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Anime Candyland RPG


King of the Impossible
May 5, 2009
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Originally, I was designing an RPG to run Pokegirl games, but the Pokegirls Community Moderators told me not to, since they just spent a few years purging the continuity of RPG elements. So I decided to make the setting a bit unrecognizable, but was having trouble really getting out of the box 'till I had a discussion with another writer concerning the CandyCatgirl breed. We came to the conclusion that the CandyCatgirl belonged in another universe, one made of confectionery delights, CandyLand, and it's been spiraling out of control ever since.

I found an idea flow sheet for designing RPGs that really helps.

Step One - Name the PCs: A Harem

Step Two - Write up a Six Member Harem:
  1. The key member of the group, Tom. He's the weakest member in terms of combat ability, but he has one incredible ability. He has a Magical Candy Cane, and with it, he's an amazing diplomancer. When a CandyGirl isn't trying to rip open his bag of Skittles (Taste the Rainbow!), he can spend a little down time with the girl and convince her that following the wielder of the Magical Candy Cane is the best thing to do with her life. And it really is, since the Magical Candy Cane enables her to grow in skill and power.
    Since his actual combat ability is terrible, Tom contributes by using his eyes and brain to give tactical advice to girls of the Harem.
  2. Sally, the CottonCatgirl. Sally has been with Tom since childhood, and knows just how sweet the Magical Candy Cane is. She follows Tom around, and protects him from feral CandyGirls, but she also helps him hunt them. She has a keen sense of smell, and she begins fights by pouncing on unsuspecting CandyGirls, then using her claws to cut them up a bit.
    She spends her training time on getting stronger to become a PeppermintPanthress.
  3. Zzuuzu, a perky IceCreamMaiden. She contributes to the Harem by keeping a cool head at all times. In combat, she freezes the ground and enemy CandyGirls. She can also make snowmen and dress it up in ice clothing that may fool dummies.
    As she has a cool mind, Zzuuzu can basically argue with egg heads about math and geometry without worry.
  4. Vera, a PecanPelican. She contributes to the Harem's combat by flying out of reach and pelting wild CandyGirls with magical feather shurikans. She's kinda sneaky too, but she really likes singing and making people feel good about themselves.
  5. Mindy, the MintMantis. Mindy is a very sneaky CandyGirl. She was born in the wilderness, and has grown up in the unforgiving wilds. To survive, she's learned to hide very well, and upon becoming a MintMantis and growing scythes, has learned to make brutal slices on weak points. She also has a huge resistance to pain, through discipline and necessity, allowing her to shrug off anything short of an actually lethal wound.
  6. Maggie, the Lolipop. The newest member of the Harem. She is aiming to become a LicoriceDominatrix, and has the basic skills of tying CandyGirls up in animated ropes and vines, among other things. But her real gift is telepathy. She's keen on making psycho-whips to cause mental break downs and force people to tell the truth. She's tough girl, and actively protects Tom by taking hits for him. She also helps keep the other CandyGirls in the Harem from fighting with a really mean stare and some stern words, but also helps them unwind with a very relaxing massage.

Step Three - Write up a Three Person Party:

Team 1 will have Tom, Maggie and Zzuuzu. For combat, Maggie and Zzuuzu drop down terrain effects, or just tie up foes into uselessness. In a pinch, they can nab a stray CandyGirl and introduce her to Tom's Magical Candy Cane and convince her join up.
For social situations, Tom can wave his Magical Candy Cane to get his way, Zzuuzu can talk sciency people into being helpful, and Maggie can bully everyone else.

Team A will have Sally, Vera and Mindy. In combat, Sally will brawl and make enough of a distraction to allow Mindy get into ideal positions for her ganking, and keep attention away from Vere circling overhead just out of reach.
In social situations, Sally will use small talk to distract people or make them forget what they're actually talking about, Vera will sing to put everyone in a good mood, and Mindy will tell raunchy jokes and make funny comments about Magical Candy Canes.

Step Four - Outline an Adventure:
Today in CandyLand, Fred's farm hasn't been doing too well. Some HoneyBeeGirls have been eating his good crops, instead of eating from the discard pile over at Frank's farm like they usually do. Fred hires Tom and his lady friends to go round them up.
So the Harem starts searching the woods near Fred and Frank's farms. Sally uses her keen sense of smell to track down the food they didn't eat but take as a snack for later, Vera flies up to get a bird's eye view of the area, Mindy uses her experience as a Beegirl from before to give everyone an idea on where to look, and Zzuuzu freezes places solid in an attempt to find the Beegirls by process of elimination.
While they don't find the hive, they do find one of the lookouts. A short fight breaks out, and the Harem manages to capture the lone HoneyBeegirl. Then Tom and Maggie team up to convince the HoneyBeegirl to spill the Jellybeans on the location of her hive. This mostly involves Tom's Magical Candy Cane, but Maggie helps by tying the wild CandyGirl down so that she can't sting Tom's bag of Skittles.
With the location of the Hive revealed, the Harem charges right into the Hive and take it on a grand battle worthy of being hidden in a pack of bubble gum. What the Harem didn't know or bother to ask their captive was that the Hive had a HoneyQueen leading the HoneyBeegirls; a tougher CandyGirl with a few abilities that make people feel too good to engage in violence by taking a sip from her Honey Pot.
But the Harem prevails, beats up all the HoneyBeegirls and takes the Queen Captive! Fred's Farm is saved!

Step Five: Write out a campaign

So Tom decides he wants to add the HoneyQueen to the Harem, using his Magical Candy Cane, but it turns out she's already obeying another Magical Candy Cane. Frank's. And he ordered her to mess up Fred's farm.
After confronting Frank and his Harem of CranberryGoatGirls, it turns out that Frank is being blackmailed: His daughter has been kidnapped, and the nefarious villains told him to get Fred to want to sell his farm, "Or else".
So Tom and Harem track down these villains, beat them up and ruin their protection racket and land grab. In the process, the Harem finds ties to the big boss in the big city, who's running several criminal schemes, including setting up gambling machines in elementary schools to steel lunch money, and making teenage girls go bonkers by training teen pop idols.
Unfortunately, the Harem can't just go pound the BBEG a new pie crust, since he's backed up by the law. So they'll have to figure out how to either black mail and/or bride the law enforcers, or get around the legal system by entering the Grand Tournament of Championship.


Step Six and Seven are being dealt with in a different forum. However, what I would like are some suggestions for techniques CandyGirls make use of in battles, though a more general idea on how the system works will be helpful to finishing those designs. However, because of the how zany of a setting this is, item crafting, baking and cooking, and diplomacy are going to be valid forms of combat. A CandyGirl flashing her panties is a form of diplomacy, and smothering someone with Melon Pies is an attack. Baking a delicious cake is not something that happens off screen in downtime, it's an actual battle sequence, complete with a Speed Metal Band and Latin Chanting soundtrack and a ten thousand dollar special effects budget.

Basically, look up Ranma 1/2's various martial arts added to normally non-combat events (like figure skating), then take that concept and turn it up to eleven.

I am not planning to run a CandyGirls RP here, considering what happened with Mirafar, but that doesn't mean other people can't once it's ready. I have some great game mechanics catered specifically for both map-less movement that forums and chat rooms need, and sexual combat.
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Re: Anime Candyland RPG

Acacia here, just saying I'm totally okay with helping out both on the Den (for general system stuff) and here (for more... not-Den-appropriate stuff).

Moving it in its own not-Pokegirl direction could be pretty cool. Still going full-on with the candy euphemisms and stuff, or moving it back a little to the sex and bondage?
Re: Anime Candyland RPG

Acacia here, just saying I'm totally okay with helping out both on the Den (for general system stuff) and here (for more... not-Den-appropriate stuff).


Moving it in its own not-Pokegirl direction could be pretty cool. Still going full-on with the candy euphemisms and stuff, or moving it back a little to the sex and bondage?

Er... Both? I was planning to have everything written out as a euphemism or thin innuendo, but the actual things happening would be sex, bondage, wardrobe malfunctions, big balls of violence, and um... lost my train of thought. The point is that if this were to be published in a book, it wouldn't have an "18+" sticker on it, though anyone reading would go, "LOL! How did this get past the censors?"

For my own sanity, nobody dies. So even if we come up with a breed that uses copious amounts of stabbing weapons, there are no actual rules for dying or being dead.
Re: Anime Candyland RPG

Sounds good then. And I agree on the lack of death. Old people can die by dint of being old enough they decide to die, but that's not a rule thing, everyone else can just get beaten up/defeated and feel bad about it.

So, could you provide an example of a move-list (I'm not sure still what actually grants someone a set of moves), and an example of an attack (with the numbers and all that)? I could then more easily pull some lists out of my arse.
Re: Anime Candyland RPG

[b]Template[/b] - Example
Prerequisites list
[u]Untrained Use:[/u]
[u]Basic Level:[/u] Bonus list
[i]New Technique[/i]
[u]Advanced Level:[/u] Bonus list
[i]New Technique[/i]
Improvements to previous techniques
[u]Mastery:[/u] Bonus list
[i]New Technique[/i]
Improvements to previous techniques

I used that to make this:
Tentacular - General
To take ranks in this skill, the Pokegirl must have the Tentacles anatomy feature, or be able to manifest it.
Untrained Use: The Pokegirl can use her tentacles to grapple an additional opponent, but unused to her new limbs, she take a -8 penalty on grapple rolls on both opponents.
Basic Level: The Pokegirl can grapple an additional opponent at no penalty, or grapple a single opponent with a +4 bonus.
Tentacle Whip: (aka: Vine Whip, Snake Bandage) The Pokegirl uses her tentacles to make an Attack, power 20, and cause pain, 2 CAN.
Tentacle Wrap: Anyone the Pokegirl grapples automatically takes damage from a power 15 attack.
Molesting Tentacle: The Pokegirl uses her tentacles to sexually excite someone. She can make an Attack, power 15, that deals no damage, but if it hits, the target gains 3 other CAN. Anyone this Pokegirl is grappling is automatically hit.
Advanced Level: The Pokegirl gains a +2 bonus to all grapples.
Tentacle Lash: The Pokegirl makes use of her tentacles Fire on another Zone, Power 20.
Tentacle Trip: The Pokegirl can use her tentacles as a Crossfire Attack, Power 15, that also cause pain, 3 CAN.
Tentacle Whip and Tentacle Wrap increase in power by 4.
Mastery: The Pokegirl gains another +2 bonus to all grapples (+4 total).

... but that's an unfinished prototype. There's a few things to know before starting to design any move sets.

The first is the prerequisites. These are not to be other skills, but are instead features of the various CandyGirl species. These are things like exotic anatomy, or a special magical power for which there are no physical manifestations, but are none the less a quality a CandyGirl may have that another may not.

The thing about these qualities is that sometimes equipment may emulate them. So if there's going to be a Move Set called "High Noon" which will have a set of moves that do Cowboy style gun play, the prerequisite for this skill will be "Can Shoot Bullets". Then there's going to be a list of features a CandyGirl can have that allows her to shoot bullets.

Rifle Feature
  1. Owns a Rifle - Equipment
  2. Summons a Rifle - Technique, Pre-Combat
  3. Manifests a Rifle - Technique, In-combat
  4. Has a Rifle for an arm/shoulder/tits - Anatomy

As another example:
Fire Affinity
  1. Owns a Burnthingy - Equipment
  2. Manifests Fire - Energy Aspect
  3. Is on fire - Anatomy

The current list of possible feature types is:
  • Equipment - This is the easiest way to meet a prerequisite, allowing one to buy it. The downside is that anyone can be deprived of said equipment with little fanfare. Back onto the upside, there are techniques that can allow one to easily replace equipment, or even conjure it instantly (or have it always conveniently available).
  • Anatomy - Limited to CandyGirls, the feature is part of her anatomy. This ranges from tentacles, claws, horns, teeth, a tail or two, an exoskeleton or some other form of irremovable armor, extra limbs, or even weirder things like being on fire, ancillary gun ports, or being made of honey.
  • Energy Aspect - Limited to CandyGirls, this one allows them to create energy, like Lightning, Fire, Ice, Water or what have you. Being on fire and throwing it around is an Anatomy Feature, but being able to make fire appear, then fly off in a chosen direction is an Energy Aspect.
  • Spirit Aspect - Limited to CandyGirls, having a feature of this kind allows her to do some very unusual things like have Psychic Powers, Be a Ghost, or do some Chi Blasts. Do stuff that isn't exactly creating energy, but not doing something physical either. Precognition falls under this category.

Edit-> Forgot to mention, there are three type of attacks:
  • Melee Attacks - Where two combatants have to be in each other's presence to make physical connection.
  • Range Attacks - Where one combatant affects the other while over there.
  • Crossfire Attacks - Automatic attacks against any one that either performs a Withdraw into a hostile Zone, or tries to mount and Assault from a hostile Zone. If you are familiar with Attacks of Opportunity from D&D3e, Crossfire Attacks are similar.

The trick is with the Crossfire Attacks, since they're often Melee Attacks, but there are going to instances where a Ranged Attack is used as a Crossfire Attack, especially with the maneuvers. And I know there will be instance where a Technique can only provide a Crossfire Attack.
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Re: Anime Candyland RPG

Okay, that's workable. Also, you're still using "Pokegirl" :p

So would something like this be acceptable?

Licorice Twister - General
To take ranks in this skill, the Candygirl must have vines, ropes or tentacles as anatomy, or be able to manifest either. Things that "are treated as tentacles" count.
Untrained Use: The Candygirl can use her tentacles to flail at all opponents in the same area as her, but takes a -5 penalty on each attack, power 10, 1 CAN (Sour).
Basic Level: The Candygirl can grapple an additional opponent at no penalty, or grapple a single opponent with a +4 bonus.
Tentacle Whip: The Pokegirl uses her tentacles to make an Attack, power 20, and cause pain, 2 CAN (Sour).
Tangle-Feet: Anyone the Candygirl grapples has their feet wrapped up/shoelaces tied together/ankles cuffed etc. Any turn they move to another area, they cannot make an attack or perform any other action. Also, they take a -4 penalty to (the dodging stat).
Soft Touch: The Candygirl can caress and fondle a grappled opponent, exciting them while they are unable to fight back. This automatically hits, with a Power of 20 and CAN +2 (Sweet).
Advanced Level: The Candygirl gains a +2 bonus to perform any Attack on anyone she has grappled.
Tentacle Lash: The Candygirl makes use of her tentacles. Fire on another Zone, Power 20.
Wrapped Up Tight: The Candygirl can use her tentacles, ropes, handcuffs etc. to bind the wrists of another. This initiates a grapple, and if it hits, the target cannot use their arms, CAN +3 (Sweet and Sour).
Tentacle Whip and Tentacle Lash increase in power by 4.
Mastery: The Candygirl increases the power of all Attacks by 2 when grappling an opponent.
Heart In Chains: The Candygirl may make a grapple attempt even at a target who is flying, ghostly or otherwise unable to be targeted or affected. This is a Fire attack with Power 20, CAN +2 (Sour), and if it succeeds the foe takes a -2 on all attacks against her.
Ultimate Bondage: If the Candygirl has successfully used Wrapped Up Tight, and still has the foe grappled (and thus affected by Tangled-Feet), she can make an additional attack each round, Power 30, CAN +3 (Sweet or Sour).

Yes, I picture a Candygirl having all those red licorice strings and black licorice straps, and using them to tie foes up/whip them.
Re: Anime Candyland RPG

Okay, that's workable. Also, you're still using "Pokegirl" :p

As I said, it's an old Prototype.

So would something like this be acceptable?

For the most part, yes. I'm still trying to balance how the CAN scores are exactly going to work, and the power of the attacks will have to be tweaked when I figure out exactly how it balances out, but yeah, that looks good. Mostly, it's the character concepts that are to be supported that I have trouble with.

I have a list of Pokemon Moves organized into Move Sets and collected into a Spread Sheet. The source of the Move Sets can be found , but I think I can upload the Spread Sheet somewhere.

Yes, I picture a Candygirl having all those red licorice strings and black licorice straps, and using them to tie foes up/whip them.

That's a good way to do it.
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Re: Anime Candyland RPG

Grappling and Restraints

An important part of the setting is people grabbing and holding each other down, so that somebody else can have free reign over the area, or Tom can use his Magical Candy Cane without fear of having his pecans obliterated.

To simulate grappling, I've come up concept I like to call Grab Nodes. Every entity has a finite number of points they can allocate to grappling. Most have two, which is the minimum, while there are CandyGirl abilities and traits that increase the number of Grab Nods they have or circumvent their limit to a limited degree.

Initiating a Grapple involves an attack with the Grab descriptor. Then the use allocates whatever number of Grab Nodes they want, up to what they have available. For most entities, allocating one Grab Node is sufficient, and represents them using their arms, usually. Allocating both nodes makes them lose their mobility, emulating someone adding their legs to grappling, and giving a +4 Bonus to the grappling roll. For entities with more than two grappling nodes, they maintain their mobility as long as they have one Grab Node unallocated, but gain a +4 bonus to grappling another entity for every node they allocate to grappling it. Grab Nodes usually represent pairs of limbs.

The Grapple roll functions just like an attack, and uses the same rules. However, unless someone has an ability to do otherwise, opposing a grapple can only be done with Strength and Agility. Most attacks with the Grab descriptor are going to be Strength and Agility based.

When grabbing, the user and their target count as Attached, for the purposes of being targeted by AoEs. Also, grabing another entity opens up a host of options, such as preventing the other entity from moving, or even enabling the use of many abilities. The most basic Grab ability that everyone has is Tackle, which uses up every Grab Node and renders the target immobile for as long as the Grapple is maintained.

Targets of grabs have a number of choices to fighting back, which the attacker has as well, since both are grappling each other.

  • They can allocate Grab Nodes of their own to prevent whatever special option their assailant is attempting to do.
  • They can allocate Grab Nodes to try and escape the grapple.
  • They can allocate Grab Nodes to use whatever Grab ability they have of their own.
  • Allocate Grab Nodes to be ready to counter any ability their assailant may try to use next.

Some abilities do not use up Grab Nodes, and are usually ranged attacks. They are easier to escape from... sometimes. Also, there's going to be rules for wrestling someone into restraints and stuff, which do grappling for you, freeing up your Grab Nodes to go grab someone else.

More than two entities can enter into grapples, allocating Grab Nodes to specific targets, or holding them in reserve for defense.
Re: Anime Candyland RPG

OK, lets start making some CandyGirl features we can use to generate character concepts.

Equipment - Equipment features are different than pieces of equipment you buy. Think of it as like buying a specific weapon for a specific character in a J-RPG. Aeris (FF7) has uses a staff, and Lightning (FF13) uses swords. And while you can give each the other's weapon, you don't because they don't have any ability to use that type of equipment. The fact that the games won't let you (or that's they're not in the same game) has nothing to do with it.

Let's start making that list:

  • Little Swords
  • Big Swords
  • Knives
  • Hammers
  • Long Sticks
  • Short Sticks
  • Ropes
  • Cord
  • Tea
  • Boxes
  • Shields
And now ranged weaponry

  • Arrows
  • Needles
  • Knives (again)
  • Balls (or Rocks)
  • Boomerang
  • Sticks
  • Grenades
  • Long Guns (sniper, rifles)
  • Rapid Guns (rifles, mini-guns)
  • Wide Guns (shotguns, mini-guns)
  • Hose
  • Flamethrower
  • Ropes (again)
  • Strings
  • Lasers
I think this covers everything that can be wielded.

Now for the list of anatomy features. Stuff people come with:

  • Arms
  • Head
  • Body
  • Legs (or maybe not. Naga chick love!)
Optional bonuses, some of which may or may not provide ranged attacks:

  • Scythes
  • More Arms
  • Good Fists
  • Claws
  • Big Tail
  • Tentacles or Small Tail
  • Sharp Teeth or Big Mouth
  • Fangs
  • Horns
  • Hide
  • Crest
  • Mane
  • Wings
  • Spines
  • Venom Sacs
  • Feathers
  • Wings
Now for some weirder things:

  • Fire for Hair/Fur
  • Lightning Shaped Hair/Fur/Horn
  • Cool Minty Breath or Ice Cream Hair
  • Rock Sugar Freckles or Cotton Candy Hair
  • Flowers/Flower Buds/Berries
  • Leaves
  • Small Vines
  • Cybernetics
That last on allows the Candy Girl to have equipment pieces as anatomy features.

Now for a more interesting part. Energy Features:

  • Fire Aspect
  • Lightning Aspect
  • Chi/Ki Focus
  • Ice Power
  • Water Power
  • Plant Command
  • Summon Rocks
  • Sweet Magic
And now the Spirit Features:

  • Zen State
  • Precognition
  • Second Sight
  • Dripping Mascara
  • Blood Magic
  • Scary Angry Face
  • Cuckoo Lander
  • Super Lucky
I think that should just about cover everything to make a dramatic and zany set of characters. Of course, feedback and suggestions are always encouraged.
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Re: Anime Candyland RPG

So, using that list of features, let's generate some character concepts. So what we do is pick a punch of CandyGirl features, and write a physical description of a couple of CandyGirls, and come up with some abilities they like to use. No numbers, now. Just character concepts. Like this:

Machiko - Jack's Waifu
Equipment Features: Knives, Hammer, Long Sticks, Short Sticks, and Tea.
Anatomy Features: Arms, Head, Body, Legs, Rock Sugar Freckles
Energy Features: Sweet Magic
Spirit Features: Scary Angry Face

Jack's loving wife, Machiko, is a very friendly and personable young woman. Many people would call her the ideal housewife. However, not many people know that she's actually a CandyGirl, capable of some supernatural feats. It's not exactly a secret, it's just that it never comes up in conversation.

In the rare cases that someone isn't polite, Machiko is capable of scowling so fiercely that dark thunder clouds appear, and the people she looks are so overcome with fear they are paralyzed long enough for her to scold them with some harsh words. It's usually Jack, trying to justify going to Taffy Strip Clubs.

Occasionally, she has distraught neighbors. She usually has them sit down, and give them a nice warm cup of relaxing tea. She has also invited some of the other ladies of neighborhood to tea to get them off guard before casually threatening them to not meddle in her son's love life. It's a rather unsettling experience.

Her pastries make her extremely popular at bake sales. She''s also been offered money to bake other families birthday cakes, but she happily does it for free.

Any burglar that prowls into her home is in for a world of pain. She is fully capable of using any knife, frying pan, spatula, wooden spoon, or fork in her kitchen as a weapon, as well as any broom stick or vacuum cleaner as a deadly weapon.

HoneyBee Girl - Sample Mook
Anatomy Features: Arms, Head, Body, Legs, Wings, Venom Sacks
Energy Features: Sweet Magic
Spirit Features: Zen State

HoneyBee Girls gather in hives. They are a merely pest on their own, but large hives can be an hazard to small towns if left unchecked. Most spend their time gathering flowers and other plants to process into honey and syrup, which they eat. They are territorial and very defensive CandyGirls that often attack anyone that tries to get near them, or is too close to the hive. They prefer to drive people off with threatening movements, before escalating to brawling, then painful stings. They have the ability to fly, but no ranged attack abilities. They feel no pain.

HoneyQueen - Sample Mook Leader
Equipment Features: Tea
Anatomy Features: Arms, Head, Body, Legs, Wings, Venom Sacks
Energy Features: Sweet Magic
Spirit Features: Zen State

HoneyQueens are a rare, more powerful version of the HoneyBee Girl. They are popular with regular HoneyBee Girls because they can make better honey, and usually end up with a leadership role in their hive. A hive led by a queen can either be a boon to other people, or a serious threat to health and safety, depending on the disposition of the HoneyQueen. Friendly HoneyQueens that are kept on good terms with often sell their honey to people, and often help keep the local wildlife from getting out of hand. Other HoneyQueens can be quick to anger, easily insulted, and vengeful.

HoneyQueens are more passive than HoneyBee Girls, preferring to relegate dangerous tasks to others in the hive. Those that do get into fights usually try to bribe opponents to surrender, using their wonderful honey. They are capable of flying, but lack ranged attacks. They feel no pain.

Now you try!
Re: Anime Candyland RPG

OK, a quick splurge on an idea I have for the setting:

At one point in the civilized world, there was an organization of douche bags that went around killing women that didn't follow the stupid rules these people had. We'll call them the Spinach Inquisition. So this Cabal of Wizards did was create a caste of Succubi that were individually powerful enough to fight off the Spinach Inquisition's regular lynch mobs. They thought it would be ironic for the Spinach Inquisition to be destroyed by women that broke all the rules they wanted to enforce.

But the Succubi were too powerful, and after forming an army and overrunning the Spinach Inquisition's strongholds, they began to get out of hand, breaking rules of society at large, such as "no eating babies" or "no littering". So the Cabal of Wizards teamed up with the Guild of Witches and created super soldiers that could take on the Succubi. The primary method these super soldiers were kept under control was by being bound to a magical rod, forming bonds of loyalty to the wielder.

These super soldiers had a slightly controllable morphic ability, in that they could change their nature and features to suit whatever tactical needs the wielder of the rod determined was needed. Coincidentally, this ability extended to their cosmetic features, and due to the popularity of Candy, they all began to look like they were made of sweets and confections... which is why they became known as CandyGirls.

Unfortunately, while the Succubi were defeated and destroyed, many of these control rods were also destroyed (often along with the wielder) in brutal battles, and many of the CandyGirls surviving their master of the time, were loosed without a rod to obey. Members of those two organizations of witches and wizards were the wielders of those organizations, so those factions also collapsed with the loss of so many members.

So, there's tons of CandyGirls running amok, and not enough people that know how to make control rods to get them all under control again. These Super Soldier have the ability to reproduce asexually, a feature implemented so that their masters would always have some loyal and power warriors in supply.

The CandyGirls aren't inherently hostile to humans, but sometimes can be, which is why humans commissions fledgling mages to craft more control rods, and send people out into the woods to capture and bind wild CandyGirls.
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