angie told Ashley, kissing her on the cheek as they decided on what flowers to have at their wedding. "But... my mother and papa will probably bring plenty of roses to make a carpet of rose petals for us to walk up along to the altar. So you're right, something unique is the best. Though we do have Celestial golden roses that they'll probably bring some of too. But I'd rather find something unique on my own," Angie replied to Mize, looking over at Ashley when she mentioned the special flower from story.

"Oh wow... t-then I will go get this flower for you Ashley. Is there anything else you can tell me perhaps? Any leads on where to look? If you want it, I will do my utmost to get it for you, fairy tale or not," Angie replied to Ashley, kissing her again on the lips.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The pet given by the angel was welcome for most of the beastkind, of course a few of them were still with their guard up, not much but it should be normal for them as they were on this human city than has changed too much in just a week. Theirs products were mostly fruits, flowers and others things than they collect at the forest even some remains of monsters, as Angie and the others leave she could see than the female humans were in their own bussiness to put too much attention to the forest group.


Ashley was out the temple but she leave her seat when the conversation started, being not so far of her than just some feet the angel talk with her and Mize, as her body moves to kiss and enjoy the exquisite embrance of her lover. Both could sense each other passion growing between the orgy in the temple and garden of this, it was hard for Ashley her tongue was in need to dance with the one of her lover after just that little kiss in the lips. This made her need time to earn focus before be able to talk back. Angie could see worries between the growing passion on her mate.

"R-roses... are fine. Your family has already bother to bring many and there is more than we must...decide before the wedding" The noble said as her delicade arms hold slighty more tight at the angel, her words cut as if she were trying to find words to make the angel forget about that tale. "Hmhm, a shame isnt Ashley, you cant go with her in your state~ But i could go with her, we will return soon, dont worry." mize said as she hold tight Angie's right arm and cuddle on her.

"We are in the same boat, Mize" Ashley said frowning as she look to the pregnant belly of the succubi. "Heh, the babies will be safe and i can give birth when i decide it... any succubi can do that~" Mize said and Ashley wanted to say than she could do the same but mostly she would be lying to herself.

After the soft struggle, Ashley would accept to say where tehy could find more info if Angie procceed with her idea of find that mystic flower, the place a library not so far of where Ashley live.
Last edited:

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Shh shh, it's alright girls. I won't hurt you. I promise. We angels love the beastkin. Not only are you all so adorably cute, but you make a conscious effort to be better. Might I ask if you girls know where I can get the best flowers and meats for my upcoming wedding? I want to have the best food I can get there, and if you know the tastiest ones, I'd be willing to buy them from you, when you next come through," Angie told the beast girls, petting the wary ones gently to let them know that she wasn't going to hurt them, smiling as she pet them.


"No Ashley... you deserve the best, and I'll give you the best. I want you to be as happy as I can make you. And you deserve the most that I can give. Goddess... I want to make love to you right here and now in front of everybody, but I shouldn't, I know. My cock's aching so badly for you, even after what we did earlier," Angie cooed softly to Ashley, kissing her on the lips again.

After the exchange between Mize and Ashley, Angie giggled softly a little bit, and couldn't help but grin a little too. After Ashley finally told her where they could find the flowers, or information on them at least, Angie smiled and hugged Ashley close and kissed her again. "Don't worry about us honey... we'll be just fine. In the meantime, you rest, and relax. You're pregnant now, and you need to make sure that you're in good health, for the baby's sake," Angie told Ashley softly, kissing her on the lips, and holding her close before she left with Mize to the library, to find out what she could about those flowers, and where to find them.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The remain beast girls started to get closer to the angel, looks like her words and kind nature has reduced theirs defenses and their curiosity carries closer. "yes, certainly we could bring the best of all than we can collect for your wedding, but we must know when this will be to have all ready for that day" A wolf girl said between the pet given by the angel. "Can we work for you too. Uhm we arent sure how the humans do this or your kind... we were just looking to exchange this for good things" A bunnygirl said still a little far from Angelique.

The group would stay in the town a little longer aiming to get something good yet Angelique knoe how distant the humans are with others beings and now the blue girls were taking most of the human girls attention.


"In the church!!? We arent so far from home... i mean, if you need it i could help you... after find a good place..." Ashley answer blushing and surprised, Angelique could heart feel her heart increasing its speed, no doubt than the noble got excited with the idea but her moral was against it. a conflict than the angel know she could resolve easily with her guide.

"So the book name is...?" Mize said interrupting both. "Uhm it could be better if i go with both at the library but if Angelique think than i should rest..." Ashley answer and soon look for a paper and anything to write in it. Angie could just take the paper or let the poor Ashley follow them as the library wa in the town. In any way they would get to the old place, no one as interested in go there or read mostly. The library was closed and unused for days maybe, dust already over every place outside and inside maybe.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Well let's see, the date isn't set in stone just quite yet I don't think, but it'll be within the next week or two. I'm about to go find the best flowers I can for my beloved, and I may be gone for a few days myself, so you could talk to either Mize over there, or Ashley here. And we can pay you in gemstones and the like too, unless you would prefer something else. Heck, I'll even invite you all to the wedding since we'll be having it here in town, so that you could dine with everyone on the meats and other foods you would be bringing," Angie told the beast girls.


"It's fine sweetie, it's nothing I can't hold back from. I just mean I would like nothing more than to do you right here. Not that I will," Angie giggled softly at Ashley's blushing face. "And well... if you want to come to the library I guess that wouldn't be bad. I'd enjoy the company, and the more the merrier and the more we have looking, the faster we'll find what we're looking for, so come on," she added, wrapping an arm around Ashley and bringing her to the library with her.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The beastkind were more interested in trade for food or useful things... also cute ones, there was not a consensus as they were of many races. At least they all agree to wish to be at that wedding, as Angelique present it as something fun and beautiful to see, they only asked for some help to protect themselves and theirs products, the road from where they come to this town was full of danger.


"S-sure, is not like we cant hold until go back home." Ashley said trying to smile yet she looks to be a little dissapointed depth inside her. "Then if she will come we should maybe take it with calm, by how big that belly is now you should just stay on bed... no one want you to give birth in middle of the street" Mize interrupt with such words what made Ashley just frown a little and sigh... she was starting to get used to Mize and her continuous tease at her. "All of you said than i will give birth a week after the wedding, but dont worry... i will not push myself too much" Said this they leave the many horny women behind at the temple and around it, it looks more a brothel than a sacred place yet it was not different in the whole town.

The whole area was full of love and passion, Angelique could feel it feed of it and enjoy such melodious moans in every corner, her mates helped too in mantain her lustful weapon up and ready to be used, they were so close holding her arms, they were certainly begging for her touch and enjoyment. "Our town cant change more, right?" Ashley ask with some worries by how was turning in so few days. " Maybe soon any race can live with your kind, i dont need to hide anymore... is wonderful, all my sisters will be able to come here" Mize add with some chuckles.

They soon got to the Library, Ashley was really fine but Mize made her sit as they find out how to open the door. "i could just use a magic trick... no one care about this place anyway" Mize said yet soon Ashley get up to stop her. "Wait, i care. Just calm and in a moment i will find someone, they should live close". Ashley was ready to knock any door and ask for the library owners, Angie could help her or just open the door with her magic, Ashley would be fine if she dont break anything, maybe.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Really? I'm glad. The wedding will be more lively with more people. Please, partake of the fruits of happiness with us on that lovely day of days," Angie said to the beast kin girls. "And I shall speak with some of the people around town and see if they would be willing to patrol the roads and escort you out, and I'll have them check around every day for you girls to see when you're returning, to escort you back in. They'll come to a league out from town to do so," Angie told the girls, assuring that she would make certain that the beast kin would protected, so long as she could manage it, and to further help that, she also promised to enchant a medallion for the leader girl to wear, that would alert her to the presence of monsters wishing to do them harm, to also help them make it through.


"Hmhm, I don't think that she'll give birth in the middle of the street Mize. But I would like for you to get a little bit of rest, Ashley. When you're done in the library," Angie giggled softly, kissing Ashley on the lips as they walked along, reaching over and rubbing her belly gently as well.

"I'm sure that it can change, but how I don't rightly know, to be honest. But I'll protect you Ashley, and, I feel that once these blue ladies have worked out all their sexual frustrations they'll calm down again, surely," Angie said, looking quite certain of herself about that.

After they got to the library, Angie nodded in agreement with Ashley, and walked with her to one of the nearby houses to look for the one that tended the library, to ask for a key.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Every door than they ask for the library owner was opened by a young girl or they could heard sex sounds inside the house, then if they insisted were answered with a shout than no one there was who the three girls were looking for.

" There is something weird happening here, from when this town is filled only with young women?" Ashley said aloud, mostly to herself and moments later Mize shrug shaking her head, "All the males must be busy working or are still missing, not like we can do anything now for them, right Angie?" She said as she move to hold the angel arm. "This alley is a little dark, let's hold each other to dont fall" Mize words made the human frown and hold herself on the other angel's arm. "Let's just try the next door"

As they knock and wait, someone check them through the peephole. " Is there any blue woman close?" An old lady ask in fear. The angel could notice some seals in the whole little house, the windows, door even some magic symbols than maybe the human got from old books or mages. "Dont need to worry, we are the only ones in the street at this hour... Do you know the library owner? we want to use it and check some books" Ashley said trying to calm the poor woman.

"Please, go away before any of the blue beings come, i allow the three to open the library, just dont damage anything." The woman answer, Ashley and her talk a little more, she looks to know who was the owner, maybe they were related, but she was scared to open the door.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Y-Yeah... it is a bit weird. I remember some men being around here before. But maybe Mize is right, in that they've all just been hard at work or something like that, I guess," Angie commented, taking Mize's and Ashley's hands and holding them tight to make sure they didn't trip over anything.

When they came to the one house and a slightly older middle aged woman replied to them through the door, Angie had to admit she felt a little worried. She idly wondered just how many women were left in town like the librarian keeper here. "We promise not to damage anything, lady librarian," Angie said to the woman, before taking the key if they were passed one, and heading back to the library and opening it up to get inside.

Once inside, Angie would shut and lock the door behind them once more so nobody followed them inside, where she would start searching around with the others for what they were seeking.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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With the key at her hands, it was only needed return to the Library. Angelique could see the place untouched for days, maybe weeks and the dust was already leaving a cape everywhere inside the the small library. There was not need to search for the book, as Ashley know pretty well where it could be. "To be honest, we should just lock the door and return to my residence, then return other day to clean this place" Ashley told to Mize and Angelique, mostly worried than something awful could happen to this place if the horny women from outside find an empty place like this where they could mate without stop. Mize hearing this yawn, she has been checking the books at another area and she looks to dont be amused for the title qualities of what the library have to offer "As if anyone could remain awake here, someone should update all this, some of these things called books must be gathering dust for ages"

The trio could return to Ashley's house or stay there, in any way the angel could cuddle and read the book at Ashley's side, the noble was blushing a little ashamed to show the almost childrish book filled more likely with fiction fantasy tales but also Ashley feel her heart warmer by share something more with her future wife or husband. The angel could understand how beautiful and maybe magic could be that flower, also after travel around the town she looks to pick up some clues of where some areas related by the book could be, the elves, also the harpies and even some beastkinds village locations were described there what make this flower be maybe a reality.

Ashley was wishing to cook some dinner to her lover and her mother was not inside her house thankfully, see her now after that orgy at the city is mostly too much for the poor noble, being seen having sex with Angelique was almost too much, make her mother join them would be out the line as also share that precious moment with every locall, yet deep inside Ashley made her dont say anything about it, have Angelique at her side was the only thing than matter and they only have different points of view, the human only suppose than she will get used to these customs.

The night was falling and the angel could notice than the town was so lively and free for any race to come inside, most of the time the blue girls or beastgirls go wild and have sex with the young female humans, as an angel of love this was something good, yet strange. The angel should decide if she should make this fade a little or increase it more to fulfill her duties.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Angie would sit next to Ashley as they chose books to look through for any information they were looking for, and after a while, Angie would decide to escort Ashley back to her home. "Alright I think we ought to head on home for the night. I'll escort you two back to the house for now, and Ashley you can go ahead and cook something to eat for us. I'll go check on things through town, see if I can... stem this tide of lust that's washing over the place some... if that's even possible," Angie said, leaning over and kissing Ashley on the lips before taking her starting to escort the two back to the manor for the time being, where she'd then head back out and roam through the town to see if she could maybe at the very least get the blue skinned girls to take their antics indoors and stuff, and to not leave the town completely unprotected from any monsters that might try and come in.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Angelique maybe havent seen many human books at the past, still she can notice than the one Ashley has been looking for was with some extra dust and it was filled with many tales yet not only the pages around the flower story were the most damaged by the use, Ashley placed the book at the desk to clean a little the bookshelfh where her favorite book was and this give time to Angelique time to check it, tales from distant lands, natural wonders and different cultures were discribed there and in others books at the bookshelfh but no one today or in years had placed their attention on them. "Its so sad, even when the library has been without workers for a long time its not fair than there is not one taking care of all these old books". Instead search around all the books, the noble pass more of the time cleaning, most likely a side effect of the charmed apron or the love than she have for that book from where the angel could get enough clues to find the holy flower.

The Library was closed and the trio soon tried to return to Ashley's manor, as every hour they could heard the moans and lustful talks filling the town, something than wets everybody but was uncomfortable for Ashley and maybe some few others. Hearing than Angelique will try to reduce this made the noble happily hug her. "Thanks my love, that is getting out control and you can be sure than i will something delicious at your return." Ashley wanted to kiss at Angelique's cheeks but they were so close now than if the angel twist her head a little she could aim for the celestial lips instead without avoid the sweet moment between both future wives. "Dunno why change this, i love how free we can walk without hide our true self. But we could increase the town defenses asking to ours sisters some help" Mize add most likely having in mind some spiders helping the humans.

The angel then will leave and in seconds she will find many lovers mating everywhere easily she could talk with the blue girls as these looks to be able to multitask as they fuck the humans.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Angie would check the book that Ashley had been reading and a bit surprised at it before Ashley spoke. "Well Ashley... why don't you help take care of them then? I mean you obviously like this library and stuff, and having you here, someone that can definitely be trusted to care for the books, would be a boon for the town and stuff for certain. Plus it'll give you something to do other than sit and worry while I'm out looking for the best flowers for our wedding and stuff too," Angie asked, throwing out a rather well thought out suggestion, in her mind it was well thought out at least. "And of course hon. I'll try and at least keep them from getting too out of control. And I'm gonna try Mize, because we can't have everyone all horny and lusty all the time constantly. Nothing would get done here in town," Angie then said, before leaning into Ashley's kiss, returning it passionately before pulling away a half a minute later, where she'd prepare to head on out and try to find a way to coax the blue skinned women to not be so... horny and lust to put it bluntly.

"H-Hey, ladies. Might I ask a favor of you all, please? Could you maybe... n-not have sex in the streets, a-and stuff? At least take it indoors, and... w-well, you know, don't be having sex with everybody at the very least. The town is defenseless a-and stuff, and we need to protect these people," Angie asked the blue skinned ladies, trying to get them to listen to her and looking a bit timid as she spoke, but she was speaking clearly and loud enough to be heard, but just with so many of them there, and so much sex going on around her, she couldn't help but feel quite aroused.